Rules of Bennett

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Rules of Bennett Page 6

by Ember Michaels

  I was never getting out of here.

  “Annnnd scene!” Bennett’s voice exclaimed on the screen. “Go on with the grand finale.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see the inevitable. Bennett gripped my face, his fingers digging into my cheeks so hard that it hurt.

  “Open your eyes,” he said as he gave my head a shake. But I couldn’t force myself to. My heart hammered in my chest as my father’s voice echoed in my head while he pleaded for his life.

  “Please. I can’t bear to look,” I whispered.

  “Either you open your fucking eyes or I can remove your eyelids to keep them permanently opened,” he growled. “Do it now.”

  My eyes opened just as my mother shot my father in the chest before collapsing in grief at his feet. Tears silently rolled down my cheeks as I watched my mother apologize to him over and over. Hearing my father’s last words of “I love you” and witnessing my mother fall apart made me weak in the knees. Bennett kept me upright by squeezing the back of my neck tight, forcing me to watch as he made my mother hold a gun to her head, eventually putting a bullet in it himself when she didn’t pull the trigger. He’d made my mother kill my father and slaughtered her afterwards; it was only a matter of time before he’d do the same thing to me.

  “You want to know what I told your father?” he asked when the video ended. I sobbed in mourning. In the last 24 hours, I’d lost so much. My fiancé, my parents, my business, my life. Would death really be as bad as what was probably waiting for me in California?

  Did I really want to deal with the torture Bennett would put me through?

  You can’t give up so easily, I told myself, clenching my teeth together as Bennett closed in on me.

  “Do you want to know?” he asked, breaking into my thoughts.

  I looked into his dark, yet calm eyes. “What?” I forced myself to say.

  He grinned, his body so close to mine that I could feel his heat radiating off him in waves.

  “I asked him how it felt to know that he’d be the reason you’ll be screaming soon enough when I stuff you full of my cock,” he murmured.

  “No!” I screamed, trying to move away from him. He firmly grabbed the back of my neck with one hand to keep me still.

  “Oh yes,” he replied, his smile turning into a grin as his other hand moved between my legs. I’d tried to squeeze my legs together, but the more I resisted, the tighter he pinched my thigh. He shook his head. “You must love to be punished. But don’t worry, I have so much more to show you. All of this barely scratches the surface.”

  I whimpered when he stuck his foot between mine and pushed them apart, his fingers circling my clit.

  “No,” I whispered, trying to move away from him. This was wrong. He didn’t have permission to do this. I wasn’t his to do this to. My body, mind, and soul belonged to Heath no matter what this psychopath thought. “You’ll never have me.”

  His chuckle rumbled low and deep as he leaned forward. “Look around, Aurora. I already have you,” he whispered in my ear.

  I gasped as he thrust two strong fingers inside of me, but he didn’t move them. I bit my bottom lip and willed myself not to cry. “Please stop,” I begged. “Please just stop.”

  “There’s that’s fear,” he murmured, finally moving his fingers in a slow rhythm. “Such a tight little pussy you have. Can’t wait to feel this very fear gripping my cock when we land.”

  Fear consumed me, which did nothing but make him smile as he continued to thrust his fingers inside of me.

  “Please stop! Please!” I cried, trying to get away from his violating hands. After a few moments, his withdrew his fingers from me, the sinister grin still plastered on his lips. He smeared my essence on my cheek.

  “I’m going to have so much fun with you,” he said. A chill rolled down my spine as I thought of what he probably had in store. Whatever I imagined was probably no match for what he’d do to me.

  He detached the handcuffs from the loop, letting my arms drop. A painful tingling sensation ran down my arms as my blood rushed back to where it was supposed to be.

  “Bow,” he said.

  I looked at him and blinked. “What?”

  “Did I fucking stutter? Do I need to remind you of rule number one?”

  “No, no, no,” I rushed out as his hand reached for his belt buckle.

