The love affair of Colonel McVeigh was not the only one underconsideration that evening. Delaven was following up the advice of theJudge and Madame Caron to the extent of announcing to MistressMcVeigh during a pause in the dance that his heart was heavy, thoughhis feet were light, and that she held his fate in her hands, for hewas madly in love, which statement she had time to consider anddigest before the quadrille again allowed them to come close enoughfor conversation, when she asked the meaning of his mystery.
"First, let me know, Mrs. McVeigh, which you would prefer if you had achoice--to have me for your family physician, or a physician in yourfamily?"
She smiled at the excentric question, but as the dance whisked him offjust then she waited for the next installment of his confidence.
"You must tell me, first, what relationship you seek to establish,"she demanded, as he came up for his answer.
He looked at her quizzically, and seeing a slight gleam of humor inher fine eyes, he launched into the heart of the question.
"What relationship? Well, I should say that of husband and wife, if Iwas not afraid of being premature;" he glanced at her and saw that shewas interested and not in the least forbidding. "To be sure, I ampoor, while you are wealthy, but I'm willing to overlook that; infact, I'm willing to overlook anything, and dare all things if youwould only consider me favorably--as a son-in-law."
"You are actually serious?"
"Serious, am I--on my faith, it's a life and death affair with me thisminute!"
"And my little Evilena the cause?"
"Yes, our Evilena, who does not feel so small as you may imagine. Lookat her now. Could a dozen seasons give her more confidence in her ownpowers than she has this minute by reason of those uniformedadmirers?--to say nothing of my own case."
"_Our_ Evilena?" and Mrs. McVeigh raised her brows inquiringly--"thenyou have proposed?"
"Indeed, no! I have not had the courage until tonight; but when I seea lot of lads daft as myself over her, I just whispered in the ear ofDelaven that he'd better speak quick. But I would not propose withoutasking your permission."
"And if I refused it?"
"You could not be so hard-hearted as that?"
"But suppose I could--and should?"
He caught the gleam of teasing light in her eyes, and smiled back ather:
"I should propose just the same!"
"Well," said Evilena's mother, with a combination of amusement andsympathy in her expression, "you may speak to her and let me know theresult."
"I'd get down on my knees to kiss the toe of your slipper, thisminute," he whispered, gratefully, "but the Judge would scalp me if Idared; he is eyeing me with suspicion already. As to the result--well,if you hear a serenade in the wee small hours of the night, don't letit disturb you. I've got the guitar and the uniform all ready, and ifI fail it will not be because I have overlooked any romantic adjunctsto successful wooing. I'll be under your daughter's window singing'Sweet Evilena,' rigged out like a cavalier in a picture-book. I'mwishing I could borrow a feather for the hat."
She laughed at the grotesque picture he suggested, but asked what hemeant by the uniform, and laughed still more when he told her he wasgoing to borrow one for the occasion from Kenneth, as Evilena hadannounced her scorn for all ununiformed men, and he did not mean torisk failure in a dress suit. Later he had an idea of applying for auniform of his own as surgeon in the army.
"If you could introduce _that_ into your serenade I have no fear mylittle girl would refuse you," said Mrs. McVeigh, encouragingly, "atleast not more than two or three times."
On leaving Mrs. McVeigh he stumbled against Masterson, who was in theshadow just outside the window within which Monroe was in interestedconverse with Matthew Loring and some other residents of the county.He had been deliberately, and, in his own opinion, justifiably, alistener to every sentence advanced by the suspected Northerner, whomhe felt was imposing on the hospitality of the South only to betrayit.
Earnest as his convictions were he had not yet been able to discernthe slightest trace of double intent in any of Monroe's remarks, whichwere, for the most part, of agricultural affairs, foreign affairs,even the possible future of the Seminoles in the Florida swamp; ofeverything, in fact, but the very vital question of the daysurrounding them, which only tended to confirm his idea that the manwas remarkably clever, and he despaired of securing sufficientevidence against him in the brief time at his disposal.
He had just arrived at that conclusion when Delaven, high-hearted withhope, saw only the stars over his head as he paced the veranda, andturning the corner stumbled on Masterson.
There was an exclamation, some words of apology, and involuntarilyMasterson stepped backward into the stream of light from the openwindow, and Monroe, looking around, read the whole situation at aglance. Masterson still suspected him, and was listening! Monroefrankly laughed and made a little sound, the mere whisper of awhistle, as he met Masterson's baffled look with one of cool mockery;it was nonchalant to the verge of insolence, and enraged theSoutherner, strong in his convictions of right, as a blow could nothave done. For a blow a man could strike back, but this mockery!
