Mad Mad Love ~ The Remembrance Trilogy: Complete Box Set Holiday Edition

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Mad Mad Love ~ The Remembrance Trilogy: Complete Box Set Holiday Edition Page 84

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Did someone die? You never wear a suit,” I teased flatly, turning back into the room.

  “Shut up. You know it’s under duress,” Aaron admonished. “Get your pathetic ass dressed, would ya? We have to go. Dad said he’d take Julia with him and Mom.”

  “She might go with her parents, not sure.”

  “Well, see? If you’d show up when you’re supposed to, you’d know Ellie and Harris are going with Paul and Marin, and Jen and Julia with Mom and Dad. I’m here to get your sorry self, so move it,” he said dryly. “You have fifteen minutes, Ryan.” He sat on the couch and grabbed the remote.

  I went to the bathroom door. “Just a second, Aaron.” I cracked the door open to poke my head in the door. Julia was combing her wet hair and dressed in a matching blush lace string bikini panty and bra. It was almost the same tone as her skin and emphasized her womanly curves. My eyes roamed over her form in the mirror. “Baby, Aaron is here and hustling me out, so is it okay if I come in and shave?”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “What do you think?” She smiled and threw the comb back onto the vanity before reaching for a bottle of lotion and propping a leg up on the toilet as she worked it into the skin of her calves and thigh.

  “I wish I had time to do that for you.” I lathered up my face with shaving cream and ran the razor under the running water as she switched to the other leg.

  “Just get a move on, Matthews.”

  “We’re going ahead and Dad and Mom will take you and Jen.”

  “Okay. Is Aaron here?”

  I nodded between strokes of the razor. “Watching TV.”

  Julia stepped behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, one of them sliding up over my abs and to my chest. Her fingers splayed out and she placed a wet open-mouthed kiss on my back between my shoulder blades. “I’m very proud of you.”

  “Couldn’t have done it without you and your pushy little ass.”

  She laughed and moved toward the bathroom door. I glanced at her, my eyes falling on the firm round curves. “Mmmm, and what a luscious ass it is.”

  I was soon pulling a fully dressed Julia into my arms for one last kiss before I walked out with Aaron, passing a flustered Ellie on the way. She would help Julia pack up the gown and the rest of our things. We had one night left in Boston; then on to New York and the rest of our lives. Happiness flowed until I thought would burst. Aaron put his arm around the top of my shoulders. “Let’s do this and blow this Popsicle stand, brother. Fucking A…we did it!”


  I dabbed at happy tears. Elyse squeezed my hand as we watched Ryan and Aaron claim their degrees. The officiate called Ryan’s name followed by ‘graduating Summa Cum Laude’, placed the red collar over his gown and handed him the leather-bound degree. I leaned forward and watched Gabriel sitting on the other side of Elyse, a look of love and pride on his handsome face.

  Even Jenna, never one to really show any flowery emotion, was crying. My parents were on my right and my father’s hand came out to close around mine. Everyone that mattered most in the world was here. Ellie and Harris were sitting directly behind us. I watched as Ryan walked to the right side of the platform, he waited while they called his brother up to get his degree and then they shook hands and hugged before exiting and returning to their seats. Two boyhood dreams now realized. My heart thudded, realizing being away from Aaron might cause Ryan some stress, but this was a day to celebrate.

  The afternoon was warm and I was thankful that I’d worn the short yellow dress made of cool linen, sleeveless and about 4 inches above my knees. Most of my things were either in New York or packed up already but Ellie made sure I had something appropriate for the graduation and a pair of jean shorts and t-shirt for tomorrow’s drive.

  I was excited to start my life with Ryan. He turned to meet my eyes before he sat down, puckering his full lips in a little silent kiss and winking with a devilish gleam in his eyes. Butterflies buzzed around my insides and my lips split in a huge smile. Blushing, I couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Even in this gargantuan moment, he was thinking about me. So handsome, his eyes sparkled and flashing a full smile, the dimples in his cheeks were enough to make my knees go weak.

  Elyse nudged me with her shoulder. “Ryan looks so happy,” she whispered as the ceremony continued.

  I squeezed her hand. “Is it just me or is he the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?”

