The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1)

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The Trinity of Heroes (I Will Protect You Book 1) Page 22

by Mason Jr. , Jared

  “It had to be done. I did it out of self-defense. I couldn’t take being beaten and berated anymore. I’m an adult now, a Knight of Haile. I put up with this torture for eighteen years, and I’ll be damned if I was going to accept it any longer,” Razzius explained, convinced that his friends would understand his plight.

  “But, Razzius, you are a Knight of Haile. You cannot kill one of its citizens. What in Veronicia were you thinking? There are other ways to deal with this. Mayor Flint will have you condemned for this, stripped of your Knighthood, sentenced to death,” Lawrence reasoned, wishing that Razzius had confided in him sooner. Though Razzius had shared his burden with Lawrence earlier that evening, he had acted so rashly that Lawrence had had no time to reach out and help him.

  “Benni, Lawrence, please. You are the only people I want to know about this. Please, just help me burn the body. Wurn rarely ventured out in town, anyways; no one will even know about this. No one will ever have to find out. Just promise me you will keep this quiet. Let me go on with my life, as if my father had never existed. I can finally be at peace now; I can finally be happy.” Tears formed in Razzius’ eyes as he pleaded his case before his best friends.

  “Razzius, I understand your point, but you have us in a tough situation. You cannot kill a citizen of Haile without just cause. And I doubt many people will believe your story. Wurn was a Knight, after all. As Knights, we must bring you before the mayor or else we will be seen as conspirators with you,” Benni pointed out.

  “Please, no,” Razzius replied. “There’s no reason for that. If we just burn the body no one will ever know,”

  “Razzius, you have to understand. How will the three of us be able to keep this terrible secret? It goes against our sacred duty. Lawrence and I will defend you in front of the mayor; we will tell him of the horrors that you endured. But we must tell him, or we are risking our very lives as well.”

  “Please, friends,” Razzius pleaded as tears streaked down his cheeks. “I know you are taking a risk, but I’m begging you to help me keep this quiet.”

  Lawrence was horrified, not just at the fact that Razzius had killed his father, but more so by his perverse justification of it. As a Knight, killing a citizen of Haile was wrong. Period. Lawrence could never overlook this blatant disregard for the laws of Haile, even if Benni could. Lawrence had worked too hard to live the rest of his life knowing that he had protected a Knight who had murdered a citizen who he had sworn to protect. Lawrence didn’t want to listen to Benni and Razzius banter back and forth any longer; he knew what needed to be done.

  Lawrence instinctively drew his sword. He pointed his open hand at Razzius and decreed, “Razzius Grimm, as a Knight of Haile, I order you to surrender yourself for the murder of Wurn Grimm. Benni and I will escort you to the castle jail, where you will await trial for these actions. Come with us immediately.”

  Razzius was stunned by Lawrence’s staunch defense of the laws of Haile. After all, it was Lawrence who Razzius had confided in just hours earlier. It had taken all of Razzius’ courage to open up to Lawrence about Wurn’s cursed actions. This was a personal betrayal. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Disappointment and sadness enveloped his face. The ghostly apparition was right; its words echoed in his mind, underssstand your misssery. The s sound lingered in his head.

  Razzius panicked and assumed that he would not be able to get Lawrence and Benni to understand him or help him. As Lawrence and Benni began to surround him, swords drawn as if they were fighting a madman, Razzius snarled angrily, “You two! How dare you judge me! You know not what evils I have faced, what evils I have lived with! I will not surrender for this to you, or to anyone!”

  Razzius needed to escape. He drew his sword and swung wildly at both Knights, taking them by surprise with his aggressiveness. He stormed past Lawrence, and pushed Benni into the kitchen wall. Razzius bolted out the front door, intending to flee the city under the cover of nightfall. He knew that Benni and Lawrence would be in close pursuit.

  Razzius scampered down the alley, cutting through a few abandoned shacks. He found a nearby stable and stole a horse. He mounted it bareback and raced southeast from the city. The night was clear; he was guided only by moonlight, hunching his head low to avoid tree branches and vines that tried to knock him from his perch. He glanced over his shoulder and saw two small, yellowish-orange eyes flickering behind him. It was torches held by Benni and Lawrence, who were charging after him intent on fulfilling their Knight Guard duties.

