Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga)

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Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga) Page 8

by Chrissy Peebles

  Erica clutched her pet tightly. “Are you going to kill me because I know Liz’s secret?”

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Liz said.

  “But I will if that skunk sprays in my car!” Beth hissed.

  “He’s de-scented and neutered,” Erica said.

  “Then you’re going to feed on me,” she said. “Like those freaks who killed my brother.”

  Liz eyed her up and down, then licked her lips. “You do look tasty.”

  Erica’s eyes widened and I tried not to laugh as my sister messed with her.

  “Don’t worry,” Liz said. “You’re not my type. I like a big, fat, juicy hamburger.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Sorry to inform you that I’m from a different race of Immortals. Our kind doesn’t need to feed on humans, thank goodness. Our kind likes to pig out on food, especially junk food.”

  I laughed as Beth grinned.

  “You swear?” the woman asked terrified.

  “No, I don’t swear. My mom hates it when those gutter words come out of my mouth.”

  “Nobody is eating you,” I said. “But you’re coming with us.”

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

  “It’s for your own protection. I’m taking you to Dr. Meyers. She’s an Immortal who can help you. She’ll put you in protective custody. And if you don’t go, then you’ll soon be dead.”

  “I’ll go!” Erica said. “They were going to burn me alive. How could they be so cold?”

  I let out a trembling breath. “You have no idea what they’re capable of. They tried to kill my baby and I barely escaped.”

  “But I’ve lost everything and I never got the chance to say goodbye to my loved ones.”

  Liz patted her hand. “Just be lucky you’re alive. If we hadn’t come to interview you, you’d be dead right now.”

  Tears slipped down Erica’s face. “I know. Thank you so much. I should’ve never meddled with them. But I was so upset when they killed my baby brother right before my eyes.”

  “Trust me,” I said. “We’re going to make them pay.”

  “Are you going to tell Victor about all of this?” Beth asked.

  “I can’t keep it from him,” I said.

  “I didn’t know it’d turn out like this,” Beth said. “I just thought we were going to interview a witness.”

  Erica wiped the tears from her eyes. “The Immortals must’ve found out about the television interview.”

  “You think so, huh?” Liz asked with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.”

  Liz met her gaze. “Well now you do. Don’t ever mess with them again.”

  “I don’t plan too.”

  We dropped off Erica off at Dr. Meyer’s house. She said she’d take care of everything, then Beth drove to my house and dropped off Liz and I. We told Victor the entire story, and then Liz drove home. Victor wasn’t happy with me for taking such a risk. But I tried to explain to him that I didn’t know it was going to turn into such a scenario.

  “They feed on people,” I said.

  “I say we cancel this trip with Jackson. He’s beyond dangerous.”

  I shook my head. “No way. This is my life we’re talking about.”

  “Exactly,” he retorted. “How do we know he’s not whisking us away to one of his labs?”

  “We don’t. But I don’t think that’s the case. He needs us.”

  “Or maybe he’s pretending he needs us. The whole thing could be a...what do you call it?”

  I cocked a brow. “A smoke screen? A farce?”

  He waved his hand in the air. “Yes.”

  “I don’t think Jackson is lying to us. I can read people good. And I could see the sincerity in his eyes.”

  “We have no idea what’s on that island. Keeping you safe is my first priority.”

  A flood of uneasiness gathered in the pit of her stomach “You can’t keep me safe if I’m dead.”

  “The man comes from a race of beings who feeds on humans,” Victor said. “They have to kill people to survive, to live another day. I don’t want to be any part of that.”

  “Why don’t we just ask him?” I said. “I would love to hear what he has to say.”

  “He’ll lie to us.”

  “He might sugar coat it, but I think he’ll tell us.”

  “And what makes you say that?” Victor asked.

  “Because he needs me. And if he doesn’t tell me the truth, then I’ll end our little agreement.”

  Victor hugged me as I wrapped my arms around him. It wasn’t long before a car sped into our driveway.

  “Charles,” Victor said.

  “I need a moment with your wife alone.”

  Victor cocked a brow. “What’s wrong?”

  “Your wife almost got Liz killed,” he yelled.

  I’d never seen him so mad and out of control.

  He waved his hands in the air. “I love Liz! She’s my life. How dare you take chances with her life?”

  Victor inched forward. “Beth invited them. Liz came along for the ride. Sarah had nothing to do with it.”

  “That’s not why I’m mad,” he said. “It’s the time travel jump. I told Liz she was forbidden to ever try that.”

  I met his gaze straight on. “She’d be dead had she not tried.”

  “You’ve have no idea how dangerous it is,” he roared.

  “She didn’t try it at the very beginning because she still thought we had a good chance of escaping. She only used it at the very last moment when I was burning to death.”

  “She’s passed out on the bed. I called Dr. Meyers and she’s with her now.”

  I gripped Victor’s hands. “I have to go and see if she’s all right.”

  “You’re not coming near her. Just stay away. I just hope she comes out of it.” He stormed off, jumped in his car, and sped down the street.

  I swallowed hard. Victor put an arm around me and pulled me close.

