Decadence: Darkstar Mercenaries Book 4

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Decadence: Darkstar Mercenaries Book 4 Page 22

by Carven, Anna

Impossibly, his hair had grown longer. A lot longer. Pale tendrils swirled around his head, forming a ghostly crown. If gravity had its way, his hair would reach down to at least the middle of his back.

  And he had horns.

  Holy crap.

  They weren’t just ordinary little bumps. These were proper Kordolian horns; long, curving, obsidian, making him look like some sort of devil caught in a centuries-long hibernation.

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  What was the significance of the horns? Why did some Kordolians have them, while others didn’t?

  And how the hell had they grown back so damn fast?

  Zharek laughed; a gleeful, slightly unhinged sound. “Surprised, human? That is the way we are supposed to look. And he has turned out much better than I expected.”

  Sienna should have been paying more attention, but she was too transfixed by the sight of naked, perfect Ikriss.

  That’s… it? He’s healed?

  Her fear and worry fled. Her arousal roared back to life.

  Wake up, Ikriss. I need you.

  “Revive him, Zharek,” the General ordered.

  “Oh, he’s going to take care of that himself,” Zharek said nonchalantly as the restraints of his chair started to detach. Once his right hand was free, the medic reached up and removed his dark lenses, revealing his intense amber gaze.

  But there was a hint of mischief in his expression.

  Or was that insanity?

  Ikriss’s body twitched. A great shudder coursed through him. His curled-up limbs unfurled. He kicked violently and reached up, tearing the breathing mask from his face.

  His movements weren’t those of someone who was confused or delirious. They were swift and precise and purposeful. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  He’s back!

  Sienna shifted nervously on her feet as excitement bubbled up inside her. She felt like she was about to explode… but she was also nervous.

  For the first time, Zharek acknowledged her, his golden eyes crinkling mischievously. “Just so you know, I’ve flooded his system with the pheromones I harvested from your serum.”

  “Wh-what does that even mean?”

  “A supercharged biological reaction.” Zharek nonchalantly waved his hand. “Your biological signature… your scent… the little pheromone proteins that attach to his receptors and turn him into a mindless savage because he is attuned only to you… I’ll admit, I pushed the Fever far beyond its normal limits. The healing response was impressive, to say the least. See the horns and the long hair? That’s the equivalent of one full revolution… ah, approximately one Earth year’s worth of healing. Astounding to see that amount of cellular turnover in such a short amount of time. Impressive, is it not? And now we will have to deal with him… well, to be precise, you will have to deal with him. He will be a little crazy right now. But don’t be alarmed. He won’t hurt you.”

  Ikriss made a swift, powerful stroke with his arms, pulling himself up toward the top of the tank.

  She turned and narrowed her eyes at the medic, just because she could. “Are you mated, Zharek?”

  The medic snorted. “Do I look I have the time to be mated? I have important work to do.”

  “I’m sure you’ll see it differently when the Fever hits you,” she muttered, a little snark entering her voice. Then you won’t be so blasé about playing god with all of us.

  Swoosh. Blue liquid lapped the walls of the tank as Ikriss pulled himself up and over the edge.

  Nobody made an effort to intercept him.

  Thud. He dropped to the floor, liquid pooling around him. His glorious pale hair hung down around his shoulders, wet and slick and shimmering. The sight of his horns made her a little giddy.

  Sienna couldn’t keep her eyes off him. He was perfectly naked; his silver skin flawless, his chiseled muscles flexing as he rose to his full height.

  His body gleamed.

  With all the onlookers, the fact that he was naked should have felt weird, but it didn’t.

  Here, everything was different.

  Ikriss closed his eyes and took a deep, shuddering breath.

  When he opened them again, he looked everywhere but at her. It was almost as if he were intentionally trying to avoid her gaze.

  Why? Don’t you want me to see you right now?

  He locked eyes with Zharek…

  And became a glistening silver blur as he rushed toward the medic, seizing him by the throat.

