Wild is the Blue

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Wild is the Blue Page 20

by Cecilia Randell

  And then, as if he had never spoken, the ichika reached for him again.

  Enough was enough. Not only were most of them flat out ignoring Blue and the others, they were blatantly disregarding Felix’s wishes, acting as though he was some toddler who didn’t know that flame would burn him. Blue pulled away from Avery and closed the distance between her and Felix

  Her earlier plan of “kill them with politeness” was already out the window. She was about to go find that plan and throw it off a cliff. She wasn’t sure if anything about this could be salvaged, and it was all her fault. Somehow, though, she couldn’t be upset. If polite meant being stepped on and ignored… well, Blue had recently learned she had a bit of vicious in her.

  And she was about to channel her inner Phe. Turning to her mercenary, she reached up and tugged his head down to hers. Felix didn’t resist, and their lips met. He bent, wrapped his arms around her waist, and lifted her to him, never letting his mouth leave hers.

  Blue broke the kiss and twisted her head to lock eyes with a glaring Portia. “Look. I won’t pretend to know you,” she said, keeping her tone even, almost musing. “There may be a very nice girl under all that. But Felix has told me a bit about your… relationship. We have a word for you on Earth. ‘Bitch.’ It’s not always a bad thing. But when you combine ‘bitch’ and ‘manipulative,’ that’s the kind of person to avoid at all costs. You have a history with this family. I get that. If Felix’s mother invited you here, I can’t stop that. If you two are friends, I can’t stop that either.” Blue patted Felix, who set her on her feet. Advancing on the taller woman, Blue tilted her head back and returned Portia’s glare. “But you will stay away from Felix.”

  “Or?” All traces of simpering were gone.

  “No ‘or.’ You will just stay away.” Blue looked at the people gathered around her, scanned the expressions that ranged from amusement to frowning disapproval. “Tell me, is it acceptable in your culture for a person to make advances on someone who has engaged in a trial-period, sanctioned or not, with another?”

  “No.” This came from one of the older sisters. Blue still didn’t know which one, because she still hadn’t been introduced.

  “And is it customary to ignore attempted introductions of guests?”

  The eldest of the siblings, a touch of grey at his dark temples, frowned. “No.”

  General Audal crossed his arms over his chest. “Girl—“

  Blue held up a hand, palm out, toward him. A snicker came from behind her, probably Forrest, or Trevon. Hell, it could have been Levi. “I am not a girl. I may be young, but I have dealt with some things that I’m sure most of you couldn’t imagine.” She studied General Audal. Felix’s father. He topped his son by a couple of inches, and in his pinched eyes lurked knowledge. “So has your son,” she told him directly. “Stop treating him like a child that doesn’t know its own mind.” She turned to his mother. “I came here fully prepared to get to know you. Your son loves you very much, and from what he’s told me, you have always been supportive, had his best interests at heart. I know you love him.”

  His mother’s eyes filled with water and she blinked rapidly, trying to banish the threatening tears. These, at least, were genuine.

  Blue’s ire faded away and she leaned into Felix’s side. “Actually, I was kind of looking forward to exchanging embarrassing stories with you. It’s sort of a tradition on Earth, when a potential… I don’t know the word yet. Daughter-in-law?” she asked in English.

  “Partnered-daughter,” Felix supplied. “It has the same meaning,” he finished in English.

  Blue ignored the widened eyes as Felix spoke in her native language. “Felix cares for all of you very much. That’s why we’re here.” Well, mostly. “We,” she gestured to Mo’ata and the rest of her men, “all consider him part of our family.” Might as well face this head on. “I am aware our… lifestyle is not one found on Cularna. I am aware you most likely do not approve. I am aware this will not be easy for any of us. But, I would like to try.” She pulled in a deep breath and extended her hand. “Let’s try this again. Hello, I’m Blue Faust. It is very nice to meet you.”

  No one moved for a full minute. Blue left her hand extended.

