Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2)

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Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2) Page 5

by Michael Nowotny

  “Ah, he's ruining the meat,” Billy cried out.

  “Just watch.” George told them.

  As the water in the pot started to boil Alec added the rest of the garlic clove whole and then the ham with two liberal pinches of pepper. The water had boiled out of the pan leaving the fat to sizzle in it with the vegetables. With the ham good and hot he scooped the pieces out of the pot and added them to the pan stirring it constantly.

  Signaling George to bring his plate he dished out several slices of ham and veggies to each person.

  Jill was the only one to apologize after taking a bite but he did get compliments from everyone except Billy, who got cleanup duty.

  Alec practiced with the larp and sharpened his knife before pulling out his bedroll and lying down for the night.

  They rode hard the next day everyone was on edge as they drew closer to Kingston. He wasn’t the only one who remembered the attack when they’d left. Luck was with them though as they made Kingston that evening.

  They rode to the warehouse where George paid each of the guards and thanked them. He turned to Alec and held out an amount equal to what he'd paid the others. Alec tried to refuse it saying he’d barely done anything.

  “You defended the merchants and even saved Marty's life from what I hear. You also helped with the horses and took your turn at the various chores,” He said. “That is what being a guard is. You did your part. You did it as well as I would expect.” He handed Alec the pouch, which Alec took.

  “I should probably go put these back in the armory room. Then I'll be ready when you are, George.”

  “All they’re going to do there is collect dust. Consider them a gift from me to you with the promise you'll keep my wife and Christi safe when you head home for that wedding,” George told him.

  “Absolutely, sir!”

  Alec stepped outside to wait for George as he put a few things away and found Marty waiting for him.

  “Hey, Alec, I just wanted to say thank you again. I won't forget that you saved my butt back there. If you ever need help, a place to crash, anything! You come to me. I've a place over behind the temples, only one with tiles on the roof, ask for Martin Hillings,” Marty grasped his hand then pulled him in to a one armed hug around the shoulders.

  “I will. Maybe we'll see each other on another ride,” Alec told him.

  “You've another friend in this city, remember that.” Marty mounted his horse and rode down the street.

  George came out of the warehouse and asked who there. Alec told him what Marty had said.

  “That is one honorable man right there. You can believe everything he told you,” He said. “I once accidently gave him an extra copper in his pay and he brought it back the next day. He said it messed with his budget.” George chuckled remembering.

  They headed to George's home as the sun set careful not to trample the crowds of people still out and about. Stabling their horses, they made their way in. Jessica rushed toward them and threw her arms around George giving him a loud kiss.

  Alec turned his head and stepped off to one side to give them some privacy.

  “You better get used to this, Alec. The women of my family are not shy!” George gave her a hug in return.

  Alec headed to his room after being dismissed and found it empty. He checked the dresser and chest at the foot of the bed and found them equally empty, not a sock was to be found.

  I'm pretty sure I have the right room, he thought.

  Picking his larp up from the corner he laid it in and headed out to the hall thinking he must have gotten turned around.

  “Alec! Sorry, George was supposed to tell you. We moved your things. I'm so sorry,” Jessica told him as she came down the hall. “With our expectations of your relationship with Christi and such we moved your things to the family wing,” she explained.

  She took his hand and led him back down the hallway. “Let me show you your new room! You'll love it. The kids used to fight over who could have it, so we never let any of them have it.”

  Jessica explained that the first door on the right was hers and George's room. Across the hall was Billy's then Allan's was across the hall from Christi's.

  Alec was to have the one next to Christi's and the one across from it was reserved for visiting family members that they liked. She gave a little laugh and winked at him as she said it.

  Jessica opened the door to his new room. The room was painted in the colors of the fall. A small love seat and two chairs were separated by a low table off to one side. On the other side was a deep dark reddish brown wood four-post bed, matching dresser and end tables. Decorative lamps sat on each of the end tables and another off a holder on the wall. The window though closed looked out over the flower garden and the shed he almost burned down.

  “It's beautiful! It’s much more than I need, Jessica. What would I do with all the space in here?”

  “When you visit and such and friends stop over you'll have room to entertain in or to just visit with them in private,” she told him.

  “Thank you, Jessica.” Alec sat his larp in the corner. “Can I ask you a favor?”

  “Certainly, Alec, what can I help you with?”

  “I was wondering if you would go with me to the tailor in order to purchase clothes for my friend’s wedding. I would really like your opinion.”

  “I would be honored to come. Thank you for thinking of me. We could go after breakfast if you would like?”

  “Sounds good to me, I don't have any plans as far as I know,” Alec said.

  Jessica left his room and Alec quickly took a shower then dressed in a comfortable pair of pants and a plain shirt. He was putting his weapons in the closet attached to his room as the bell rang signaling that the meal was ready.

  A roast piglet was served with a rose colored wine. Alec took sips at a time careful not to overdo it.

  Alec slept like a log that night, tired from the riding. Morning came and it was just Jessica and him for breakfast, George having slipped out early to get a jump on things that needed done.

