Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2)

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Mage (The Elemental Magic Series Book 2) Page 11

by Michael Nowotny

  “It took you long enough. Did you want to get some lunch together?” Christi asked.

  Alec stood between the chairs. “I needed to talk with Peter about something that has happened.”

  “What happened? Are you alright?” Christi interrupted.

  “He’s fine. He has learned a few things so be patient Christi.” Peter said.

  “I’ve developed an ability to perceive time differently. To me it appears as though everything around me is going slow and allows me to react faster than others.” Alec told them.

  “Is this ability harmful to you?” Christi asked.

  “No. Not so long as I learn to control it.” Alec told her.

  “That would be valuable in a fight. Can you teach others or is it just something unique to you?” Bill asked.

  “It’s not just something I can do. It is unique, however, to the Palstar family though.” Alec told them. He wanted see if they came to the same conclusion he had.

  “Palstar, that’s one of the magic families that died out. That would mean that you’re a Palstar!” Christi jumped form the couch and hugged Alec.

  Chapter 9

  With only having had a week and a half at Master Stalle’s schoolings Alec thought he was doing pretty well with his sword. He packed his things that he would need for the wedding knowing they would stop in Kingston and made sure Tom knew he was leaving in the morning.

  Alec didn’t own a horse of his own and made it a point to ask if he could borrow Fleetfoot from Tom. With his own things ready and permission given to him from Tom, he checked with Peter and Christi to make sure they would be ready.

  Knowing they would need to take a slightly different route so they could stay at an inn at night, it would only add half a day to their trip. The route would put them at the farm late in the afternoon on the third day. Jake’s wedding was to be on Saturday giving them the evening to relax.

  The next morning Alec met Peter and Christi at their tower and walked over to the stables with them, he’d already been up for a couple hours and had their horses saddled and his things on Fleetfoot. He was taking his staff and sword with him and had the staff set on his left so he could draw the sword if necessary

  Alec rode with his soon to be fiancé and friend behind his former teacher. He was truly happy with how his life was looking right now. The classes were fairly boring and learning to play the banjo wasn't easy, not like learning the sword.

  He was just starting to make a connection to the sword. He could just barely feel where it was but doubted he could make it come to him like his staff had.

  They rode into Kingston and to Christi's home. Christi led the way calling out for her mother as they stepped inside. Jessica came from the sitting room with a surprised look on her face. She wasn’t expecting them to be there till tomorrow morning and said as much.

  Peter stepped forward and took Jessica’s hand. “I would like to formally introduce Alec Carter, the newest and only known member of the family, Palstar.” Peter said with a flourish and indicated Alec.

  “How do you know? Can we prove it? This is wonderful!” Jessica told them.

  Peter began filling her in on Alec’s ability with time and the records he’d found while Jason took his bags to a guest room. Christi followed Alec as he took his own pack to his room. He guessed that Christi probably didn’t need to use clothes from her pack seeing as she had a dresser and closet full.


  Father Tillman read through his mail waiting for a reply to his note. The Arch Bishop wouldn’t let him out of his duties so he could go take care of the boy personally. He was sure he could catch up to him on his way back from the little farm and do it then. He’d had one of his informants reporting to him of the boy’s activities throughout the week. It was a shame Merrill and his gang had to be caught when they were.

  Though the boy didn’t have his power back yet he was willing to bet it would be soon. The last born Mage had just gone through his second awakening when they’d caught up with him. It had been a huge fight and his superior knowledge was the only thing that had let him win it. He had no problem putting down such aberrations himself but it was a lot less messy if he could hire it done before hand.

  The two Mages disembarked from the ship in Bellsing. Robert had hoped that something was obstructing their sense of where the new Mage was but with being off the ship they both knew the power signature was gone. Either the boy's power had been drained and hadn't gone through his second awakening yet, which would place more power within the kid or the temple had gotten to him first. Both ideas were frightening in their own way.

  If the kid came into even more power he would have more than any three pairs of Mages and if the temple had him killed it would mean a great loss for them as a whole.

  Sherry shared his worries and the two were of the same mind, they would continue on in the hope that the kid would resurface. They gathered their supplies and purchased horses for their trip to Kingston. It would take them at least four days to make it there, and then it was a matter of waiting till they were able to sense him or thought he was dead.

  They had rented a room at a local inn as they made their preparations. Both of them were shielding their power so they wouldn't be sensed by the temple watchdogs when they both felt it.

  Somewhere in the direction of Kingston power pulsed and was gone just as quickly. They didn't have a lot of time before the boy hit his full power. Not needing to talk out loud in order to speak to one another they began gathering their things and packing up, they would leave now and camp on the road tonight.


  With Christi’s help Alec had his things put a way. They headed back to the sitting room to find Peter and Jessica waiting on them. Jessica informed them that they were going to head over to the family archives to get the records of the Palstar family and any other information they could find. The four of them climbed into the carriage and they were off to discover Alec’s roots.