  Finally, General Audal moved. He brought a fist to his chest and inclined his head. “I am General Jackson Audal, of the Mercenary Guild’s Infantry Division.” Straightening, he reached out and grasped Blue’s hand, engulfing hers in hard calluses and long fingers. Just like Felix’s.

  Portia was shoved aside as the others closed in. One by one they introduced themselves. Merrick Audal, the eldest and a now a major eneral. Catherine, the one who’d spoken in response to Blue’s question, was a major in Logistics and Support. Leigh was only a captain, but she acted as aide and liaison to the Navy forces. Avery she had already met. Garret was the next youngest, only a few years older than Felix. Even if she had met him randomly on a street, she would have known they were related. He flashed her an all too familiar grin as he shook her hand. “Not many stand up to Father like that,” he said. “If nothing else, this will be interesting.”

  The next people to step forward were the older man and the blond woman. They had hovered at the back of the group through the initial confrontations, faces a careful blank.

  “John Ekarill,” the man said, placing his fist to his chest. “This is my daughter, Nicole. I will apologize in advance. We had not been informed of your trial-period, only that Felix was bringing friends. Nicole and I will leave you to your visits.”

  Blue’s eyes widened before she could bring her expression under control. So he’d brought his daughter as a possible match? Did this man have no shame? But, he was one of their targets. “Oh, please don’t leave on my account. Felix has mentioned you to me as well. I’m sure he’d welcome this chance to catch up with you. Both of you.”

  The young woman’s gaze darted between her, Portia, Felix’s mother Mira, then went to her father. She swallowed. “I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

  Blue reached for her hand. “Are you planning to lure Felix to your side?”

  Nicole’s eyes went wide. “N-no.”

  Blue grinned. “Then you can tell me all the embarrassing stories.” She leaned in. “I need someone on my side,” she whispered, ignoring the pang of guilt in her upper chest. Nicole really was a sweetheart, and Blue hated to use her like this.

  But, her father was embroiled in some shady business, and Blue had a job to do.

  Ekarill waved a hand. “We can come back for the celebration.”

  “Celebration?” Felix asked.

  General Audal nodded. “Your mother wanted to invite a few people over in honor of your return.”

  Felix grinned. “Good. We can announce my joining with Blue at that time.”

  Blue choked. Looked like she wasn’t the only one willing to throw bombs instead of politeness. “Let’s finish the introductions, shall we?” she hurried to interject. At the rate this was going, they would be out here for another hour. She gestured to Mo’ata, who stepped forward. “This is Mo’ata of the Dramil clan, and my First Priden.” She waved to Forrest. “Forrest Decatur, my second, and the umsji of our family. He also just had his first piece exhibited in the University of Tremmir’s annual student exhibit.”

  Avery bounced on toes. “Not From Their Darkness? I saw the photos. Amazing work. And it sold right away.” She turned to her mother. “We should see if he can make you something for your solar. You’ve been saying the space needed something.”

  Forrest inclined his head. Ah, so diplomatic. “I could try. I have to admit my skills are more toward painting at the moment. My partner on the project, Matti, is the one with the sculpting abilities.”

  “But you handled the concept, according to the articles.”

  Forrest’s cheeks flushed and he ducked his head.

  Mira Audal moved to his side and placed a light hand on his arm. “I will show you my solar, and you can give me your opinion. I, too, saw th
e images of your piece. It was truly remarkable.”

  “You think so?” Forrest gave her a wide smile and Mira returned it.

  And Forrest-charm strikes again. Blue suppressed a chuckle. She waved toward Levi. “Levi Scorran, the third in our prida.”

  Levi bowed but didn’t say anything.

  Blue braced herself for more dramatics as she gestured to the next man. “Trevon Zeynar, head of the Zeynar Family of Martika. He has declared his intentions to court me. I have just decided to accept his suit, though the talks have not been finalized. These are his guards Prin and Duri.”