Delaven walked on, unconscious of the suppressed feeling between thetwo. Masterson was handicapped by the fact that he dared not againmention his suspicions to the McVeigh family, and he strode down thesteps to the lawn, furious at the restraint put upon him, andconscious, now, that surveillance was useless, since the Northernerhad been put upon his guard.
His impatience filled him with rage. He was honest, and he was afighter, but of what use was that since he had blundered? He had dealtclumsy strokes with both hands, but the other had parried each thrustwith a foil. He was worsted--the game was up, but he at least meant tolet the interloper know that however clever he might be, there weresome people, at least, whom he could not deceive.
That was the humor he was in when he saw Monroe excuse himself toLoring, step through the window, and light a cigar, preparatory to astroll towards the tryst with Pluto.
Masterson watched him sauntering carelessly down the steps. He hadremoved the cigar and was whistling very softly, unconsciously, as onewho is deep in some quandary, but to Masterson it seemed the acme ofstudious carelessness to ignore his own presence; it seemed insolentas the mocking glance through the window, and it decided him. Hisshoulders unconsciously squared as he stepped forward.
"Captain Monroe, I want a word with you," and his tone was a challengein itself. Monroe turned his head, slowly, finished the bar he waswhistling in a slightly louder tone--loud enough to distinguish thatit was "Rally 'Round the Flag," whistled very badly. Monroe hadevidently little music in his soul, however much patriotism he had inhis heart.
"Only one, I hope," he said, carelessly, with an irritating smile.
"You may have to listen to several before you get away from here!"
"From--you?" and there was perceptible doubt in the tone; it added toMasterson's conviction of his own impotence. He dared not fight theman unless Monroe gave the challenge, though it was the one thing hewanted to do with all his heart.
"From those in authority over this section," he said, sternly.
"Ah!--that is a different matter."
"You may find it a very serious matter, Captain Monroe."
"Oh, no; I shan't find it, I'm not looking for it," and Monroe softlyresumed, _"The Union Forever."_
"If you take my advice," began Masterson, angrily, "you'll"--butMonroe shook his head.
"I shan't, so don't mention it," he said, blandly. Masterson's wordyanger showed him that he was master of the situation, so he onlysmiled as he added, "advice, you know, is something everybody givesand nobody takes," and Monroe resumed his whistle.
"You think yourself cursedly clever," and it was an effort forMasterson to keep from striking the cool, insolent face. "You thoughtso today when Madame Caron was suspected instead of yourself."
"Madame Caron!" Monroe ceased the whistle and looked at h
im with amomentary frown, which Masterson welcomed as a sign of anger.
"Ah, that touches you, does it?"
"Only with wonder that you dare speak of her after your failure tomake her the victim of your spies today," and Monroe's tone was againonly contemptuous. "First you arrest me, then accuse Madame Caron.Evidently you are out of your sphere in detective work; it reallyrequires considerable cleverness, you know. Yet, if it amusesyou--well"--he made a little gesture of indifference and turned away,but Masterson stepped before him.
"You will learn there is enough cleverness here to comprehend why youcame to this plantation a willing prisoner," he said, threateningly.Monroe resumed his _"Rally Once Again,"_ and raised his browsinquiringly, "and also why you ignored a former acquaintance withMadame Caron and had to be introduced. Before you are through withthis business, Captain Monroe, you'll whistle a different tune."
"Oh, no, I shan't; I don't know any other," said Monroe, amiably, andsauntered away as some of the guests, with gay good nights, came downthe steps. The evening, delightful as it had been, fraught withemotion as it had been, was passing. The late hour reminded Monroethat he must no longer delay seeing Pluto if he was to see him at all.They had exchanged glances several times, but the black man's dutieshad kept him occupied every minute, and they had found no opportunityto speak unobserved.
Judithe stood beside Mrs. McVeigh on the veranda exchanging goodnights with some of the people, who expected to be her neighbors inthe near future, and who were delighted with the prospect. She hadbeen a decided success with the warm-hearted Southerners, and hadentered the rooms a short time after her interview with her host, sogay, so bright, that he could scarcely believe those brilliant eyeswere the ones he had seen tear-wet in the dusk. She had not avoidedhim, but she had made a tete-a-tete impossible; for all that he couldonly remember the moment when she had leaned upon his breast andconfessed that the love was not all on his side; no after attempt atindifference could erase an iota of that!
