Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel

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Finding Tomorrow, A sexy, angsty, suspense filled, all-the-feels protector romance and HEA.: A Trading Yesterday Novel Page 29

by Kahlen Aymes

  I cleared my throat and glanced up at her as she stood by the booth; praying she wouldn’t see the sheer terror in my eyes. My first impulse was to tell the truth, but then Derrick’s presence in Philadelphia would get back to Jensen, and that would only make him worry. Instead, I took a deep breath and waved my right hand indicating she should take the seat Derrick had just vacated. I shook off my fear and gathered myself together, smiling as brightly as I could manage.

  “Oh, just some agent trying to get me to interview one of his guys. He was an asshole.”

  “I guess you said no because he looked pissed,” Liz observed sliding into the booth.

  “Yes. My docket is full, and his player is second string.” I shrugged. “I guess I’ll have to get used to this type of thing, huh?” I responded as casually as I could, doing my best to cover.

  Her lips pressed together, and she rolled her eyes. “I get it. At least he bought you a drink. What are you drinking?”

  “White wine.” I didn’t want her to know I didn’t choose it. “Want one?” I asked.

  She shook her head and lifted the beer bottle she’d brought with her to her mouth with a smile. “Wine gives me a hangover,” she laughed. “I’ll stick with beer.”

  The evening continued with Michelle and the others from the ESPN crew joining us in the booth; even pushing another table closer to it and sliding up some chairs. It wasn’t long before I was surrounded by others and was thankful for the safety it afforded; even if it was only symbolic. I spent the next two hours pretending to have a good time; all the while my mind was racing on how I was going to deal with Derrick’s threats. I didn’t want Jensen hurt, and I had to protect my son somehow. What was I going to do?

  Lawyers were expensive, and a court battle would be long and tedious even if Derrick didn’t stand a chance in hell of winning. He might lose in court, even with his expert witnesses, but he’d make life hell in the meantime; mine, Dylan’s and Jensen’s. Worse, there was a chance Derrick would become violent, and I needed to take him seriously. If he had my lawyer killed, he could order a hit on Jensen. It was more than a possibility that if Derrick didn’t get what he wanted; he’d do something bad. I’d learned that lesson long ago, and it terrified me to the core.


  Missy hadn’t answered my calls since she’d been back, and it was driving me crazy. Things were getting weird.

  She did a great job at the Philly game; coming into her own on the interviews and was learning to follow Jarvis’ lead on the play-by-plays. I could see how receptive the players and coaches were to her, and I was damn proud. I’d watched the entire game on TV with the kids. Remi was used to seeing me on screen, and it wasn’t a big deal for her, but Dylan was fascinated watching his mom. He ran around my living room as I repeatedly passed him the Nerf football we’d purchased earlier in the weekend, and copied some of the dance moves he’d seen on TV when he made it successfully into the “end zone” we’d designated at one end.

  After she’d returned from Philadelphia, she stopped over to pick up Dylan and rushed out with him, saying she had to get home and do laundry. Sure, I had to jump on a plane a couple of hours later myself, but it would have been nice to have a conversation, at least. The funny thing was, there was a distinct difference in how she treated me. No hug when she came in, no kiss goodbye when she left, even though I tried both. I felt like an asshole standing there watching her leave as if we barely knew each other. Something must have happened.

  I was sitting in one of the upholstered chairs opposite her desk, waiting. Waiting in my old office, now hers, for her to come in on Tuesday morning so I could confront her. I’d been climbing the walls the entire time that I was in Bristol for the past two days. Again, she wasn’t answering my calls. One thing was for sure; I’d had enough, and I was sure as hell going to get to the bottom of it. I didn’t give a rat’s ass what she had going on this morning, even if her team meeting included Bryan Walsh, she wasn’t leaving this office until I had some goddamned answers.

  I sat there, staring straight ahead, tapping the tips of my tented fingers together, telling myself to remain calm and not lash out the minute she walked in, but it was going to be fucking hard. It felt like I’d been waiting for hours.

