The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1) Page 18

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  Benni and Lawrence reached a crossroad after a few minutes of walking and headed east toward the center of Haile where the central market was located. They reached the end of the street and continued walking into the large cobblestone courtyard that served as Haile’s primary area of commerce. It was filled with the stalls, booths, and tents of merchants who normally all sold goods and services there. Today was an exception, though, as the market was closed. Benni and Lawrence made their way through the vacated market, discussing with each other the importance of this day. From behind them they heard shouting. They stopped and turned to see what the source of it was.

  “Lawrence, Benni, wait!” It was Razzius, rushing toward them from the other end of the courtyard.

  “Are you ready for the knighting ceremony, Razzius?” Lawrence asked with a huge smile on his face.

  “I think so…” Razzius paused. “I am excited to become a Knight, but it feels bittersweet since my father most likely won’t be present today. He has recently taken ill, and won’t be able to make it to today’s ceremony,” Razzius said, continuing to harbor the secret burden of his father’s scorn and hatred. He wanted so badly to bring Lawrence and Benni to light about the truth surrounding his father’s constant illnesses.

  Benni turned to Razzius with genuine concern. “That’s so disappointing, my friend. I hope Wurn feels better soon. He’s sick quite often, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, but I think he is going to recover soon.” Razzius wished now that he hadn’t brought up his father. He wanted to change the conversation back to the ceremony.

  Luckily, Benni must have had the same agenda. “I bet you probably aren’t too worried about being knighted today, you know, since you trained with Captain Maxwell? He probably has all your training listed day by day?”

  Razzius answered confidently, “Yes, gentlemen, Captain Maxwell has assured me that all is ready for me to become a Knight. I’ve been looking forward to this day for two years! Benni, do you expect Knight Reinhardt to be at the ceremony?”

  Benni responded with a bit of trepidation in his voice, “Well, I hope so. I have kept my schedule for two years. I went to see him every fourth day of every month just like he asked me to when I became his squire. I will be upset if he doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain. Lawrence, what about you? Have you ever even trained with Sabre Grey?”

  Lawrence lowered his head and sighed deeply. After a long pause he looked at his friends. “I just don’t know. I’ve never trained with him. I have tried to, though. I am really unsure about what will happen at the ceremony. I even tried to see him yesterday, to plead with him one last time, but he still did not speak to me. Benni, you of all people know how hard I’ve trained. I just wish Sabre would have seen it…” Lawrence’s voice trailed off at the thought of not being able to join the Knight Guard, because his hard work and training hadn’t been recorded.

  As the three Knight hopefuls approached Knights Runn their hearts began to beat furiously with excitement. What a sight it was! Thousands of citizens of Haile crowded into the castle’s mammoth courtyard, greeting one another and chatting gaily amongst themselves. Knight Guards were positioned helping to keep order, as this was the one day of the year when all Hailian citizens were allowed onto castle grounds. Banners with the Hailian Crest were hung on two large poles that denoted the entrance for the Knight Guard trainees. Mayor Flint stood on a high podium, discussing last minute preparations with Captain Maxwell. Lawrence noticed immediately how few of his fellow trainees were actually in attendance. Apparently many of them didn’t dedicate themselves like he and Benni and Razzius had. The twenty squires were instructed to gather on one end of the courtyard, their trainers across the way. Each squire would be called to the front podium, and asked to kneel before the mayor. Then their mentor would be called to join them. Mayor Flint would ask for the Knight to present proof of the squire’s training. Once the squire’s training was inspected and was deemed satisfactory, Mayor Flint would then ask each trainee to repeat the Hailian Oath. He would then tap each squire on the left shoulder, then the right, then the top of the head, signifying the sacred transformation from squire to Hailian Knight.


  The sound of the quartet of trumpets signaled the start of the ceremony. A hush fell over the massive crowd. This was a monumental day to all citizens of Haile, and they watched the processions with muted reverence.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Advent of Knighthood!” Flint boomed, his voice filling the courtyard. “Every year we gather here to induct a new class of Hailian Knights. We entrust our lands, our freedoms, and our lives to these brave souls. Their duties are immense. Their sacrifices immeasurable. They defend injustice wherever and whenever it rears its ugly head. I’ve watched many of these squires train daily in this very courtyard. They are a strong group of righteous, courageous individuals. I cannot tell you how proud I am to stand here today, in the shadow of Knights Runn, to knight each and every one of these young men.” Flint’s voice reverberated throughout the courtyard, filling the crowd with a sense of pride in their city and their Knights. They wildly applauded and cheered his opening statements.

