BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2)

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BREAKTHROUGH (Love's Not Easy Series Book 2) Page 23

by Nicole Rickman

  Aiden threw a fry at Colin. “Dingle berry. Sorry, Aimee, he can be so…”

  “It’s ok. I need to tell you guys anyway. I just didn’t know how. My mom died when I was ten.”

  The table grew quiet. Aiden wrapped an arm around her in a side hug. “Aimee, we are so sorry.”

  Aimee shook her head. “I know.”

  Lexi had tears in her eyes. “That is so young. Can we ask what happened?”

  Aimee cleared her throat. “She was in a horrible car accident. I was supposed to be with her, but I had a fever and my Gran kept me home.”

  Feeling her pain, Aiden took her hand. “Hey, it’s ok. You don’t have to tell us everything, just know, we are here if you need us.”

  Aimee nodded as she took a tissue that Piper had reached her. Josiah left for band practice. Unlike the rest of her roommates, he showed no remorse. Sophia looked up. “So, tell us how you managed to stay off that reality show.”

  Aimee laughed, as she explained the not so easy task of avoiding the cameras. She explained how she offered to be her younger sister’s personal chauffeur, studying at the library, joining her school's dance team, and finally, spending time at her Gran’s plantation in Savannah Georgia.

  When Lexi mentioned how she thought that her Gran probably loved having her company. Aimee had to explain that her maternal grandmother died when she was twelve, and her grandfather had died prior to her mom and Gran moving to the United States. Aimee asked to change the subject. Shortly after, Colin and Aiden went to the park to play ball, while the girls went shopping.

  ♥ ♥

  He had to be cautious that the group did not realize he had been following them. Madam was right, Aimee Pittman was sitting right in front of him and, with Prince Aiden, none the less.

  This mess is worse than she originally thought. He wanted to take a snapshot with his cell; but, he couldn’t without blowing his cover. He tried to listen to their conversation, but they spoke in low voices.

  Once, he saw the Prince hug her and, another time, he held her hand. Madam is not going to be happy. Not at all. When the spiky green hair kid left, he followed him. Aimee looked like she was crying. Madam was not going to like what he observed. She is here to go to Ancaster University and, from the looks of things, for the full program. He needed to find someone to spy for them, but who?

  ♥ ♥

  Lexi drove the girls to meet Mr. Myers at Ancaster Bank. It took him and Aimee a little over an hour to set up her accounts. Afterwards, they went shopping at a few local vendors and boutiques near campus. Aimee bought six outfits and two new pair of shoes. They went to the market and a shop that sold household items, before returning home. When they returned to the flat at five p.m., Aimee laid down for a much needed nap. She had not recovered from her jet lag just yet.

  The clock read 7:45 when Aimee awoke. Piper and Sophia sat on Piper’s bed looking at magazines. “So, were you going to let me sleep right through the meeting?”

  Piper laughed. “You just looked so peaceful, we didn’t want to disturb you. The guys aren’t back yet, so we figured we would wake you when they got here.”

  Aimee pulled her hair in a messy bun and joined them. Sophia was looking at a cooking magazine. She told Aimee how her dream was to become a world famous chef. She missed the cutoff to apply to the culinary school of her choice and was only going to Ancaster University for one year. She had already started her early application process to the school.

  Piper glanced at the clock. “We need to go down, the guys will be back soon and I want to get some food before they devour it.”

  Lexi was in the kitchen when the girls came down. Sophia and Piper sat on the couch. They discussed how Lexi wanted to be the flat leader but Aiden suggested we vote. Piper made comments with regard to how Aiden may be a Prince, but Lexi was the self-proclaimed Queen of Flat 707.

  Aimee, feeling that everyone was being unfair to Lexi, decided she would help her in the kitchen. Sophia laughed and told her it was her own funeral. Lexi was getting down the plates when Aimee entered the kitchen. She took the forks from a drawer and began helping set the table. Then, she got ice from the ice maker for drinks.

  The guys arrived a little after eight with Pizzas and a DVD.

  “What took so long?” Lexi asked in a harsh tone.

  “The line was long.” Aiden waved the DVD in the air.

  “A movie. Seriously, we can watch movies on the internet.” Lexi was getting mad, which was causing her neck to turn red.

  “Not this one, you can’t.” Colin placed the pizzas on the table.

  Josiah took a plate. “Yeah, it’s an action packed thriller, full of blood and glory.”

  Sophia stood behind him. “Gross.”

  Lexi rolled her eyes. Aiden laughed as he sat beside Lexi. “Why Lexi, I thought those were your favorite movies.”

  Colin laughed. “We forgot, you are the romantic type.”

