Stalin: A Biography

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Stalin: A Biography Page 91

by Robert Service

  Tskhakaya, Mikha

  Tsushima, battle of (1905)

  Tucker, Robert

  Tukhachevski, Mikhail: in war against Poland; Stalin suspects of conspiracy; arrest and execution,

  Tupolev, Andrei

  Turkey: as potential invader of USSR; supports national liberation in colonies; Stalin makes territorial demands on

  Turukhansk District, Siberia

  Uglanov, Nikolai

  Ukraine: hostility to Russia; self-rule proposed for; regional authority (Rada); Germans occupy; Piłsudski invades; Wrangel threatens; and autonomisation; established as Soviet state; treaty with RSFSR; nationhood; grain shortages and quotas; Poles deported from; famine; supposed genocide in; frontiers closed; Stalin’s integration plans for; Germans overrun; plundered by Germans; Soviet failed offensive in (1942); resistance to Soviet rule in; post-war conditions; dissenters sent to Gulag

  Ukrainian Autocephalous Church

  Ulam, Adam

  Ulrikh, Vasili

  Ulyanova, Maria (Lenin’s sister)

  Unforgettable 1919 (film)

  Union of Writers

  United Front

  United Nations Organisation,

  United Opposition,

  United States of America: economic development; foreign policy; diplomatic recognition of USSR; Stalin encourages commercial relations with; wartime supplies to USSR; wartime relations with Allies; develops atomic bomb; post-war power and influence; Stalin suspects of post-war hostility; Stalin seeks state loan from; containment policy on USSR; and Cold War; Soviet hostility to; and Korean War; Stalin’s views on political economy in; Soviet post-Stalin relations with

  Uranus, Operation

  Uratadze, Grigol

  USSR see Soviet Union

  Ustinov, Marshal D.F.

  Valedinski, Dr Ivan

  Varga, Jeno

  Vasilevski, General Alexander

  Vatutin, General Nikolai

  Vavilov, Nikolai

  Vereshchagin, I.

  Vereshchak, Semën,

  Versailles, Treaty of (1919)

  Vienna: Stalin in

  Vinogradov, Dr Vladimir

  Vipper, R.

  Vladimir, Archbishop, Exarch of Georgia

  Vlasik, Nikolai,

  Vlasov, Lieut.-General Andrei

  Volga region: collectivisation in

  Volga! Volga! (film)

  Volgokonov, Dmitri

  Volodicheva, Maria,


  Volunteer Army (White Russian)

  Vorontsov-Dashkov, I.I.

  Voroshilov, Kliment: attends 1905 Party Congress (Stockholm); supports Stalin in Volga region; Bukharin meets; allies with Stalin; and agrarian policy; proposes Stalin head Sovnarkom; as Stalin’s confidant; rumoured to have killed Stalin; entertaining; disparages opponents; argues with Pyatnitski; participates in Great Terror; and Yezhov’s decline; association with Stalin; and Finnish war; at German invasion of USSR; in wartime Stavka; and conduct of war; singing with Stalin; and Stalin’s death

  Vostorgov, Archpriest Ioann

  Voznesenski, Nikolai: and conduct of war; stands up to Stalin; responsibilities in war; promoted to Politburo; shot

  Vyshinski, Andrei

  Wall Street Crash (1929)

  War Communism,

  Warsaw: in war of 1920; rising (1944)

  Weber, Max

  Weimar Republic

  White Sea-Baltic Canal


  Witte, Count Sergei

  Workers’ Opposition

  Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate (Rabkrin): Stalin heads

  World War I (1914–18): outbreak; Russian participation in; conduct of; Stalin’s view of

  Wrangel, General Pëtr

  Xenofontov, F.

  Yagoda, Genrikh

  Yakir, Marshal Iona

  Yakubov, Kamil

  Yalta conference (1945)

  Yaroslavski, Yemelyan

  Yefimov, Boris

  Yegorov, Marshal Alexander

  Yegorova, Natalya

  Yeltsin, Boris: opens up archives; denounces Stalin

  Yeremenko, General Andrei

  Yermolov, General

  Yevdokimov, E.G.