  Razzius’ head spun wildly; he needed to find a place to hide. He galloped down a brushy slope to a bubbling river flowing through a canyon of rock below. At least it would hide evidence of his tracks. The moonlight gleamed off of the clear water, splashing and spraying as his horse trudged through it. Razzius looked desperately to the other bank and the outcropping of rock above. He would be easily spotted in the canyon’s gorge if he kept splashing about; he needed to hole up in order to avoid detection. He crossed the stream and abandoned his horse, leaving it as a decoy for his pursuers. He ran down the riverbank, not caring that he was leaving heavy tracks in his wake. Desperately he looked for a hiding place. He gave thought to swimming downstream; it was probably faster and more discreet than running. Then he spotted it. In the pale moonlight, back across the river, he noticed the entrance to a large cave. It was his best option. Razzius waded back across the river, and dashed into the cave.

  Razzius was slowly enveloped in darkness, the moonlight no longer able to guide him. He put his arms in front of him, inching his way deeper into the unknown darkness. Finally, he felt the cool, damp rock that signified the back of the cave. Razzius sat down, closed his eyes, and took a few deep breaths. His heart was beating so loudly in his chest that he was afraid that Benni and Lawrence would hear it, and be drawn to his location. He could hear their voices now as they descended into the ravine. Razzius suddenly realized that he was trapped. If they entered the cave, the light from their torches would yield his position.

  As Razzius reopened his eyes, the ghostly apparition reappeared. Razzius smiled. He was glad to see anyone, anything, that could possibly help him.

  “Ssssee, Razzziussss, I told you they wouldn’t undersssstand,” the being whispered softly, so as not to alert anyone to their hiding spot. “They aren’t your friendssss. Pledge your allegianccce to me and I will make sssure that they never find you.”

  Razzius was startled, unsure what this form was talking about. “You, who are you? Why should I trust you?”

  “I’ve been watching you for a very long time now, Razzziusss. You and I, we’ve sssspoken before, we’re old aquaintancesss. Benni and Lawrenccce, they aren’t your friendssss, not like I am. They are coming to kill you. I can protect you, Razzzziusss.”

  Watching me for a long time? I don’t remember talking to you. But he didn’t know what, or who, to believe anymore. “My friends are coming to kill me?” Razzius asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Yessss. They aren’t your friendssss, Razzziussss. They turned their backssss on you. The entire Knight Guard hassss forsssaken you.” The apparition’s words were slowly beginning to affect Razzius’ view of the world.

  “I didn’t lie to you, Razziusss. I’m here to help you. I underssstand your hatred for your father. It issss jussstified. Your friendsss are trying to ssscccapegoat you, jussst to make their own fame. Pledge your allegiancccce to me, and I will ensssure that you have your vengeancccce againssst thossse missserable foolsss! I will grant you unlimited power beyond your greatesssst imagination. I have a plan for you, a plan to take over Haile, and rule Forme and all of Veronicccia, as you ssssee fit!”

  “Come on, Benni, over here, in this cave!” Lawrence’s voice echoed within the walls that could soon be Razzius’ tomb.

  Sweat poured down Razzius’ face. He was short on options. He could pledge his allegiance to the strange apparition, be taken to jail, attempt to flee, or fight to the death. In his mind the phantom was the only one who w
as making sense, who was on his side. He still couldn’t understand why his friends couldn’t see things from his point of view. He needed to survive, to stay free. He was justified, after all. He thrust his hand out toward the spirit and bowed his head. “I am in your service, Master. Now, please, help me!”

  The specter reached out his cloaked arm, but instead of grabbing Razzius’ hand, his own turned into a rattlesnake head. It hissed as its fangs bit deeply into Razzius’ palm, causing Razzius to wince from shock and pain. The infernal contract had been signed with blood. Razzius cringed as the venom coursed through him, entering his veins, then his heart, then his mind. Razzius felt a strange ease, a burst of calm and tranquility overcome him. Yet his heart beat fast and pulsed quickly inside his chest. The apparition disappeared, but Razzius could now hear its sinister voice inside of his own head.

  Razzziusss, now don’t move. Your foolissssh friendssss won’t be able to sssee you. Trusssst me, the spirit’s voice echoed in Razzius’ head.