  Flint motioned for the crowd of citizens to calm down. “Let’s begin,” he continued, “Razzius Grimm, please come forward.”

  Razzius was a bit flabbergasted to be the first trainee called. But he composed himself and walked toward the podium and Mayor Flint. Razzius reached the podium and stood straight and tall, awaiting his destiny. He thought back to those cold, lonely nights years ago when he lay starving, dying in his own bed. This was the reason he had decided that he needed to live.

  “Take a knee, young Grimm,” Flint instructed.

  Razzius obeyed and got down on his right knee, and bowed his head.

  Flint continued, “It has been a long two years, hasn’t it? Many trials and tribulations have presented themselves to you, have they not?”

  “Yes, sire, they have.”

  Flint looked to the Knights, and called out, “Master Bryce, can you approach young Razzius?”

  “Yes, sire.” The low voice came from the crowd of Knights stationed to the mayor’s left.

  Bryce Maxwell, Knight Guard Captain, formally approached Razzius, striding purposefully toward the podium. His armor was polished and his helm glinted in the sunlight. Razzius stared at the personification of what he needed to obtain.

  Flint continued, “Master Bryce, can you see any reason why young Razzius shouldn’t join these ranks as a Knight of Haile?”

  “I see none, sire,” Bryce said in a deep, powerful voice. “Razzius has demonstrated to me the highest level of proficiency in all aspects of his training. I have worked firsthand with him almost every day for the past two years.”

  “And do you have a record of his training, Master Bryce?”

  “Aye, sire. It is right here,” Bryce decreed, unveiling a massive tome, loaded with countless pages documenting Razzius’ training. He proceeded to read a passage. “Hour 867: instructed Razzius on the different ways to deflect multiple attacks. Practiced techniques numerous times.” Bryce paused, then continued, “You see, sire, just a sample of the training that Razzius underwent.”

  “Very good, Master Bryce. Razzius raise your right hand and recite the Knight’s Oath.”

  Razzius did as he was instructed, speaking every syllable of the Knight’s Oath with a deep conviction.

  After the Oath was completed, Mayor Flint grabbed Hailestorm, the ceremonial longsword of the Hailian Knight Guard. The sword had a gold hilt and a jewel encrusted scabbard with gold trim. Its blade was pure, polished steel; it had not been stained by blood for centuries. He touched the blade to Razzius’ left shoulder, then his right, then the top of his head. He sheathed the sword and spoke, “Arise now, Razzius Grimm, Knight of Haile!”

  Razzius stood up, the power of being a Knight coursing through his trembling body. The crowd cheered fervently, clapping and screaming for their new hero. Razzius soake
d up the adulation of the crowd, but couldn’t overcome a lacking feeling. His father was absent. He scanned the crowd, hoping to see him standing there, but Wurn was nowhere to be found. This was the proudest moment of Razzius’ life, and he wanted more than anything for his father to share in his triumph. But it wasn’t to be. Razzius repressed those negative notions, smiled at Captain Maxwell, and returned with him to the Knight side.

  The next seventeen Knights were sworn in, without fail. Mayor Flint then called Benni Wakewood to the podium.

  Benni approached slowly, praying that his training would be documented enough to get accepted. His entire life had led to this moment, his first step to becoming Knight Guard Captain. He got down on one knee.

  Flint asked, “Benni Wakewood, how are your parents doing these days?”

  “Very well, sire, thank you for asking.”

  “And Fairen, your little brother, is he well?”

  “Yes, sire.”

  “You know, Benni, it seems like just yesterday that your father was here, helping build the addition to these barracks. I remember when they laid the stone for these barracks. It seems your family is more involved with the Knight Guard than I ever thought.”

  Flint turned to the audience. “What strong citizens we have here in Haile, what a powerful city we are!”

  The crowd roared in approval as Mayor Flint turned back to Benni. “Is Master Reinhardt present?”

  “Yes, sire, he is.”

  “Reinhardt,” Flint addressed, “can you please approach your squire?”