  Yevdomikov, Professor (dental physician)

  Yezhov, Nikolai: viciousness; heads NKVD; and attack on Bukharin; testifies to existence of anti-state organisations; in Great Terror; Stalin asks to prevent publication of articles; removed from NKVD; sexual excesses; arrest and execution; suspects Polish exile community; purges Comintern members from Spain

  Yugoslavia: delays Hitler’s invasion of USSR; self-liberation from Germany; communism in; Stalin’s interest in; at First Cominform Conference; causes trouble for Stalin; Soviet hostility to; breach with USSR; rapprochement with

  Zakharov, Filip

  Zalutski, Pëtr

  Zamenhoff, Ludwig

  Zasulich, Vera

  Zbarski, Boris

  Zelenski, I.A.

  Zhdanov, Andrei: and grain procurement; and national identity; in Great Terror; and recruitment of functionaries; class background; association with Stalin; in Baltic region; drinking; accompanies Stalin’s singing on piano; at Sklarska Poreba conference founding Cominform; on ‘two camps’; in anti-Tito campaign; at Second Cominform Conference; advocates strengthening power of Party; status and authority; death; praises Yugoslavs

  Zhdanov, Yuri: marries Svetlana

  Zhemchuzhina, Polina (Molotov’s wife) see Molotova, Polina

  Zhirinovski, Vladimir

  Zhiruli, Giorgi

  Zhizn natsionalnostei (newspaper)

  Zhordania, Noe

  Zhukov, Marshal Georgi: command in Far East; plans war with Germany; and German invasion of USSR; denied intelligence on Germany; on Stalin’s recovery after German invasion; in Stavka, ref; in defence of Moscow; strategy; appointed Deputy Supreme Commander; and defence of Stalingrad; plans counter-offensive; awarded Order of Suvorov; on Stalin’s smoking; stands up to Stalin; Stalin mistrusts; on Stalin’s learning mastery of military matters; final offensive; and Red Army pause in Warsaw Rising; and capture of Berlin; vows to parade Hitler in cage; leads 1945 victory parade; Stalin suspects and relegates

  Zinoviev, Grigori: character; controls Leningrad press; in Central Committee; internationalism, ref; Lenin demands punishment of; supports Stalin over national question; speechmaking; in hiding; asks to return to work; opposes Lenin’s revolutionary policy; status and fame; Jewishness; supports separate peace in First World War; in Civil War; and revolutions overseas; supports Lenin in trade unions dispute; health problems; administrative duties; encourages German armed rising; in Lenin’s Testament; protects and allies with Stalin; and Georgian nationalism; objects to Stalin’s ambitiousness; appointed to Orgburo; at Lenin’s funeral; fails to press Testament charges against Stalin; defeats Left Opposition; Stalin turns against; economic policy; as potential successor to Lenin; opposes Stalin and Bukharin; writes on Leninism; dismissed from Politburo; excluded from Central Committee; and Bukharin’s agrarian policy; as continuing threat; evidence of disloyalty to Stalin; arrested and sentenced; on Stalin’s exploiting Kirov’s assassination; confession and execution; Voroshilov disparages

  Zola, Émile: Germinal

  Zubalov family

  Zubalovo (dacha)

  Zvezda (newspaper)

  Zyuganov, Gennadi


  1. View of Gori Fortress taken from the town.

  2. Stalin’s mother Ketevan.

  3. Stalin’s first wife Ketevan Svanidze.

  4. The balcony of one of the houses Stalin grew up in — a shrine-complex was erected over it in the 1930s.

  5. The Mantashëv Shoe Factory in Tbilisi. Once a place of dirt and poverty it is now being turned into luxury flats.

  6. The front of the Tiflis Spiritual Seminary. It is now a museum of Georgian national culture.

  7. The Physical Observatory on Mikhailovski Street.

  8. Stalin as a
young man. This photo has been heavily ‘improved’ by Stalinist air-brushers.

  9. Vladimir Lenin. Taken in January 1918, this was his first official portrait after the October Revolution (and after he had regrown his beard).

  10. Group photograph of Bolshevik exiles in Turukhansk District Stalin, wearing a black hat, stands at the back next to his friend (at that time) Lev Kamenev. Yakov Sverdlov, sporting a bouffant hairstyle and spectacles, is seated to the right.

  11. Nadezhda Krupskaya.

  12. Lev Trotski.

  13. Lev Kamenev

  14. Grigori Zinoviev

  15. Nikolai Bukharin.

  16. General Secretary Stalin in 1924. This was an official portrait by M. S. Nappelbaum.

  17. Stalin’s second wife Nadezhda Allilueva — Nadya.

  18. Stalin gives daughter Svetlana a cuddle.

  19. Stalin’s first son Yakob Dzhughashvili after being taken prisoner by the Wehrmacht.

  20. Stalin’s son Vasili at the controls of his aircraft.

  21. Stalin in 1932.

  22. ‘Stalin’s Pipe’. The smoke coils around wreckers and kulaks. Drawn by V. N. Deni, it appeared in Pravda on 25 February 1930.

