Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel

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Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel Page 24

by Kahlen Aymes

  I swallowed hard, not breaking our gaze. “I know. Me, too.”

  He ran both of his hands through his hair and turned to stand next to me, both of us facing into the field. “Right, so let’s get through this damn day.”

  “Hey, this is my first assignment. I’m excited but scared to death.”

  “You’ll be fine. I’ll be right here. Right next to you.”

  His words held a deeper meaning, and we both knew it.

  “What’s next?” I shoved my hands into the pocket of my station jacket.

  “We make sure everything is set up at the various two remote locations near each end-zone where you and Jarvis will each conduct the interviews of opposite team players during the pre-game and check with Jeremy and Michelle to make sure they’re good to go.”

  He towered over me, and I had to look up into his face. The sun was bright, despite the temperature, and we both had dark sunglasses on. “How much time will I have to get dressed?”

  He looked at his watch before his hand briefly touched my sleeve. “You didn’t have to come over yet. Talent doesn’t have to be on set until the sound checks, and we’ve still got at least an hour before that.”

  Jensen took me through all of the procedures. In a flash, I was dressed in my Navy-blue suit, sitting in the make-up chair with a paper cape over my shoulders, as a young girl named Hannah applied foundation and contouring to my face. Jeremy fitted me with an earpiece, and microphone, then clipped the wireless power pack to the back waistband of my skirt. Jarvis was getting the same treatment in the next chair from other members of the crew.

  Jarvis and I were hustled to opposite end-zones via golf carts, and I nervously went through my notes during the short drive. I was nervous, despite Jensen’s reassurance and his presence behind me in the vehicle. When we arrived at our destination, he was out before me and gently removed my phone from my hand.

  “Wait. I haven’t finished preparing,” I said and reached for the phone again. My notes were still up on the screen.

  He helped me out and shook his head, still holding my hand. “You have a teleprompter. All of the questions and commentary will be on the feed. Remember, I’ll be in your ear telling you what to say, and you only have three interviews. Relax. Jarvis will do most of the live commentary this time, and I’ll tell you how to respond. Trust me.”

  Despite our agreement to keep things professional, Jensen’s hand rubbed up and down one arm. I took a deep breath and looked up into his brilliant blue eyes. “I can’t get used to you taking care of me. You won’t be with me, after this.”

  He smiled gently. “Hey. Someone will be in your ear during every game until you get comfortable. We aren’t going to throw you to the wolves.”

  “Okay,” I answered shakily.

  “Five minutes,” Liz called. “Get ready everyone. We’re in the last flight of commercials before we go live.”

  “See? It’s just you, me, Liz, and Eric, who is behind camera one.”

  I glanced to the camera, and sure enough, there stood the big teddy bear cameraman I sat next to on the plane to Los Angeles. I recognized the woman operating the second camera, too, but couldn’t remember her name.

  “I requested everyone you are familiar with at this end of the field. David is going to direct Jarvis, and Liz has you. You got this.”

  My heart swelled with emotion at his thoughtfulness. “You’re amazing. Thank you.”

  “I’ve got you.” Jensen winked then left me to get situated while he spoke to the Baltimore Coach, and quarterback, who were the first two of my three interviews.

  Liz handed me the wireless microphone at the same time that Hannah retouched my hair. “Thirty seconds,” she called and then motioned for the coach to come and stand next to me.

  “Hello, Coach Harbaugh. I’m Melissa Ellington.”

  He nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Good luck, today.”

  He only nodded because Liz started counting down.

  “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six…” She put up one hand and continued the countdown with her fingers, then pointed at me when we went live.

  “Hello, this is ESPN live, and I’m Melissa Ellington. I’m here in Baltimore on this beautiful and crisp day where the Ravens take on the Buffalo Bills. Standing next to me is the Raven’s head coach, John Harbaugh. Welcome.”

  “Thank you, Melissa, it’s good to be with you.”

