Coven Master 4: (A Harem Fantasy)

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Coven Master 4: (A Harem Fantasy) Page 14

by Nick Storming

  “You want me to dig out his heart-bone and see if it will bind a demon?” The red head said with a sneer.

  “What if you used his hair to cast a levitation spell?” Gwen offered, “I wonder if it would substitute for scales.”

  “I could try it,” Eris said, but she didn’t sound too sure, as she sucked on her bottom lip, twirling a lock of curly red hair in one hand.

  Evelyn and Gwen had seen their mercurial sister have moments like this before. They either ended in an insightful thought, or a screaming fit of anger. Either way, it was always entertaining.

  “Goddesses teat… I’m a fool,” Eris rose, shaking her head, and approached her lab bench.

  Pushing aside a pile of papers, she drew forth the vial of bright red blood she’d been drawing from for her experiments. Coming back to the center of the room, the witch held the vial before her, a faint current of magic holding it in place, a touch off balance as it rotated slowly. Evelyn and Gwen joined their sister in a circle, curious as the witch began chanting a spell of revealment.

  “That spell is for finding if a tree has rot in it, or metal has impurities,” Gwen said, “what do you hope to use it for?”

  “Hush sister,” Evelyn whispered gently, “her gift from our Lord is awakening.”

  Gwen saw it was true a second later, when a faint silver glow began to emanate from the center of Eris’s being. The witches could feel the cool, calming presence of their goddess fill the room, her spirit endowing Eris with heavenly light. Cast through the prism of the witch’s spell, the light reflected upon the multi-faceted surface of the glass vial as it spun, casting odd shadows and lurid images around the room.

  The witches watched as the shadowy images coalesced slowly, as Eris’s spell came to a close, her chanting a bare whisper now. As the final syllables fell, a single image was revealed, cast upon the backwall.

  A great black dragon etched in sharp relief, its visage stolen from storybooks and Fae fables. Arched back and spread wings, the witches felt a shiver of fear as their lord’s potential was revealed. The spell ended and the image faded, the witches standing in stunned silence looking to one another.

  “What does this mean?” Gwen asked after a long silence.

  No one spoke and eventually red head and blonde turned to regard their wiser sister, but Evelyn felt unmoored and listless. Then she remembered her faith and breathed a touch easier.

  “Our Lady revealed his true nature to us in the mirror. We’ve seen into his soul and know the goodness that lies within. We should keep faith in that. Other than this elven prophesy, which it seems I now have to read up on, I’ve never heard mention of a black dragon.”

  “That’s right,” Eris said, as if someone had been arguing with her, “it’s not like we know if black dragons are like reds; cruel and evil to their core.”

  “We don’t even know if that’s what Logan will become,” Gwen said, then frowned, the questions piling up as the witched looked at each other.

  “Exactly,” Evelyn said, “we don’t know anything, yet. We know Logan needs our help if he’s going to find the grail.”

  “He had good instincts down in Fae,” Eris said nodding, “I’d have never imagined he could get the Dark Elves to leave their caverns. Let alone align with him.”

  “We’re decided then,” Evelyn said, “no more potions and elixirs with our lord’s blood. The potential for danger to this world is too great.”

  “Agreed,” Gwen and Eris said, nodding as one.

  “What was the spell for enhanced fertility?” Gwen asked Eris.

  “The spell’s impossible to cast,” Eris said with a shake of her head, “Dragon semen is imposss…”

  “There is plenty of research to be done with the resources still available to us,” Evelyn said, throwing her blonde sister a wink of appreciation as she rose to leave.

  “I don’t know if I even have a full copy of the recipe,” Eris muttered, moving over to her twisting stacks of loose papers and books that drove Evelyn mad whenever she allowed herself to notice the clutter. “These are old spells.”

  “That should keep her occupied for now,” Gwen said as they stepped out of the room and approached the kitchen to get their usual midnight cup of tea, “but what about Logan? Do we tell him?”

  “We must,” Evelyn said, “this is too big to keep to ourselves, and I’m grateful I don’t have to be the one to lay the burden on his lap.”

  “Who… oh,” Gwen said, when Evelyn laid a firm stare on the kindly witch, “right. He isn’t going to take it well; you know how he is when the subject of his past or origins comes up.”

  “It will be hard, but through pain comes healing with emotional injuries. You will know the right time and way to break the news. Green or jasmine tea?”