  “He’s upset,” Victor said. “He’ll calm down soon. Let’s give him some space, and then I’ll go over and personally check on Liz.”

  I nodded, praying to God Liz was okay. “Thank you.”

  Victor and I decided to call Jackson and tell him all our findings. He came right over, and I was a little bit hesitant about letting him inside the house. That video Erica had showed me sent shivers up my spine. And it made me sick I was working with a murderer. I wanted no part of it. We’d have to find another way to save my life. Victor let Jackson in and we all talked for nearly an hour. I stared into those light blue eyes of his as he tried to reassure me that he was completely on our side.

  “Prove it,” I said.

  Jackson blew out his breath, the edge in his voice betraying his nervousness. He was afraid that we were going to back out of our deal.

  “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you,” he said. “My team studied thousands of ancient books for countless months looking for a cure for you.”

  I sighed. “Not for me. For you. Because you need me.”

  “You didn’t go out of your way solely for Sarah’s wellbeing,” Victor said. “So let’s stop pretending like you did.”

  Jackson shook his head. “If you walk away from our deal, you will ruin everything I’ve ever worked for, everything the rebellion has ever fought for.” He blew out a breath. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that me and the rebellion don’t hurt people. It’s the exact opposite. We fight to get our world back into moral hands. We don’t feed on people’s energy like the others do.”

  “Then how do you survive?” I asked.

  He pulled out a syringe and Victor reached for his gun from his ankle holster. Our powers were paralyzed and brutal force was all we had against the Immortals.

  “Put that gun away,” Jackson said. “I mean you no harm.”

  Victor slowly put his gun back into his holster as a token of tru

  I stared down at the syringe filled with green fluid.

  Jackson lifted up his shirt sleeve and injected himself with the serum. “The medicine inside that syringe gives me the energy I need to survive. So you see, I don’t have to kill anyone. I want to get the serum into everyone’s hands, so we don’t have to kill humans. The rebellion wants to live with humans and be at peace with them. We harbor the mortal race no ill feelings.”

  “But the others do.”

  “They only see humans as cattle. And they murder without blinking an eye lash. We have to stop them and I plan to do everything in my power to bring them down. They killed my wife and I’m going to make them pay if it’s the last thing I ever do.”

  I felt my heart quickening as I took in all the tiny details: the way he moved, his facial expressions, his posture, the way his lip twitched, and how he carried himself. My eyes absorbed everything, searching for something—anything—that proved he was telling me the truth. Because I refused to work with a murderer. But my gut said to trust him. I wanted to believe everything he said.

  I swallowed past the lump in her throat. “If you’re telling the truth, then it’s very admirable.”

  “We’ll keep our deal,” Victor said, walking him to the door.

  He stepped out on the porch. “Thank you.”

  We walked him to his truck and waved goodbye.

  “I have Sarah’s best interests in mind. If she dies, then all my plans die with her.”

  I wrapped my arm around Victor. “Oh, isn’t Jackson precious? He wants to keep me alive for his own selfish gains, but that’s okay. If it means that I’ll live to raise our son, then I say we let him use me.” I held out my hand. “We have a deal, Jackson. Now get the hell off my porch.”

  “My people will make sure nothing happens to you. Once you’re on the island, well, that’s up to you if you live or die.” And with that he turned and traced off with Immortal speed as a gust of wind blew in my face.

  “That was a dramatic exit,” I said.

  “I should get him a job at the theater,” Victor said.

  “No way. Then we’ll be stuck working with him twenty-four seven.”

  We both laughed and Victor wrapped his arm around me as we headed back in the house.

  Part of me didn’t trust Jackson, but I felt that he was sincere. I could feel the emotion in his voice as he talked about how much he wanted to take down the Immortals. And I knew how hurt he was when his wife died. But I was nothing more to him than a means to an end. He seemed like he might have compassion for humans and I hoped he really did. If the rebellion could win this war against the Immortals and take over, then maybe the Immortal world would be a lot better off. Murdering innocent humans for meals didn’t sit well with me. When I talked to Dr. Meyers, I’d ask her more.

  Victor went and checked on Liz. Charles had settled down and Liz was doing much better. It was such a relief. I crawled into bed and Victor held me until I fell fast asleep. Alexander slept good too, and we both got some much needed rest. I knew I’d wake up rested and refreshed.

  Chapter 12

  Everything was packed and ready for our trip to Purity Island. The clock read eleven a.m. Victor was out running last minute errands and I’d totally forgotten that the cake I ordered was ready to be picked up. I’d had ordered it two weeks ago, not knowing I’d be going on a lifesaving trip. I figured I could still slip in a little birthday party. After all, we didn’t leave until tomorrow.

  The video recorder was running on a stand I had set up. I decorated a small area with balloons and banners. The beautiful cake was lit and I began singing happy birthday. Afterward, I looked directly into the camera.

  “Happy birthday, Alexander. I know you can’t blow out your candles so I’ll do it for you.” I blew out the candles in one single breath. “I just wanted to tell you happy birthday in person. I wanted it to be more special and personal than just a letter. Although, I did write you a long one for this special milestone. Have Daddy read it to you, okay?”

