Wild is the Blue

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Wild is the Blue Page 2

by Cecilia Randell

  “Sarah?” The tentative voice came from a slight girl with mouse-brown hair and slumped shoulders. Annaliese.

  Sarah straightened and a genuine smile bloomed on her face. “Hey. Ready?”

  Her friend nodded. Her gaze darted between Blaine, Blue, and Sarah, but she didn’t ask what was going on. Sarah moved to her side as Annaliese’s gaze wandered to the clerestory windows lining the upper walls of the practice area. Her mouth parted and her expression relaxed into something Blue would have called wonder, if there was anything there to wonder at.

  A chill travelled down Blue’s spine. She’d seen that expression too many times. She knew what it was. Annaliese was no longer with them. Her mind was somewhere else. Possibly swamped in colors, or maybe images that no one else could see. Perhaps it was voices calling, or sensations running over her skin.

  This was the look Forrest wore when he fell into whatever it was that fucking drug had done to him. His exposure to the drug was not as long as Annaliese's, and his episodes were fewer and less intense, but they were disconcerting all the same.

  Annaliese had been unconscious for almost a month. It was another three ten-days before the healers released her. She’d been back at the Academy for a month now.

  She was not adjusting well.

  “Let’s go.” Sarah grabbed her friend’s elbow and tugged her to the door and out into the corridor, leaving a grimacing Blaine and a baffled Blue behind in her wake.

  Well, that just happened.

  “What was that?” Elaina asked. She stood a couple yards away, her brow folded in bewilderment. “Did Sarah just… defend you? And what was Blaine doing? I’m confused.”

  Elaina’s question brought Blue back to the immediate situation. She stared down at Blaine. “You crossed a line, Blaine.”

  “And what? Now you’re going to send one of your keepers after me?”

  Blue tilted her head to the side. Her stomach twisted at his words, but she refused to allow the sick feeling to reflect in her expression. She did not care what this chuka thought. But it still hurt to know there were people out in the worlds who believed the family she had built—was still building—was nothing more than trash. Her lip curled up in a sneer to match his. “No. I will deal with you.”

  He scoffed as he pushed himself to his feet, favoring the leg Sarah had kicked. “You can’t take me. You got lucky that first day.”

  He was right. Her hand-to-hand and ground skills were no where close to his. But… “And who is top of the class in ranged weapons?” she asked, keeping her tone musing.


  She choked out a laugh. “Well, yes. In this instance that is a fairly accurate estimate.” Who am I, and where did Blue go?

  He glared.

  “Nothing else to say? Then I’ll leave you to take care of—“ she waved a hand at this leg “—that.” Blue stepped around him, grabbed Elaina’s hand, and dragged her from the practice room.

  “Wow.” Elaina wore a dazed expression, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed. “Wow.”

  Blue’s stomach twisted harder and her hands began to tremble. “I—“ She stopped in the middle of the hallway. “I—“ She sucked in a deep breath. Then another.

  Elaina twisted her hand out of Blue’s grip, then slipped her arm through Blue’s. “Let’s get you home.” Then under her breath, “Shame you guys sent Duri back to Trev.”

  It was. Blaine never would have tried that if Duri were still her shadow. On the other hand… “I really did that, didn’t I? I basically threatened Blaine with a crossbow bolt to the forehead or a knife to the throat, or even a sniper blast to some tender portion of his anatomy.” Her hands still trembled, but her belly was settling. “Wait till I tell the guys about this one!”

  “Do you really think they will pat you on the back in congratulations?”

  And like that, the somersaulting acrobats were on to their next routine in her stomach. “No. Crap.”

  “Exactly. You may have to even cash in a penny to prevent them from killing Blaine. Or sending assassins after him. Though, I would give real consideration to allowing them to do so.”

  At Elaina’s cold tone, Blue pulled her thoughts away from visions of enraged barbarians and a mauled Blaine. “Elaina?” She knew her friend had some history with Sarah and that crowd, but so far she’d refused to tell Blue exactly what happened.

