Holiday Howlz Mad At The Moon

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Holiday Howlz Mad At The Moon Page 2

by Belinda McBride

  “Me?” He shook his head. “I have absolutely no control over the weather. Though judging by some of the people in this town, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few individuals who could clear the sky for a few hours.”

  “You noticed.” She gave him a lopsided grin as she slid into the chair that he held for her. “And I get the feeling that you’ve got a few secrets yourself.”

  “I’ll show you mine when you show me yours.” He leaned over the table, carving knife and fork in hand, a whimsical smile on his face. “White meat or dark?”

  * * *

  For some reason, Jen’s chocolate cake tasted much richer, much headier as they cuddled in front of the fireplace. Outside, the sharp wind had settled a bit. In the distance Merry could see the clouds scattering. In just minutes, the moon would break through and fill the sky.

  “Tonight’s the full moon. How often does that happen on Christmas Eve?”

  Merry licked her fork, considering Noel’s question. “I don’t remember it happening before, but I usually turn in for the night early on Christmas Eve.”

  “I imagine being a Christmas elf must be exhausting.”

  She went completely still. Even her breathing stopped. She gave a brittle little laugh. “What makes you say that?”

  His smile was sly, and Merry got the sudden feeling that the boy next door had suddenly morphed into the big bad wolf.

  “Logic. Your name. Your job. You deliver gifts during the holidays. And seriously, Merry, have you taken a good look at yourself in the mirror lately? I mean, if I couldn’t see them, my guess would be that you have…” he reached up, stroking the curve of her ear, “…pointy ears. You’ve hidden them with magic.”

  She tried to move, but Noel suddenly had her trapped in his strong arms, her back to his chest.

  “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.” His raspy whisper caressed her ear. She went still as his tongue trailed over the graceful arch that was invisible to the naked eye.

  She shivered in spite of the warmth of the fire and the heat of his hard body behind hers. He took the empty plate from her hands and set it on a table next to the sofa. Merry tried halfheartedly to pull away, aware of growing warmth between her legs. Her nipples peaked, rubbing against the soft fabric of her sweater. At the same time, a tiny lick of fear curled through her body.

  “Look, Merry, the moon is rising.”

  That wasn’t all that was rising. The thought made her laugh just a little hysterically. His shaft was hard as rock and pressed snugly against her bottom.

  “I didn’t come here to be captured and seduced, Noel.”

  “Nonsense. You’ve been peeking at me from your windows all month. It’s not my singing that’s keeping you awake; it’s the wondering, isn’t it?” He pressed a kiss to her temple as his fingers stroked fire down her cheeks, to her throat. “You’ve been wondering about me. Imagining what I’m like and how I might feel in your bed.”

  Frantically, she looked out the window. True to his words, the leaden sky had cleared and the moon was rising, full and heavy. Silver-white beams of moonlight were creeping into the room through the huge windows. It would take only minutes for the moon’s rays to traverse the room. Minutes before their bodies were bathed in an unforgiving wash of magic.

  She wiggled to escape, but his arms encircled her tighter. “So what happens to a Fae like you when the moonlight touches your skin? Will it show me your true self?”

  “Don’t be silly. It’s just moonlight.” Her voice was breathless; a fusion of fear and excitement caused her heart to race.

  “Remember, Merry, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  She went still in his arms. He’d said that earlier. She moved her head slowly to the side, trying to see him. What other otherworldly creatures were affected by the moon? “Noel? Are you like me?”

  It was a slim hope, one that was dashed at the husky sound of his laugh in her ear.

  “No, Merry, but don’t worry. I won’t eat you up.” He nipped the tender skin of her neck. “Not the way you’re worried about, anyway.” His tongue stroked that tiny spot, soothing it. His arms relaxed just a trace, and one hand came around to her belly, gently stroking her through the cashmere sweater. His knuckles brushed the underside of her breasts, creating a wicked tightening in her pussy.

  “Do you think I can seduce you before the moonlight reaches this side of the room?”

  “No.” Her voice was barely audible, even to her own ears.

