Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8)

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Brothers - Pack Special- Complete Set (Books 1 - 8) Page 31

by M. L. Briers

  She settled his bear. She took that ache from deep within his heart, lifted the weight from his chest so that he could breathe.


  “No more running off to the bear cave.”

  “No more kicking my ass,” he stopped and grinned. “Well, actually, I kind of liked that part.” His sexy grin widened.

  “You like it rough,” she had the dirtiest giggled that he’d ever heard, and his length, in its infinite wisdom thought so too as it tapped against her leg.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Chelsea.” He looked pensive again, as if that dark cloud had descended once more.

  She pushed up onto her elbow and palmed his chest. The tingle that ran up her arm and over her naked body felt delicious.

  “And I already told you, big bad bear…” she pushed against him, rolling him onto his back and pushing up in the bed to look down on him…

  His eyes took a slow move down her naked body. Her curves weren’t normally her fondest attributes, she’d tried to diet them away, but she wasn’t happy eating rabbit food. Now, when he looked at her the way he did – like all of his Christmases had come at once – hunger in his eyes, she kind of liked those few extra pounds that she carried with her.

  Tyler reached for her. Wrapped an arm around her body and hauled her on top of him until she was straddled there over his hips. The press of her heat against his cock enflamed the desire within him, and the small gasp from her lips said it had done the same to her…

  “I like a little rough with my smooth.” She fanned her hands out against his chest. Her fingertips twitched, itched to explore those hard muscles, but he reached up with both hands and cupped her face, urging her down to him.

  “Then I’m your man,” Tyler growled. His lips just inches from hers.

  “Show me,” she whispered against his lips.

  He claimed her lips with his. Gentle at first, teasing her with slow kisses that started a fire within her womb that spread out through her body.

  Then hungrier, setting sparks flying within her body, and when his hips moved – his hard length trapped against her sex made her gasp in a breath as excitement shot through her, a rollercoaster ride that made her giddy was unleashed… and he devoured her with heady kisses that made her feel drunk on him.

  Then there was that growl… it rumbled in his chest and against her hands, and caught in his throat until she pulled away to gasp a breath, and his hands slide down her body, one wrapped around the back of her neck, the other rested on her shapely hip, and he brushed his cheek against hers before taking her scent.

  “Your scent is amazing. You taste even better…” he growled against her ear, “and I want to taste all of you.”

  Chelsea palmed his chest and pushed up away from him. She saw the frown crease his brow, but she only smiled in return.

  “Me first, just a little taste.” Her eyes shone with a mischievous look that had him both worried and damn grateful.

  Another frown flicked over his forehead and then was gone the moment that she shimmied down his body, making sure that a part of her body never broke contact with his hard length.

  He watched her with hungry eyes as she bent over him, eyes locked with his, and her lips brushed against the muscles of his abdomen – they convulsed under her touch. He growled, reaching out his hands for her…

  “Hands behind your head,” she whispered to another fleeting growl.

  He took a long moment to understand her request, and his head twisted a little on his neck as he stared into her eyes. A sparkle of a promise shone there…

  Tyler reached up and laced his hands behind his head, resting back on them so that he could watch her. He wanted nothing more than to reach for her, toss her over onto her back, and do to her what she was now doing to him, licking, nipping, and teasing her way down his body, slowly… too slowly.

  He was getting anxious. His breathing was becoming choppy as she neared his cock and then veered away… talk about teasing…

  His bear wanted out. Not in a fur and claws kind of way, but to mark her, bite and bond with her, and to claim her as his.

  “Chelsea…” he gasped in a breath the moment that her tongue ran down his length from the tip of his cock to his sack. Every muscle within his body convulsed, and the growl that rumbled through him was as hungry as hell.

  He couldn’t take that. He could just lie there and let her kill him with kindness when he wanted to be buried deep inside of her…

  Tyler made a move to reach for her, but her eyes warned him off, something in that stare told him not to move a muscle… and she gave him a half smile as she opened her lips and covered his silken crown, slowly, with her eyes locked on his, she pushed down.

  Tyler thought for one long moment that his head was going to explode, not the little one, but the big one. What his mate could do with her tongue and her lips around his length, he’d never experienced before, but he was damn glad he was experiencing it now…

  He cursed as she took him deep, deeper, so damn deep that the tip of him touched the back of her throat. He growled hard when she sucked back up, her tongue spinning, licking around the sensitive ridge of nerves just under the crown, and he lost the will to breathe, to think, to move, when she ploughed back down his length and swallowed him into her throat…

  His head came off of the bed. His eyes locked with her teary ones, and his hands couldn’t help but reach for her hair, fisting it, easing her back up his length, feeling the cold rush of air that her gasp created around his cock.

  “Damn, woman…” he growled out.

  “Show me,” she tugged her own hair in his hand as she pushed down again. Wanting him to lead the way, needing it.

  Tyler cursed again at what she was doing and what she was asking. His hands gripped her a little tighter and he moved her against him, steered her up and down his cock, revelling in the feel of her tongue, her throat, taking her slowly, taking her deeply until he was in danger of his balls exploding.