Monroe stopped to look at her, himself unseen, and as she stood theresmiling, gracious, the very star of the evening, he thought he hadnever before seen her so absolutely sparkling. He had always known herbeautiful; tonight she was regal beyond comparison. Always in theyears to follow he thought of her as she stood there that night,radiant, dominant, at the very pinnacle of success in all things. Henever again saw her like that.
As he passed on he relit the cigar, forgotten during his meeting withMasterson, and Pluto, who had been on nettles of anxiety to get awayfrom his duties all the evening, seized the opportunity when no onewas looking, and followed closely the light of the cigar as it movedalong the hedge past the dining room windows.
He carried the treasured bag holding the dead Rosa's belongings.
"Couldn't get away a mite sooner, not to save me, Mahsa Captain," hesaid, breathlessly; "had to run now to get 'way from them niggahs inthe kitchen, who wanted to know what I was toten. I had this here hidin the pantry whah I had no chance to look through it, so if you'lls'cuse me I jest gwine dump em out right heah; the picture case, it'splum down in the bottom; I felt it."
Monroe smoked in silence while the darky was making the search. He nolonger needed the picture in order to convince Madame Caron of thetruth of Pluto's story, yet concluded it best that she have possessionof so compromising a portrait until her clever maid was out of thecountry.
He could hear Colonel McVeigh asking for Pluto, and Caroline offeringinformation that "Pluto jest gone out through the pantry."
"You'd better hurry, my man," suggested Monroe, "they'll be lookingfor you."
"They will that--folks all gwine home, an' need a sight o' waiten' on;thah's the likeness, Mahs Captain;" he handed him a small oval frame,commenced crowding the other articles hurriedly back into the bag;"fo' God's sake, be careful o' that; I don' want it to fetch harm tothat gal, but I don' allow neither fo' Madame Caron to be made troubleif I can help it."
"You're a faithful fellow; there's a coin in exchange for the picture;you'd better go. I'll see you in the morning."
Pluto was profuse in his thanks, while Monroe hunted for a match withwhich to view the picture.
He struck a light and opened the little closed frame as Pluto startedfor the side door. An instant later he snapped it shut again, and asthe darky reached the steps Monroe's hand was on his shoulder:
"Wait a bit," he said, briefly. "You say that is the picture ofRhoda's mother? Now tell me again what her name is."
"Who?--Margeret? Why, her name Margeret Loring, I reckon, but Nelsedid say her right name was 'Caris--Lacaris. Retta Lacaris what shecalled when she jest a young gal an' Mahs Tom Loring fust boughther."
Monroe repeated the name in order to impress it on his memory. He tooka pencil and note book out of his pocket.
Pluto half offered his hand for the little oval frame, for there wasenough light where they stood to see it by, but Monroe slipped it withthe note book into an inner pocket. "The Colonel will want you; youhad better go," he said, turning away, and walking directly from thehouse he crossed the lawn out of sight and hearing of the departingguests. All the gay chatter jarred on him, oppressed as he was withthe certainty of some unknown calamity overhanging those laughingpeople on the veranda. What it was he did not know, but he would leavein the morning.
He had been gone an hour. He was missed, but no one except Mastersontook any special notice of it, and he was wary about asking questions,remembering Colonel McVeigh's attitude in the morning over thedisputed question. But as he was enjoying a final cigar with JudgeClarkson on the lawn--the Judge was the very last to leave and waswaiting for his horse--all his suspicions were revived with addedstrength as McVeigh strode hurriedly across the veranda towards them.
"Phil, I was looking for you," and his tone betrayed unusualanxiety reflected in his face as he glanced around to see if therewere possible listeners. But the rooms on the first floor weredeserted--all dark but for a solitary light in the hall. In theupper rooms little gleams stole out from the sleeping rooms wherethe ladies had retired for the night.
"Anything wrong, Colonel?" asked Masterson, speaking in a suppressedtone and meeting him at the foot of the steps.
"Who is that with you, the Judge?" asked McVeigh first. "Good! I'mglad you are here. Something astounding has occurred, gentlemen. Thepapers, the instructions you brought today, together with some otherdocuments of importance, have been stolen from my room tonight!"
"Ah-h!" Masterson's voice was scarcely above a whisper. All hissuspicions blazed again. Now he understood Monroe's presence there.
