The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1) Page 2

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  Lawrence entered the marketplace, a sprawling circular expanse in the center of the city where numerous vendors, farmers and other merchants had set up shop for the day. It was a bustling area of commerce. Almost all roads in Haile fed into the marketplace, like veins feeding into a beating heart. Stands loaded with every good imaginable circled around a garden and common well. The main attraction was the Silver Shield Pub. The largest building in town, outside of Knights Runn Castle, it doubled as both a pub and an inn. The Hailian Knights, visitors and dignitaries from other villages, and citizens all viewed the Silver Shield as a common meeting place. Its emblem served as a beacon to all comers, helping them find their way to a hot meal and hearty beverage.

  “Hello, Lawrence! How are you?!” A strong, boisterous shout rang out over the cacophony of marketplace business and broke Lawrence from his daydream.

  He shook his head and looked around, trying to place the familiar voice. He saw Benni Wakewood eagerly rushing toward him. His shoulder length, sandy brown hair swayed in the wind as he hurried toward Lawrence. Lawrence smiled, nodded in his direction, and waved at his childhood friend.

  “Well Lawrence, today is the day. Aren’t you excited? I can’t believe we can finally sign up to be Knight Guard Recruits. Is Razzius here yet? I hope there isn’t a long line!” Benni’s orange eyes gleamed with excitement. He could hardly get the words out coherently; he was talking so fast in his excitement. He took some deep breaths, trying to regain his composure.

  “No, not yet Benni. Hopefully he’ll get here soon,” Lawrence said tranquilly, trying to calm Benni down a bit.

  Lawrence chuckled a bit inside, knowing his friend would be like this today. It was all Benni ever talked about, his dream, his desire, his one and only goal was to someday be Knight Guard Captain. And that started today, with him becoming a Knight Guard Recruit. Benni was almost seventeen now, he had just missed being able to sign up for the Knight Guard last year. Lawrence could swear that the anticipation of this day over the last few weeks had almost prematurely killed his friend. Lawrence feared that if Razzius didn’t show up soon there was no telling the craze that would overtake Benni.

  Benni paced back and forth, scuffing the street with his boot as he went. His eyes darted about the courtyard, looking for any sign of Razzius’ arrival. He was starting to become a bit upset that he had promised Razzius that they would wait for him and all go sign up for the Knight Guard together.

  After what seemed like an eternity of pacing, Benni’s orange eyes finally lit up. There, way at the opposite end of the courtyard, he had finally spotted Razzius. Though the young man’s head was down, he could tell it was his friend by his trademark shuffling. Razzius always walked that way in public, weight shifting from side to side, hanging just a step behind the group, head down, and hands in his pockets. It was as if Razzius was unsure of his place, and didn’t want to upset the footsteps of those he was with.

  Benni and Lawrence jogged over to greet Razzius. He glanced up at the sound of their boots and smiled timidly.

  “Hello, Razzius, why are you late, everything alright?!” Benni questioned in the same overbearing manner as he wrapped his arm around his friend’s broad shoulders.

  Razzius rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Oh, everything’s fine,” he responded meekly. “I just lost track of time, I guess.” He lowered his eyes and looked down at the ground.

  “Well, let’s hurry; we need to get to the castle! It’s time to sign up!” Benni urged, not really caring that his friend offered such a weak answer to his interrogations.

  Lawrence used to worry about Razzius, but had gradually grown used to his peculiar behavior. He knew that Razzius’ mother, Elena, had died giving birth to him, and that that burden was something that weighed constantly on his friend’s mind. He didn’t know much about his father, only that Wurn Grimm used to be in the Knight Guard. Actually, he had never even been to Razzius’ home. It wasn’t uncommon for Razzius to show up late to an event, and then rush home at an inopportune, seemingly random time. At first, Lawrence, and even Benni, thought it terribly rude. They tried talking to Razzius about his bad habits, but he would dodge the questions or offer excuses about his father being sick or a chore he had forgotten to do. Benni and Lawrence eventually just accepted it as a way of life, choosing their friend over his lack of etiquette.