  Pulling up in front of the archives they entered the building. Hammen was sitting at his desk pouring over a book and writing in another. Peter stepped forward taking the lead.

  “Ah, Master Stalleen, how nice to see you. Have you returned to set strait some of the histories?” Hammen asked.

  “Actually that’s a very good possibility. We need to see any records pertaining to the Palstar family, please.” Peter told him.

  “Palstar, a very old family. They were closely related to the Manister family at one time, even held the throne before they died out. Is the young man a Palstar?” Hammen asked.

  “We believe it is a good possibly.”

  Hammen slipped through the rows of shelves pulling a couple scrolls and books. As he set them on the desk he informed them that they couldn’t be taken from the archive because of their age and significance to the Manister family. He indicated that they were free to look through them with great care over at the desk by the window.

  Seeing as there were only four items to read and four of them they each took one. Alec and Christi each got a book, as they weren’t as well practiced at handling old documents.

  Alec opened his book, it listed several names then if they were a wizard, sorcerer or Mage. After each magical designation it listed a number. The wizards both had the number four after them and the sorcerers had a six, eight and one had a ten. There were two Mages listed too. One had a nine and the other an eleven. Alec saw that the number represented a rank, he just didn’t know what the system limits were.

  Scanning through the sections talking about the wizards he didn’t see anything that caught his eye. The book was basically about their achievements. Half way through the third sorcerer Jessica got everyone’s attention.

  “Listen to this.” Jessica called out. “The Palstar family is known for having elemental affinities that would normally conflict with each other. They are a family known for producing exceptionally powerful members and have an unusually high number of Mages. While the Palstar family is known to ha
ve many of the abilities found in the other magically gifted families, they are the only family known to produce members with the time stop ability. Members with this ability have been exceptionally powerful and most of them have been Mages.” She had a smug look on her face.

  “It’s as I thought, this time stop ability is specific to the Palstar and most of them that were able to do it were actually Mages. That means not only are you a Palstar but you might be a Mage.” Peter told him.

  “But my power hasn’t come back. I’m a burnout.” Alec told him.

  “We don’t know how long it takes for a Mages power to come back, especially under your circumstances. It could be weeks or months, we just don’t know. The good news is that you have a fair chance at getting your power back.” Peter told him.

  Peter and Jessica finished reading their scrolls while he and Christi skimmed their books. Christi’s book was just a bunch of lists detailing the titles and holdings of various members of the Palstar family.

  Peter told Alec that he would set up a hearing with the king to have him named a Palstar when they got back from the wedding.

  Jessica told him that she had taken the liberty of picking up his suit for him and it was in his room for him to try on. When they got back Alec went and tried it on. The suit thankfully fit just fine and Alec showed it off to Christi. He was happy that he was finally able to make her jaw drop for once.

  Teresa showed up just before lunch and they ate a light meal. With everyone packed and ready Alec was planning to ride his horse but Peter decided to ride in the carriage with the women.

  Having had a late start the next morning they made good time to the first inn where they booked two rooms, one for the women and he took the other with Peter and the new carriage driver, Jason.

  As they relaxed in the common room Alec and Christi took turns telling her mother and aunt how their week had gone. Teresa was surprised to find out that Alec was now apprenticed to Jimmy Hawkswing and encouraged him to sing for them. Alec agreed to it after speaking with the innkeeper, he bargained for a reduced rate on their rooms and a basket of food to take with them for lunch the next day.

  Alec stood in front of the inn's patrons and sang for them. He didn't know if it was required to sing about the gods first or not but with the dreams he'd been having lately he chose not to.

  Several people got up and moved tables to one side so they could dance to the sound of his voice.

  He sang into the night and then begged off when the crowd died down saying he needed to be up early. When he rejoined his group he was praised on the quality of his voice.

  The next morning Alec woke in a sweat having had the dream again. He made himself ready for the day knowing he wouldn't get any more sleep. The others came down to the common room as he was finishing his breakfast.

  Lending the stable boy a hand with the hors0es and carriage they were ready for the day.

  They rode through the day stopping only when they had to and for lunch. Alec rode before the carriage so he would have a good view of where they were headed. They made the second inn as the sun set and retired early, tired from riding all day.

  Once again Alec woke with a start from the dream, this time he was still alive as the gods burned him to a crisp before killing him out right.

  Alec had apparently woken Peter when he’d yelled out and related his dreams to his friend over breakfast. Christi, Teresa and her mother joined them midway through the tale. Alec ate even though he wasn't really hungry.

  Peter chose to ride the rest of the way so he could talk with Alec. Alec related the story from Merrill and his suspicion that the priest that had attempted to heal him had actually intentionally tried to make it so he couldn't recover.

  Peter listened to Alec's theory and couldn't find any holes in it other than the big one. Why him?

  They rode for a while till Peter asked if his life had always been so troubled. Alec responded with a smile. He told Peter of the various bits of trouble he use to get into. It felt good to talk about his childhood and to be going to the farm.