  “Green, I’ve got a pile of papers to grade still.”

  The witches kept up their conversation, speaking about nothing and everything. Neither gave it their full attention, often breaking off midsentence and staring into space, worry and wonder in equal parts fighting for space influencing their thoughts.

  Dragons hadn’t been seen in either world for centuries, and those last had been tiny, sickly things. Neither witch could forget the shiver of absolute bliss that had followed the fearful presence of that shadow. To witness such magnificence, even the echo of it, awoke a yearning none of them were comfortable admitting, even to one another.


  Logan woke to the trill of bird song outside and the dull glow of morning light straining his windows. His head pounded, and it felt like someone had taken an axe to his face. Reaching a hand up, he found his arm trapped beneath the slumbering form of Eris.

  The redheaded witch grumbled as Logan moved. As she shifted to free his arm, she glanced down at him with a warm smile.

  “Morning, Master,” Logan gave a start when her hand cupped his manhood and eased his morning wood out of his boxers. “You seem to be recovering nicely.”

  “What… what happened?” He sat up on his elbows and glanced around his room, finding Evelyn rousing herself in a chair and Gwen picking herself up from the foot of his bed with a yawn and a delighted smile to see her sister already toying with his cock.

  “We wanted to ask you the same thing,” Evelyn said as she rose from her chair and rested a hand on his brow.

  The dark-haired witch gave him a penetrating stare and he saw slender threads of Fae reach out from her and probe him. Allowing the woman to search through his body, it felt like ants were crawling under his skin as her magic reached deep.

  “How do you feel?” Gwen asked from where she knelt between Logan’s legs. The blonde witches’ warm fingers reached up his inner thigh and pressed on the throbbing vein. “Mhmm your pulse feels strong.”

  “The rest of you is sound as well… more than sound,” Evelyn said with a small frown. “You’ve gained access to more magic… a terrifying amount.”

  The witch ran gentle fingers down the black scar crossing Logan’s face from temple to chin, and he shivered. The touch awoke his memory of terrible pain, and the all-consuming rage of the angry God washing over him as it passed through to Hell Below. For one instant, as the pain bit so deep it threatened madness, Logan had a glimpse of the land his people found themselves in.

  Rolling fields of green and yellow wheat, crystal clear lakes, and a bounty of milk, honey and everything else good to be found in the worlds. His wound was healed by that brief glimpse, or perhaps by the light that illuminated the world above.

  As the witches watched him expectantly, Logan struggled to find words to describe what he’d experienced. He barely understood what had happened with the souls. If not for the new presence he felt in his mind, a tether and a weight that reached to somewhere beyond… he’d have thought it a dream. That cord took from Logan but gave as well. He wasn’t ready to talk about it yet, so he turned his head to the closed door and the pair of shadows standing outside.

  “Dawn, if you’re going to eavesdrop, you m
ight as well come in.”

  The witches turned as the door opened slowly and Logan was pleased to see warm smiles alight on their faces. Dr. Ngyuen held Simon’s backpack before her as she shuffled from foot to foot with an embarrassed expression.

  “I was just stopping by to say I’m taking Simon and… Dystra home, and just wanted to say thank you for everything.”

  “It was our pleasure,” Evelyn said, standing and drawing the woman into the room, “We only wish you could have stayed longer.”

  Dawn’s cheeks heated as the buxom witch pressed herself to the woman’s side, and Logan saw a touch of envy enter her expression when she took in all three witches.

  “Simon wanted me to give you this before we go,” Dr. Ngyuen said, pulling a square box out of Simon’s backpack.

  “What is it?” Eris asked curiously as she shuffled close.

  “It’s my game,” Simon said from the doorway.

  Logan turned to grin at his friend, happy to see him up and about, but Simon had an odd expression on his face and Dystra hung behind him, looking nervous and frightened.

  “I wasn’t able to complete as much of it as I wanted. The Tower of Ghenki only touches on a half dozen worlds instead of the hundred I wanted it to, but the main storyline is complete, and you’ll need to finish it soon, or the twin Goddesses will be no more.”

  “Twin Goddesses?” Eris asked with a frown.

  “I know you just got back, Logan, but you’ll like this one, I added an adventurer’s guild, and the starting quest is straight out of our D&D campaign. I made it as simple as I could, sorry about the Beholders.”

  “What are you talking about?” Logan asked, feeling more than a little uneasy at the calm certainty in his friends’ eyes.

