Forbidden Lovers

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Forbidden Lovers Page 17

by Kimberley Troutte

  Angel pulled back. Tears streamed down her face. “In my heart I was. I wish I could’ve been your mother in all other ways, as well.”

  Julia’s eyes went wide as she realized the truth. Then she cried, too. “Trust me, Mama. You were.”

  * * *

  Matt stood next to the gazebo on the grassy hill, overlooking the ocean. He patiently waited for Julia—his lover, his heart. Beside him, RW and Jeff kept him company. He grinned. Harper men always looked good in tuxedos. Henry, the ring man, walked down the aisle as Chloe had taught him. Only, at the end, he ran up and gave Matt a fist bump. It wasn’t scripted, but it was perfect.

  RW looked over Matt’s shoulder toward the beach. He seemed preoccupied.

  “What’s up?” Matt asked.

  RW frowned. “See that skiff? Where’d it come from?”

  “Call it in.”

  RW pulled his cell phone out. “Talk to me about the skiff...Who? Are you sure?...Okay. Keep an eye on it.”

  Matt leaned over. “And?”

  “Cristina, a friend of Angel’s. She came to the wedding.”

  “Do you know this friend?”

  RW’s gaze scanned the crowd. “Yes. She was an informant, giving us intel on the gang that’s been after Angel. Angel’s been trying to get Cristina to come here for her own protection.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Yeah, except I don’t see Angel. She wanted to be here.”

  Matt scanned the crowd. Everyone he’d ever known smiled back at him—including the Forestry Service guys who’d welcomed him as part of their team.

  Working with Harper Industries, and with search and rescue, he was going to be flying a lot. And the best part was, he could sleep in his own bed and wake up tangled in Julia’s arms. Maybe Henry would climb in sometimes, too.

  Hell, Matt couldn’t wait to start his new life right here in Plunder Cove.

  The cell buzzed in RW’s pocket. RW glanced at the text and looked out to the shore.

  Matt followed his gaze. “Dad. The skiff is gone.”

  RW gave him a short nod. “Later. We’ll find her.”

  Jeff leaned over. “You two done yakking? The bridesmaids are lined up.”

  The music started and Linda walked down the aisle followed by Maria. Linda winked at him and Maria raised her fist. Welcome to the crazy family.

  Guess what, ladies, you are now part of mine.

  The “Wedding March” started and the most beautiful woman in the world smiled at him.

  My Julia. My home.

  He nearly fell to his knees with gratitude. He had his planes, his motorcycle and more toys than any man could want, but none of it mattered without people to love. Now he had a son, a brother, a sister, a father he was trying to get to know, an extended family and his own angel. It was more bounty than he ever knew existed.

  What more could a pirate want?

  * * * * *

  Will RW find Angel?

  Will Jeff come home to find his dreams, too?

  Find out in the next Plunder Cove novel

  from Kimberley Troutte,

  available February 2019!

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Heart of a Texan by Charlene Sands.

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  Heart of a Texan

  by Charlene Sands


  Francesca Isabella Forte was hiding out. Not from an evil stalker, an old boyfriend or even a shady loan shark. No, that would be too simple. It was her father. During their last argument, he’d been so furious with her, he’d disowned her. Out-and-out cut her off without a dime. Even worse, he’d threatened to take custody of her child. All because she didn’t want to marry a man he’d chosen for her and she didn’t want to run the Forte Foods empire.

  So she’d packed up her belongings and headed straight out of San Francisco’s elite Pacific Heights’ neighborhood to Dallas. Using her middle name, shortened to Bella, and her married name of Reid, to all the world, she was just a young unemployed widow. Her best friend from college, Amelia Gray, had taken her in, no questions asked.

  Now, Bella drove along the interstate in her rented Ford Focus, noting how different the flat Texas landscape was from her hilly hometown.

  And Bella felt free.

  “Hey, Bella,” Amy said. “What did Cinderella say when her photos didn’t show up?”

  “Uh...someday my prints will come.”

  They giggled at the silliness and then Bella put a shushing finger to her lips. She didn’t want to wake the love of her life, her twenty-two-month-old baby, Sienna, who slept peacefully in the car seat behind her.

  Everyone said Sienna was the exact replica of her mommy, with shiny dark hair curling at the tips and pretty meadow-green eyes. Bella ate those compliments up, but always reminded people that Sienna was also bright, and sweet, and kindhearted, and she’d gotten all those traits from her father.

  Sienna was the best thing she and Paul had ever done in their lives.

  That’s why she’d been so stunned when her father had threatened to sue her for custody of her baby. Marco Forte claimed she was an unfit mother. That she couldn’t provide for her baby. That she’d had a mental breakdown after her husband died.

  Marco had the money and influence to start the proceedings. But he couldn’t do that if he couldn’t find her. Her father would never get his hands on her baby. Ever.