  Elaina shook her head as they drew up to the small storage cubbies they’d stashed their tablets and bags in. “You call him Phillip-Two. From what you’ve told me and if he really is like that boy from Earth, the world may be better without him in it.”

  Did sweet, enthusiastic, and prim Elaina really just suggest Blue send someone after Blaine? “I’m not quite ready to go that far.” Not yet, at least. A few insults and one hair touch did not warrant death. “Unless there’s something you know?”

  Elaina sighed and pulled her bag over her shoulder. “No, but I… know the type.”

  “You okay?”

  Elaina rolled her shoulders back and lifted her chin. “Of course. I should be asking you this question, actually. I will stay with you this afternoon until you may speak with one of your men.” Then she bounced on her toes. “Plus I want to see what new movies you have. Didn’t you say Zeynar had sent over girly-movies?”

  That was the Elaina Blue knew. I’ll get to the bottom of whatever that was, she promised herself. “Easy A and Legally Blonde,” Blue said, naming the latest additions to their growing library of films. “I have yet to torture the guys by making them watch. You can help me come up with a strategy to convince them.”

  Chapter 2


  “Honies, I’m hooo-ooome!” Blue called out as the apartment door slid open. Elaina laughed from behind her.

  Two not-so-small bundles of fur spilled from the hallway into the living room. Garfield, now easily three feet long and forty pounds, leapt for her. Vivi came two seconds behind him.

  Blue had just enough time to relax her muscles in preparation for going down. Garfield hit her chest and she toppled to the floor. She rolled, absorbing the shock, until her cub-baby was under her. Vivi landed and sent them all rolling over the floor once more.

  The piquets were careful to keep their claws sheathed. Playful growls and purrs soon filled the living room. A thin tendril of anxiety worried its way into her mind from Garfield.

  Pack-mom not good?

  Blue stilled. Her baby must have caught her lingering anxiety over the encounter with Blaine. Wrapping her arms around her carnage-kitty, she squeezed her eyes closed as pressure built behind them.

  There was no reason for her to cry. None. Damn emotions. Always too confusing.

  I’m okay, she sent. I just came across a mean man.

  I help? An image of a bloody and torn Blaine filled her mind.

  “No! There will be no maiming!”

  “Who are we not maiming, and why not?” An amused voice came from above her.

  Blue rolled again and let Garfield go as Vivi bounded over to Forrest.

  “Hey pixie.”

  She waved from the floor. “Hey, snookums.”

  He snickered. “Is that the new one for the week?”

  Blue nodded. She’d noticed that each of her guys had a nickname for her. Well, shopa was more of a title, and she shouldn’t really dignify “pet” by calling it a nickname. A few weeks ago she decided she would try out a couple different ones on the guys and see if anything stuck.

  So far, nothing had, though she was liking snookums, and had a few possibles in mind for the other guys.

  Garfield burrowed his head into her side and she scratched at the ruff of fur behind his ears. His purr turned from a low thrum to full motor-boat.

  Vivi butted her head against Forrest’s thigh and mewled up at him. His gaze went soft and unfocused, and a slight frown tugged at his mouth. A few seconds later he blinked then zeroed in on Blue once more. “What exactly happened?”

  Blue grimaced. Forrest must have pi
cked up portions of the incident, or Vivi sent it to him. Their connection had grown stronger since the Falass incident, though it was different from what Blue and Garfield shared. “I’d rather wait until I can tell everyone all at once.”

  Forrest blinked again and the frown disappeared, replaced by a rather blood-thirsty grin. “Okay. Looks like you handled it.”

  Elaina stepped into her line of view. “Should I go?”

  Forrest waved a hand. “Nah. I’m about to leave to finish up some last minute adjustments for the exhibit tomorrow. Mo’ata’s going to meet me there, and Levi and Felix won’t be back until later. Their jobs are running a little later than expected.”

  He was leaving? Damn. She’d been hoping to fit in a few cuddles to help settle the last of her nerves.

  Then his exact words hit her. “Oh crap.” Blue draped an arm over her face, hiding. “That’s what I forgot.”

  “You didn’t,” Forrest said, mock-horror lacing his tone. “My very first exhibit, and you forgot?”