  Cindy popped her head around the door after seeing me through the window in the office and wore a big smile on her face. “Hey, stranger! What brings you down here?” she asked brightly.

  My head snapped around at her words, and I sat up straighter in my chair. “Waiting for Missy.”

  She huffed in amusement, still hovering in the doorway. “Obviously. Why?”

  I gritted my teeth, annoyed. “Are you writing a book?” I asked, barely able to keep the snarl out of my voice.

  Cindy was visibly taken aback. Her eyes widened, and she held up both hands, splaying them out in front of her. “Whoa. I’m not sure what’s eating you, Jensen, but I don’t appreciate your tone. Don’t take your personal shit out on me!”

  I stood up impatiently, facing her. “Who says it’s personal? I don’t appreciate waiting in here for Melissa for a goddamn hour, either!”

  Cindy stepped back and folded her arms across her torso. “If you must know, she’s talking to Jarvis about next week’s interview assignments. You know… doing her job?” Cindy’s eyebrows shot up in admonishment. “Is this about work?”

  I felt embarrassed that I let someone I’d worked with for years see me in such an unprofessional light, let alone the awful way I’d snapped at her. I took a deep breath and then exhaled. “I’m sorry, Cindy, you’re right. Something personal is bothering me, and I shouldn’t be taking it out on my coworkers. I’m sorry. I thought I’d gotten in early enough to speak to her before her day started.”

  “I see.” Her eyes scanned over my face appraisingly. Clearly, it was written all over me that this personal thing was between Missy and me.

  “Well, I don’t know how long she’ll be busy, so why don’t you leave her a note or something?”

  “Since when are you her secretary?” I asked, my ill temper vivid in my tone. “You weren’t ever mine when I had this job.” I leaned up against the desk and crossed my arms. I wasn’t going anywhere until I spoke to Missy. “So what gives?”

  “Okay, be a stubborn asshole, if you want. I hope you have to wait in here all damn day.” Cindy turned and stormed out of the office.

  I glanced at my watch. I’d already been waiting for an hour.

  “Fuck,” I said aloud, running a hand through my hair. I’d spent a lot of time Googling her bastard ex-husband to see if there was any news about Ellington Construction doing a job in Atlanta. There was nothing to be found. Coming up empty-handed only made my frustration grow, and coupled with her deliberate avoidance of me, I was ready to self-combust.

  My coffee was empty, and I considered going to refill it but saw Missy approaching through the glass wall of the office. She was coming down the hall toward her office, holding an open file folder and reading something inside. When she turned the corner into her office, she glanced up, and her steps faltered.

  She was sexy as fuck in a tight black pencil skirt and flowing ivory blouse that clung to her breasts, the lace bra she had underneath, just visible. I could barely make out the scalloped outline of the cups under the opaque material, but I knew her lingerie style by now, and I knew what I’d find if I peeled her clothes away. Her hair was swept up in a messy bun, and she looked like we’d just made love. Her black stilettos reminded me, again, why I didn’t want her covering a bunch of horny football players. Hell, I didn’t even want her walking to the break room looking like this. I felt possessive. I felt cheated. I wanted to pull her hard against me, to kiss her within an inch of her life, press my hard length into her so she’d remember how it felt together. I wanted to, somehow, make her stop running from me and trust me. Instead, I let her have it.

  “Would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on with you?” All of my intent not to lambast her flew out the
window. “I’ve been worried sick! Did you even think of that?”

  I could feel my heart pumping, feel the blood flowing; pulsing in the veins of my neck and wrists, and hear it rushing in my ears. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to scream at her or pull her to me and kiss her senseless.

  Missy swallowed and took another step into the office, pausing only to close the door behind her. “Uh… um…” she shook her head and closed her eyes briefly. It was evident she was taken by surprise. “Nothing. I’ve been busy, that’s all.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it.” I pushed away from the desk as she walked around behind me, calmly taking her seat and placing the file on top of the smooth wooden surface.

  “What do you want me to say?” She couldn’t meet my eyes and instead shuffled some paper around on the top of her desk.