  “Get on your knees and bow,” he ordered. I reached down to grab my panties, but he caught my arm. “Did I tell you to touch those?”

  “No,” I murmured, keeping my eyes low.

  “Then don’t. On your knees,” he said.

  I slowly lowered myself onto my knees. My ass and the back of my thighs hurt like hell in this position. My limbs were stiff, my body was exhausted, and my eyes were heavy. I just wanted today to be over with. I had no idea how I was going to survive this ordeal if every day would be like today.

  If you follow the rules, you’ll survive, a voice reminded me. But everyone knew you couldn’t win with the devil. It probably wouldn’t matter if I did everything he told me to, he’d still find reasons to hurt me, to violate me.

  He looked down at me. “Now stay in that position until we land,” he said. I kept my eyes down, watching as he turned on his heels and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

  All of my tears were cried out and I had nothing left. I focused on the engagement ring that was still on my finger, my heart breaking all over again at the thought of what would never be. Painful memories of Heath filled my mind as I gazed at the ring, remembering how I felt on top of the world last night with the love of my life. The more I thought about how much I’d lost over the last few hours, the more angry I became. Even though death would’ve been the easier route, I refused to give up.

  I would avenge my family.

  I would avenge the love of my life.

  I would avenge the woman that I’d probably lose in this tango with the devil.

  But before everything was all over, either Bennett or I would be dead.

  And I didn’t plan on dying anytime soon.

  I settled down in a seat near the front of the cabin and pulled out my phone. There was so much shit that needed to be done and put in place before Aurora’s arrival. The protocol for her would be so much different, as she was now my pet, not a woman I’d planned to groom to get ready for auction.

  After spending the next couple of hours booking a tattoo artist, esthetician, and a personal stylist, I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. My mind replayed the events of the last few hours, a grin pulling at my lips. Her screams and desperate cries for help echoed off the corners of my mind, the sound a soothing balm to the chaos within me. I’d punished and beaten many women, but I’d never gotten aroused from inflicting pain on them. There was something about Aurora that made me want to hurt her, that made me want to lick the tears from her face as she cried. I relished in her pain and misery and even though she was probably doing what I told her to do right now, it took everything in me to stay in my seat and not give her another dose of hell.

  Pace yourself, Bennett, I told myself as I closed my eyes and rested my head against the back of the seat. There was plenty of time to play with her. She wouldn’t be much good if she was dead before we even got to my house.

  “Drink, sir?” the flight attendant asked, breaking into my thoughts. I glanced up at her, her bright blue eyes curiously watching me as her pouty lips held a slight grin. She was as thin as a rail, her blue dress loose on her curveless frame.

  “Got Bourbon?” I asked. She nodded as she placed a napkin and a glass of ice in front of me before pulling a bottle of aged Bourbon from her cart. “Do you usually have this on the plane?”

  She poured me half a glass and shook her head. “No, sir. Your father requested that it be stocked for your trip,” she replied and gave me a sweet smile. “Enjoy your drink.”

  I nodded and took a deep pull from the glass as she moved down the aisle. There was so much to do when I got home
. Aurora would have to be cared for as soon as we touched down, as she was already developing bruises in the area I’d hit her in. Maybe I was a bit rough with her too soon, but the beast within me couldn’t wait until I got home to make her suffer. Pleasure rolled up and down my spine at the sound of my belt hitting her bare skin. My cock jumped each time she squirmed with no way to escape my blows. And while I wanted to bend her over and fuck her right then and there, now wasn’t the time or place. I didn’t want any interruptions when I had her for the first time.

  And I would savor every second of it.

  When the plane finally landed, I got up and went back into the room to retrieve her. She wasn’t where I left her on the floor when I opened the door. As small as the room was, there wasn’t many places she could be.

  “Try anything stupid and I’ll just end you right now,” I called out, smirking when the closet door opened.

