Boy Scouts Under Fire in Mexico

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Boy Scouts Under Fire in Mexico Page 24

by John Henry Goldfrap



  "Is this General Villa?" Rob asked.

  The man on the horse gave the scouts a scrutinizing look, and thenfrowned. Possibly he recognized the khaki uniforms that he had becomeaccustomed to seeing United States regulars wear; and thus discoveringthem far down on the sacred soil of Mexico, he was angered more or less.

  When Rob saw that frown he began to fear that he and his chums might nothave as smooth sailing as they had anticipated, unless something weredone immediately to interest the general in their favor.

  Accordingly Rob's next move was to hold up his hand, on a finger ofwhich he had made sure to slip that queer-looking ring which Uncle Markhad seemed to believe possessed all the magic powers attributed to likerings in fairy stories.

  Sure enough, no sooner had the quick glance of the general fallen onthe ring than he started and looked at it more closely. Then, as anexpression of intense interest flashed across his dark face, he beckonedto the scouts to draw nearer.

  "Where did you get that ring, boy?" he demanded. "And who are you?"

  "We belong to the Boy Scout organization, General," replied Rob soberly;"and have come several thousand miles just to meet you and show you thisring. You once put it on the finger of the man who saved your life,telling him that you would stand ready to do what you could for the onewho presented it to you. That man was Dr. Mark Matthews, and this boy,here, is his nephew. Dr. Mark has recently got back from more than ayear in Africa, where he was taken down with the terrible jungle fever,and is in a very bad way at the home of my friend, here. He has nothingleft of his once large fortune except the property in Chihuahua--hiscattle ranch, and the prize stock on it. And, General, he begs you to dowhat you can to dispose of the cattle, and send him the money by us. Ihave a letter in my coat that will explain all to you when you have moretime to read it. But we only wanted to let you know that we hadn't comeinto Mexico to mix up in the war that is going on here. And your captainwill tell you that all we did was to take care of his wounded as fast asthey were hurt."

  "Yes, I have already heard that Americans who were on the ground haddone that; but little did I expect to learn that they were boys," thegeneral went on to say, as he looked still more keenly at them. But Robnoticed that the scowl had now disappeared entirely from his strongfeatures. That ring had doubtless aroused memories of the days when hewas a hunted man with a price on his head, and of Dr. Mark Matthews, whohad sheltered him while attending to his severe wounds.

  "Do you think there is any chance of Dr. Matthews getting paid for hiscattle, General?" asked Tubby, emboldened to chime in by the fact thatit was a family affair.

  Something like a look of pride and deep satisfaction appeared on therebel leader's face, as he answered this question.

  "Why not, when for months I have had armed guards watching the ranch, sothat none of the stock could be stolen? But it could not last, and evento-day I was considering making use of the herds for my army, andsettling with the owner when he came to put in a claim. Make yourselvesat home with my men, for depend on it, you have not come all this way tohave Pancho Villa redeem his sacred promise without reward. I am toobusy now to speak further; but later on be sure to hand me the letterfrom my old and true friend, Dr. Matthews."

  He urged his horse on and left the four scouts staring hard at eachother with happy grins stealing over their faces.

  "Looks mighty good to me!" commented Andy.

  "Greatest thing that ever came down the pike!" exclaimed the delightedTubby. And if a face that looked as beaming as a full moon might betaken as any indication of how the fat scout felt, he was certainlyhappy.

  "It seems now as if we might go back with something to show for all ourwork, that's a fact," Merritt added.

  "He did as much as say that he meant to take the cattle himself so as tofeed his army and that he'd see you got good pay for them, all right,Tubby," Rob observed. "So it looks as though luck might be camping onour trail."

  "And then, just think of all we've seen on this trip," added Andy. "Areal battle on Mexican soil, with eight or ten rebels needing theassistance of the Boy Scout field hospital to keep them from bleeding todeath! Am I sorry I came? Well, don't you believe it! Though I did wantto take just a single crack at some of those crawlers up on themountain, only Rob wouldn't hear of it!"

  "Yes," Tubby said, with a sigh that seemed to well up from the verybottom of his heart, "I'll be pleased when this ride is over;because--well, I've got good reasons for thinking I'll be happier athome again. Fact is, I'm all hooped up astraddling that big plug you gotfor me, Rob. Makes me think of the bow-legged floor walker who waddledup to a lady entering the store, and said: 'Silks? Certainly, madam;walk this way, please,' and then ambled off. They say she nearlyfainted, and complained to the management that she had been insulted. Iexpect to 'walk that way' for some time yet, till I get my proper shapeback again."

  "Oh! you'll be able to take it easy after this, Tubby," Merritt assuredhim.

  "Yes," Rob added, "chances are that we'll be able to ride with GeneralVilla all the way back to Juarez, where he seems to be bound right now.If they manage to get the engine of this train working again you mightride aboard if you don't feel like keeping to the saddle with the restof us, Tubby."

  "Didn't you notice that when he said so pompously that he'd pay for thecattle of his good friend Dr. Matthews, he slapped the side of his coat,as though he might have a pocket chuck full of greenbacks?" Tubby askedthem.

