Wild is the Blue

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Wild is the Blue Page 14

by Cecilia Randell

  “You don’t need to worry about Yorik, or Pakesh.” One was dead, and the other was into something much more far reaching than the Enhancement Addendums. They just had to remain undetected until everything was in place. Another three years, at most, and they would be ready to move forward. Already they had secured supporters within Parliament, and while they had yet to sway the King, Prince Tristan was favorable to their efforts.

  Audal nodded. “Very well. I’ll have Mira contact Janice and we’ll set up a time to visit that’s convenient for everyone.” He turned his attention back to the papers in a clear dismissal.

  “General.” Ekarill inclined his head and rose. With one last glance at the papers and proposals littering the desk, he left.


  When the door slid shut, General Audal released his breath in a long exhalation. He’d hoped he was wrong. He’d hoped his friend wasn’t involved in that old business once again.

  John Ekarill had tipped his hand, though, when he asked about Felix. No one asked about his youngest son. No one, not unless they were ready to face the disapproval of the Audal family. Ekarill must have thought he would be exempt, as they’d been friends for so long. Since before the Enhancement Addendums were proposed, actually. Their children had grown up together, and John was practically a second father to his eldest son.

  General Audal’s hands curled into fists. If the reports his aide had brought him last month were true, his old friend had gotten himself embroiled in something far deeper than a mere proposal before Parliament. Jackson wasn’t sure if he would be able to save him this time.

  He wasn’t sure if he wanted to save him.

  According to those reports, his youngest had helped take down a freelancing unit hired to run security on a facility on Falass—a closed world. Audal, and the guild, didn’t do business on closed worlds. And from what had been seen before the building went up in flames, Miyari used that facility for something other than processing flower petals and healing the natives.

  Things that were currently expressly forbidden by the agreements of the Alliance.

  Two of his son’s… roommates had been taken and held in the facility. Another roommate had assisted in the rescue. An untrained girl, who herself was from a closed world and had taken up with the clansman who had originally found her. Another man, this one from the Prizzoli faction of Padilra, was living with them as well.

  How did my son fall in with such… people? Vagabonds, misfits, and barbarians. That’s who his youngest had chosen to associate with.

  He refused to contemplate the other reports, the ones that spoke of a Martikan Family head who visited every ten-day or so, or the private outings Felix and the girl had been spotted engaging upon.

  Mira had once wondered if Felix leaned to the other persuasion, and instead of welcoming a new daughter, they would someday welcome a new son. While unusual, it was not unheard of. Jackson had prepared himself for the eventuality.

  He had not prepared himself to welcome an off-worlder who associated with criminals and had been claimed by at least one other man.

  He would not welcome her. He’d see his son back with the power grasping ichika before he allowed Felix’s reputation to be sullied in such a manner. Misfits they may be, but he had not missed the… collection this girl was gathering. He feared she was a woman even more hungry for power than Portia, if her associates were any indication. He would not let his boy be used again.

  Chapter 13


  A low ping sounded. Pausing the footage, Trevon answered his phone.

  “Yes?” He leaned back in the office chair he’d had brought in specifically from Karran. Earth had a ways to go in the study of ergonomics, and if Trevon was going to be sifting through hours of footage along with his men, he was going to have a comfortable place to sit his ass.

  “Sir, I’m calling to report.”

  Duri. “Do you have a name?”

  “Blaine Friate. But the situation is being handled. The clansman has requested that his handler in the Order place someone on the boy, who is applying to become an External Security agent when he graduates the Ministry. In addition to his general harassment of Miss Faust, there are indications his temperament would not be suitable to such a post.”

  Trevon read between the lines on that one and grinned. Looked like the clansman was learning how to play the game. “You’ll follow up on that,” he ordered.

  “Of course, sir.”

  There was something else there. “Just spit it out, Duri.”

  “Yes, sir. It seems they are going to Cularna.”

  Trevon’s thoughts raced. This was bound to happen sooner or later, once the mercenary pulled his head out of his ass and decided to introduce Blue to his family. He’d need to in order to have the pairing formally recognized and registered as permanent. “When?”

  “The beginning of the break. Five days. And…”

  “For fuck’s sake Duri. I’m not going to kill you. I can’t. I’m not even there.”

  There was an audible gulp. “It is not just to introduce Miss Faust to the Audals, though that will be happening as well.”

  Every muscle in Trevon’s body tensed. He waited.

  “They are also being sent to trace some connections General Audal may have to some old associates of Miyari. As Mo’ata put it, they are ‘to stir up trouble and shake the moles out of hiding.’”

  Trevon held onto his calm with both hands. He’d not wanted them involved in this any more than they already had been. An image came to him, of Forrest pale and unresponsive being held in Blue’s arms. There had been shadows in her eyes he never wanted to see again. “Did they give you names?”

  “The clansman shared the file with me. ‘For the sake of cooperation’ he said. John Ekarill, Michael Pakesh, Mika Bezuss also known as Jayne Forbant, and a Drake Fillbert.”