  “Oh, Julia. I love you,” Elyse’s voice thickened on the words. “I just love how much you love my son.”

  “I can’t help it, Elyse. He’s worked so hard. They both have. They’ll want to party hard tonight!”

  Elyse chuckled and nodded. “Gabe’s exact words, but I don’t think Ryan’s mood is only due to graduation. We missed you at brunch,” she teased knowingly. I had the grace to flush. I would gladly spend every moment in Ryan’s arms. Nevertheless, the heat infusing underneath the skin of my chest and face gave me away.

  “Your son is very…um…persuasive.” I offered a cheeky grin and a slight shrug.

  Her smile widened and she laughed again with a nod. “A gift he acquired from his father. There’s no use but to give in, when he makes up his mind.”

  Elyse looked stunning in a light mauve brocade jacket over a solid dress in the same shade. Her hair was up in a smooth chignon and her make-up impeccable; always so perfectly groomed. Gabriel was distinguished and polished, with the same blue eyes that I loved on his son. Both of them were so beautiful, it was no wonder Ryan turned out to be so gorgeous.

  My parents were beaming. This was the most relaxed I’d seen them with each other since before their divorce. I didn’t think my father would ever get over his bitterness, but after my accident, the abyss between them seemed to close. All was right in my world, even if those few months of my memory were still missing

  The sweet spring air, ripe with the scent of lilacs and freshly cut grass filled my lungs. The sky was brilliant blue, dotted with billowing white clouds and the temperature was perfect. I glanced toward where Ryan and Aaron were sitting. Aaron shoved his index finger under the edge of his mortar board to scratch his temple, sweat beading and dripping down the side of his face. Ryan shifted and dropped his head. The bored look on his face told me he was anxious for the proceedings to end.

  There were many rows of black and red robes of graduates and faculty in front of us. The graduation was on one of the larger lawns of the medical school grounds, with beautiful limestone buildings on three sides. Manicured and extremely elegant.

  After nearly two hours, the graduating class was finally announced and we were all filing out. My heels sank into the lawn slightly which made walking awkward. Jenna was laughing when I made my way to her side to embrace her. She hugged me back warmly.

  “Ugh, finally, right?”

  “Yes. Are you speaking of the graduation or the years of school?”

  “Both. This was a long ass day. I need a drink!” Jen laughed. “Who’s with me?” she asked. Everyone murmured their agreement. First we have to get our men, I thought as we turned to walk toward the reception area where Ryan and Aaron would be speaking to the faculty and saying goodbye to friends.

  Suddenly, slim arms wrapped around both Jenna and I from behind. “Hey, chickies…wait up!” Ellie’s voice was breathless with excitement. “Let’s get into some trouble tonight. Who knows when we’ll be able to see each other next?” She was looking down and both Jenna and I wrapped an arm about her waist.

  “Yes, I’m in the mood to raise a little hell,” Jen chuckled. “Where should we go, Julia?”

  “Well, the folks might like the Four Seasons, but maybe later we can take the boys to that hole in the wall bar they always go to? What do you think? Ellie?”

  “Yes, that sounds like a plan,” Jenna agreed.

  “Sure!” Ellie was only too happy with anything we picked out. “This is your town, so lead on.”

  As we approached the men, they were laughing and talking with Tanner and one
of their professors. Liza tried to get Ryan’s attention. I stiffened involuntarily and slowed my steps as she touched his arm and he turned. His smile faded slightly, but he spoke and shook her hand. She ignored his proffered hand and put her arms around his neck. He looked uncomfortable, but hugged her back loosely.

  “Uh uh! No that bitch did not do that!” Jenna’s voice hardened.

  “It’s okay, Jen. This is the last time he’ll see her.”

  “Who is she?” Ellie wanted to know.

  “Ryan’s stalker. I wouldn’t be surprised if she chases him down to New York.” My heart fell. I’d never even considered that.

  “That’s her?” Ellie’s eyes widened, disapproval plain on her delicate features. “Pfft. No contest, Jules.”

  “Yeah. If she only had a brain,” Jenna scoffed in a sing-song voice. We all burst out laughing.

  “Jen!” I gasped. “She is graduating from Harvard today.”

  “So what? Thanks to your husband and others who saved her ass countless times.”