"But, my dear boy," gasped the Judge, thunderstruck at the news, "yourcommission stolen? Why, how--"
"The commission is the least important part of it," answered McVeighhopelessly. He was pacing back and forth in decided agitation. "Thecommission was forwarded me with instructions to take charge of theentire division during the temporary absence of the Major Generalcommanding."
"And you have lost those instructions?" demanded Masterson, whorealized the serious consequences impending.
"Yes," and McVeigh halted in his nervous walk, "I have lost thoseinstructions. I have lost the entire plan of movement! It has beenstolen from my room--is perhaps now in the hands of the enemy, and Iignorant of the contents! I had only glanced at them and meant to goover them thoroughly tonight. They are gone, and it means failure,court martial, disgrace!"
He had dropped hopelessly on the lower step, his face buried in hishands; the contrast to the joy, the absolute happiness of an hour agowas overwhelming. Masterson stood looking at him, thinking fast, andwondering how much he dared express.
"When did you discover the loss, Colonel?"
"Just now," he answered, rising and commencing again the nervouspacing. "I had gone to my room with Dr. Delaven to find an old uniformof mine he had asked to borrow. Then I found the drawer of my deskopen and my papers gone. I said nothing to him of the loss. Any searchto be made must be conducted without publicity."
"Certainly, cer
tainly," agreed Judge Clarkson, "but a search, Kenneth,my boy? Where could we begin?"
McVeigh shook his head, but Masterson remembered that Delaven was alsoan outsider--and Delaven had borrowed a Confederate uniform!
"Colonel," he asked, with a significance he tried ineffectually tosubdue, for all subterfuge was difficult to his straightforwardnature, "may I ask for what purpose that uniform was borrowed?"
The tone was unmistakable. McVeigh turned as if struck.
"Captain Masterson!"
"Colonel, this is no time to stand on ceremony. Some one who was yourguest tonight evidently stole those papers! Most of the guests wereold, tried friends, but there were exceptions. Two are foreigners, andone belongs to the enemy. It is most natural that the exceptions beconsidered first." Clarkson nodded assent to this very logicaldeduction and Masterson felt assured of his support. "The borrowing ofthe uniform in itself is significant, but at this time is especiallyso."
"No, no, no!" and his superior officer waved aside the questionimpatiently. "Dr. Delaven is above suspicion; he is about to offer hisservices as surgeon to our cause--talked to me of it tonight. Theuniform was for some jest with my sister. It has nothing whatever todo with this."
"What became of the man you suspected as a spy this morning?" askedthe Judge, and McVeigh also looked at Masterson for reply.
"No, it was not he," said the latter, decidedly. "He was watched everyminute of his stay here, and his stay was very brief. But ColonelMcVeigh--Kenneth; even at the risk of your displeasure I must remindyou that Dr. Delaven is not the only guest here who is either neutralor pledged to the cause of our enemies--I mean Captain Jack Monroe."
"Impossible!" said McVeigh; but Masterson shook his head.
"If the name of every guest here tonight were mentioned you would feeljustified in saying the same thing--impossible, yet it has beenpossible, since the papers are gone. Who but the Federals would wantthem? Captain Monroe of the Federal army allowed himself to be takenprisoner this morning and brought to your home, though he had a parolein his pocket! The careless reason he gave for it did not satisfy me,and now even you must agree that it looks suspicious."
McVeigh glanced from one to the other in perplexity. He felt that theJudge agreed with Masterson; he was oppressed by the memory of theaccusation against the sailor that morning. Spies and traitors atMcVeigh Terrace! He had placed his orderly on guard in the room sosoon as he discovered the rifled drawer, and had at once come toMasterson for consultation, but once there no solution of the problemsuggested itself. There seemed literally no starting point forinvestigation. The crowd of people there had made the difficultygreater, for servants of the guests had also been there--drivers andboatmen. Yet who among them could have access to the rooms of thefamily? He shook his head at Masterson's suggestion.
"Your suspicions against Captain Monroe are without foundation," hesaid decidedly. "The papers had not yet reached me when he arrived. Hehad no knowledge of their existence."
"How do we know that?" demanded Masterson. "Do you forget that he waspresent when I gave you the papers?"
McVeigh stopped short and stared at him. By the thin edge of the wedgeof suspicion a door seemed forced back and a flood of revelationsforced in.
"By Jove!" he said, slowly, "and he heard me speak of the importanceof my instructions!"