  The three friends made their way through the crowds of people that were beginning to form in the marketplace. Benni led the pack, taking giant, long strides. He slipped past those who dallied in his way, trying to avoid any physical contact that could slow him down. Lawrence trailed him, moving intently with his eyes glued to the back of Benni’s head so as not to lose him in the growing crowd. Razzius struggled to keep up, but managed to squirm his way through the masses. They headed north, past the Silver Shield, down a long, wider, straight, cobblestone street. Everyone knew this road, wide enough for horse drawn carriages heading in either direction; it was the best maintained road in the entire city. It led directly to the castle’s gates.

  Knights Runn Castle loomed in the distance, rising over the horizon to greet guests as they approached. Its towering bell watchtowers stretched high into the clear blue sky. The mammoth structure was made of stone, its overlooks encircling a guarded gate. Window archways gave an indication of the number of rooms in the castle; a hundred would have been an understatement. Seizing the castle by force would be a true undertaking. Awe-inspiring stone statues and perfectly trimmed grass hedges greeted guests. The trio could see the crowds of people and line of Knight Guard hopefuls from down the lane. It stretched past numerous Knights and castle guards, out through the open gate and at least one hundred deep down the road.

  The three young men stood in line, watching the spectacle before them. Mayor Flint had made signing up for the Knight Guard very easy because he wanted as many squires as possible. He knew that so few would make it through the entirety of their training that the more people who signed up, the better chance there was of finding the next generation of great Knights. The line moved along quickly: each recruit signing his name on the ledger of intent, introducing himself to Captain Bryce Maxwell, and shaking Mayor Flint’s hand.

  Benni swayed with impatience as he neared the front of the line, stomping the dirt to try to take his mind off the adrenaline rush he was on. Finally, it was his turn. He held his head high and strutted up to the table, grabbed the quill, dabbed it in ink, and scribbled his name almost illegibly on the sheet of parchment spread on the stone slab before him. He replaced the quill and made eye contact with Captain Maxwell. He extended his hand as he made his way to the Knight Guard Captain who stood with his hands placed over the hilt of his longsword as he rested against it.

  Bryce Maxwell had served as a Knight during the Great War. He was regarded as one of the most talented, skilled Knights in all of Haile, and was the right hand to Jerreth Sanctus. Bryce was commissioned as acting captain after Jerreth left, under the assumption that he would relinquish the position when Jerreth returned. Jerreth’s absence was so long, however, that a ceremony had been held to christen Bryce as official Captain of the Knight Guard.

  Benni felt very self-conscious in the shadow of the hulking Captain who was adorned in his polished full plate armor and plumed captain’s helm. He wore a ceremonial golden captain’s cape decorated with a red Hailian Crest, which was clasped to his armor at the shoulder and fell down behind him. Benni stared at his shield, the signature of a true Hailian Knight. The kite shield was forged from the highest quality steel and had the unmistakable Hailian Crest inlaid in red against a gold background. Bryce’s shield was scarred and scuffed; it had no doubt seen many battles.

  Benni quickly cast away the intimidating thoughts and recovered his composure. He shook Bryce’s hand firmly and vigorously and bowed his head a little. “My name is Benni Wakewood, sire; it’s a great pleasure to finally meet you,” Benni said, summoning all the courage he could upon finally meeting one of his idols.

ryce stared at him, squinting in interest at the eager young boy before him. Bryce shook his hand and finally gave a slight nod and smile to Benni. “Hello, Benni, welcome to the Knight Guard,” he said in a firm, deep voice.

  It was the confirmation that Benni had only dreamed of. A surge of confidence flowed through him. He grinned from ear to ear. He bowed again and thanked the Captain, moving down the line to introduce himself to Mayor Flint.

  Behind Benni, Lawrence clenched his fists, trying to calm his nerves. He had never been inside the castle’s gates before, and he didn’t want to do or say anything stupid. He walked cautiously toward the parchment, aware of every step he took. Stand up straight, shoulders back, good poise. These thoughts ran over and over in his mind. The few steps to the stone slab seemed to last forever. His hand shook a bit as he dabbed the quill. It seemed to pain him as he laboriously wrote each letter of his name. He breathed a deep sigh as he finished and replaced the quill.