  “Will you let me try?” He’d moved back to her ear, nibbling gently at the lobe. One hand rested on her hip while the other was moving up to settle between her breasts. Other than pinning her in place, he hadn’t really crossed any lines.

  “Please?” His hand stroked her thigh, fingers coming to rest at the hem of her short green skirt. “I’ll bet I can make you come before the moonlight touches your skin.”

  She was wet for him. Oddly, fear had the same physical effect as arousal, causing her nipples to pebble and her body to prepare for invasion. Fear was like an insidious aphrodisiac, especially when mixed with desire.

  Desperately, she glanced toward the window again. The moonlight was slowly inching into the room. She twisted in a vain effort to slip from his hold. Instead, her movement caused her skirt to hitch up her leg, and his hand slipped over her breast, encompassing it in warmth. She froze, a moan catching in her throat.

  “Now I’m certainly not responsible for that.” His whiskered jaw tickled the soft skin between her shoulder and neck. “But I’m not complaining.” Through the thin knit of her sweater, he pinched a nipple, shooting delicious sensations straight to her clit.

  “So hot. Are you wet?” A finger strayed, playing along the crotch of her panties. His breath stilled for a moment. “So wet.” He rested his entire palm over her pussy, pressing gently.

  “Ah… hhh…” She thrust into his hand.

  “Tell me no, Merry. If you want me to stop, tell me no…” His breath was hot and moist against her skin.

  Impulsively, she turned her head, catching his mouth in a kiss. “You can try.” She didn’t smile as she issued the challenge, and he didn’t smile back.

  “If I make you climax by the time the moonlight crosses the room, what do I win?”

  She bit her lip for a moment, noticing that his eyes were fixated on her mouth. All the while his magic hands were drawing the arousal from her body. One finger was running along the edge of her panties.

  “Rules first.” He met her gaze and nodded, the solemnity of the moment broken by the mischievous gleam in his blue eyes.

  “No clothing comes off.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  “I come, not you.”

  He sighed, rolled his eyes and nodded again.

  “No penetration.”

  “No fingers? Tongue?”


  His eyes gleamed like cobalt glass as he applied pressure to her pussy. “I can do that.” The slow rotation of his palm rocked and created delicious tension. “In fact, I think you’re nearly there, aren’t you?”

  She gasped when his hand moved to her other breast, plucking the nipple into taut arousal.

  “And what’s my prize?”

  “Assuming you win…” She glanced to the side, seeing that the moonlight had advanced well into the room. “…I’ll make you come. Any way you choose.”

  He groaned, leaning down to run the tip of his tongue into the shell of her ear.

  She nearly came.

  “Erogenous zone, eh?” He nibbled, covering the sharp tips of his teeth with his lips. She squeezed her thighs together, trapping his hand.

  “What are you?” She could barely force the words past her lips. Now that she’d succumbed to his blatant seduction, Merry felt like she was being wrapped in velvet and satin.

  His husky voice was as seductive as wine, causing her to shiver as he whispered in her ear. “I’ll show you… later.”

  His mouth covered hers. S
he tasted his unique flavor past the sweet chocolate of Jen’s cake. It overwhelmed her senses. As soon as she caught the fragrance on his breath, another surge of moisture slipped between her labia. She cursed those rules even as a finger slipped under the crotch of her panties.

  “You didn’t say anything about going under the clothing.” Noel’s slightly rough palm slid under her sweater, cupping her breast. “So perfect. If I win, do I get to see?”

  She couldn’t help the chuckle at that comment. “What if I win? I’m pretty sure I can hold out.”

  “If you win, Miss Merry, then I’m yours to command, all night and all of Christmas Day.” He pulled the tip of her ear into his mouth.

  Merry fought to clear her mind of the slow, creeping seduction. Her body ached for his. She wanted him atop her, his cock buried deep inside of her body. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. In desperation, she glanced at the encroaching moonlight just feet away. She could hold out. She could win this game.