  Choking him.

  Eyes bulging, Zharek coughed and spluttered. Ikriss’s claws dug into his neck, drawing tendrils of black blood.

  Seriously fearing Ikriss could actually kill the medic, Sienna started to move forward, but she stopped when the General’s big hand clamped down on her shoulder. “Hold. Give him time. He isn’t himself right now, but he won’t kill him. Ikriss and Zharek will sort this out between themselves.”

  Fine. You seem to know what you’re doing… I hope. This isn’t fair on Zharek, though. Is he your resident medic-slash-punching bag or something?

  Reluctantly, Sienna backed down, glaring a little at the big Kordolian. It wasn’t every day that she got the chance to stop a lethal alien from killing the one that had saved his life.

  How could they all be so casual about it, as if Mating Fever-induced rages and death threats were just an everyday occurrence?

  She almost started to feel a little exasperated.

  Aroused, terrified, confused, thrilled… and exasperated.

  These guys… they’re crazy.

  With just one arm, Ikriss lifted Zharek into the air and actually held him there for a few seconds. How freaking strong was he, really? “What have you done to me?” His voice was deep and hoarse, as if he were speaking for the first time in ages.

  The sound sent a shiver down her spine.

  “L-let me down, and then we’ll talk,” Zharek wheezed. “I-it’s the Fever that’s making you want to kill me. Cool your rage, Commander.”

  “Ikriss,” Sienna pleaded quietly, her voice coming out as barely a whisper. “Don’t kill him.”

  He must have heard her, because he slowly lowered the medic to his feet and released his lethal grip. “Speak.”

  Zharek wiped the trickle of blood on his neck, turning it into a dark smear. “I’ve made you perfect again,” the medic said, sounding eerily calm. “You’re probably the first being in the Universe to be brought back from a Silent One’s kiss of death. I had to manipulate your biology far beyond what even we know to get there, but you are still here, aren’t you? You should be thankful, Commander, and so should your mate.”

  Ikriss’s fingers twitched. His claws flashed in the darkness. He closed his eyes and went very still.

  The air grew taut with tension.

  She actually saw the conflict play out across Ikriss’s face; across his body. The corners of his eyes tightened. He was trembling. It felt like he was just a heartbeat away from losing control. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what his hyper-charged Mating Fever would be like, but if what she felt was just a fraction of what he was going through, then he must be in total hell right about now.

  Sweet, crazy man. I wish there was something I could do for you.

  Instinct took over. “Don’t flip out just yet. I’m waiting for you,” she whispered under her breath in English, pretty sure he could hear her perfectly well.

  Her words hit Ikriss like a ton of bricks.

  He stopped.

  Took a deep breath…

  And still didn’t dare look at her.

  “You did more than that,” he growled at last, his gaze still fixed on Zharek, his voice low and dangerous. He glanced over his shoulder, locking eyes with the General. “And your interference was subtle this time.”

  The Kordolian shrugged. “You know my methods. It would not have escaped you. You either chose to ignore it, or you chose to go along with it.”

  “I have known you for long enough, my friend.” Ikriss’s fangs flashed. His voice
cracked. God, he looked tense. “And I know that you are wise enough to leave us right fucking now.”

  “Indeed.” The General made a tiny signal with his hands. The medical team immediately snapped to attention and started to retreat.

  “He’s as healthy as a prime Szkazajik now, and probably just a little more dangerous,” Zharek informed them as he quickly gathered up various instruments. “No need for any more monitoring whatsoever.”

  Ikriss shot him a baleful glare. Fear flickered across Zharek’s face as he hastily made his exit.

  The General was the last to leave. He didn’t say a word. He just gave Ikriss and Sienna a knowing look and bowed deeply.

  Then he disappeared into the darkness, leaving them alone.



  Only this time, Ikriss was… different.

  Sienna’s feet were glued to the floor. Suddenly, she was apprehensive. She couldn’t move. She felt like a deer trapped in the headlights.