"Where is he now?" asked the Judge. "I have not seen him for an hour;but there seems only one thing to be done."
"Certainly," agreed Masterson, delighted that McVeigh at last began tolook with reason on his own convictions. "He should be arrested atonce."
"We must not be hasty in this matter, it is so important," saidMcVeigh. "Phil, I will ask you to see that a couple of horses aresaddled. Have your men do it without arousing the servants'suspicions. I am going to my room for a more thorough investigation.Come with me, Judge, if you please. I am glad you remained. I don'twant any of the others to know what occurred. I can't believe it ofMonroe--yet."
"Kenneth, my boy, I don't like to crush any lingering faith youhave in your Northern friend," said Clarkson, laying his handaffectionately on McVeigh's arm as they reached the steps, "but fromthe evidence before us I--I'm afraid he's gone! He'll never comeback!"
At that moment a low, lazy sort of whistle sounded across thelawn, so low and so slow that it was apparently an unconsciousaccompaniment to reverie or speculation. It was quite dark exceptwhere the light shone from the hall. All the gaudy paper lanternshad been extinguished, and when the confidential notes of "Rally'round the flag, boys," came closer, and the whistler emerged fromthe deeper shadows, he could only distinguish two figures at the footof the steps, and they could only locate him by the glow of hiscigar in the darkness.
There was a moment's pause and then the whistler said, "Hello! Friendsor foes?"
"Captain Jack!" said McVeigh, with a note of relief in his voice, veryperceptible to the Judge, who felt a mingling of delight and surpriseat his failure as a prophet.
"Oh, it's you, is it, Colonel?" and Monroe came leisurely forward. "Ifancied every one but myself had gone to bed when I saw the lightsout. I walked away across your fields, smoking."
The others did not speak. They could not at once throw aside theconstraint imposed by the situation. He felt it as he neared thesteps, but remarked carelessly:
"Cloudy, isn't it? I am not much of a weather prophet, but feel as ifthere is a storm in the air."
"Yes," agreed McVeigh, with an abstracted manner. He was not thinkingof the probable storm, but of what action he had best take in thematter, whether to have the suspected man secretly watched, or to makea plain statement of the case, and show that the circumstantialevidence against him was too decided to be ignored.
"Well, Colonel, you've helped me to a delightful evening," continuedthe unsuspecting suspect. "I shall carry away most pleasant memoriesof your plantation hospitality, and have concluded to start with themin the morning." There was a slight pause, then he added: "Sorry Ican't stay another day, but I've been thinking it over, and it seemsnecessary for me to move on to the coast."
"Not going to run from the enemy?" asked Clarkson, with a doubtfulattempt at lightness.
"Not necessary, Judge; so I shall retreat in good order." He ascendedthe steps, yawning slightly. "You two going to stay up all night?"
"No," said McVeigh, "I've just been persuading Judge Clarkson toremain; we'll be in presently."
"Well, I'll see you in the morning, gentlemen. Good night."
They exchanged good nights, and he entered the house, still with thatsoft whisper of a whistle as accompaniment. It grew softer as heentered the house, and the two stood there until the last sound haddied away.
"Going in the morning, Kenneth," said the Judge, meaningly. "Now, whatdo you think?"
"That Masterson is right," answered McVeigh. "He is the last man Ishould have suspected, but there seems nothing to do except make thearrest at once, or put him secretly under surveillance without hisknowledge. I incline to the latter, but will consult with Masterson.Come in."
They entered the hall, where McVeigh shut the door and turned thelight low as they passed through. Pluto was nodding half asleep in theback hall, and his master told him to go to bed, he would not beneeded. Though he had formed no definite plan of action he felt thatthe servants had best be kept ignorant of all movements for thepresent. Somebody's servants might have helped with that theft, whynot his own?
In the upper hall he passed Margeret, who was entering the room ofMiss Loring with a pitcher of water. The hall was dark as they passedthe corridor leading to the rooms of Madame Caron, Evilena, MissLoring and Captain Monroe. Light showed above the doors of Miss Loringand Monroe. The other rooms were already dark.
The two men paused long enough to note those details, then McVeighwalked to the end of the corridor and bolted the door to the balcony.Monroe was still softly whistling at intervals. He would ceaseoccasionally and then, after a few moments, would commence again wherehe had left off. He was evidently ver
y busy or very much preoccupied.To leave his room and descend the stairs he would have to passMcVeigh's room, which was on the first landing. The orderly was onguard there, within. McVeigh sent him with a message to Masterson, whowas in the rear of the building. The man passed out along the backcorridor and the other two entered the room, but left the door ajar.