  They were fifteen miles outside Dallas proper, the road dark, the beam of her headlights the only illumination as they headed to Amy’s brand-new high-rise condo. But just then a cloud of smoke billowing up from the side of the road caught Bella’s eye. She blinked to make sure she was seeing correctly and, sure enough, she wasn’t mistaken. A car was on fire. “Oh, no!”

  She braked immediately.

  “Bella, what?” Amy asked, looking up from her cell phone. “Oh, wow. You think someone’s in there?”

  Bella froze. Her husband’s helicopter crash flashed through her mind. Paul had died on the job, in a fire just like this one, while returning from an aerial excursion in the Bay Area that he gave to tourists. She’d lost her husband; Sienna had lost her father. It had been a year ago and she still couldn’t believe he was gone.

  Paul, I’m so sorry.

  Popping sounds from the burning car shook her out of her own head. She had no time for self-pity. She needed to do something. She couldn’t just sit ther
e. And finally it all registered.

  “Amy, watch Sienna. I’ve got to check it out. Someone might be in that car.”

  God, she hoped not.

  Amy blinked her eyes as if making up her mind about something. “I’ll go.”

  “No. I have to do this myself.” She couldn’t explain it, but a force was driving her on. Something told her she needed to be the one to check out that car. “Please, just watch my baby.”

  “Okay, but be careful and don’t worry about Sienna.”

  “I’ll be careful,” she said, already out of her seat belt. She could hardly believe this was happening. But she had to go. She couldn’t sit back and wait for help to arrive.

  She was the help.

  If someone had gotten to Paul in time, maybe he would’ve survived to see his baby take her first steps, to hear her beautiful babble that was beginning to sound like real words.

  Bella’s feet tapped the ground lightly as she raced as fast as she could. The car must’ve spun off the road at high speed; it was a good ten yards off the shoulder. By the time she reached it, she was out of breath. The vehicle was overturned and someone was sitting upside down at the wheel. A man. He wasn’t moving.

  She whispered a silent prayer. She needed as much help as she could get. “Amy, call 9-1-1,” she shouted.

  “Okay!” Amy shouted back. “I’m calling now!”

  The fire hadn’t reached the front seat yet; at the moment, the hot flames were still confined to the engine. Was she crazy to think she could pull the man out? Probably, but she had to try. The smoke was thick, burning her nostrils, blurring her eyes. She wiped at them and took the biggest breath she’d ever taken, filling up her lungs.

  The door refused to budge no matter how hard she tried. Breaking the window was her only option. She wrestled herself out of her hooded jacket and wrapped it around her fist. She’d seen this done countless times in movies and hoped it really worked. Then she squeezed her eyes closed, hauled her arm back and punched the window with all of her strength. The window shattered and crumbled into tiny pieces, like broken ice crystals. She shook out her hand. It throbbed like crazy. She’d have to deal with that later.

  Still praying, she wedged herself into the window and frantically used her fingers to find the button for the seat belt. It was strange working inside the flipped car, but finally she pressed her thumb down hard on the buckle button and the belt released. The man fell onto her like deadweight. God, he was heavy. Too late, she realized the belt had been preventing him from falling and now he was crushing her. A grunt rose from her chest as she strained to grab hold of his arms and pull him rather gracelessly out the window. He was cumbersome and it was awkward, but finally she yanked him free of the car.

  Wonder Woman would’ve been proud.

  The man’s face was bloodied and bruised, yet even through all that she could tell he was handsome and young. He couldn’t be much older than Paul had been when he’d died.

  Only, this man wouldn’t die today. Not if she had anything to say about it.

  The heat was unbearable. She had to get him away from the fire. The car could blow at any second. She grabbed his arms and dragged the man closer and closer to the road, falling a few times, scraping her hands and legs over the bumpy terrain. She did her best to keep his head from further injury. Using every ounce of her strength, she finally made it a safe distance away. She gave a quick glance at the car; she could tell the blaze was traveling toward the gas tank. She held her breath and prayed. And then boom! The explosion echoed on the empty road, the blast like a rocket in flight. She sat back on her butt, immobilized as she watched the car go up in smoke.

  “Oh, my God,” Amy shouted. “Are you okay, Bella?”

  She nodded and yelled back, “I’m not hurt. But he is.”

  “Paramedics are on the way!” Amy remained close to the car. Hopefully, baby Sienna was still asleep in the back seat. The little one was a great sleeper.

  Bella got a grip then and looked down at the man she’d pulled from those flames. He would’ve died in that fire. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

  She heard the faint sound of sirens off in the distance and her shoulders relaxed slightly in relief. But she had more to do. She couldn’t wait. In this case, every second counted. This man wasn’t conscious and she was pretty sure he wasn’t breathing.

  She knelt by his side, thankful for the summer lifeguard camp she’d attended as a teen.

  I know CPR and I can help.