  Jason brought the carriage around and they made their way to the tailor. Mrs. Tailor said she was happy to see him again and that this time she would be more careful with her scissors. Alec told her he was fine and there hadn’t been any lasting harm done.

  Jessica and the tailor pored over the designs of pants and shirts with and without jackets. Jessica asked what he thought Jake would be wearing. She said he didn't want to dress better than the groom did after all. Alec told them that Jake would most likely have a strait leg style of pants and a thinner shirt with a jacket over it. He pointed to several drawings in the stack so they'd have an idea of what he meant. Both of Jake's older brothers had gotten married over the last few years and he was sure Jake would have a suit similar to theirs.

  They came to a decision and showed him their ideas taking the design from one and adding it to another.

  Alec asked when it would be ready seeing as they would be leaving in two and a half weeks. She told him to stop in on the way through and he could pick it up at that time. The whole suit came to a gold and three silver including the boots that would match. Alec paid in full from the pouch George had given him.

  Alec asked if Jessica had plans for the rest of the morning and if she would like to help him pick out gifts for Jake and Sarah. She said she would love to and could get ideas for a gift as well.

  They wandered the shops and Alec told her what he knew of Sarah. Alec finally settled on a full set of fine tableware including six dinner plates, six smaller plates and matching cups. They almost looked too fragile to eat off but the storeowner assured him they were stronger than they looked. The set included forks, spoons, and knives in the small box as well. Jessica had still to pick something that she thought would be appropriate as they headed to the smithing area of the city. Alec picked through several knives at a weapon smiths shop, he wanted one that looked real nice.

  At the third shop he found one that didn't look gaudy
and was actually made to be used, it even came with a brown leather sheath with some nice looking designs on it. Jessica took him over to a shop she'd been looking in to show him an idea she had.

  The shop had ornamental items and the more practical ones too. She showed him a decorative three-tier candleholder and a lock box that was big enough to hold a couple pairs of boots. She purchased them and had the store owner deliver them to the house next week.

  For lunch they made their way into a small deli serving soups and sandwiches that were dunked in the soup. Alec paid for the both of them. Alec having finished eating before Jessica sat wondering how to ask his question to her.

  “Just go ahead and ask me Alec,” Jessica told him having noticed he had something on his mind.

  “Well. Do you think it would be out of line or that Christi would object if I were to ask her to sign my gifts with me?” Alec asked her.

  “You mean, so they would be from both of you as a couple?”

  “I just thought it might give people the idea we want. That is if it's not inappropriate?”

  “So long as Christi is alright with it, I think it's a great idea. You will need to ask her though,” She said.

  Chapter 5

  When Alec and Jessica got back to the house Alec went back out by himself. He was determined to get some practice in with his larp and headed for where he had seen some guardsmen sparring.

  An open courtyard surrounded by a knee-high wall sprawled out from the city walls. The older building next to it had several repairs being made to the roof and Alec guessed that most of the guards were not allowed inside till repairs were done.

  Alec stood outside of the wall and watched for a while. He could tell who was there to train and make themselves better and who was just going through the motions.

  Seeing some of the older guards Alec asked if they would mind sparring with him. One of them asked what kind of weapon he had and Alec told him it was called a larp and that he was trying to get used to the weight of it.

  The men agreed so long as he wrapped the blade in leather so no one got cut up and showed him where several strips were in a bucket. Alec took care wrapping it thinking it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a sheath made for the blade. He stood and watched as he stretched his muscles.

  Alec stepped in to a circle with a guard named Chris who fought with a long sword. Rich, his partner, stood outside it ready to critique them.

  Chris came at him high over the head with his sword and Alec spun the larp up catching the wood blade on the butt of his larp. Alec reversed his spin bring his blade down to the ground. The sword swung up, to the right as Alec took a step back, spun the larp down his blade catching the swords edge half way to the hilt, and gave the larp a twist.

  The hooked blade of the larp caught both sides of the sword and spun it out of the guard’s hand. Chris charged him now weaponless. Alec sidestepped and planted the butt of the larp firmly in the ground in front of his leg and between Chris's. The move caused Chris to sprawl flat on his face. He slapped the ground twice signaling he was done.

  All but one of the guards carried a sword. He was beaten by three of them including the one using a mace. They were good natured about losing to a younger man and most of them gave him pointers since he rarely went a round without getting struck somewhere or missing an easy shot.

  Alec watched as Benny and Chris sparred. He was beginning to see something of a pattern. Most of the swordsmen would start the match with an overhead swing and the swords would clash being held up high leaving the swordsmen’s body open.

  When Alec asked Chris about it after the match he was told that the overhead strike was much harder to block because it had more strength behind it. As for leaving the swordsmen open during the strike it didn’t matter because the strike had to be blocked or side stepped therefore giving the attacking swordsman time to follow up with another attack. Alec wasn’t completely sold on the explanation.