  Then he moved fast, pulling her away from him, wrapping his arms around her and tossing them both over in the bed until he had her caged in beneath his body… his growl was hungry, but it was also possessive. His eyes feasted on her… right before he did.

  Every inch, every curve of her body was devoured by him. He licked, nipped, and kissed her everywhere until she didn’t know if black was white, if night was day, or if he was ever going to get where she needed him to be.

  He was in charge. He was dominating her pleasure, and what a pleasure it was to have him against her, touching, teasing, and nipping her nerves to life.

  Now she was splayed open for him on the bed. Her whole body open to his gaze, open to his touch, and he knelt in front of her. His breathing harsh as he used just one fingertip to trace against her sex.

  It was potent. She’d never imaged that just a touch could make her inner muscles convulse, could make her womb tighten so hard, but she was ready for him, almost desperate for him inside of her…

  “You’re so wet for me…” Tyler growled. Slowly rimming her channel, slowly pushing that thick digit inside of her as her inner muscles clenched around it, and he growled in need, in want…

  She lay there unashamed. His eyes were devouring her as his finger worked inside of her, and there she was splayed out in front of him like an offering, but the only thing that she felt was blessed.

  “Tyler…” she half whispered, half mouthed his name.

  He pushed a second finger inside of her, opening her wider and revelling in the way that her body accepted him, opened for him, needed and wanted his touch. The way that every inch of her had responded to him made him harder than hell and so very grateful that he’d found his mate.

  He couldn’t wait a moment longer to taste her essence. To have her juices upon his tongue, and as he nestled his shoulders between her inner thighs, forcing her legs wide, open, ready for both of their desires – he dipped his head and didn’t tease her body a moment longer.

  He hea
rd her cries, little whimpers of pleasures followed by long moans as he worked against her, sucking, nipping, licking her into oblivion, as his finger worked inside of her body, he knew that he’d never get enough of her, of those sounds, of her taste. That very essence that he craved on his tongue now.

  She was squirming and he planted a hand against her stomach and held her in place, and it only heightened the intensity more. Trapped against him as he devoured her… she rushed up to meet the orgasm that tore her apart, cried out as he fevered for more, and she was climbing back up before she ever fell completely back to earth.

  Tyler knew that he was built. He’d never gotten the whole of his cock inside of a female before. He’d always had to keep something back, hold himself in check, but he needed her as wet and open to his cock as he could get her in case he lost his mind with her.

  His beast would take him over at some point. He knew that, and he didn’t want to hurt her, be too rough, go too deeply inside of her to cause her pain or injure her. He needed her as ready as he could make her, and he hungered once more against her until her cry became a whimper as she flew again, blinded by pleasure.

  Then he pushed up on his fists and wiped her juices against the back of his hand before he slowly climbed up her body. Her eyes were on him, fixed and hooded, sated, and yet still hungry as they travelled down his body like a lovers touch and rested on his cock.

  “I need you inside me…” she almost begged. It felt like a fever that no matter how many times he took her over the edge she still didn’t feel sated. Not until she’d had him inside of her, not until he was buried deep with her body and she claimed his length for her own.

  Tyler’s growl didn’t match his smile. He looked hungry and pensive at the same time. His brow was furrowed as if he worried for her…

  “I might hurt you,” Tyler warned her.

  “You’re going to sink your damn fangs into my shoulder, of course you’re going to hurt me,” she chuckled a dirty laugh.

  “In other ways,” he started, but she wrapped her legs around the back of his and urged him closer.

  “I’m a lot tougher than you give me credit for.”

  “Still…” Tyler held with the head of his cock just pressed against her channel, and she wasn’t having any of it, she lifted her hips, bringing him inside, bit by bit as her feet pressed against his backside.

  “Please…” she nudged him with her feet and he slowly lower himself down to her, easing in, gently opening her inner walls and demanding entrance as she stretched around him. “Yes.”

  Chelsea’s hands palmed the ridges of his smooth back and she curled her fingers, scrapping her nails downwards and getting a damned hungry growl in reply.

  “No, no, no…” Tyler reached for her wrists and captured them, forcing them above her head and holding her there beneath him, caged, trapped, just the way that she liked being with him.

  He couldn’t risk losing himself yet. Not yet…




  “Deeper…” Chelsea needed all of him, every last inch. He pushed in. “Deeper,” her eyes begged, her body tried to move but his weight was pinning her down to the bed.

  Tyler had gone as far as he thought she could take him. He started to pull back and she shook her head, her eyes flashing at him.

  “No, deeper, take me, Tyler, all of me with all of you…” she begged. He growled, bit down on his better judgement and pushed his hips towards hers once more, stretching her around his length, taking her right down his cock until he was buried to the hilt…

  He bit out a curse. She felt so damn good. Too good as she sheathed every last inch of him inside of her.

  “You won’t hurt me. I was made for you.” She assured him. He dipped his head and rested his forehead against hers with the hungriest, most gentle growl that she’d heard so far.