  The discussion on the movie went on for a few minutes. Sophia and Piper agreed a comedy would be nice. Aimee agreed on the comedy as she sat between Aiden and Lexi. Colin then confessed, it was an action packed romantic comedy.

  As soon as everyone sat down at the table, the meeting started. Lexi read the letter from the Villa Advisor, explaining the Villa rules. It was posted on the message board when she was done.

  Next, they decided to make some rules specifically for their flat. Colin and Josiah were not thrilled with the no intercourse or no alcohol in the flat rule. But, Lexi had a way of convincing them that the rooms are close together and the walls are thin and that, if they wanted to stay drunk and be wild, they could always join a fraternity.

  In the end, they agreed to the rules. The last item was voting on the leader. They decided on a written ballot, with Lexi and Aiden as the candidates. The end vote was Lexi three and Aiden four. Aiden let Lexi know he voted for her and that he would require her help. Lexi agreed to share the duties with him.

  When they were cleaning up, Lexi approached Aimee. “I know you were my third vote. Thanks.”

  Aimee grinned. “Anytime.”

  The movie was just as the guys said, an action packed romantic comedy. When it ended, Aimee went straight to her room. She was so exhausted. Piper came up shortly after, and they read their Bibles again. Aimee was really enjoying herself and she thanked God for her new friends. She added a special prayer for Josiah. Something about him seems off and it was more than his appearance. He left the flat half way through the movie and stated he would be back Sunday night.

  Saturday was a beautiful day, so instead of going straight to Huffington Square, the girls went to Birch Park with Aiden and Colin. The guys found a group of people to play soccer with and the girls spotted a tennis court nearby. Aimee and Sophia teamed up against Piper and Lexi. When the games ended, they went to eat at a small restaurant just outside of the park. It had outdoor tables, so they could eat and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

  ♥ ♥

  He had to look twice at the tall, blonde girl. She looked very familiar; but, she could not be who he thought. That was impossible. He watched them from a distance for a while, before walking away. There was just no possible way. He was being paranoid.

  ♥ ♥

  The man in the grey shirt was watching Aimee, this much he was for sure. If memory served him right, the guy could mean trouble for Aimee. Things just keep getting more complicated. He needed to get a spy on Aimee quick, someone young. Someone who can befriend her. He had his work cut out for him. No one from this group will do. They are already bonding as her friends, and may tell her. The green hair kid is not with them, but he looks as if he would turn out to be an enemy, not an ally. Madam is not pleased with him as it is. He failed to keep the girl in the states and away from the horrible secrets Neahovia holds for her. The poor girl is in so much danger and doesn’t even know it.

  ♥ ♥

  Sunday morning, Aimee and Piper attended services at Wise Chapel. The congregation was so nice. They met
Rev. Mark early and toured the church. The building was remodeled into a beautiful church. Aimee marveled at the wondrous work God had created. She thought about the old building, and how it looked, when she and Piper arrived to help work on it three years ago. It was so old and run down. In fact, if not for the church restoring the building, the city was going to condemn the building.

  Most people thought the project was useless, that the building had no potential. They said trying to restore and turn it into a church was crazy, but when God’s in control, nothing is useless or crazy. She then thought about how that building related to a loss soul, and how God turns something as ugly as sin, into something as beautiful as redemption. He redeemed us from our sins, just as he redeemed Wise Chapel from being condemned. She shared her thoughts with Mark. He looked up to heaven. “That’s something close to what I preached for my first sermon here.”

  James escorted the girls to a young adult class. The lessons were targeted for college students and young adults starting out in the world. It was a study on the book of James. Aimee loved the book of James and the class was very insightful. She tried to keep from staring at her friends. James and Piper sat together and were whispering to each other when the lesson ended.

  After class, they went to the main Sanctuary for Worship service. The message was about What God Requires of Us. It was a truly uplifting message. The last part of the sermon was Aimee’s favorite, it was taken from the text of Micah 6: 8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.

  Rev. Mark preached on how, with these characteristics, we can truly worship God. If we justly show others love and mercy, without expecting something in return, and walk humbly with God everyday, then others will see God through us. Just before the altar call, Rev. Mark ask everyone to think about who it is that ultimately gives you strength and courage? God. We should use the virtues he gives us to ensure that we are living our lives as God wants us to. To live as Christ did, while here on earth.

  Tessa invited Aimee and Piper to join them for Sunday dinner. Tessa and Mark prepared the food for the cookout, while the girls hung out with James and his sister, Cameron. James and Piper found out that they both are majoring in Advertisement.

  Over dinner, they discussed how the church was reaching out to the youth and college students; but, the lack of Sunday School teachers was making it hard. Aimee and Piper volunteered to help start a class for fourth through sixth grade. After dinner, James offered to escort the girls home, and then he took Piper out for a fro yo.


  Missing Pieces

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