  “Come find me when you get back, Dystra’s going to show me her home. Bye Mom, I love you, have fun with Logan and the witches.”

  “What?” Dawn said, but the box had begun to glow and rattle in the woman’s hands.

  Before anyone could react, there was a silent detonation, and the room dissolved before Logan’s eyes. The last thing he saw of the real world was his friend’s waving hand and then all faded into whiteness.

  Welcome to Grail Quest!

  The Grail is hidden in The Land

  Complete quests!

  Slay monsters!

  Gain levels!


  Escape is impossible and victory uncertain in…


  Logan blinked, as the glowing letters faded from his vision. He stood in a small valley with blue sky overhead and a small village in the distance. The colors were too vivid to be real, but the grass tickling his bare toes was all too real.

  Turning, he found the witches and Gwen picking themselves up from the grass as they stared at their surroundings. Their clothing was gone, replaced with simple, undyed woollen dresses. Then he noticed he was wearing the same, and not only was Excalibur gone, but so was his magic.

  They were trapped in a game world and the only way out was to win.

  To Be Continued…

  Authors Note

  Thank you for taking the time to read my story. If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review.

  To find more stories I’ve written, check out the links below.

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  Best regards,

  Nick Storming


  Series: Fae King's Harem

  Coven Master: Book One

  Coven Master: Book Two

  Coven Master: Book Three

  Series: Harem World

  Harem World: Book One

  Harem World: Book Two

  Harem World: Book Three

  Series: New World Alpha

  New World Alpha: Book One

  New World Alpha: Book Two

  New World Alpha: Book Three

  Series: Mountain Man's Harem (A Western Harem Fantasy)

  Mountain Man's Harem - Part One: Strikin’ It Rich

  Mountain Man’s Harem - Part Two: Laying Claim

  Mountain Man’s Harem - Part Three: Mountain Wolves

  Mountain Man’s Harem - Part Four: Into the Valley

  Mountain Man’s Harem - Part Five: Frisco Fling

  Mountain Man’s Harem - Part Six: Northern Rush

  Series: Vox-AI: The Simulation

  Vox-AI: The Simulation - Book One: A Space Harem

  Series: God-Kings Harem (A Taboo Magical Harem Fantasy)

  Crowning of the King

  Drums of War

  Assassin’s Gamble

  A Noble Mount

  Birth of an Empire

  Enemies & Allies

  Sword & Plow

  Series: The Golden Age

  The Golden Age: The Novel (Bundle)

  The Golden Age: Part One

  The Golden Age: Part Two

  The Golden Age: Part Three

  Series: MILF Neighborhood

  MILF Neighborhood: Part One

  MILF Neighborhood: Part Two

  MILF Neighborhood: Part Three

  MILF Neighborhood: Part Four

  MILF Neighborhood: Part Five

  Series: Summer of MILFs

  Summer of MILFs: Part One

  Summer of MILFs: Part Two

  Summer of MILFs: Part Three

  Summer of MILFs: Part Four

  Summer of MILFs: Part Five

  Series: Lost at Sea

  Taboo Family Crusoe: Part One

  Taboo Family Crusoe: Part Two

  Other works by Nick Storming

  Stand Alone Novels

  The Power - Taboo Harem Fantasy

  MILF Apartments - Harem Fantasy

  Rockstar Harem - Harem Fantasy

  The Species Imperative - Post-Apocalyptic Harem Fantasy

  Harem on the Prairie - Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Stand Alone Novellas

  Snowed In: Taboo FFM Fantasy

  Mommy’s All-Star: Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Magic Seed: Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Taboo Foreign Exchange: Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Mother’s Helping Hands: Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Taboo Cabin Fever: Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Mother-in-Law Saved My Marriage!: Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Mommy’s College Prep: Taboo Harem Fantasy

  Sinful Seduction – Taboo MILF Romance

  MILF Mansion Inheritance – MILF Harem Fantasy

  Mother-In-Law’s Ménage – Taboo FFM Fantasy

  A Mother’s Awakening – Taboo MILF Fantasy

  Short Stories

  The First Subject’s – Part One

  Mother’s Motivation

  Mourning Father – Family FFM, Step Fantasy

  Taboo MILF Blackmailed! – MILF, Step Fantasy

  The Man Next Door – Mom Daughter FFM, Step Fantasy

  Milk Farmer: Runaway Transformation

  Summer Fling – Sister Brother, Step Fantasy

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