  “I want you to tell me why you aren’t returning my calls, or why it was so awkward on Sunday night? We were getting so close. Nothing’s changed between last week and this one. Is your bastard ex on the scene?”

  She cleared her throat and used one hand to rub the corner of one eye. She was uncomfortable; I could see I’d hit a nerve; even more so when she finally looked up at me.

  One shoulder lifted in a half-shrug as she looked away again. “I’ve been thinking… All that security stuff sort of freaks me out. It’s too much. I… I barely know you, and you’re taking over my life. I don’t want it. It’s too soon.”

  “It’s too soon,” I repeated her words because the whole thing sounded so unbelievable to me. “You’re just scared of him. I’m here now—”

  “Why can’t you just listen, Jensen?” she asked frantically. Her expression was strained, and she looked as if she would start to cry any minute.

  “I’m listening to the bullshit you’re trying to feed me, but I’m not stupid, Missy. You can’t even look me in the fucking eye! I know what this is. It’s because he came after you, right? What did that bastard do?” I was close to yelling now.

  I could see her swallow hard as she struggled for words, her eyes imploring me to understand. “Nothing. I’ve decided to give him a chance.”

  Air rushed from my lungs in astonishment, and I fell back to lean on the door frame shaking my head in denial. “You what? I don’t understand how you can do that after all the things you’ve told me about him, let alone— how it is between us!”

  She stood up abruptly and ran around her desk to lock the door, so that we wouldn’t be interrupted. “It’s just something I have to do. Please try to understand.” She lifted a hand and quickly brushed away a tear and squared her shoulders a little more before sitting down again. “Dylan deserves his father.”

  I could see her pain, but the thought of Dylan or Missy subjected to more of that psychopath killed me. I felt it physically, like a knife in my heart.

  She wore her suffering like an invisible armor. I could see how nervous and uneasy she was by the way she was fidgeting. For the first time, she was uncomfortable in my presence.

  I didn’t know what to do or what to say. Was she breaking up with me? Was she just going to put her poor kid through the torture of seeing that cocksucker, or did she intend to go back to him, too? It took a moment to sink in, but I realized she wouldn’t subject Dylan to him alone. She couldn’t protect him if she weren’t there, too.

  “I’m here now. You don’t have to do this. I told you —” I was calm, but desperate to change what was happening. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll take care of you both.”

  “You can’t!” Panic filled her voice. She looked up at me, her light blue eyes flooding with tears. “It’s over between us, Jensen!” The words ripped from her, but her face turned stoic.

  The pain I felt turn into acrimony. Instantly, my walls came up. I was pissed. “So, all the time we spent together meant nothing?” I spat, letting anger replace my agony. “Nothing? Making love meant nothing; how much Dylan wants to be with me means nothing? How good it feels together means nothing?”

  “Sure,” she shifted in her chair, hedging. “It was nice. I’m grateful for all you’ve done—”

  It was my turn to explode; my turn to interrupt her. It was a goddamned good thing she’d locked the door. “Nice? You’re fucking grateful?” I shouted. “That’s all you feel for me?” I asked, disbelieving, but seething.

  Missy jumped at my outburst and brushed past me to close the blinds to the glass window that shown into the main office. I could smell the familiar scent of her perfume; feel the heat between us with just the briefest touch of her arm brushing against mine. Despite my fury, my cock twitched inside my pants.

  “It meant something, but it’s moving too fast. We should take a break.”

  I licked my lips and nodded, my jaw shooting out in consternation. I wasn’t buying what she was trying to sell, but at least it seemed she wasn’t going back to him, but I had to know for sure.

  “You’re going back to that bastard?” I asked tightly, feeling the muscle in my jaw start to twitch as I gnashed my teeth together.

  “No!” she shook her head, insisting. “I’m not. I just think it’s best for everyone if we take a break while this gets worked out.”

  “Uh huh. A break, right. So, you’re not at all scared by your ex-husband, then? Not worried he’ll beat you up or hurt your son. Not at all.” I said it like a statement, rather than a question. I scowled and both hands planted on my hips. “Not at all.”