  “Well, I don’t like her shoes. I’ll bet the dress under that gown is equally offensive,” Ellie sniffed haughtily, looking down her nose at the other girl.

  “Julia’s way too civilized about that hag. I would have scratched her eyes out months ago if she’d pulled that shit with Aaron,” Jen said as she pulled on Ellie’s arm. Her voice dropped a couple of octaves so the parents wouldn’t hear her. “I can’t believe the nerve of that twit!”

  We were still giggling and Ryan and Aaron heard us. They smiled, Ryan moving to disengage from Liza’s grip. He moved forward and reached for me, arm slipping around my waist to draw me to his side. “Liza, you remember Julia? My wife?”

  Shock crossed the other girl’s face before she quickly masked it. “Really, when did you get married?” She glanced down at Ryan’s left hand and her mouth thinned. I almost laughed at her surprise.

  “Last night,” Ryan stated without hesitation. He leaned in to whisper in my ear. “And what a night it was.” He kissed my cheekbone and then my temple.

  I smiled brightly up into Ryan’s dazzling face. His hair was wild from his hands running through it, his teeth flashing brightly and cobalt eyes bright. He was gorgeous and I could see it in his expression…he was mine and I didn’t need to worry about Liza.

  I turned, offered her my hand in greeting.

  “It’s nice to see you again.” I could afford to be gracious, considering that Ryan was my husband and I was held tightly to his side. She took my hand limply and shook it, her face falling slightly. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. You, too.”

  “Will you be staying in Boston?” I asked, wanting to know her plans. We were interrupted when Jen moved toward Aaron.

  “Yes, we’re all proud of our brilliant boys,” Jenna interjected. Aaron hugged her before turning toward his mother.

  Gabriel hugged both of his sons soundly, patting them hard on their backs, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Liza moved away silently as the family closed around us, her eyes falling on Ryan’s face. I could see the sadness there. A small part of me empathized, knowing how my heart would break if he didn’t want me.

  Ryan’s eyes caught mine and he reached out to take my hand in his, his thumb rubbing over the top of my fingers, lightly caressing my skin and circling the diamond on my ring finger. He lifted my hand to place a soft kiss on the inside of my wrist. “What?” he questioned, his eyes intent on my own.

  “Just very proud of my husband,” I said and then stood on tiptoe to place a kiss on his smooth jaw. “Mmmm…and very happy. I’m feeling very lucky right now.” I glanced in the direction of Liza’s retreating back. If Ryan noticed, he didn’t acknowledge it.

  His lips lifted slightly at the corners as he watched my face before placing a soft, wet kiss on my mouth, oblivious to the few hundred people surrounding us. “As if I had a choice, baby. You’re burned in me forever. Remember?” He looked at me hopefully.

  My mind flashed back to a time in a coffee shop when I’d said those very words, after he convinced me to try to find a job in New York City. My free hand wrapped around his bicep and I leaned my head against his strong shoulder.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”


  My mother, Marin, and the rest of the women had all gathered at one end of the table chattering away. Dinner had been delicious, filled with congratulations, praise and lots of laughter. My father’s hand came to rest on my shoulder and squeezed. He and my mother were leaving early the next morning, as were Paul and Marin. We were dropping off Harris and Ellie at the airport on our way out of town, leaving my car in Boston with a plan to come back the following weekend by train to pick it up. I was leaving all of the furniture with Aaron and Jen, only concerned with my keyboard and some clothes.

  Julia’s gaze fell on me, electricity running over my skin like a whisper that reached all the way to my bones. She smiled softly, knowingly. Her exhaustion was clear, yet she was still so lovely. My heartbeat quickened. Even though we had the rest of our lives to be alone, I found myself wanting nothing more. The last few days had passed in a blur and emotions flowed between us like thunderous waves, leaving us both spent.

  Ellie ordered two more bottles of wine and I walked down to where my bride was sitting between Jenna and Marin. Her dark hair was falling in soft chestnut curls around her face and down her back; her features were soft and full of love, content. My heart expanded and tightened at the same time as I ran a finger along the curve of her cheek and then under her chin.

  I pulled her up and took her place, settling her back down onto my lap.

  “Ryan,” Mom frowned in disapproval. I didn’t care. I shrugged and ran a hand down Julia’s hip to rest on her thigh.