  Trevon knew three of those names. Blue was about to throw herself directly into another of his investigations. She really needed to stop doing that. The last name was one he had not heard. “Forward me everything they gave you.”

  “As soon as I have scanned it. It may take a few minutes.”


  “Their Boss prefers it.” Apology laced the reply.

  “Fine.” Trevon paused as factors, contingencies, and possibilities raced through his mind. “Duri? You stay with her. I don’t care how you do it, you do not let her out of your sight. And do not share our own investigation yet. I will do so when I meet up with them. I want to explain everything in person.” Five days, he’d said. That wasn’t much time for him to arrange things. Though he hated to let it leave his hands, he’d have to turn over the Earth investigation. Arrange transport to Cularna aboard one of his merchant ships, get clearance and an official invitation, and make contact with Jason to let him know what was going on.

  When did I become the cat herder? Isn’t that the clansman’s job?

  Duri was still on the line. Trevon groaned. “What else?”

  “I have also been instructed to tell you that Miss Faust agreed to sign over any rights she may have over Sirisa Shipping to Brendan and Dorani Faust. She does not care if we continue our association with them, but she will not be involved in any way.”

  “Did she say why?”

  “No, sir.”

  Interesting. And something to think about later. “Thank you. Anything else?”

  “I have the photos sir, though I am not sure they are what you were hoping for. I delivered the package after their meeting with their boss. The mood was… dampened.”

  Well, fuck. “Send them to me anyway.”

  “Sir, I will say that though they may not be what you were hoping, their reaction to the surprise was marked.”

  “Thank you, Duri,” he said wryly. He may have emphasized the importance of those photos a few times.

  “You are welcome, sir. I will scan those documents now.”

  “Fine.” Trevon disconnected the call. “Prin!”
he yelled.

  The door cracked open. “Sir, there is an intercom.”

  He shrugged off the admonishment. “Turn everything here over to Droggo.”

  “And the Ministry agent?”

  Trevon hesitated. “Leave him be for now.” He was no doubt making a mistake, but for Blue’s sake, he would not have the agent followed. If Jason ran across useful information, it would serve to force his hand on the decisions the agent refused to make. One way or the other, Trevon would learn Jason’s true nature. And, he would learn the man’s true intentions toward Blue.

  Chapter 14



  I will be coming home to visit in five days, arriving late on the next rest day, the twentieth day of Aprel. I will be accompanied by my new intended, with whom I have entered an informal trial-period. In addition…

  Felix paused. How to describe the role Mo’ata and the others played in his life? While the clans’ culture was not unknown on Cularna, there were no words to describe this particular family structure he found himself in. Brothers? That was probably the closest.

  He went back to the message.

  In addition, I have acquired three new brothers. Not by blood, obviously, though we have been in many situations together where bloodletting was involved.

  He grinned to himself then erased the last line. While Father loved a good fight, he would not appreciate that joke.

  While we are not related by blood, the ties that have formed between us are just as strong. Any one of them I trust at my back.

  We will also need accommodation for two—

  No. Scratch that. Blue would want to bring Beast on this one if she could.

  We will also need accommodation for three animals. One is a quorin-mount. The other two are feline in nature, and appreciate dark berries as a treat.

  Vivi pressed against his thigh and chirped at him. Felix plucked a blueberry from the small bowl that held the piquet’s share of the fruit for the day, and passed it down to the her. A rough tongue came out and swept the treat from his fingers.

  Please confirm you have received this, and give my love to Mother and the rest. I will see you soon.

  Your son,


  He read it over. Short and to the point, for the most part. His father could read between the lines well enough. As Felix knew, his father was well aware of his current living situation and of what happened on Padilra, at least the public version. And, even if he didn’t approve of his son’s companions, the general would never refuse to accommodate them.

  Felix hit send.

  What was it Forrest sometimes said?

  Let the games begin.

  That evening, he found Blue in the stables, grooming her Beast.

  She’d been agitated since last night, and the effect was already beginning to show on all of them. Mo’ata, the calmly assured clansman, practically tiptoed around the apartment. Levi remained wary and watchful. The cubs were snapping more than usual, though no blood had been drawn. Forrest was subdued.

  Felix… Well, Felix was going to see his family again after years of avoiding them. When he’d joined the Special Infantry Units, while technically under General Audal’s command, he’d been careful to keep his identity as the son of a general quiet. Which meant he had not directly interacted with his father except for the occasional message.

  And he was much more calm than he expected to be.

  The conversation with Blue two nights ago had done more than get him to open up and finally tell Blue more of his past. It had cleared his own mind, clarified what he wanted.

  Blue was worried about him being forced back home, or of a permanent rift developing between him and his family. While Felix appreciated it, but he didn’t need her worry.

  He watched as she grumbled to Beast, and the quorin grumbled back. Felix grinned. They wore the exact same expressions.