  * * *

  The scent of soot burned in Jared Stone’s nostrils, putrid and strong. It felt like a big rig was sitting on his chest, making it damn hard to breathe. And something powerful hammered in his head. Everything ached and the hurt was wicked. He couldn’t open his eyes. He probed his mind for clarity and...nothing. He was looping through a black hole of emptiness. What in hell had happened to him?

  The last thing he remembered was driving along the highway and...

  He searched and searched, straining to recall something, anything. His cell phone beeped and the beeping continued to drone in his ears. The sound grated on his nerves and then it hit him. It wasn’t a phone at all. He fought to open his eyes but lost that battle. His eyes fluttered like a baby bird’s but ultimately remained shut.

  And then a delicate hand covered his. So soft, so gentle. The single touch comforted him in inexplicable ways, soothing his distress, taking away some of the pain. He’d never felt anything softer or more welcome. His skin responded immediately to those fingertips, feeling life again, feeling brightness where there had been only darkness.

  “You’re going to be all right.” A woman’s lilting, angelic voice seeped inside him, her tone as sweet, as memorable, as the hand that still held his. It hurt to move and his eyes wouldn’t open, but that gentle voice gave him hope. Actually more than hope: he believed her. That serene voice wouldn’t lead him astray.

  “You’ve had an accident. I rode with you in the ambulance and now you’re in the hospital. They are taking very good care of you.”

  He was relieved to know an angel sat by his side. Who was she? He had no clue, but she’d been with him at the accident scene and, man, he wished he could remember what had happened. The incessant beeping rang in his ears. Now he knew he was hooked up to a monitor and those beeps meant breath and heartbeats and all good things.

  Jared remembered being attached to wires on a hospital machine once, after he’d been tossed off a wild stallion on the ranch. His father had told him not to go near that horse, but the daredevil in him had decided dear ole dad was being overprotective. And at the age of twelve, he took on that wild stallion and...lost. Nearly broke his neck trying to tame Balboa. He’d been unconscious for a little while, but he’d wound up walking away from that ordeal with big purple bruises all over his body, a slight concussion and wounded pride.

  His dad had sold Balboa the very next day.

  That had hurt more than his injuries.

  Now, Jared tried to acknowledge the woman with the melodious voice by nodding his head. But the dizziness it caused shut down his attempt.

  “Don’t worry,” she said softly. “I won’t leave you. I’m here for as long as you need me to be. You were very lucky.”

  He didn’t feel lucky. Every movement he made caused some sort of pain. But he clung to the angel’s words.

  I’m lucky.

  I’m lucky.

  I’m lucky.

  * * *

  Bella opened her eyes as thin streams of sunlight filled the hospital room. She’d asked for permission to visit the patient last night and the staff had been lenient, letting her since she’d saved his life. But she had fallen asleep in the chair by his bed at some point. Stretching out her arms and gently swiveling her head back and forth on her shoulders helped remove the kinks. She rose, ran her hand through her long hair and stopped midway
when a thick wad of gauze got stuck in the strands. The right hand she’d used as a battering ram last night was bandaged past the wrist and partway up the arm. She’d almost forgotten how she’d broken that window to drag the man to safety.

  She was certain everything underneath the bandage was bloodied and black and blue. She wiggled her fingers and felt the blood return to them, but she was pretty sure her knuckles would never be the same. It was a small price to pay. Last night the nurses had made a big fuss, insisting she have her hand x-rayed. They’d found out the patient lying in the bed nearby wasn’t the only one who’d gotten lucky last night. Her hand was not broken. Hallelujah!

  She grabbed her cell with her left hand and read a text from Amy.

  Sienna is sleeping soundly. Not to worry.

  Her baby was in good hands. Amy loved her dearly and Sienna was smitten with her mommy’s best friend.

  After the paramedics showed up at the accident scene, Bella had taken one look at the patient lying on the gurney and decided the man whose life she’d just saved wasn’t going to the hospital alone. He had to know someone was there for him. When Paul died, he’d taken his last breaths alone. It had gutted her.

  She’d asked Amy to put Sienna to bed for her. Her baby was a solid sleeper. Thankfully she hadn’t inherited her mother’s insomnia.

  Now, in the light of a new day, she studied the man lying still on the bed. His forehead was bandaged, as were both arms. She’d overheard talk of broken ribs. She hoped the chest compressions she’d given him hadn’t caused the damage. She hadn’t heard or felt any breakage, but then she’d only been focused on getting the man to safety. All else had sort of blurred in her mind. Tests done last night showed no sign of internal bleeding. That news was gratifying. He would survive the terrible crash without any permanent damage. And, the nurse had assured her, no matter the broken ribs, her fast action had saved his life.

  The man was handsome, almost to a fault. The dark bruises under his eyes and along his chin did nothing to hamper how striking he was. His jawline was angular and strong, covered by a light dusting of dark blond scruff. He was tall and lean, his arms muscular.


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