  Alec began to recognize more and more of the area. The hills became larger and more rounded. The road wove around this hill and over the next. The fields that ran along the sides of the road became familiar to him. He saw a pile of stones that he recognized and knew they were getting close.

  As they followed the road around a hill Mr. Philips's farm came into view. Alec could see Mr. Phillips’s manor house sitting atop the next hill with the park and town square below it. The shops gave way to homes and Alec could hear the smith pounding on something through the crisp clean air.

  Alec led them into the town. Not much had changed in the time he’d been gone. He led them up the hi0ll to the manor waving back to people he recognized and calling out to others.

  Dismounting he knocked on the door to the manor house with the others behind him. Old Jimmy answered the door and showed them in to the great room. Alec was happy to see his aunt was there with James, ran over to her, and gave her a hug. He hadn’t realized how much taller he’d gotten in such a short time. He was near the same height as she was now if not a hair taller. The clearing of a throat reminded him of his duties.

  Alec introduced Jessica and Teresa then Peter as Master Sorcerer Peter. Finally he pulled Christi over to him and introduced her as his intended fiancé. After letting James kiss her hand, Karen gave her a hug saying she was glad Alec had found such a beautiful young lady.

  James, having been made aware of them coming had already made arrangements for their stay at the farm. They would be staying in the manor house in his guest wing while Alec would return to his old room.

  With James taking charge of them Alec told Christi he would be back after putting his things away. Karen followed him down through the park to his room in the hand’s dorm, helping him carry his things since Fleetfoot had already been stabled.

  He could tell something was up by the way she was acting. Halfway there she finally told him. She was staying with James as a couple now. He told her it was about time and that everyone knew they had liked each other for a while now.

  Alec set his things on the bed and told Karen he was happy for her.

  “We don’t plan on getting married or anything just yet, so don’t go jumping around.” She told him.

  “I understand Aunt Karen. That’s actually part of why Christi’s mother and aunt came. They want to set the details of our betrothal and make it formal since neither one of us is yet ready to marry until we get out of school.” He told her and watched as her hand flew to her mouth.

  She said she would write up a betrothal request and give it to Jessica that evening to get the ball rolling. Alec interrupted her saying they would have to go over every details of both the betrothal and wedding with their customs being so different.

  Karen gave him an odd look to which he asked what was wrong. She smiled saying he could just relax and let them figure it out. She left telling him to clean himself up then to come back to the house.

  Alec had just started hanging up his clothes when a knock sounded. Answering the door to find Ralph standing there, Alec gave him a one armed hug and told him to come in. Alec continued putting things away as Ralph told him of things going on at the farm. When he was done he took a seat and gave his friend his story starting with his decision to be a sorcerer and then carried it through to the conclusion he’d made on the way home.

  Ralph sat in what Alec took as stunned silence. When he went to tell him it was just a theory, Ralph held up a hand stopping him. Alec realized he was running it through his mind being the analytical person he was.

  Ralph asked him why he would believe Merrill’s story and Alec explained that the man had no reason to lie, having already admitted to trying to kill him on more than one occasion. Ralph sat there a little while longer obviously running it through his head.

  Ralph looked him in the eye and said he couldn’t come up with any other scenario, so long as the Merrill guy had even half his
facts right. It looked like the temples and through them the gods wanted him dead.

  Ralph proceeded to question him thoroughly, trying to come up with a reason why. Then suggested he ask Father Thomas.

  Alec laughed saying he was leery of talking with any priest of the temples.

  There was another knock on his door and he went over to open it. Karen was there with Christi and telling her that some things never change. Alec asked her in as Karen left and introduced her to Ralph.

  “Alec has told me a lot about you, it’s nice to finally meet you,” she told him, holding out a hand.

  With his normal wit and charm Ralph took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Only half of what he said is true, the good half anyway!” He said it with a perfectly straight face before cracking a smile.

  Alec laughed at the look on Christi’s face and pulled her over to him to sit on the bed. He filled her in on his thoughts and Ralphs suggestion to speak with Father Thomas about it.

  Christi agreed with Ralph saying he would have to talk with him tomorrow anyway for the ceremony and it was best to get it over with before that. She told him she’d go with him and Ralph said he would too.

  Chapter 10

  With supper a good hour off Alec led them to the temple. He was both scared and excited about the answers he would get. Stepping in to the temple it didn’t shake or even tremble. Alec forced himself to relax like his diplomat teacher had said. They found Father Thomas at his podium practicing his sermon. When he saw them he quickly stepped down and greeted them warmly. Alec asked Father Thomas if he could have a word with him. They took seats out in the main room with Christi and Ralph standing of to the side. Alec told Thomas what had befallen him including what Merrill had said. The Father was silent for a while as if he was thinking.

  Alec stood. As far as he was concerned he had his answer or close enough to it. Father Thomas grabbed his hand and asked him to please sit and listen before judging.


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