  I wonder how long it will take for her to notice I am here?

  “You know, Beast, I can’t believe they did that. He did that. Who springs something like that on someone?” She worked the curry comb over Beast’s shoulder and side in short circles. The quorin leaned into her. “I almost called fuck-topus.”

  Felix straightened.

  “But then I decided not to. It didn’t feel right for some reason.”

  Felix slumped.

  She started on Beast’s haunches. “I mean, I get why he did it.” Her hand stilled. “Sort of.”

  Beast leaned into her and she resumed her motions.

  “But to spring it on us, when we were suppo—“ Blue came around to the other side of Beast and drew to a halt. She’d spotted him. “Hey.” She gave him a smile that didn’t make it to her eyes. “How are you doing?”

  “I am fine.”

  Did her eyes narrow? Why?

  “Are you sure?”

  He had told her the same when she asked last night, in the booth. Was he not supposed to be fine? Struggling for the words, he settled on telling her what he had come down to say. “I contacted my Father. I have yet to hear back, but there is no reason he should—“ His comm went off.

  He’d gotten a reply.

  We will see you then. I have arranged a shuttle for you.

  That was it. Never let it be said my father is overly verbose.

  “And it looks as though we are now expected,” he told her.

  She set aside the curry comb and approached him, brow furrowed. “And you’re fine?”

  “I’m fine, pet.”

  Her brows formed that little quirk they got just before… Her eyes glistened.

  No. Oh, no, not happening. He swallowed. “Um, yeah. I- I’ll leave you to Beast. He looks like he’s in a demanding mood today.” Felix spun on his heel and got out of there.

  It was Forrest’s night tonight. Surely the younger man would fix this.

  Chapter 15


  Dodging the other Academy students rushing through the corridors, eager to start their mid-term break, Blue finally reached her storage cubby. Elaina had gone home early, something about a visit she and Sana were taking to see some cousins in the Seradnes, and taking an early shuttle.

  Duri, once again her shadow, followed behind her. He’d missed Elaina this afternoon, even asked about her. Blue had as well, but as much as she missed her friend, she wasn’t up for her chatter, not today.

  Not for the last three days.

  She couldn’t seem to shake the anger. It hit her at the strangest times. She’d be in class, or reviewing lists of items to pack with Forrest, and she’d recall the Boss’s smug face as he basically told her to stop being an emotional princess. It made her want to rethink the ‘no maiming’ rule. Blue would grit her teeth and breath deep until the urge to track down the Boss and smack him had faded.

  It wasn’t just the Boss who was the target of the dark emotion.

  Like last night. She and Felix had just come back from visiting a clothing shop that carried Cularnian designs. The owner was going to rush the clothing for them. Mo’ata, Levi, and Forrest had been gathered around the dining room table, bent over a new folder. The Boss had sent over additional information.

  It had set her off again. She’d felt left out, like the boys were over there playing, and she was the inadequate tiny girl that needed to be smothered and protected.

  They weren’t actually treating her like that, and she knew it. But her temper had gained a hair trigger, and she didn’t know how to fix it.

  She felt like an unreasonable bitch, which only made her want to hit something all the more.

  She’d already heard out Mo’ata’s explanations for keeping his meeting with Demil a secret, and she did understand that he’d wanted nothing to interfere with Forrest’s day. Hell, she would have made the same decision if it was her, but…

  He’d dragged them to the bar, plunked them in front of the Boss, and left it at that. No real warning until they were already in the transport, no indication that anything but a fun
night was coming their way, nothing. He’d treated her like… a piece to be maneuvered, and not a partner. He’d treated them all like that.

  Maybe that was how things were supposed to work? Mo’ata was the unspoken leader of their little unit, and the Boss’s main contact. Maybe she was acting like a brat who hadn’t gotten her way. Maybe she was proving the Boss’s words correct; she wasn’t ready to be an agent and she had too much growing up to do.

  Blue sighed.

  “Miss Faust, is there anything I can do?” Duri cast a pointed look at the students jostling each other in their hurry to leave, then to the cubby she’d yet to unlock.

  Right. Can’t just stand here staring blankly at a wall of lockers. That makes me look like a crazy person.

  “No, I’m fine. But, thank you.”

  “I do not think you are fine, Miss.”

  She yanked open the cubby and grabbed her things. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she slammed the door closed.


  She spun to glare up at Duri.

  He blinked.

  She sighed again. “Yes?”

  “May I…?”

  “What did you want to say, Duri?”

  “Why are you angry?”

  “I’m not angry with you.”

  He shook his head. “No. Why are you angry?”

  “I’m no—“ Am I really about to be that person who claims they’re not angry and then stomps around with a scowl on their face?

  Duri cleared his throat.

  She scowled. “I have no idea, okay? I mean, I thought I knew why I was mad, but Mo’ata apologized for that. I even understand, I really do. So I shouldn’t be mad, right? But I still am, and…” She held up her hands.


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