  "That's right, he did," assented Andy; "but let me warn you, brother, ifit turns out to be rebel currency, don't you take it. And I'd likewisefight shy of real Mexican paper money; because if the other side wins,it won't be worth the paper it's printed on. Make him shell out inAmerican cash or English coin stuff, but no pesos, Tubby."

  "I'll be smart enough for that, and don't you forget it, Andy; thankingyou for the tip all the same," the fat scout replied, nodding his headwith the air of a shrewd business man who is about to make a bigbargain, and does not mean to be over-reached by sharp practice.

  The boys readily saw that Villa was what Andy called a "hustler," forhe soon had men busy examining the engine of the stalled train; and fromthe way in which they went to work it became evident that they must bemechanics accustomed to machinery.

  "What's the good word, Lopez?" Andy called out, as the Mexican guide washurrying past, possibly on an errand for the general, whom he appearedproud to serve. "Is there any chance that the old heap of junk thatstands for an engine on this road these days will ever puff again andpull a train?"

  "Si, senor, and before many hours have passed at that," came thereassuring reply, accompanied with a smirk and a shrug of the shoulders."General Villa he has brought order out of chaos, and these wretchedpeople who are heading for Juarez may soon be on their way. Most of themhave already paid a heavy tribute to the rebel commanders for theprivilege of leaving Chihuahua, and they have just been shouting bravosbecause the General assured them all would soon be well."

  "He's a smart, wide-awake man, all right," asserted Tubby, who of coursefelt drawn toward the rebel chieftain. Had not General Villa calledthem "_amigos_," and was he not already pledged to purchase the herds ofUncle Mark's abandoned cattle ranch in Chihuahua State at the fairestpossible price?

  "Now I understand why some of these people hated to leave the cars, evenwhen told that it was dangerous to stay," said Rob. "They are fleeingacross to Texas, and carrying a lot of valuables with them, meaning tokeep out of Mexico as long as the rival factions are fighting anddestroying property everywhere. When the Federals find any one whosesympathies are with the other side they run off his stock, seize him,and make him pay all the tribute possible in order to spare his life. Onthe other hand, the rebels do just the same thing with all the wealthypeople of Chihuahua who are believed to be for Huerta and hisgovernment. Why, they say that the Terrazas family own half the State,mines, ranches and all! But Villa has seized the whole thing, and willsell to any buy
er. I heard it said an American syndicate had alreadyoffered him six million dollars for the lot; which was taking bigchances of the success of this uprising."

  "Perhaps that is where he is getting the money he expects to pay UncleMark," suggested Tubby. "If it is in American bills, I'll believe so,too."

  "Oh, they're taking in stacks and stacks of money, I heard one man sayup in El Paso," Merritt remarked. "Ever since the rebels have come intopossession of Chihuahua City they have squeezed the rich, takenpossession of all kinds of paying businesses, like banks, laundries andgroceries, started working the mines and getting the crude gold andsilver to make into bullion; and altogether milked the cow like goodfellows. They use this money to pay their soldiers, buy arms and getthem across on the sly, and ditto ammunition. If our Government everlets the rebels buy openly, there'll be big business along the RioGrande, because they're taking in plenty of hard cash."

  "But what d'ye reckon they'll do with that miserable lot of prisonerscoming this way now, in charge of guards?" Andy asked. All of themglanced with a feeling akin to pity at the four men who, with droopingheads, were marching past, half a dozen armed rebels accompanying them.

  "Well, there's so much bitterness shown between the Federals and therebels nowadays," Rob said, "that I wouldn't be a bit surprised if theystood each one of those poor fellows up against a rock and gave him avolley! It costs money to feed prisoners, and what's the use bothering?That seems to be the motto of these men, who are not brought up tocivilized methods of fighting. Anyhow, I'd hate to stand in the shoes ofany one of that bunch, let me tell you."

  "They seem to know just what's going to happen to them pretty soon,"continued Andy. "You can see how they hang their heads and walk along asif they didn't care a snap whether school kept or not. I guess you hitthe nail right on the head when you said what you did, Rob! Perhapsthey're on the way to execution now!"

  "Whew!" gasped Tubby, a look of pity crossing his good-natured face, "ifthat's so I mean to stick my fingers in my ears so I won't hear thevolley. Why, it would be sure to haunt me all the years of my happynatural life. Poor fellers! I'd like to put in a word for the lot withVilla; but I'm afraid he wouldn't stand for our meddling with hisbusiness; and it might queer my other game, too, which I'd hate to havebroken up."

  "Hello! what does this mean, boys?" suddenly exclaimed Andy.

  One of the four dejected-looking prisoners, at sound of the boys'voices, had raised his head. They had a glimpse of a dirty face andstreaming hair. Even as they stared, this fellow broke out of the line,sprang forward toward the four Boy Scouts, and throwing himself down onhis knees in front of them, clasped his hands convulsively together, ashe almost shrieked:

  "Save me, Rob Blake. Oh! don't let them shoot me! I'll promise anythingif only you get me off with your friend, General Villa! Oh! Rob, helpme, please!"


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