  Razzius sat perfectly still against the damp, jagged walls of the cave. Benni and Lawrence rushed in, their torches guiding the way. “Come on, Benni, he must be in here!” Lawrence shouted. “Razzius, don’t make this difficult!”

  The only answer was Lawrence’s echo throughout the cave.

  Their torch lights cast dancing shadows about the jagged, slimy walls. Razzius closed his eyes, and breathed as softly as he could. He had no escape. If the specter wasn’t right, he would be captured or killed soon. Razzius could feel the heat from their fires on his face as they stood directly in front of him.

  Benni stared into Razzius’ eyes and squinted a little, but was unable to detect his physical presence. Benni and Lawrence searched every inch of the cave. Side to side, top to bottom. They found nothing, no traces of anyone. They looked at each other dumbfounded. “Come on, Benni, he must have doubled back, under the guise of nightfall!” Lawrence shouted, exasperated from chasing Razzius and coming up empty handed. The two Knights dejectedly left the cave and headed back toward Haile.

  Razzius breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. He clenched and unclenched his fists, trying to regain a sense of composure. How did he go undetected? What magic was this?

  Sssee, Razzziusss, I didn’t lie to you. I helped you yet again. You and I can accccomplisssh more than anyone elssse. We don’t need the Knight Guard or your jealoussss friendssss; we jussst need each other. Don’t you agree?

  Razzius smiled. Where Benni and Lawrence had deserted him and chased him like a wounded prey, this spirit had been true to him ever since it first appeared. Razzius had lived in fear for much of his life. He liked having this spirit protecting him, and was interested to see what the spirit’s objectives were. He responded eagerly, “Certainly, I do agree. Now tell me, how can I conquer Haile?”

  The sinister voice laid out his plan to Razzius. Firssst take my ssssword. It cutsss deeper than any other known to man. When it cutssss, it tearsss, it ripsss at your opponentsss very ssssoul. It drawsss riversss of blood from woundsss that never ssseem to heal. Take from me the accurssssed Bloodletter.

  Razzius watched in awe as a dark longsword manifested in front of his eyes, surrounded by a red glowing light. The sword had nicks and chips all over it and was stained in blood. Dual silver snake heads with ruby eyes coiled around the hilt. The blade was ultra-sharp ebony steel, a rare material Razzius had never seen before. The blade was covered in archaic lettering, a language that Razzius didn’t recognize. Razzius reached out to grab it, and as he did so, the snake heads both came alive and bit his hand, joining themselves to their new owner.

  Ahhh, it issss done. Thisss sssword isss yoursss now; no one elssse will be able to wield it. You are itsss masssster.

  Razzius smiled and swung the sword a few times.

  Next, you mussst sssseek out a man who hatesss Haile assss much assss you do. He livesss in Green Bryre. You know him. Phillip Arcel Galexia. He will make a perfect general for our army. Offer him answersss to what happened to hissss father and he will no doubt ride with usss. That and hissss hatred for Haile. He’sss been wanting hisss vengeance for two yearssss now. Ever ssssince the mayor banisssshed him.

  Razzius was listening, nodding his head, but he was still confused. “Army? What army are you talking about, Master?”

  Patienccce, my sssson. After you recruit Phillip, you mussst then head north, over the Frozen Mountainsss. I will show you an easssy way to crosss them, and you will then pull my masssssive army of Black Ssssangresss from the Black Ssswamp. They will obey your every command, and with them, a million sssstrong, you will be able to conquer Haile.

  “Yes, Master. I see now. The Black Sangre army.” Razzius nodded. He was starting to truly believe his master’s vision for their future.

  One more thing. You mussst recruit a powerful dark ssssorcerer to dessstroy the Everglen, which is home to the ssssorcerersss of the land. Their sssorceriesss and enchantmentsss can posssse problemssss for our army, sssso before you march on Haile, you musssst have them all killed. You can find thisss massster of the dark artsss, Kassstor Char, living in a sssmall cave not far from here. Offer him lordssship over the Everglen, and he will ssserve usss and do our bidding.