  Everything here was utterly alien, especially the man standing before her.

  His eyes were downcast. His breathing deepened.

  His erection was massive.

  At last, he looked up.

  She met his brilliant amber gaze.

  He walked forward, not saying a word.

  Sienna didn’t want to break the silence just yet. She wanted to savor it. It was too ripe; too delicious.

  Ikriss reached her. He stood just inches from her, trembling slightly, his wet skin rapidly drying. She sensed the energy in him. He was like a live wire; dangerous, unpredictable.

  His entire body thrumming with pent-up desire.

  Look at you.

  She drank in every last detail with her eyes.

  Just fucking look at you.

  This is all… mine.

  Slowly, tentatively, she reached out and placed her hand over the left side of his chest…


  And felt his heartbeat.




  His skin was slightly cool to the touch. His chest rose up and down in a steady rhythm. He grasped her wrist and threaded his claw-tipped fingers through hers, leaning forward so that his body was oh-so close to pressing against hers.

  His claws were quite obviously lethal, but not once did he hurt her.

  His intoxicating male musk surrounded her.

  With her other hand, she touched the side of his face, brushing away long strands of moonlight-colored hair, tucking them behind one silver pointed ear.

  “This is how you should be,” she whispered at last, her voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know why your kind don’t all have the horns. They… suit you well.”

  He pressed a finger to her lips, stealing away her wild, rambling thoughts. “The story of the horns is long and… complicated.” The words came out strained and hoarse. “But these are mine, and only you get to touch them.”

  “C-can I?”

  “Please.” He leaned forward, dipping his head.

  Oh, she liked it when he said please like that.

  Sienna reached up and gingerly curled her fingers around his left horn. It was surprisingly warm to the touch, and softer than it looked; the surface actually felt velvety beneath her fingertips.

  Fascinated, she stroked her fingers up and down its curved length.

  Ikriss stiffened. Pale eyelashes fluttered. His eyes rolled back a little.

  A soft, shuddering gasp escaped his lips.


  Not in a million years had she expected that kind of a reaction.

  “Are they… sensitive?”

  “Yes,” he whispered.

  “Me… doing this…” she slid her fingers back and forth. “It gives you… pleasure?”


  Wow. Holy moly.

  Unable to help herself, she stroked his other horn, eliciting a soft, anguished cry from him. She began to move her fingers back and forth; up and down, a little faster…

  Ikriss’s cries of pleasure became deeper and deeper, but just as she started to get the hang of it, he seized her wrists in his powerful hands. “Enough,” he growled. His eyes snapped open. Pure molten amber burned right through her. His fangs were completely bared. Suddenly, he looked wild and primal and perfectly alien. “They manipulated the Fever inside me, Sienna. This is… too much.” He took another deep, shuddering breath. “I am… not my usual self right now. I fear I might…”

  He cupped her chin with his claw-tipped fingers, grazing her skin with razor sharpness. If everything they’d told her about the Mating Fever was true, then right now, he was more dangerous than ever. She sensed something inside him was going to break, like a dam about to collapse.

  But she wasn’t afraid.

  He would never hurt her.

  And everything about this just felt so damn right.

  How the fuck could she possibly resist a fully naked, horned, long-haired, silver-skinned alien male, who possessed the body of an adonis and stared at her with eyes that held all the intensity of the sun?

  He was going to devour her, and she didn’t care.

  She tipped her head, leaning into his caress. “No, Ikriss. This is you. The way nature intended you to be. I don’t… I don’t want you to hold back anymore. There’s no reason for you to do that now, is there?”

  A soft growl erupted from deep within him.

  He cupped her face with his hands and stared into her eyes for what felt like a mesmerizing eternity.

  And then, just like that… his control finally broke.

  She saw it as clearly as daylight; the way the look on his face changed, going from barely-holding-it-together to pure savage alien male.

  “You are mine now,” he whispered.