  “Hush.” She paused. “No, I deserved that. Worst-wife-ever moment right there.” She lowered her arm and gazed up at him. “Forgive me? I’ll take on one of your dinner nights…”

  He opened his mouth, no doubt to accept her offer, then paused. “No. I have something else in mind.” That wicked grin, the one that told her he was up to no good, spread across his face.

  She eyed him, wary. “What?”

  “Nuh-uh. Not telling yet.”

  A few moments later Forrest and the cubs were gone. Blue still lay on the floor. Elaina sat next to her. “What was that all about?”

  Blue sat up. “What do you mean?”

  “I… expected him to insist on hearing everything, then call in the rest of your guys and they’d all go track down Blaine and…”

  “Beat him bloody?”

  “Yes. This.”

  Blue stilled for a half second, then stood. “He trusts me,” she finally said. “Plus, this exhibit is a really big deal for him.” What else could she say? Well, you see Elaina, Forrest was given this super-secret and experimental drug that no one but a few people know about. Now, he sometimes knows things he shouldn’t after going off in a daze. So, he probably already knows exactly what happened, how Sarah and I handled Blaine, and that there is nothing to do until I have a chance to talk to all the guys.

  No, she couldn’t say that.

  Avoiding Elaina’s gaze, Blue crossed to the fridge and pulled out the aipin juice. “Want a glass?”

  “Yes.” Elaina’s voice was stiff.

  Blue finished pouring for both of them and handed over Elaina’s glass. Then she scooped up her bag and settled in at the small dining table. A moment later Elaina followed her. “You could always tell me that you cannot say,” the dark-haired girl said as she pulled out her tablet.

  Blue look up at her. The girl’s gaze was direct and clear.

  “Fine. I cannot say,” Blue said.

  “Okay.” Then Elaina grinned. “That was not so hard, was it? Now I don’t feel like you are keeping secrets. I mean, you are keeping secrets, but not from me specifically. It makes me feel better to know that.”

  The girl had a point. Blue knew what it was like to have someone hiding things from her, and it was never a good feeling.

  “Now,” Elaina continued. “What are you studying tonight? History or Structure of the Alliance?”

  “Let’s do Structure of the Alliance.” If Blue was going to make her goal of finishing her studies by the end of the year, it would be better to tackle the more complicated subjects when Elaina was around to answer questions. “I hate politics,” she mumbled as Elaina laughed.

  Blue leaned back in her seat, checked the time, then stretched. After she fed Beast, they’d gotten in two solid hours of study and her head was swimming in facts. The last few chapters had been an overview of Cularna and their role in the Alliance, including how the Order of Terril fit into everything. It was a lot more complicated than Mo’ata had first presented it. She had a suspicion she’d have to make a line diagram, then interrogate both Felix and the Boss for more details.

  Blue’s stomach grumbled, and Elaina’s head shot up. Blue’s cheeks heated. “It’s past our usual dinner time,” she said.

  Speaking of which… Blue pulled out her comm and checked it.

  Nothing. No messages. Not a peep from any of her guys saying when they’d be home. Her belly twisted, and it wasn’t only in hunger.

  She frowned. They’d obviously checked in with Forrest. And maybe he’d told them he’d tell her, but still. Radio silence was not allowed. Since Falass, she had implemented a new rule. Unless you were on an assignment that required you to be out of contact, you checked in. With details. Saying you were “running a little late” didn’t count. Plus, “A little late” was not two hours.

  She shoved aside the mounting anxiety. The last three months had been quiet, all things considered. No kidnappings, no crazy-psycho men or women, no assignments that would take anyone to another world. It was the perfect time for them to come closer as a family—for Blue and Forrest to concentrate on their studies, for Levi to settle into his new job as an official investigator of the Order. Felix had persisted until his old mercenary unit put in a permanent transfer for him to the Boss’s unit on Karran. He no longer needed to worry his father pulling strings and forcing him to report back to Cularna. Even Mo’ata had gotten a job. He was now acting as a kind of ambassador and liaison for the Mamanna of the Dramil clan to the Karran World Council.

  Quiet. It’s been quiet.

  To quiet.