  “I need you,” he growled against her lips.

  “I’m here. I’m yours. Bond with me, let your beast out. Show me the wild side of you that you try to hide from everyone else.”

  Tyler’s beast roared within him. His heart soared. The tension lifted form each and every muscle within his body. And if felt as if she’d set his soul free.

  He moved his hips, pulling back, dragging his length through her silken walls before pushing back to the hilt. He revelled in her body, took her over and over, slowly, carefully, until neither of them could stand it any longer.

  He hungered for more. He wanted to feel her come undone around his cock. He needed to bite, to taste her blood upon his tongue. To bond with her and truly make her his.

  Tyler reared up over her in the bed. His black eyes locked on hers as his hips moved faster. He grunted at the friction around his length, a friction that was making her inner muscles tighten.

  He yanked back away from her and for one moment she looked lost, confused, but he snatched her up from the bed and turned her back to him. Placing her down onto her knees on the mattress, he pushed back inside of her, deep, deeper; she gasped at the feel of him hitting home. It felt so damn good that she savoured it, over and over as his hands locked against her shapely hips, digging into the flesh as he rode her body back up again.

  The heady sounds of his grunts, his growls, his pleasure made her head spin. Then he curled his body over the top of hers and rode low against her back, taking her deeper still, making her fist the sheets, roll her head to one side as his breath touched her neck and shoulder.

  Tyler fisted her hair in his hand as his beast pushed forward and his fangs elongated. He needed to bite. He would put his mark into her skin, claim her, bond, and there was nothing that could happen in this world that would stop him now.

  He fevered for her. Right then; he was still in control of his bear, soon, he would be lost to that dominant, feral beast inside of himself.

  She said his name as her inner muscles tightened hard around his length. He grunted and growled, working harder to take her down his length, create that friction to take her over the edge…

  The back of her head rolled against his shoulder. Her neck was open for his will. Her shoulder so damn inviting that he ran his tongue over her soft skin, regretting and embracing the thought of the mark that he would place there.

  She cursed, once, twice, three times as her body locked up, expectation of the pleasure and pain that was about to course through her, and the moment that it hit, she cried out, first at the intensity of the pleasure that torn through her, and then again with the stabbing pain of his fangs entering her skin, deep into her flesh.

  Pain and pleasure collided inside of her. His sound of his feral growl, when he tasted her blood on his tongue, locked her mind like an anchor to him. She felt him there, deep within her soul, knocking at the gates that she’d kept firmly locked for all of her life, and she opened up to him with welcoming arms.

  His beast roared at the bond that was created between the mates. Settled now, contented that she was his, that they had found the one.

  There was a fire within Tyler now. A raging inferno that swept through his blood and lapped at his very soul to complete the bond between them.

  He sealed her wound with his tongue, a subconscious action of his need to take care of his mate. Then he growled as if his very life depended on it…

  His hands were back on her hips. His fingers curled into the flesh as his hips bounced against her backside.

  The sound of his flesh slapping against hers spurred him on. The curve of her back as she arched into him. The bounce of her breasts from each pounding that she desperately took inside of her as his cock hit home. The soft cheeks of her backside rippling, and even the way that her hair swayed down against her back, all mesmerised him, all spurred him on, made him crave that sweet surrender of release.

  She cursed, she begged, she grumbled and mewed as he thrust her back towards another release. Her hands found his thick, muscled thighs and her fingers curled against them. Her nails pressed into his flesh, piercing the skin
, and he growled hard, took her faster, more erratically as he neared his own sweet end…

  “Come around my cock,” he growled, desperate to feel her body milking his of his seed as he pounded home…

  Chelsea let out the sweetest curse that he’d ever heard in his life as her world exploded into colour and a pleasure so intense that it snatched her breath away. Her inner muscles clamped down hard around his cock, suckling him fiercely, and he tossed his head back on his neck, his muscles locking up hard, as her body sucked the seed right out of his balls with a heady fizz up his spine…

  He slammed his pelvis against her backside and gave her the first of his seed, holding, locked in place, before he tore his hips back and did it again, and again, and again, over and over until his growl became a roar that tore from the heart of him…

  She was his.







  Connor was singing a happy tune within his head. His friend was back within the land of the living and he could concern himself with other matters that he’d let slide of late. Like having a life of his own and not following the damn slow-bear around everywhere that he went.

  He heard the sound of fast paws over the ground and waited for the alpha to appear. He had a running sound all of his own and Connor knew it well.

  When the white wolf came out of the darkness of the trees into the early morning light of the clearing and slowed to a halt. He folded his arms across his chest and waited for the man to appear from inside the beast. He didn’t have to wait long.

  “I heard a bear roar.” Justice growled. His forehead cut deeply with the lines of worry that the alpha wore well.

  “Tyler.” Connor informed him with a smug look that made the alpha nervous.

  “What did you do?” Justice took a step forward. He knew that Connor had taken it upon himself to be the bear’s keeper as the man fought his demons over what had happened in the past.


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