  Razzius wasn’t certain how his master knew of Phillip’s banishment from Haile, or of his knowledge of the existence of a so-called “Black Sangre army,” but he didn’t care. His master had delivered him from those trying to capture him, and nothing he had said to Razzius had yet been wrong. Razzius wanted the greatness, the power, the grandeur promised by his master. Razzius yearned to control his own destiny, his own life, instead of being at the mercy of others. His becoming the ruler of Haile would be the ultimate revenge against his father’s domination of his life, and the Knight Guard members who had ostracized him instead of helping him. Benni and Lawrence were no longer his friends. They were simply obstacles, obstacles he would overcome on his quest to achieve his legacy. He would trust his master; he would follow his orders. The plan was perfect.

  Razzius knew what he must do. He rose to his feet, a new sense of purpose filling his blackened soul. He sheathed Bloodletter and slowly crept to the opening of the cave. He checked both directions to make sure that no Knights were present. Dark clouds had formed over the outskirts of Haile. They would obscure him, and make it easy for him to travel quickly to the caves where Kastor was living. He needed Kastor’s help.

  Chapter 26:

  I watched as a massive shadow loomed over our city. A dragon unlike any I have ever seen before. I had to shoot him, what else could I do? I winged him, a glancing blow, but a disabling blow nonetheless. Though I brought the beast down, I doubt this is the last time we will ever cross paths.

  - Jeremayah Damascus, North-Tower Watchman, Journal entry during The Great War, undated

  Lawrence and Benni mounted their horses and raced back to Haile. They had lost Razzius’ trail in the dark, and their hope of finding him along with it. They needed to warn the people of Razzius’ actions, and see that Wurn receive a proper burial. As they approached the city, Lawrence could feel a sick feeling in his stomach; one of his closest friends was a murderer. Lawrence knew that justice needed to be done. Razzius needed to face some form of punishment. They entered the quiet, sleeping city. Benni raced for the castle and one of its watchtowers. At the top of these towers sat huge iron bells that were used to signal a warning throughout Haile. In years past, these bells had been used to signal the approach of Necromancer Ghast and other evils to the city. Benni ascended a staircase to the top of the tower and he rang the bell with all his might.

  Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

  The hollow sound of the bell echoed throughout Haile. Citizens began to pour from their homes, looking around with their torches lit. They were on full alert. Benni and Lawrence reunited at the bottom of the tower and rode frantically through the city. They shouted to the concerned citizens, “Wurn Grimm has been killed, murdered in cold blood, by his son, Razzius!”

  They shouted
louder and louder as they dashed through the city. They circled back toward the castle. Their horses slowed to a trot as they approached the gate. “Open the gate,” Benni commanded. “There has been a murder in the city of Haile. A member of the Knight Guard has slain his own father. We must see Mayor Flint at once!”

  Finneas nodded and quickly opened the gate. The two proceeded to enter the castle grounds where Flint, Elsie, Maggie and Elizabeth stood, waiting for the news that they brought. Flint looked at them and asked, “What business do you bring at this hour that you would ring the warning bell to wake the entire town?”

  “Razzius Grimm, a fellow Knight, has slain his father, Wurn Grimm, in cold blood, sire. We saw it for ourselves. He confided in us and told us how Wurn abused him, and how he took his father’s life. When we tried to restrain him to bring him in to face you, he refused us and drew his blade against us. He fled the city on horseback. We pursued him, but were unable to ascertain his whereabouts. We lost his trail in a cave just southeast of town, even though we searched it thoroughly. It was as though he vanished from this world completely.”

  The group stood there in astonishment, wondering if their ears deceived them. Razzius Grimm, the proclaimed greatest Knight of his generation had murdered his father, and now roamed the lands of Forme a wanted man. Could this be true?

  “I cannot believe this! You mean to tell me that Razzius, our Razzius, did something so unspeakable?” Flint questioned.

  “Come with us, sire. We will show it to you,” Lawrence pleaded as he motioned for Flint to mount his horse with him. Flint soon obliged, and the three men raced off toward the Grimm home.

  Flint was a man who had always believed in justice. If Razzius had truly murdered his father then Razzius would face severe punishment, if not death. Upon reaching their destination, he burst through the door. The Grimm home was dark and silent. Lawrence lit a nearby candle. They slowly made their way into the house, and soon the candlelight fell on Wurn’s lifeless body.


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