  I turned around just in time to see her drop a small Champagne bottle from the mini fridge.

  “Really? You thought you’d be able to execute that?” I snickered. “You must be a glutton for punishment. I’ll deal with you later. Let’s go.”

  She grunted when I snatched her up by the arm and dragged her out of the room and down the aisle. A car was already waiting outside when we stepped plane.

  “Where are we going now?” she asked as I pulled her along.

  “Home,” I replied, nodding to the man that opened the door for us. “Get in.”

  She awkwardly got into the back of the SUV, groaning when she had to sit down.

  “Hurts, doesn’t it?” I taunted.

  “Fuck you,” she growled.

  “You shouldn’t say such things, Aurora. You might get me excited,” I teased. “Trust me, I plan to fuck you soon enough.”

  My property teemed with security by the time I arrived home. The red lights planted on the corners of my land blared as an alarm went off, and I immediately knew what was going on.

  One of the girls had escaped.

  I pulled Aurora up the driveway and entered the house through the garage.

  “You’re in for a treat, doll,” I said to her with a grin. “While I had plans to show you what happens when you’re defiant and disrespectful, it looks like someone’s volunteered to have me demonstrate on them.”

  “You’re a sick fucking bastard, you know that?” she snapped, trying to pull away from me.

  I chuckled. She had no fucking idea how sick and depraved I could really be. I’d barely scratched the surface with her, but she’d soon know.

  When we entered the kitchen, I stopped one of the guards that usually worked in the bunker under the house.

  “Which one was it?” I asked.

  He sighed deeply. “Fucking Alice. Again.”

  “Again?” I asked with a raised brow. “Why is it my first time hearing that it’s happened before?”

  “She didn’t make it outside of the building last time,” he explained. “But today, she hit Brittany with a broken shower bar when she was being dressed for a client and ran out into the woods.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “Hulk and Matthews are bringing her back.”

  I nodded. “Have them bring her to the Retribution room in the bunker,” I said, pulling Aurora along.

  “Let me guess, you’re going to kill her too?” she asked, stumbling along next to me. I didn’t respond, as I had other plans.

  Aurora stopped in the doorway, her eyes wide with horror when I opened the door to my Retribution room. Everything that was in someone’s worst nightmare was in this room. Chains, canes, whips, knives, torture tables and chairs, and everything in between. Everything in the room was blood red and black and if anyone ever came into this room, they didn’t leave it alive.

  “What…the…fuck?” Aurora whispered, her eyes scanning the room.

  “Don’t worry. If you do what you’re supposed to do, you won’t see this room after today,” I reassured her, walking over to a table and moving it to the center of the floor.

  “Then…why are we in here?” she asked, her voice trembling.

  I grinned. “I already told you. You have a front row seat to a demonstration,” I said. “Now get in here or I’ll use you as an example too.”

  Her whimper didn’t go unnoticed as she slowly stepped into the room, her eyes still looking over everything. She winced with each step she took, her earlier lashes now faint purple bruises. It was beautiful really, seeing those bruises on pure, untouched flesh. The thought of putting more of them on her at some point made my cock twitch.

  “Why do you do this to people?” she asked, her voice low.

  I met her teary gaze and shrugged. “People do this to themselves,” I said. “I make my rules clear.”

  Hulk and Matthews appeared in the doorway and threw Alice into the room, where she landed before me on her hands and knees.

  “According to the other girls, she’d been trying to recruit others to leave with her,” Hulk said with a huff.

  “Thanks for handling the situation, guys. I’ll compensate you for it.”

  “No problem, boss,” they both said in unison and closed the door as they left.

  “Alice, Alice, Alice,” I said with a shake of my head. “It’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other, huh?”

  She sniffled before me, but didn’t lift her head. She knew better.

  I turned to Aurora. “Aurora, meet Alice,” I said, gesturing toward the cowering woman. “I want you to understand that belonging to me isn’t the worst that could happen to you.”