  His fingers slipped between her pussy lips, careful not to dip inside, even though her hips surged, following his hand. He dragged her moisture through her curls and then down between her cheeks. “You’re going to be such a wet, slippery ride. I’d like to slide my cock right here between these plump lips of yours… just slide and slide till I drench you even more.”

  Her pussy grabbed on emptiness. His mouth moved lower, worrying at her nipple through the luxurious fabric of her sweater. She rarely wore a bra, so when he nipped, nothing but cashmere lay between his teeth and her sensitive skin. His hand worked her pussy, one finger slipping up to tease her clit before sliding back to the slick entrance of her vagina.

  Merry gave up fighting, feeling the energy of the moonlight just inches from her outstretched hand. Almost here…

  Without warning, Noel bit down hard on one tortured nipple, even as he circled her clit. The pressure was coming down on her harder and faster, until she arched up into his hand, her body finally succumbing to the temptation of the climax that shimmered just within her reach.

  “Come for me Merry! Now!”

  Her body went taut with spasms, and Merry’s clenched fists pounded on the soft fabric of the sofa. As a cry broke from her throat, the moonlight washed over her skin. She felt the change come, and she clasped Noel’s hair, bucking hard, shifting and digging for his hand. But true to his word, he opened his palm flat against her mons, avoiding any chance of penetration.

  Another series of spasms left her weak and drained, and she lay back in his arms. He’d done that all from behind her body. How much had he seen of the transformation?

  There were reflective surfaces all over the room; small mirrors, windows… even the glass front of the fireplace. He couldn’t have missed it.

  “That was beautiful.” His voice was hushed with awe. Merry leaned forward, awkwardly aware that her wings were trapped under her sweater. Without comment, Noel lifted it over her head. She slipped off her shoes and drew up her feet, propping them on the couch. In the reflection of the fireplace door, she saw herself, all softly glowing colors of gold and red and green. She stretched, smelling the fragrance of her juices on his hand, on her own body. Cinnamon and cloves, mixed with oranges.

  Merry sighed in contentment. She relaxed into his arms. “So when do I get to see yours, Noel?”

  Chapter Three

  She was pure magic.

  Her short golden hair shimmered and glittered with pale green threads, and her skin was alabaster pale. When she glanced up to meet his bemused gaze, her eyes were the clearest, darkest green he’d ever seen. A wreath of holly crowned her head; the red berries were a startling contrast to the green of her hair and clothing. Her lips were full and sinfully red. Her breasts… oh, her breasts… they were perfect.

  And she had wings -- translucent, luminescent wings. He swallowed past the lump in his throat. “I’m afraid mine is quite pedestrian compared to yours.”

  Suddenly playful, Merry reached out and ran a finger over his lower lip. “You’re too handsome to be common.” She pressed, and he opened, letting her finger slide into the warmth of his mouth. She pulled it back and wet his lips. “You won.”

  His cock was already hard, but now it felt like heated steel. It throbbed and pulsed with every beat of his heart. It seemed as though Merry had two personalities. Or perhaps she merely stopped pretending when she showed him her true form. But she straddled his lap, and her skirt was pushed up to expose her slender thighs.

  “So I get to choose my prize?”

  “You get to choose how you want to come.” She trailed a finger down the collar of his shirt. Her tiny bottom shifted and he thrust upward, unable to prevent the movement.

  “What are the rules?” Clearly, she liked to play games. He needed to find out what he could and could not do right up front, or she’d slip out of his fingers. He ran his hands from her hips to her waist, enjoying the feel of soft fabric giving way to even softer skin.

  She looked at him with great solemnity, but he was certain there was a glint of mischief in her gaze.

  His hands continued to move up, till he cupped the juncture where the crystalline wings emerged from her upper back. Her eyes went wide and she shuddered. First the ears, now the wings. He felt the heat of her renewed arousal where her groin met his.

  “Can I fuck you, little fairy?”

  He reached down and slid a finger into her panties. She was slippery. Her wings vibrated briefly, showering him in a light scattering of shimmering dust. When he licked his lips, it was faintly sweet.

  “Or maybe you’d like to fuck me? That’s what I want, Merry. I want to come buried up inside your tight… hot little cunt.”