  Everything became more natural as the day went on and the hours went by in a flash. The interviews alternated between the Ravens and the Bills, so Jensen had a few minutes to prepare me before each one of mine, and then during the actual game, he went up with me up in the booth. Jarvis did the bulk of the talking while we were live, and he was easy to follow. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before I’d be able to hold my own. With Jensen and Jarvis’ help, and with a bit more studying of the rules of the game, I’d be comfortable with my new job.

  The entire crew, but especially Jensen, made sure that I wouldn’t fumble on my first game. I always wanted to do well, but I found myself hoping to make Jensen proud of me.

  I was tired at the end of the day, but I made sure to help pack up the equipment. Jeremy and the rest of the camera crew would drive the broadcast van carrying the equipment back, while the rest of us took a flight.

  Boarding Southwest, passengers were able to sit wherever they wanted, and Michelle and Liz were so excited about my first completed assignment, they asked me to sit between them.

  “Missy! Come sit with us!” Liz called just after I walked onto the plane. I looked up, finding she and Michelle seated about halfway back in the cabin.

  “Missy!” Michelle motioned me toward the center seat on the left side of the Boeing 757. Jensen was behind me, and I wanted to be close to him, but we’d vowed to keep our relationship a secret.

  “Go ahead,” he murmured, just for me to hear.

  I smiled at the two women and moved up the aisle toward them. “Okay! I’m coming!”

  The rest of the ESPN crew moved in around me, and Jensen sat near the window across the aisle and three rows in front of me.

  “How does it feel? Now you’re an old pro!” Michelle said. “The interview footage was terrific. You gave me a ton of stuff to work with.”

  “Amazing,” I sank into the seat and fastened my seat belt. “I hope my brother, Ben was watching.”

  “I’m sure he was. And, your little boy, too,” Liz added.

  I hadn’t touched my phone all day and wondered if Ben or Dylan had called or texted. I was digging in my purse to find it when the flight attendants announced that electronic devices had to be turned off during the flight.

  “Yes. I’m so flipping tired, but I’m anxious to hear what they thought.”

  “Well, I could tell you were nervous at first, but once you got into it, you did great!” Michelle put her hand in the air to signal the flight attendant just as I found my phone and pulled it out my purse.

  Sure enough, there were quite a few messages from Ben, Dylan, Remi, Teagan and Chase; all of them congratulating, and in my son’s case, asking me for another signed football. I realized that Teagan must have helped Remi and Dylan send theirs. I was anxious to see Dylan, hoping that Jensen and I would get back to pick up Dylan before Remi went to bed. I must have been smiling as I read them because Liz leaned and said, “You did everyone proud, today. Congratulations.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Michelle put in. “Let’s order a few drinks once this bird gets off the ground.”

  “I’m so tired; I’m not sure I’ll be able to stay awake if I have a drink.” I was grateful for the friendship of the women by my side. It had been years since I’d had any real friends, and now I felt like I’d hit the jackpot.

  I powered down the phone and the next thing I knew, we were wheels-up, and the flight attendants were passing out wine and cocktails to all of the crew. Jarvis was seated in the same row as Jensen; but on the aisle. He stood up, turned toward me and, with a
knee on his seat, made a toast. “Congratulations to Missy on her first job, well-done. Welcome to the ESPN family!”

  “Here, here!”


  “Welcome to the team!”

  He lifted his glass as the other members of the crew cheered and added their congratulations. The passengers around us also raised their glasses jovially, and I nodded.

  “Thank you, all. I love being part of such a wonderful bunch of people.” I said sincerely.

  My eyes flashed and caught Jensen’s. He also stood for Jarvis’ toast. When our eyes met, just before we drank, he mouthed “I’m proud of you.” My heart skipped a beat at the emotion and desire I found behind those blue depths.

  After more celebrating, we were landing in Atlanta before we knew it. Each of us was carrying or pulling our bags through the terminal and toward the outside. Somehow, Jensen maneuvered until he was walking beside me. “We may have a problem.” His voice was quiet, and I could barely hear it over the cars and airplanes overhead.

  “Like what?” I asked tiredly.