  23. Mikhail Kalinin, Lazar Kaganovich, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Stalin, Kliment Voroshilov and Sergei Kirov at a celebration of Stalin’s fiftieth birthday.

  24. Anastas Mikoyan gesticulates to Maxim Gorki and Kliment Voroshilov.

  25. Stalin together with Vyacheslav Molotov.

  26. Line drawing by V. N. Deni: Stalin stands in Napoleonic pose with modern industrial structures and a banner of Lenin in the background.

  27. ‘Stalin’s Ally’: cartoon in the Daily Telegraph, 6 October 1939.

  28. The Plutocratic-Bolshevik Wedding’: Nazi cartoon in Preussische Zeitung, 16 July 1941. A Hasidic Jew unites Stalin and Churchill in marriage. Molotov and Halifax stand behind them.

  29. Stalin’s work desk in the carriage.

  30. Stalin’s rail carriage FD 3878.

  31. Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

  32. Generalissimus Stalin in 1945. The image disguises the haggard reality of his appearance.

  33. Post-war poster: Stalin shakes hands with a military officer. The caption runs: ‘Work so as to be thanked by comrade Stalin!’

  34. Post-war poster with children gazing adoringly at Stalin and saying: ‘Thank you, our dear Stalin, for our happy childhood!’

  35. Stalin’s Kholodnaya Rechka dacha, viewed from the garden.

  36. The cinema gallery at the Kholodnaya Rechka dacha.

  37. The Italian-made billiard table at the Kholodnaya Rechka dacha.

  38. Lavrenti Beria.

  39. Georgi Malenkov.

  40. Stalin’s desk in the Kremlin. It is now kept in the Stalin Museum in Gori.

  41. View across Lake Ritsa towards the mountains of the Caucasus. Stalin’s dacha lies in the middle on the distant shore.

  42. Poster: ‘Under the Leadership of the Great Stalin. Forward to Communism!’

  43. Daily Worker (London) cartoon on the death of Stalin, 6 March 1953. Hardly an image of great technical accomplishment.

  44. Mourners queue to pay their last respects to Stalin in the Hall of Columns at the House of Unions.

  45. Stalin’s death mask.

  46. Shrine to Stalin built over and around one of his childhood homes in Gori.

  47. Stalin’s statue, still standing in the centre of Gori.

  About the Author

  ROBERT SERVICE is the author of the highly acclaimed Lenin: A Biography (which won the US ForeWord magazine’s History Book of the Year Award in 2000), A History of Twentieth-Century Russia and Russia: Experiment with a People as well as many other books on Russia’s past and present. He is a Fellow of the British Academy and works at St Antony’s College, Oxford. He is married with four children.

  Also by Robert Service

  The Bolshevik Party in Revolution: A Study in Organisational Change

  Lenin: A Political Life

  Volume One: The Strengths of Contradiction

  Volume Two: Worlds in Collision

  Volume Three: The Iron Ring

  The Russian Revolution, 1900–1927

  A History of Twentieth-Century Russia

  Lenin: A Biography

  Russia: Experiment with a People

  Comrades: Communism: A World History (publishing 2007)


  First published 2004 by Macmillan

  This edition published 2005 by Pan Books

  This electronic edition published 2008 by Pan Books

  an imprint of Pan Macmillan Ltd

  Pan Macmillan, 20 New Wharf Rd, London N1 9RR

  Basingstoke and Oxford

  Associated companies throughout the world

  ISBN 978-0-330-47638-6 in Adobe Reader format

  ISBN 978-0-330-47637-9 in Adobe Digital Editions format

  ISBN 978-0-330-47640-9 in Microsoft Reader format

  ISBN 978-0-330-47639-3 in Mobipocket format

  Copyright © Robert Service 2004

  The right of Robert Service to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Picture credits

  Adele Biagi: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47. Corbis: 18, 19, 38, 39, 44. David King Collection: 9, 10, 11, 15. Hoover Institution Archives, RU/SU2237, Poster Collection: 42. Hulton Getty: 2, 7, 17, 31. Popperfoto: 20.

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