  He looked up toward the castle, taking in its majestic ambiance. He noticed a red haired girl staring out a high window, intently watching the proceedings. She looked away quickly as the two made eye contact for a split second.

  He walked over toward Captain Bryce Maxwell. His blue eyes skirted about, never holding the Captain’s gaze. His hand trembled a bit as he held it out. “Hello, sire, my name is Lawrence Sanctus; it is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Bryce shook Lawrence’s hand with a crushing grip. He stared at Lawrence for a few moments with intent, amber eyes. “You’re Jerreth’s boy, aren’t you?” he questioned gruffly.

  Lawrence really hoped he wouldn’t be asked questions about his father. He looked away quickly, then back to Bryce’s steely stare. “Yes, sire, I am the son of Jerreth Sanctus,” he responded meekly.

  “Jerreth was a great Knight, lad. It’s too bad he left…I hope you don’t follow in his footsteps,” Bryce added, taking a jab at Lawrence’s lineage.

  Lawrence was in no position to defend himself or his father, for that matter. He bowed his head and thanked the Captain, happy that he had not made a complete mockery of himself. He walked over to meet Mayor Flint.

  Razzius shuffled up to the quill and stared at it for a long moment. He knew what he was supposed to do. Razzius gazed at the parchment filled with names, then back at the ground. He heard the snickers from others behind him who sensed his incompetence. He felt ashamed, useless.

  Bryce sensed that Razzius was struggling and strutted over toward the young boy. “A problem, lad?” Bryce asked.

  “I can’t write, sire,” Razzius muttered, almost inaudibly. “I don’t know how to spell my name.” His face turned a dark crimson from embarrassment.

  Bryce stooped down on one knee and placed his hand comfortingly on Razzius’ shoulder. Bryce had been in this same situation years ago, and never forgot how Sabre Grey, who was Knight Guard Captain at the time, had ensured that he be tutored.

  “Tell me your name, lad, and I will write it for you,” Bryce said reassuringly as he looked into Razzius’ shadowy, gray eyes.

  Razzius hesitated for a moment, trying to compose himself. Finally, he summoned the courage he needed. “My name is Razzius Grimm, sire. The last letter of my last name is written twice; I’ve seen my father write it that way.”

  “Ah yes, Wurn’s boy, eh? I’ve seen the name in the ledgers. I tell you what,” Bryce scrawled Razzius’ name on the parchment, “I am going to request that you be squired to me, and I will train you not only to be a great Knight, but also how to read and write.”

  Razzius’ face lit up at the news. It was the first time that he could remember that someone had offered to instruct him, and he wasn’t going to pass on the chance.

  “Thank you, sire, I am forever in your debt,” Razzius said, completely humbling himself before Bryce’s kind gesture.

  “I have no doubt you will make me proud, Razzius,” Bryce responded.

  Razzius walked over toward Mayor Flint, a new bounce in his step. The Mayor was dressed in his best vest and leggings; he regarded any event to do with the Knight Guard and its continued legacy with the utmost importance. Flint Pyre had been a Knight and fought alongside Captain Sabre Grey. Sabre had been offered the position of Mayor, as Knight Guard Captain was traditionally a stepping stone to the mayorship. But Sabre had refused it, wanting instead to retire from active duty. It was Sabre who had nominated Flint to be Mayor of Haile. Flint was more than willing to oblige, happy to get out of combat duty and into a government role.

  “Hello young man, thank you for signing up for the Knight Guard. What’s your name?” Flint asked. He shook Razzius’ calloused hand.

  Razzius shook the mayor’s hand firmly, attempting to make sustained eye contact with the man. He struggled at first, but managed to compose himself. “My name is Razzius Grimm, sire,” he said, hints of confidence flowing into his statements. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am excited to join the Knights and begin my training. Captain Maxwell has even expressed to me that he wants me to be his squire.” Razzius really wanted that last part to come to fruition.

  “Did he now? Well we will discuss that amongst the two of us, and you will receive your summons soon, Razzius. Thank you again for your commitment to the Knight Guard.”