  “Yes, sire,” Reinhardt said steadfastly and strutted to the podium.

  Flint looked at Reinhardt and questioned, “Master Reinhardt, can you think of any reason as to why we should not welcome Benni Wakewood into the Knight Guard?”

  “Sire, I can think of none. Benni Wakewood is a fine lad, and would make a great addition to the Knights of Haile. He has trained long, and he has trained hard. I never once saw this boy give up. We met on the fourth day of every month for the past two years. I instructed him in what he was to practice for the next month and he completed those tasks, without fail.”

  “Do you have proof of this training, Master Reinhardt?”

  “I do, sire, it’s right here!” Reinhardt produced a small tome from under his jacket. “Allow me to read a passage. Hour 823: Today I instructed Benni in the ways of blind-fighting. I blindfolded Benni. I proceeded to circle him, swinging a blunt sword. I taught Benni to let his other senses take over. Soon he was parrying my attacks from all directions.” Reinhardt finished reading, and he was given an approving nod from Mayor Flint.

  “Benni Wakewood, could you please recite the Knight’s Oath for us?”

  Benni proceeded to do so, and upon completion, was knighted just as the others before him.

  “Arise, Benni Wakewood, Knight of Haile!” Flint bellowed.

  Benni stood up, took one last glance back at Lawrence, and proceeded to join the other newly inducted Knights.

  Lawrence could feel his chest beginning to pound as he scanned the crowd. He couldn’t see Sabre Grey, but a familiar face caught his attention, it was his mother. She was sitting and smiling at him, her face brimming with happiness and excitement for her son. Lawrence wondered if she knew the dire situation he was in. He really didn’t want to disappoint his mother. She had done so much for him. Amidst the crowd he also saw another beautiful face. Elsie. Memories of the night they had shared at the bridge outside of Alacrecia still warmed his soul. Lawrence had fallen for Elsie, and he wondered if he would have made it this far without her.

  “Lawrence Sanctus, please approach,” Flint commanded, his voice booming over the crowd, startling Lawrence.

  He quickly made his way to the podium and slowly got down on one knee, hoping that something would happen soon to spare him his impending embarrassment.

  “Lawrence, we had a long two years, didn’t we?”

  “Yes, sire, yes we did.”

  “A lot happened in those years, didn’t it? We even had a pretty big scare didn’t we, Lawrence?”

  “Yes, sire.” Lawrence could feel a bead of sweat roll down his forehead as he remembered the pain and agony that Phillip Arcel Galexia had put him through.

  “Lawrence, my daughter tells me that you two are quite happy together. See to it that she is treated with the utmost respect.”

  “Yes, sire,” Lawrence said obediently as he blushed.

  “Where is Sabre Grey? I have yet to see him this morning.”

  The question hit Lawrence like one of the kicks delivered by Phillip’s goons the day he was jumped. “I don’t know, sire,” Lawrence answered as honestly as he could.

  “You don’t kn…” Flint didn’t finish his statement; instead he took a knee down by Lawrence and whispered into his ear, “You don’t know? What do you mean you don’t know? Did you go to see him?”

  “Yes, sire, I did. I even went to ask him to attend today’s ceremony, but he was nowhere to be found,” Lawrence whispered.

  “Nowhere to be found?! Lawrence what would you have me do?! The laws of the Knight Guard dictate that a squire’s mentor must be present at their induction! You can’t expect me to just bend the rules on account of your past and my daughter, now can you?”

  “No, sire, I cannot,” Lawrence responded, frowning. Lawrence had discovered his true feelings for Elsie during his intense training with Benni, and now after finally realizing his purpose, he was going to fail.

  “Lawrence, what do you want me to do?”

  Lawrence didn’t answer. Instead he yelled out as loud as he could, to no one in particular, “Damn you, Sabre Grey!”

  The two sat in silence as a hush overtook the crowd. Lawrence didn’t know what to do. In his own mind he was cursing the name of Sabre Grey, the man who had condemned him to failure. Thoughts of life outside of the Knight Guard crept into Lawrence’s mind. What a boring life it would be!

  Just then a murmur began in the crowd. People began to part in the center almost as though an invisible force pushed them to the side.