  The smile fell from Mira’s face and General Audal’s spine stiffened further, if that was possible, but they held in any further comments.

  Portia didn’t. “And this is what you want, Felix? You’re really going to join yourself with people such as this?”

  This ichika really doesn’t quit. Blue’s blood surged but she held onto her temper. This time.

  Beast didn’t. He lunged and snapped at the woman, his teeth mere inches from her. Portia jumped back. Garfield and Vivi chirped-coughed in their version of laughter.

  “This is Beast, my quorin mount. He’s a bit protective. And grumpy.”

  “These animals are a menace.” Portia wiped the shock from her face and brushed her skirts.

  “And these,” Blue pointed to the two piquets who once more had their gazes locked on Portia, “are Garfield and Vivi. They are piquets from the mountains north of the clans. And are even more protective than Beast, though a little more well-behaved.”

  Vivi snapped in Portia’s direction as though to make a mockery of Blue’s words.

  “Mostly,” Blue added.

  Silence fell.

  “Well,” Mira Audal finally said. “The introductions are done. Shall we head for the residence?” Then she was off to where the pouma mounts crouched against the concrete of the landing field.

  “That could have gone better,” Blue said as the others followed.

  “It was certainly entertaining,” Trevon added.

  “It was,” Felix agreed. “I’ve never seen father back down like that.” He turned a speculative gaze on Blue. “This may be easier than I thought. It was almost as though he liked you.”

  “That was easy?” How was that easy? When had General Audal backed down? “I think you’re delusional. How could you interpret that as like?”

  It was Trevon who answered. “He returned your Earth gesture of greeting. He touched you. Generals don’t do that, not unless you are of equal or higher rank, the person is family, or they consider you have earned the honor of it in some way.”

  “Strength.” Felix nodded. “My father does understand that it is not always physical. And our Blue showed him just how strong she could be, first by standing up to him, then by backing down when that strength was no longer needed to achieve the goal.” Felix patted her head and she snapped at him. “Very strategic, pet. Good job.”

  “I’m so glad you approve, pookie.” Blue shrugged. “I didn’t really think of it like that, though. I just… got mad. And then I wasn’t.” She eyed the distance between them and Felix’s family and visitors. “We should try to keep Ekarill around. Or see if we can do a little poking while he’s still here.”

  “Ask him about Earth,” Trevon offered. “Or, open a discussion about it, and Denver. Keep it casual, maybe with his daughter, or Avery. Do it in front of both him and the general.”

  “Smart,” Mo’ata agreed. He laid a hand on Blue’s shoulder. “I am proud of you shopa. You are truly the heart of our family.”

  She offered him a crooked smile. “I really did just get mad.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “For us.”

  “Well, yeah. I mean, they decided it would be a good idea to invite Portia here. What parent does that?”

  “My mother,” Felix said. He shook his head with a soft smile. “I’m not sure if she truly wants me with Portia, or if she was testing you, or me, or both of us. Father allowed it because he was testing our bond. And you.”

  “Let us go, shopa.” Mo’ata tilted his head to the now mounted and waiting party.

  “Right. Once more unto the breach.”

  “I know that one,” Trevon said. “Or close the wall with our English dead.”

  “Let’s not kill anyone,” Forrest said.

  “If we can help it,” Levi added.

  Blue laughed as she mounted Beast. “I love you guys.”

  They headed for the waiting mounts and enemy—family.

  Chapter 20


  She maneuvered until she walked close to Nicole. The other woman had remained near her father through the whole ride, on the other side of the herd of pouma mounts, and Blue hadn’t had a chance to engage her in conversation. Now, Beast had been settled in the stables and the piquets taken to the kitchen to be fed. And the rest of them were also on the way to food.

  “Hey,” Blue said now, as Mira Audal led everyone through the residence and to the meal laid out. “I really would like it if you stayed.”