  Shut up mind.

  “Message and ask them,” Elaina said.

  Blue tossed her comm onto the table. “It’s not my job to round them up. If they were going to mess with the routine, they should tell me. I shouldn’t have to ask.” Her stomach rumbled again. “Plus, it’s Levi’s night to cook. He should have at least told us we were on our own, or arranged someone else to take his place.” Blue rose and paced to the kitchen. Then she spun on her heel, snatched up her comm, and sent off a message.

  Where are you?

  As she pressed send, the apartment door slid open. A dark skinned man stood framed in the doorway, his black and silver armor showing off his broad shoulders and trim frame. Golden-hazel eyes locked on her, and a wry smile tipped up the corners of his mouth. “Illi. I apologize. The job ran a little longer than expected.” He held up a cloth bag and the scent of fresh bread and her favorite stew reached her. “I have dinner.”

  She noted he made no move to enter the apartment. She frowned. He stilled.

  Was she that scary?

  A new figure appeared behind him. This one was taller, nearly seven feet. He had his head bowed, studying something in his hand. Then he looked up and green eyes met hers. Chagrin filled his expression and Felix offered her a tentative smile.

  Blue narrowed her eyes even as relief filled her. “You two are in so much trouble.”

  They continued to hover in the doorway.

  “Oh, get in here.”

  Levi stepped in, Felix right on his heels.

  Elaina stood and shoved her tablet into her bag. “I’ll leave you all to your dinner. Sana is no doubt wondering where I am by now. We’ll save the girl’s day for the break?”

  Blue turned back to her friend. “Yeah. Sorry about that. I don’t know how I let something like that get away from me. You’re more than welcome to come with us tomorrow.”

  Elaina waved a hand in refusal. “You should go as a family. But I’ll stop by at some point.” She took a step toward the doorway, then paused. She bit her lip then gave a small nod. Her expression firmed. “You should think about cutting back. I know you are determined to finish your schooling as soon as possible, but I am also aware of the schedule you have been keeping. I do not know how much sleep you’re getting, but it can’t be much. You can’t go on like this. My aunt says that everyone has their limit, and that it is good to stop before you hit it.” Elaina may hav
e directed her words to Blue, but she stared at Levi and Felix as she said them.

  The guys’ eyes narrowed. They exchanged a glance then focused on Blue as Elaina slipped out the door.

  Oh, crap. Why do I feel like I’m the one in trouble now?

  Then her stomach growled, again.

  Levi began setting out the containers of food, his expression warring between his gentle smile and a concerned frown. Arms wrapped around her from behind and she jumped. Felix, that sneaky-sneak, had somehow come up behind her, even though she’d been looking right at him not a second before.

  “Pet, why don’t you come engage in some cuddles with me while Levi gets you a bowl of stew.” He walked them forward and around to the couch. “I suspect that you are hangry.”

  “Don’t call me pet,” she grumbled. But he was right, she was hangry. Hungry. Whatever. “Also, me needing food doesn’t erase the fact that none of you told me about the change in schedule.”

  That earned another exchange of looks. Levi’s lips tightened. Felix shrugged, the movement sending her rocking in his arms. He relaxed his hold and gave her a nudge so she tumbled onto the couch. “We reminded Forrest,” he finally said.

  “Who was supposed to remind you,” Levi muttered.

  “He did.”

  Felix lowered his bulk to the couch and he held out an arm. Blue tucked herself under it. This was definitely better. This was what she’d wanted when she got home.

  “He just didn’t say what time you would be home, and nothing about you bringing food. ‘A little late’ were the words he used.” She pressed into Felix’s side and a hard edge of his armor cut into her arm. “Damn,” she said as she pulled away and tugged at the edge of his jacket. “Can you take some of this off? It makes cuddles harder.”

  “Trying to strip me down early, pet?”

  Blue’s cheeks heated. “It is your night.” Then she frowned. Her nights with Felix were frustrating to say the least—he was still holding back. Did she want to get into that with him here, now? No. He was correct. She was hangry, tired, and what she wanted at the moment was cuddles, not serious discussions that would no doubt lead to further frustration.


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