  “And why now, Lawrence Sanctus, would ye wish to damn the great Sabre Grey?” a booming voice erupted from the crowd. Sabre began to approach the podium. He wore the most expensive garb that Lawrence had ever laid eyes on. He was dressed in a golden cloak with ruby red trim and a large black top hat. He walked with a strut to his step, twirling a walking cane as he approached. One of his hands remained hidden underneath the cloak. He shouted, “Am I not the one who took ye under me wing and instructed ye on how a real Knight trains?”

  He made his way to the podium, and towered over Lawrence and even Flint, who had stood back up.

  “You act… actually ca… came,” Lawrence stuttered in astonishment. He could feel his chest pounding with excitement.

  “Of course I came! Ye are me squire after all!” Sabre responded brashly.

  “But, sire, my training?”

  “Lawrence Sanctu…” Sabre stopped shouting and took a knee next to Lawrence, winked at him, and whispered sternly, “Lawrence, do ye want to be a Knight or not?!”

  “Yes, sire.”

  “Have ye been training for the last two years, or have me eyes deceived me?”

  “I have been training, sire, but I didn’t know you were watching me?”

  “Who the hell do ye think it was that helped ye out two years ago when ye were about to collapse in the courtyard, Lawrence? Did ye think it was some magical guardian angel? No! It was me! I did that! So do us both a favor and just go along with this! Don’t make me regret locking meself in me study for three days and never leaving once, not even to piss. Lawrence, for Sora’s sake, I spent the last three days of me life painstakingly recording every hour of yer training. Can ye even imagine what kind of pressure that put on me? Damn it, son, I ran out of booze!”

  “Sabre Grey, it is so nice of you to grace us with your presence,” Flint said, annoyed with Sabre, but at the same time, used to the way he made his flamboyant entrances.
r />   “Sire, it is an honor to be here…again.” The two smiled as Sabre returned to a standing position, and Flint continued the ceremony.

  “Sabre Grey, can you see any reason why Lawrence Sanctus should not be permitted to join the Knight Guard of Haile?”

  Sabre smiled for a long moment as if to taunt Lawrence’s hopes and dreams. Every muscle in Lawrence’s body was tight with anticipation, hoping for the answer that Lawrence knew in his heart he deserved.

  “I see none, sire!” Sabre declared. His voice was audible even at the back of the massive crowd of Hailian citizens.

  “Do you have proof of training for your squire?”

  “Right here, sire,” he said. He produced a large tome from under his cloak. “Allow me to read a passage. Hour one thousand, three hundred and forty-five…” The crowd gasped in amazement. In the history of Haile, Jerreth Sanctus held the record for hours of training totaling one thousand, three hundred and forty-four. “Today I taught Lawrence the meaning of his training. I taught him of the importance of true purpose.” Sabre turned to Lawrence. “Lawrence, tell me of the importance of true purpose.”

  “True strength comes from a true purpose, sire,” Lawrence responded quickly, audibly.

  Sabre turned and faced the other Knight inductees. “Do ye hear that? True strength comes from a true purpose, ye all could learn a thing or two from this!” he shouted. He pulled a freshly filled flask from his vest and took a big swig. He turned back to Lawrence. “Lawrence, I am very proud of ye. Now recite the Knight’s Oath for us.”

  Lawrence did so effortlessly, and upon its completion, Sabre chuckled slightly. He turned to Flint and held out his hand for the ceremonial sword as he had arrogantly done in years past. Flint rolled his eyes, but obliged him nonetheless. Upon receiving the sword, Sabre proceeded to knight Lawrence.

  After the final motion with the sword Sabre smiled. “Arise, Lawrence Sanctus, Knight of Haile.”

  The crowd roared its approval as the trumpets sounded to signal the end of the ceremony. Lawrence stood slowly, thinking about this moment. Eighteen years of his life had culminated here, with him finally obtaining knighthood. He thought of the last two years, of his training, of almost losing his life at Phillip’s hands. He thought of his long, arduous recovery. He thought of Elsie, and the profound effects his feelings for her had had on him. He thought of Benni and Razzius and their friendship, and how they had pushed each other, and had been there for each other. He thought fondly of his mother and her other-worldly sacrifices. He looked skyward and he thought of his father. He longed for Jerreth to see him standing there, in front of the adoring crowd, finally realizing his dream. Lawrence Sanctus was a Knight of Haile.


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