  “No,” Missy said, but was unable to meet my eyes. She kept her hands busy by opening her laptop and signing on to company email. Her hands were trembling, though. Her cell phone rang from the purse she’d dropped on the floor next to her desk, and she jumped again, bringing both hands to her temples and closing her eyes. Her forehead creased and she flushed.

  “How about if he rapes you again? Will that bother you at all? Because it sure as hell would bother me! Do you think I’m an idiot? I can see you’re terrified. Why are you doing this?” I was mortified.

  “Jensen, please,” her voice broke on a sob. “Please don’t do this! Just let it go!”

  Instantly my anger faded and sighing heavily. I navigated my way through the small, crowded office to where she sat behind the desk and lifted her into my arms. She started to cry hard, clutching the front of my shirt. My arms wrapped around her and one hand cupped the back of her silky blonde head. She felt frail in my arms; thinner in just the few days since I’d seen her.

  “Babe, you have to tell me what’s going on,” I insisted softly, turning my head so I could kiss her temple. “I assume he has a job here.”

  She nodded, crying harder and unable to answer me. My arms tightened. “It’ll be okay. I promise.”

  I held her for a few minutes, waiting for her crying to subside. I rubbed her back gently; brushing light kisses down the side of her face from her temple, over her cheekbone to the corner of her mouth.

  “Why couldn’t I have met you, first?” Tears still laced her soft voice.

  My heart filled, expanded and threatened to explode. “It doesn’t matter when you met me, I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  The fingers clutching the front of my shirt relaxed and slid up my chest and around my neck, into the hair at my nape. Then, I used both hands to tilt her head back just enough so I could crush her mouth beneath mine. My eyes closed and my hands moved to cup her gorgeous face.

  Missy whimpered. I couldn’t tell if she was protesting or giving in to my love and lust; the same desire I knew she felt for me.

  She stilled in my arms for a split second. Still, my mouth plundered hers until she let me in. Her lips opened at the same time her hands slid up my arms and chest until we were kissing like we were starving for one another. I turned her around and backed her up against her desk, bending to slide my hands down her perfect ass down her thighs. I pulled her skirt up, then easily lifted her onto its edge of the desk and pushed my way between her legs.

  Missy moaned, and her hands fisted in my hair and pulled my mou
th tighter against her. We were wild, hungry; our kisses growing more and more passionate.

  She arched her body against mine, and I ground my hips into hers. “Christ,” I breathed into her mouth. “I want you, Missy. You belong with me.”

  I didn’t care if we’d both got fired. The need was bigger than both of us.

  She was pulling at my shoulders and arms as I leaned my weight into her. My swollen dick was throbbing, and I was dying for release. The time apart from her after such a passionate night was more than I could handle. Her lips were greedy, and mine were equally insatiable, pulling and sucking on her mouth. So delicious.

  “Jensen,” she breathed my name into my mouth almost like a plea. “Mmmmmm.”

  My hand reached under the hem of her dress, between her open legs until I found the damp silk beneath. I used my finger to pull them away from her center. She was warm and slick; ready. I pushed two fingers inside her, using my thumb to rub small circles on her clit. I loved the little sounds she made when I loved her. God, she was hot.

  I dropped my head to her shoulder in defeat, knowing we couldn’t stop. Her head fell back, and her lips parted as her body responded, clenching around my fingers and I pushed them first in, then out, of her.

  Her hands fumbled with my belt buckle, and in seconds, my engorged cock was free. One arm snaked around her hips as the other guided myself tip to her entrance, and I pushed into her with one hard thrust.

  It felt amazing, as we moved together; each of us clinging, our hips heaving, our mouths feasting. I dragged my mouth down her neck, sucking and lightly biting. Missy wrapped around me, legs around my waist, arms around my shoulders and head.

  I was panting hard, lost in her body, lost in this all-consuming love that was burning me from the inside out. I was helpless as I moved in and out of her, pushing us both mindlessly to our release. I could feel her muscles clench around me as she let go; feel my own orgasm build to the point of no return.

  “Missy,” I groaned out her name.

  Her arms tightened, and one hand covered my mouth as I came hard.


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