  Suddenly, she found herself swept up into his arms as if she were as light as a feather. Powerful muscles flexed. His warmth and scent surrounded her.

  He strode forward, taking her away from the empty glowing stasis tank; away from the shadows and the strange equipment.

  “W-where are we going?” she gasped as they left the medical bay altogether.

  Staring straight ahead, Ikriss made long strides down the corridor, moving inhumanly fast. “Away from here.” His voice was thick with lust. “Don’t say another word, Sienna, or else I’ll be tempted to take you right here and now.”

  “That wouldn’t exactly be the end of the Universe,” she whispered, defying his command as she squirmed in his arms. Her body was on fire, from her fingertips right down to the tender ache between her legs.

  Ikriss drew her closer, pressing his nose to her hair and taking a deep breath. He moved as silently as night itself; glorious, otherworldly, carving an urgent, frantic path through the shadows, which seemed to part then draw together behind him, like a certain proverbial sea.

  Not a single soul crossed their path.

  It was as if the entire crew had decided to leave them well alone.

  That was fine by her.

  “The first time I claim you, it is not going to be in a fucking corridor,” he growled, increasing his pace.


  He was almost running now, his strides so long and swift that everything around her became a blur.

  Where are you taking me, Ikriss?

  She desperately wanted to ask, but her heart was in her mouth, pounding like crazy.

  Suddenly, his hot, demanding lips were pressed against hers.

  He kissed her deeply.

  He tasted of bittersweetness; of darkness and decadence.

  There was no way she could resist him. He was a whirlwind; a savage, unstoppable force.

  They passed through a doorway and entered a small dark hallway. Darkness engulfed them. She couldn’t see a thing. There was only Ikriss; his scent, his touch, his molten, undeniable lips.

  And her body was alive again, every inch of her craving his touch.

  He set her down in pitch-blackness and kissed her again, one, two
, three times, his tongue hot and probing. Something inside her came undone. She responded with wildness, wanting more and more.

  At last, she broke off and peered into the darkness, enjoying the perfect security of being in his arms.

  With Ikriss by her side, it felt as if nothing in the Universe could threaten her ever again.

  “This is… n-not fair,” she gasped. “You can see me, can’t you?”

  “Perfectly well,” he rumbled. “And you are so fucking beautiful it hurts.” He kissed her again. “My Sienna. I have waited so long for you.” He ran his hands over her body, touching the small of her back, caressing her hips; her ass. She couldn’t tell whether his claws were out or not. She didn’t care.

  Ikriss moved forward, pressing his naked body against hers. She felt the massive bulge of his cock as it strained against her lower belly.

  Holy fucking moly.

  A low, throaty moan escaped her lips.

  Ikriss gently pushed her backwards, guiding her until they reached a space where the darkness wasn’t so deep. Now she could see the faint silver outline of his features.

  “Wh-where are we?” she whispered.

  “My personal quarters. Nothing and no-one will disturb us here. We will have all the time in the Universe.” He tucked one finger under the edge of her robe.

  Shick. There was a soft rip and then her clothes fell away, revealing her naked body underneath. Her nipples tautened as she felt the cool air against her skin. Goosebumps rose on her arms.

  Ikriss dropped to his knees before her and fervently whispered something in his native tongue. He ran his hands over her bare skin, sending a pleasant shudder through her.

  His claws were still out. He didn’t seem to be able to control that part of himself right now. They raked over her exposed flesh, deadly but oh-so tender. Not once did he draw blood. Not once did he hurt her.

  He would never harm her.

  He leaned forward and rained kisses down her belly. He cupped her ass with his rough hands, pulling her closer.

  He inhaled deeply.

  A low, dangerous growl escaped him.

  The natural thing to do right now was to take hold of his horns, so she did exactly that, curling her fingers around their black velvety lengths.

  Ikriss let out a soft howl of pleasure, sending a warm flutter of breath across her bare skin.


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