In the meantime a man who had been watching Monroe's movements in thepark for some time now crept closer to the house. He watched him enterthe house and the other two follow. He could not hear what they said,but the closing of the door told him the house was closed for thenight. The wind was rising and low clouds were scurrying past. Now andthen the stars were allowed to peep through, showing a faint light,and any one close to him would have seen that he wore a Confederateuniform and that his gaze was concentrated on the upper balcony. Atlast he fancied he could distinguish a white figure against the glassdoor opening from the corridor. Assuring himself of the fact hestepped forward into the open and was about to cross the little spacebefore the house when he was conscious of another figure, also in grayuniform, and the unmistakable cavalry hat, coming stealthily from theother side of the house.
The second figure also glanced upwards at the balcony, but was tooclose to perceive the slender form above moving against one of thevine-covered pillars when the figure draped in white bent over asthough trying to decipher the features under the big hat, and just asthe second comer made a smothered attempt to clear his throat,something white fell at his feet.
"Sweet Evilena!" he said, picking it up. "Faith, the mother has toldher and the darling was waiting for me. Delaven's private postoffice!" He laid down the guitar and fumbled for a match, when thewatcher from the shadows leaped upon him from behind, throttling himthat no sound be made, and while he pinned him to the ground with hisknee, kept one hand on his throat and with the other tried to loosenthe grasp of Delaven's hand on the papers.
"Give me that paper!" he whispered fiercely. "Give it to me or I'llkill you where you lay! Give it to me!"
In the struggle Delaven struck the guitar with the heel of his boot,there was a crash of resonant wood, and a wail of the strings, and itreached the ears of Masterson and the orderly, who were about to enterthe side door from the arbor.
Masterson halted to listen whence the crash came, but the orderly'sears were more accurate and he dashed towards the corner.
"Captain," he called in a loud whisper, as he saw the strugglingfigures, and at the call and the sound of quick steps Pierson leapedto his feet and ran for the shrubbery.
"Halt!" called Masterson, and fired one shot from his revolver. Thefugitive leaped to one side as the order rang out and the bullet wentwhistling past. He had cleared the open space and was in theshrubbery. The orderly dashed after him as Masterson caught Delaven,who was scrambling to his feet, feeling his throat and trying to takea full breath.
"Who are you?" demanded Masterson, shaking him a trifle to hasten thesmothered speech. "Doctor Delaven! You! Who was that man?"
"It's little I can tell you," gasped the other, "except that he's somemurderous rival who wanted to make an angel of me. Man, but he has agrip!"
Margeret suddenly appeared on the veranda with a lamp held high aboveher head, as she peered downward in the darkness, and by its lightMasterson scanned the appearance of Delaven with a doubtful eye.
"Why did the man assault you?" he demanded, and Delaven showed thelong envelope.
"He was trying to rob me of a letter let fall from the balcony above,bad luck to him!"
At that moment the orderly came running back to say that the man hadgot away; a horse had been tied over in the pines, they could hear thebeat of its hoofs now on the big road.
"Get a horse and follow him," ordered Masterson briefly, asMcVeigh and Clarkson came down the stairs and past Margeret. "Arresthim, shoot him, fetch him back some way!" Then he turned again tothe would-be cavalier of romance, who was surveying the guitardisconsolately.
"Doctor Delaven, what are you doing in that uniform?"
"I was about to give a concert," returned that individual, who made agrotesque figure in the borrowed suit, a world too large for him.
McVeigh laughed as he heard the reply and surveyed the speaker.Masterson's persistent search for spies had evidently spoiledDelaven's serenade.
Mrs. McVeigh opened a window and asked what the trouble was, andMasterson assured her it was only an accident--his revolver had goneoff, but no one was hurt, on which assurance she said good night andclosed the window, while the group stood looking at each otherquestioningly. Masterson's manner showed that it was something morethan an accident.
"What is the meaning of this?" asked McVeigh in a guarded tone; andMasterson pointed to the package in Delaven's hand.
"I think we've found it, Colonel," he said, excitedly. "DoctorDelaven, what is in that envelope?"
"Faith, I don't know, Captain. The fellow didn't give me time to readit."
"Give it to me."
"No, I'll not," returned Delaven, moving towards the light.