  Nicole glanced down at her. It hadn’t escaped Blue’s notice that everyone on Cularna, and she meant everyone, was above average height—or at least Earth average. The young woman bit her lip and the corners of her brown eyes pinched. “Are you sure? I don’t want to interfere. Though, I would like to catch up with Felix.”

  “You really had no idea we were in a relationship?”

  She shook her head, her blond waves swaying. “I really didn’t.” A sigh. “I only came to humor my father. I’ve never thought of Felix that way. We were close growing up, but when he entered the guild and I went off to school, we grew apart. My father has it stuck in his head that there is no such thing as friendship between men and women.”

  “Which is blatantly untrue.” Blue and Kevin were friends, close friends, and had never felt any attractions for each other.

  “Exactly.” Nicole’s gaze brightened. “Sometimes I think everyone on this planet is stuck in some kind of medieval version of Earth.”

  Was this the opening Blue was looking for? “You know Earth culture?”

  “It’s a hobby of mine. I’m a historian, and though I specialize in Alliance history, I find the cultures of the other worlds fascinating as well. I mean, the cross-overs and influences the worlds have on each other, without even realizing, is quite thought provoking.”

  They exited the plain white corridor dotted with the occasional decorative plant, and entered the dining room. The ceiling rose, and evening sun spilled through a wall of windows. Red-cushioned chairs and mellow wood contrasted nicely with the white walls. More potted plants and a patterned rug provided appealing splashes of color without overwhelming the elegance of the room. The crowning touch was the landscape hung on the far wall. Depicting cliffs falling into a turbulent sea, it was perfectly placed to draw the eye.

  “Come, let’s eat.” Mira gestured to the covered dishes laid out on a sideboard. “We decided to hold this buffet style, as we weren’t sure of your food preferences.” She stood by the table, hands folded, with Portia hovering beside her.

  Felix’s ex had been subdued since the introductions finished. Blue didn’t trust it, but she’d leave it for now.

  “Help me pick some things out?” she asked Nicole.

  “Wait for the men to go first,” Nicole whispered when Blue made to step toward the sideboard.


  Nicole shrugged. “You’ll see.”

  General Audal, Ekarill, Felix, Merrick and Garret all headed for the buffet. They filled plates with food then set them on the table. Coming to her, Felix took her hand and tugged her toward the table. “Please eat, pet.”

  They stopped before the plate of food he’d filled. Seriously, he was feeding her and calling her pet? She raised her brows. “We are going to talk about this later.”

  Forrest wandered over. He leaned in and whispered, “Should have given her a heads up on the customs. And maybe don’t
call her pet while filling a plate of food for her.”

  Felix flushed. “It was not something I thought about.”

  She patted his arm. “Just took me by surprise.” She stretched up and he leaned down. She placed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Can I go sit next to Nicole?” she whispered.

  He nodded, straightened, picked up her plate, and moved it to the seat beside the one Ekarill had filled and set down. She noted the plates the other men filled were also not for them. Mira stood before the one General Audal prepared, and Felix’s brothers placed theirs before their sisters. Garret returned to the sideboard, filled another, and placed it before Avery.

  Blue wasn’t sure if it showed respect or condescension.

  Since she knew Felix respected her, she decided to go with that option.

  Once the women were seated, the men returned for their own food. The rest of Blue’s guys had been hanging back, observing and waiting. When the general sat, they moved toward the food, filled their own plates and joined the rest. Since they were filling in the available seats, they ended up scattered. Forrest found himself next to Avery and Mira, and Trevon chose a seat at the end of the table farthest from General Audal.

  See, her hooligan could do diplomatic if need be.

  Utensils clinked against dishes. Chairs creaked, and napkins swished.

  Yay for awkward silences. “Would you like to hear a story, Nicole?” Blue asked. She speared a chunk of some kind of vegetable and bit in. Nope, not a vegetable. Just orange meat.


  “You said you studied Earth history. Would you like to hear how my parents met?”

  “Your father was Ministry, yes?” General Audal’s voice carried down the table.


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