  Chris led Alec to the circle and had him square off with Benny. Benny started their match in the typical fashion, an overhead strike. Alec stepped closer than he normally would and blocked it off to the side with the studded end of his larp. As Alec redirected the direction of the sword, he took half a step back and brought the bladed end of the larp up and into the side of Benny before he could bring the sword back across to block it. That ended the match.

  Chris just shook his head while Benny caught his breathe.

  “If I could have been faster you wouldn’t have been able to score on me.” Benny told him.

  “It didn’t matter. As soon as Alec stepped in close like a swordsman and blocked your strike you were done. That close for him with that larp means he’s already inside your defenses.” Chris contradicted him.

  “I don’t think so. If I could have brought my sword back quicker I’d have blocked him.” Benny argued.

  Chris had them face off again but stopped them at each blow so they could look at exactly where and how they were positioned. Chris was right. Alec was inside his defenses by taking the one extra step.

  The three of them worked the rest of the day trying various ways that give Alec an advantage and then trying to see how a swordsman could naturalize them. The overhead strike was normally to the advantage of the swordsman but only if Alec didn’t step in to directly block him. There was no way for a sword to block him when his larp was already halfway through the strike.

  As the afternoon wore on Alec was covered in sweat and bruises, including a big one above his right eye where he had stepped forward into a mace when he should have stepped back. He’d obviously lost that round and sat out the one after it to collect his wits. The afternoon turned to evening and they called it a day with Alec thanking each of them. The guards thanked him in return saying they probably learned as much as he did.

  Alec walked back to the Morton's home feeling much better about wielding his larp and a lot better about the added weight of it.

  Jessica was shocked at the sight of him as he walked through the house and told him he looked like he'd been fighting ogres. Alec told them he'd been sparring with some of the city guards and that he would be fine. George stopped his wife as she started to protest telling her that Alec wouldn't get better without a few bumps and bruises.

  Alec headed for his room and ran a bath in the tub rather than take a shower. It would give him time to work on the bruises and let the heat relax his sore muscles. By the time he was done the bruise on his forehead was nothing more than a darker patch of skin. Hearing the bell for supper ring he got dressed and headed down to the table.

  “OH! Alec your head, it's healed! When did you get your power back?” Jessica exclaimed.

  “I didn't. But I can heal minor things apparently by asking my body to speed up the process. One of the good things about having been a sorcerer, I guess,” he told her.

  “Really, that's amazing. I never would have guessed it to be possible.”

  Supper was a type of fowl Alec had never had but enjoyed. They sat in the sitting room discussing their day when the front door's bell was rung.

  A short while later Jason led Jimmy, the bard, into the sitting room and announced him.

  “My Lord and Lady Morton I present Master Bard Jim Hawkswing.

  George and Jessica stood at his introduction and Alec followed their lead. They just stood there staring at Jimmy so Alec took a step forward and held out his hand to him.

  “Hi Jimmy. How was your trip to Kingston?” Alec asked him.

  “Good, nice and relaxing. It's nice to get away from people fawning all over you sometimes. Thought I'd stop by and see if you were up for a bit of breaking your stage fright,” he said. “You can sing and I'll play my guitar.”

  “You want me to sing? I can't sing.”

  “Sure you can, I heard you. We'll find a few songs we both know and then hit the town. It will be fun, lad.”

  The conversation between them seemed to wake up George and Jessica. Jessica asked Jimmy if he would like a dr
ink and poured him one as George led Alec off to one side.

  “What the hell, that's a bard in there and he wants you to go sing with him?” George spoke rapidly in a whisper.

  “Yeah, he heard me sing at the inn. He asked me where I was staying and said he'd stop by to break me of my stage fright but I didn't take him seriously. I’m sorry George, I'll ask him to leave if you want,” said Alec.

  “Don't you dare! This is a real honor for us. I'll talk to you about it in the morning. For now you go sing your ass off.”

  Alec and George went back into the sitting room where Jessica and Jimmy were talking of his travels.

  Jimmy patted the seat beside him and Alec took the seat. He then pulled out an old worn leather bound book and had Alec look through it to see what songs he remembered. Jessica started coughing and George looked like he had been holding his breath for too long. They excused themselves and left the room while Alec looked through the book. Alec repeatedly pointed out songs he remembered the words to.

  Alec poured Jimmy another drink and went to tell George and Jessica he was going out for a while. He found them in the dining room talking softly in hurried voices. When he told them he was going to go out with Jimmy they asked if he minded if they came along. He told it was ok with him so long as it was alright with Jimmy.

  They followed him back to the sitting room and Jessica asked Jimmy if he minded them tagging along. He thought it was a great idea to have someone in the audience that Alec knew. It would give him a little more confidence.

  Jimmy led the way to a nicer looking inn and spoke with the innkeeper there. Alec took a seat with Jessica and George, who continued to give him odd looks. Jimmy took a seat over by the large hearth and motioned for Alec to sit beside him. Alec took the seat and waited for Jimmy to start. A few of the tables were pushed back opening the floor in front of them.

  Jimmy laid his case on the floor and pulled out his instrument. He started the same way that Alec had heard him before, stating his name and then telling his three stories in songs about the histories of their land.


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