  She shivered again, dislodging a bit more fairy dust. Her thighs tightened on his. She reached forward, and her fingers trembled slightly as she began to unbutton his shirt. Noel gasped when she laid his chest bare to the moonlit room. When she unbuttoned the top of his jeans, her fingers brushed lightly over the head of his cock.

  Merry went to work then, fingers stroking, palms gliding over the denim that covered his swollen shaft. She bent forward, her tongue teasing his nipples, her teeth nipping at the soft skin of his chest and neck. When she kissed him, she tasted like spices and fruit, and Noel was gripped with the need to swallow her down.

  With a growl, he carried her to the soft carpet. The light of the moon and the fire lit them, casting strange dancing shadows over the walls and the floor. Impatiently, Noel stripped his clothing away and then pulled off Merry’s skirt and panties.

  He stared at her in awe. She was slender yet curvy and luscious in all the right places. Her breasts were high and pert; her mons was covered by downy curls the exact same shades of gold and green as the curls on her head. Her nipples were small and red, just like the holly berries in her hair. He knelt between her legs, spreading them wide so he could look at her plump lips. Her clit peeked at him like a tiny red berry.

  She was wickedly innocent; the moisture from her body glistened, and she was swollen with arousal. Her fragrance wafted to him and his mouth watered. Noel lowered himself to his belly, opening her with his thumbs.

  He savored that first taste, closing his eyes as sweet spice flowed over his tongue. It was similar to the flavor of the dust from her wings. She gasped and buried a hand in his hair, her fingers digging into his scalp. She clamped his head between her thighs. For a tiny thing, she liked it a bit rough.

  She was still a bit sensitive from her climax. He teased, staying clear of her clit. He kept her open and dragged his tongue the length of her slit, probing up into her wet opening, catching the juices that flowed so freely. All the while, she thrust slowly against him, her head thrown back, one hand teasing her hardened nipples.

  Her breasts. He couldn’t ignore those enchanting mounds. He reached up and covered her hand with his until his attention was too divided to continue. Noel pulled himself up her body, tasting her skin, dipping into her cute little belly button. When he reached her breasts, they
rose and fell with her rapid breathing.

  That’s when he remembered her wings. “Are you okay like this? On your back?”

  She nodded; her eyes were wide and liquid with desire. Nevertheless, he rolled her till she was on top, stretched full length over his body. His cock nestled against her belly in a soft, sweet embrace. She shifted, scooting back to straddle his thighs.

  “Why do you sit out in the moonlight like that? Don’t you get cold?”

  “Moon bathing. Haven’t you ever done it?” His breath hitched as her hands circled his aching penis.

  “What are you?” She pumped slowly, giving a slight twist at the head of his shaft.


  “Not Fae. Vampire?”

  He tried to give a cocky grin, but that faltered when her warm, wet mouth covered the head of his cock. When the tip of her tongue fluttered over the slit, he nearly whimpered. To his relief, she turned her attention to the task at hand, namely, driving him to near insanity as her hands fondled and wandered, and her mouth pulled him into a heated vacuum. Then she pulled away and returned to her questions. “Tell me, please?”

  Her voice sounded a bit odd, so he opened his eyes. She was shrinking. Her wings began to beat as rapidly as those of a hummingbird, and she hovered over his groin. In just a few heartbeats, she was half her normal size, and then even tinier. Her wings beat a feathery tattoo over his skin, driving him into writhing, panting desperation. Noel threw his arms up over his head, afraid he might hurt her. After a rapid tour of his chest, his belly, and even his face, Merry returned to his groin, settling on Noel’s thigh, wrapping both arms around his shaft. It was too heavy for her to lift upright, so Merry crawled up his belly, settling her tiny, naked ass over his belly button.

  His cockhead bumped against her torso, smearing her diminutive body with his pre-cum.

  “Fuck… Fuck!” His body shook and trembled as Noel tried to hold back the climax. Just seeing her like that went straight to his head. When he felt the drag of her tongue over the crown of his penis, he clasped his cock, squeezing tightly at the base.


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