  Aurora scoffed. “What could possibly be worse than what you’ve already done?”

  “I could sell you. And trust me, there are men who could do a lot worse if they were to get their hands on you,” I said, my voice flat. It was satisfying to see the color drain from her face. The defiant posture she once had slowly melted into timid fear. “You see, Alice is one of many women I have here. There are three paths you could wind up on when you step foot onto this property. You could be my pet, which is considered an honor if you ask me.” I grinned as she clenched her teeth, probably fighting with herself to stay quiet. “All you have to do is follow my rules and life can be good for you. So, what happens to you here is ultimately up to you.”

  I look down at the woman before me. “Then you have the path that Alice was on. I either make them work as escorts or sell them off to the highest bidder. And you don’t want that. Things can get violent when they get out of line.” I pulled my gun from my waistband. “Finally, you have the path that Alice is now on, which is termination.”

  “No!” Aurora screamed out as Alice began to sob on the floor.

  I smiled and shook my head. “Oh, I’m not going to kill her,” I said. “At least not right this second. I want to show you what’ll happen if you try to pull a similar stunt.”

  I roughly grabbed Alice by the arm and yanked her to her feet. Her blonde hair hung in her face, dirt and pieces of leaves stuck to the loose dress she wore.

  “I hear this is your second time trying to escape, Alice,” I said to her, dragging her over to the table. “Did you really think you could escape this place?”

  She whimpered in response, trembling under my grasp. I gestured toward the table.

  “Get up there now,” I ordered.

  As soon as she got on the table and I secured the restraints on her, a solid knock sounded on the door.

  “What?” I barked.

  The door opened and my stylist, Brittany, someone that I’d thought of as my sister, poked her head in the door. “Your dad’s here. He wants to see you and the girl.”

  “Can’t he wait?”

  “I guess not. He wanted you to hurry up, dispose of Alice, and get out here,” she said with a shrug.

  I ran a hand through my hair and ground my teeth. “Fuck my gah damn life,” I muttered and looked back to her. A small bruise was forming on her cheek where I assumed Alice had hit her, setting my rage off all over again. “A
re you going to be okay?”

  She waved me off. “It’s just a little bruise. I’ll live.”

  “Want to do the honors then?” I asked as I gestured to Alice.

  She smiled and shook her head. “Thanks, big bro, but I’m not a killer. You have that covered. Just hurry before Wilson blows a gasket,” she said and shut the door behind her.

  There was nothing I hated more than my father showing up to my place unannounced, but I hated it even more when he made me speed up kills that I wanted to savor.

  He used to tell me that he was concerned about me, that I took too much joy in the process of killing and torturing. I didn’t have much of a choice. I either had to embrace the demon within me or be consumed by the dark evil that was now my life. After a few kills, the blood didn’t matter anymore. The screams of tortured souls didn’t shock me. The destruction and carnage didn’t affect me. If that made me psychotic or insane, I embraced it wholeheartedly.

  “Looks like this party has to end early,” I said with a huff and looked to Aurora. “Come here.”

  “What?’ she said, looking between Alice and I.

  I rolled my eyes. “Are you fucking deaf? Come. Here,” I repeated again, agitated.

  She slowly came over to me and stood next to the table.

  “We’re going to play a quick game. Let’s call it ‘Deal or No Deal.’ Here are your options: you either kill her, or she can watch me rape you before I kill her.”

  “No!” Alice screamed, her ocean blue eyes filled with tears! “I’m sorry! I swear it won’t happen again!”

  “Oh, I know it won’t happen again. You won’t have another chance to do it,” I said and looked to Aurora. “Well?”

  “You can’t be fucking serious!” Aurora exclaimed. “I’m not a murderer!”

  I shrugged. “It’s amazing what decisions we’ll make in order to save their own ass,” I said. “Take your father for example. The reason why you’re here right now is because of the decision he made to save his ass.”


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