  It took everything I had not to break down and to continue being happy. I wanted his fifth birthday to be joyous and uplifting, not depressing and melancholy. I went on to wish my beautiful son happy birthday wishes. The tape kept rolling so I took it to a deeper level. Taking a deep breath, I continued. “I can’t begin to tell you the joy you’ve brought into my life. I know I’m not here right now, but you’ll never be alone. Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, Liz, and Charles will always be there for you no matter what happens in this life. I know I’ve told you this countless times, but I loved you before I ever knew you. We have this magical bond between us that even death couldn’t take away. This old woman told me the news of your impending birth, and painted pictures on the cavern wall showing me. I’d never been happier in my entire life than that moment I learned about you. Your daddy and I love you unconditionally. You’ve been my inspiration, Alexander. And you might not even understand what that means yet. But it means you make me want to be a good person and the best mom I can be. I have so much hope that you’ll make your mark in this world. There is a whole universe out there, and I want you to know anything is possible. You can do anything you set your mind too. All it takes is a little hard work because nothing comes easy. And don’t worry about a mistake here and there. We all make them. I’ve made plenty of mistakes myself. I wish I could change things, but my life choices ultimately led me to you and Daddy. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ll love you forever my precious son.

  A knock on the door startled me. I walked over and peeked out the window. It was Liz.

  I hugged her tightly. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. All that power took a toll on my poor body. My temperature shot up to 105 degrees. But after a nasty shot in the arm by the doc, I was fine. I’m sorry Charles got so bent out of shape.”

  “He loves you,” I said.

  She smiled. “I have the best husband in the whole wide world.”

  “Charles is wonderful and he cares about you so much.”

  Liz glanced around. “You’re having a party without me?”

  “Kind of,” I muttered.

  She looked down at the cake. “Happy fifth birthday, Alexander.” Cocking a brow, she looked at me. “What’s going on?”

  My gaze drifted to the video camera. “I’m making a video diary for my son’s fifth birthday.”

  “I can see that. I guess the better question is why?”

  I didn’t say anything. If I did, I’d burst out in tears. Liz didn’t press any further and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and the tears started to roll.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I’m dying, Liz.”

  “Maybe it feels like it. I know it must suck taking pills for the rest of your life, but that precious medication is worth it.”

  I preceded to tell her the whole story and she was completely dumbfounded. I even went on to tell her all about Purity Island. I wasn’t even sure if she believed it. It was like she was in complete denial, but after it all finally sunk it, she started to cry.

  “I wish I could heal you,” she said. “But unstable energy from Immortals isn’t something I can fix.” She looked up at me. “We tried to completely heal you in the Immortal hospital. Victor, Charles, and me, we all tried so very hard. We were able to get your blood pressure down, but we couldn’t fix the unstable energy. I’m so sorry.”

  “You saved my son’s life. I owe you everything.”

  “I know I don’t get emotional very often, but I hope you know how much I love you and that little nephew of mine. And I’ll do everything in my power to help you.”

  “Then you know I have to try anything and everything possible, even if it sounds crazy and far-fetched.”

  “I’m going with you to Purity Island.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “Why not? I’m your sister and I think I need to be there to support you.”

  “Victor thought the same thing and already
asked. Jackson said no.”

  “Is he afraid I might hang that chief upside down by his toes and demand the eternal bloom?”

  I laughed. “I wouldn’t put that past you.”

  “Because I would if that’s what it took to get you fixed.”

  “It’s a very private island. Only Victor and I can plead our case to the chief.”

  “Do you trust Jackson?” she asked.

  “I really have no other options. And he seems genuine.”

  “Because he’s using you.”

  “If he saves my life, then I don’t care.”

  A tear slipped down her face. “I can’t lose you. You’re not only my sister but my best friend.”

  I gripped her hands softly. “I’m going to beat this thing.”

  “If that’s the case, then why are you recording birthday parties that you’ll be attending?”

  “Because tomorrow is not promised. I’ll hope. I’ll pray. I’ll fight. But I can’t live in denial either. This is just a precaution if things don’t go according to plan. I’ve written countless letters and have done hundreds of video diaries. I’ve even wrapped Christmas presents for Alexander’s first eighteen years. I’ve even went as far to wrap my precious son a heartfelt wedding present.” I let out a sigh. “And I’ve done the same for Victor.”

  “You’ve gotten Victor a wedding present and wrapped up birthday presents until his eighteenth birthday?” she joked.

  I playfully slapped her. “You know what I mean. I wrote Victor letters and made him video diaries. And I’ve wrapped presents for him for special occasions. Everything is up in the attic in huge waterproof containers.”

  “You’ve covered every base. You’ve always been like that. I wish I could be more responsible like you. And I’m supposed to. I’m the big sister.”

  “I guess with my letter and video diaries, I was trying to leave a legacy. It’s my last chance to pass down all my strongest beliefs and values. Alexander needs to know what matters most in life. I want my letters to help my son build self-esteem and confidence. I want him to know who I am and see my personality through my words.”


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