  “Everyone will see that we’re leaving, together. We didn’t think about that.”

  I shrugged. “You know what? I don’t even care. Liz and Michelle know that Teagan was watching Dylan this weekend, so…” My words dropped off, and I glanced up at him as we continued walking across the street and into the parking garage.

  “Good, because I don’t give a shit, either,” he said wearily, huffing out a laugh.

  Suddenly, I was acutely aware that he was catching another flight in less than twelve hours. Remorse hung over me, and I wanted to say something but decided to wait until we were alone inside his car.

  Once we said goodbye to all of the others, who scattered to find their vehicles or were being picked up at the terminal, and our small carry-on luggage was stowed safely in the backseat, Jensen sat motionless for a couple of seconds after sliding into his car, before leaning forward to start the engine.

  I reached out to cover his hand. “Hey, thank you for everything this weekend. I couldn’t have done it without you.” I wanted to touch him all day.

  “You’re welcome, babe.” After the car was moving out of the garage toward the parking attendant, his hand reached over and threaded through mine. “I had an amazing time with you. I only wish you could come with me to Bristol, tomorrow.”

  I was so in tune with him that he’d just voiced what I’d been thinking. “I do, too.”

  He glanced my way with a lopsided smile. “Nah. Your son needs to see his mom.”

  “Yes, I missed him, but I’ll miss you, too.”

  Jensen pulled my hand up to kiss the back of it right before we stopped to pay for the parking.

  “Teagan texted and said it would be okay if I stayed at their house, tonight. Dylan is asleep, anyway, and I’m still not unpacked all the way. Besides, I don’t want to keep you any longer than necessary. I feel bad that you worked through your weekend for me.”

  “Working?” Jensen grinned. “Is that what I was doing?”

  I laughed softly. He had such a gentle, yet sexy way of seeping into every cell of my body, heart, and soul. “Mmmm,” I agreed. “You need to get some sleep.”

  “Why don’t we just skip going to pick up Dylan, and you come home with me?”

  My heart sped up and heat spread through me. There wasn’t anything I wanted more than to spend the night in Jensen’s arms.

  “You’re tired. We stayed up most of the night last night, and you’ve got more work tomorrow.” I was lucky. I had the Mondays following Sunday games, off.

  His hand squeezed mine, and his thumb rubbed back and forth across my knuckles. “Yes, I’m tired, but I’ll sleep better with you.”

  “Jensen…” I began.

  “What’s the matter? Afraid you’ll jump my bones?”

  My soft laughter filled the car as I turned and looked at his profile as we drove in the dark night. He was smiling, but relaxed. He was beautiful cast in a glow thrown off the dashboard.

  “Terrified, actually. But, in a good way.”

  “Yes, very good.” He cast me an appreciative glance and pleasure within. “I can drop you at Teagan and Chase’s before breakfast. Dylan won’t even know you didn’t come back tonight. What’d ya say?”

  “I say, yes.”


  “Mom!” Dylan called as he plowed down the stairs at Teagan and Chase’s house at a breakneck pace. “Are you here?”

  I was dressed casually in jeans and a plain navy-blue sweater that I’d had in my bag from the weekend, pouring a cup of coffee in the kitchen of the magnificent Forrester house. “In the kitchen, buddy!”

  He rushed into the room still dressed in his P.J.s with his hair sticking up in a cowlick. “Did you bring me anything?” His bright eyes glowed in anticipation. I could see that if I let it, this was going to get out of hand. I couldn’t bring him an autographed ball from every game. Where in the world would we store them in our small apartment?

  I turned and leaned up against the counter. “What? No hi, Mom, I missed you?”

  His head cocked as he looked at me wryly. “Hi, Mom. I missed you,” my son acquiesced. “Did you bring me anything?”

  He was excited, and I couldn’t hide it any longer. I’d placed the football on one of the chairs to the table at the other end of the room which Teagan assured me had become his accustomed seat. I nodded in the general direction. “Go sit down. I made you some oatmeal with raisins.”