  The two parted ways and Razzius rushed to rejoin his friends. He was the one who couldn’t control himself now. “Lawrence, Benni, guess what?! Captain Maxwell told me he wanted me to be his personal squire. Think of all the battle moves and defensive tactics I am going to learn from him. I really hope that the mayor agrees -”

  “Razzius, slow down,” Benni cut in, waving his hand to draw the attention back to himself. “True, that would be a great honor, but it isn’t a guarantee until it is in writing. Plus, think of how hard it will be to impress Bryce Maxwell. He is the Captain, after all.”

  “I know, but I am joining the Knight Guard for the fame and fortune and adventure. I want to see the world, save the world. Who better to learn from?” Razzius asked rhetorically.

  “Do you really think most of these Knights even want squires that they have to teach and tutor?” Lawrence lamented. “I mean what if I, or any of us, get stuck with someone who just doesn’t care about our growth, who never fills out our training log? We’re doomed! Even if we train as hard as we can, we’ll never be sworn in as Knights!”

  Lawrence had made a valid point, and the three recruits walked back to their homes in silence as those words hung over them in the air like a dark cloud. This thought haunted each of them as they waited for days for word of whom they would be squired to. The anticipation of learning who their dreams hinged on was the only thought on their minds.

  Chapter 3:

  I watched the first batch of recruits make the rounds today. I saw their eyes glisten with hope and eagerness. I could see a sparkle of innocence still present, but for how long I have to wonder. It seems like it was only yesterday that I meself made those rounds, and had that sparkle in me eye. Those days are long gone now.

  - Journal of Sabre Grey, March 21st, 20 P.W.

  In his dreams Lawrence trained vigorously with his father, working toward his ultimate goal of becoming a Hailian Knight. The morning dawn broke him of those delusions, however, as he was with his sickly mother in their desolate, dilapidated house.

  A loud knock came at the door and Lawrence immediately rushed to answer it, so as not to allow his mother to be awakened. He cracked the door open allowing as little light to flood the room as possible.

  “Lawrence Sanctus?” a man questioned, his gruff voice shattering the morning tranquility. His face was barely visible through the crack in the doorway.

  Lawrence gave a half nod through the door, not sure as to the man’s purpose.

  “Here are your papers, son, the man you seek is Sabre Grey. He lives in Alacrecia, not far from here. He will be your master and your trainer. Good luck to you.” The man passed a small fold of parchment through the crack in the door.

  Lawrence’s heart beat with excite
ment. He snatched the parchment and immediately lit a candle in order to examine its contents. The light danced atop the wick and Lawrence began to read the note that had been given to him. Affixed to the top of the parchment was the official crest of the Knights of Haile: A circular design of two longswords crossed over each other just above a shadow dragon which wove its way from bottom to top through a semi-circular pattern of words: Honor, Courage, Loyalty. Lawrence had seen the crest adorned on many of the higher ranking Knights, often fastening their capes to their right shoulder. Lawrence could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his eyes scanned the parchment.

  By the highest decree of his majesty Mayor Flint Pyre of the city of Haile, Lawrence Sanctus is to be squired for training unto Knight Guard Master Sabre Grey. Beginning this day of reception until two years from today, Lawrence will practice and train under his master. At The Advent of Knighthood, the manifest and proof of training must be provided to show Lawrence’s completion of his Knight Guard training.

  There was a large red seal with the capital letter “H” in the center and below it sat the mayor’s notation:

  Flint R Pyre

  Lawrence could feel his heart beating vigorously now as he read further down the page:

  Furthermore, the address of Sabre Grey is the last house on the right in the village of Alacrecia as it is entered from the side nearest Haile. The trainee must seek his master out within one week of receiving this announcement.

  Lawrence looked at his mother who rested peacefully. Lawrence was ready to take on his biggest challenge to date; he was going to begin training to be a Knight. With extra care not to disturb his mother, Lawrence threw on his tattered vest and his cleanest pants and dashed out the door. He had never been so excited in his entire life. Today he was officially a squire. He couldn’t wait to introduce himself to Sabre Grey.


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