  “It’s okay, Mom. Lighten up.”

  “Okay,” she agreed with a nod. “I guess you and Aaron have earned some special privileges tonight. Are you glad it’s over?”

  I sighed as Julia’s fingers brushed up and down on my stomach. “Yes. I still have to take my boards, but I’m anxious to start my residency.”

  Marin’s face lit up with a smile. “We’re all so proud. Aaron, make sure to invite us to the wedding,” she called down, getting my brother’s attention.

  “Of course,” Jenna answered with enthusiasm. Aaron scooted her chair closer to his so she could lean into him.

  The waitress came back with the wine, offering Ellie a sample, then went about filling the glasses around the table.

  Ellie stood and took her glass in her hand, her voice cracking slightly. “I miss you guys a lot now that we are all scattered to the wind, but I’ll always love you. You’re the family I never had, so let’s promise to make time to see each other.”

  Harris joined her as I glanced at Julia. Her lower lip was trembling with emotion. My arms tightened and she leaned her head against mine, closing her eyes.

  “We’ll get together soon,” I said, mostly for Julia, but loud enough for all to hear. My hand smoothed the hair at the back of her head, stroking it down her back over and over until she went to hug Ellie.

  Soon all of the women were tearing up. “I’ll miss you, Ellie. I’ll miss all of you.” When she turned out of Ellie’s embrace, Julia’s hand moved to my shoulder which I quickly covered with my own.

  “Let’s all plan on Christmas in Chicago. Paul, Marin, you, too. We have enough room and nothing makes Elyse happier than having a full house for Christmas,” Gabriel said jovially.

  “That sounds great, Dad. I’ll volunteer my chef wife to kitchen duties, and myself to eating with abandon,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. The conversation continued around us but both Julia and I had fallen silent. I squeezed her hand gently and her fingers threaded through mine. “Are you tired, my love?”

  I knew the answer. All of the preparations, the wedding, making love all night, it was all finally catching up to us. We were both wiped out. I kissed her hand as she nodded.

  “Yes, but you sho
uld stay with your family. The girls talked about going to that bar,” she said with a small smile, but her words were weary.

  I shook my head. “It’s not happening, babe. We have a long day tomorrow.” I started to get up from the table as I spoke. “I just want to snuggle up with my girl.”

  “Ryan! You’re not bailing are you, bro’?” Aaron said as he saw my movement. “We’re going out! Harris and Ellie are up for it!”

  I patted Julia’s left hand between both of my own. “Uh…” I began.

  My father looked at me in understanding. “Aaron, let them go. They’re tired. It’s been a busy weekend.”

  “I’ll make breakfast for everyone,” Julia said and instantly Aaron perked up.

  “Blueberry muffins?” Aaron asked, with an over-sized grin.

  “Sure,” she said, while she bent to kiss his cheek. “I’m proud of you, you know?”

  “Stop,” he teased with a grin. “You’re making me blush!”

  After we said goodnight, I took Julia’s hand and led her out of the restaurant. I didn’t have my car, so I had the valet hail a cab. We both had imbibed several glasses of wine during the course of the evening, and it was better that neither was driving and when Julia curled into me and leaned her head on my shoulder, her heavy lids closing almost before the car pulled away from the curb, it only got better. I gave the driver the address in a quiet voice and leaned my head back on the seat, my arm stretched across her legs and her arm wrapped around it.

  She sighed softly and I wasn’t sure if she was asleep or not. “I love you,” her soft words answered my thoughts.

  I turned my head and pressed my lips to her forehead. “I love you more.” She smelled so sweet. The perfume she’d worn ever since I’d given it to her on her birthday eight years earlier, coconut from her shampoo, wine and the scent of her skin. Ambrosia. I inhaled deeply, relishing and memorizing the moment.

  I carried her over the threshold, and pushed the door shut with my foot.

  “Hey. I can walk, baby,” she said sleepily.

  “Hush. This is tradition, right? I’ll take any excuse to have you in my arms, you know that.” I didn’t bother with the lights, the moonlight filtering through the windows allowing me to see. Julia’s breath came in even huffs against my neck, so soft and warm. Surely, she was on the verge of deep sleep.


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