  “Aww, Mom.” His face fell, thinking I didn’t bring him anything.

  Teagan was upstairs getting Remi ready for school, leaving me time alone with Dylan. “Hurry up. I don’t want you late for school.”

  Shoulders slumped he shuffled to the table and pulled out the chair. “Awesome!” He looked at the signature scrawled in silver Sharpie. It was hard to read, even for adults, so he turned with questioning eyes.

  “Lamar Jackson,” I said simply, knowing he would be over the moon.

  “Cool! Lamar Jackson! The kids at school won’t believe it! Can I take it?”

  I set my coffee cup down and walked over and removed it from his hands. “Sit. Eat.”

  Dylan pulled out the chair and scrambled onto it. “Well? Can I?”

  I had already put milk and sugar on top of the hot cereal, and he picked up his spoon and started to eat. “What if you lose it? Your friends can come over once we get settled in our new apartment. You can show them your other ball and the jersey, too. But listen, honey, our apartment isn’t that big, so I won’t be able to get you a ball from every game. It might not be possible, in any case.”

  He seemed a tad disappointed. “I guess,” he said. “Why can’t we get a house?”

  I sighed. “We will someday, but we’re new to Atlanta, and once we get more settled, we’ll look for one, okay?”

  “Jensey has a house.” He looked at me expectantly, shoveling in another mouthful of oatmeal. “He can keep my stuff safe for me if my room can’t hold it all.”

  My eyebrows rose at his suggestion. “Well, I guess you can ask him, but let’s just wait and see how much your room holds, okay?”

  “Okay.” He reached for the small glass of orange juice I’d placed beside his bowl and drained it.

  When he was finished eating, it took him no time to get dressed for school, but it took me longer to tame his hair into a respectable style. Finally, I gave up. It wasn’t long before Teagan and I had the kids buckled into her backseat, and we were dropping them off at their school.

  “Have a happy day,” I called, as they unbuckled and slid out the back passenger-side door.

  “Remi, Daddy is going to pick you and Dylan up after school.”

  “Okay, Mommy!” she answered and ran toward the door to the school behind Dylan. They disappeared inside the building, both surrounded by a group of their friends.

  “What should we do, today, Missy?” Teagan asked as we pulled away from the curb.

  I looked
at her in surprise. “Well, I thought I’d just go to the apartment and start unpacking my stuff.”

  “Do you want some help?” she asked graciously. “We can get lunch delivered and make a day of it.”

  “Really? That would be so nice.”

  She nodded with a smile. “Why do you think I’m having Chase get the kids? He can keep them busy until around dinnertime.”

  “Wow, that would be a big help. Are you sure?”

  “Of course!” Teagan was glowing with happiness. It was obvious all of her dreams had come true. She had an adoring husband, one beautiful child and another on the way.

  “Are you going to find out the sex of your baby?” If it were me, I’d want to know.

  “I want to, but Chase is old fashioned. He wants the surprise because he missed Remi’s birth.” Despite her happiness, I could hear the regret in Teagan’s voice. “I just don’t have the heart to press him. I know he’s dying to have a boy.”

  “I can see how much he loves Remi. If it’s a girl, he’ll love her to death,” I said as we drove across town toward my new address.

  “I hope he gets his wish because I’m hoping for a little version of Chase.”

  “Remi is so like him, though.”

  “Yes, she is, and he adores her, but Chase is really enjoying Dylan’s interest in soccer. Remi kicks the ball around, but Dylan has a real desire to learn the sport, and that inspires Chase. I hope, if we have a son, he will love the game as much.”

  There was a Starbucks coming up on the left. “Do you want to get coffee before we get started? My treat,” I said.

  “Sure.” Teagan turned into the parking lot of the coffee shop and into the drive-thru lane. It was busy at this time of the morning, and there were several cars in front of us.

  “When does your mom move to Atlanta?”

  “In just a couple of weeks.”

  She must have sensed my hesitation because she asked about it. “Don’t you want her to move here, now?”


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