"And why not?" demanded Masterson, suspiciously.
"Because it's from a lady, and it's private."
He held the envelope to the light, but there was no name or address onit. He tore off the end and in extracting the contents two papersslipped out and fell on the ground. Masterson picked them up and aftera glance waved them triumphantly, while Delaven looked puzzled overthe slip in his hands. It was only something about militarymatters,--the furthest thing possible from a billet-doux.
"I thought myself it was the weightiest one ever launched by Cupid,"he remarked as he shook his head over the mystery. But Mastersonthrust the papers into McVeigh's hands.
"Your commission and instructions, Colonel!" he said, jubilantly."What a run of luck. See if they are all right."
"Every one of them," and in a moment the Judge and Masterson wereshaking hands with him, while Delaven stood apart and stared. He wasglad they were having so much joy to themselves, but could not see whyhe should be choked to obtain it for them.
"Understand one thing," said Masterson, when the congratulations wereover; "those papers were thrown from that balcony to Dr. Delaven bymistake. The man they were meant for tried to strangle the doctor andhas escaped, but the man who escaped, Colonel, was evidently only amessenger, and the real culprit, the traitor, is in your house now,and reached the balcony through that corridor door!"
The wind blew Margeret's lamp out, leaving them, for an instant, indarkness, but she entered the hall, turned up the light there so thatit shone across the veranda and down the steps; then she lit the lampin the library and went softly up the stairs and out of sight.
"Come into the library," suggested McVeigh. "You are right, Phil,there is only one thing to be done in the face of such evidence ByJove! It seems incredible. I would have fought for Jack Monroe, swornby him, and after all--"
A leisurely step sounded on the stairs and Monroe descended. He woreno coat or vest and was evidently prepared for bed when disturbed.
"What's all the row about?" he asked, yawning. "Oh, are you in it,Colonel?"
There was a slight pause before McVeigh said:
"Captain Monroe, the row is over for the present, since yourconfederate has escaped."
He glanced in inquiry from one to the other, but could see nofriendliness in their faces. Delaven looked as puzzled as himself, butthe other three regarded him coldly. He tossed his half finishedcigar out of the door, and seemed to grow taller, as he turned towardthem again.
"May I ask in what way I am linked with a confederacy."
"In using your parole to gain knowledge of our army for the use of theFederal government," answered McVeigh, bluntly.
Monroe made a step forward, but halted, drew a long breath, and thrusthis uninjured hand into his pocket, as if to hamper its aggressivetendencies.
"Is it considered a part of Southern hospitality that the hostreserves the right to insult his guests?" he asked slowl
y. Masterson'sface flushed with anger at the sweeping suggestion, but McVeighglanced at him warningly.
"This is not a time for useless words, Captain Monroe, and it seemsuseless to discuss the rights of the hospitality you have outraged."
"That is not true, Colonel McVeigh," and his tones were very steady ashe made the denial. His very steadiness and cool selfcontrol angeredMcVeigh, who had hoped to see him astonished, indignant, natural.
"Not true?" he demanded. "Is it not true that you were received hereas a friend, welcomed as a brother? That you listened this morningwhen those military dispatches reached me? That you heard me say theywere very important? That as soon as they were stolen from my roomtonight you announced that you could not prolong your stay, yourobject in coming having evidently been accomplished? Is it not truethat today you managed to divert suspicion from yourself to aninnocent lady? The authorities were evidently right who had thatsailor followed here; but unknown to her it was not his employer hecame here to meet, but _you_, his confederate! He was only themessenger, while you were the real spy--the officer who has brokenhis parole of honor."
Monroe had listened with set teeth to the accusation, a certaindoggedness in his expression as the list of his delinquencies werereviewed, but at the final sentence the clenched hand shot forward andhe struck McVeigh a wicked blow, staggering him back against thewall.
"You are a liar and a fool, Colonel McVeigh," he said in a chokedvoice, his face white with anger.
The Judge and Masterson interposed as McVeigh lunged forward at him,and then he controlled his voice enough to say, "Captain Monroe, youare under arrest."
And the commotion and deep breathing of the men prevented them hearingthe soft rustle of a woman's dress in the hall as Judithe slipped awayinto the darkness of the sitting room, and thence up the back stairs.
She had followed Monroe as he passed her door. She heard all theirwords, and the final ones: "_Captain Monroe, you are under arrest!_"rang in her ears all night as she tossed sleepless in the darkness.That is what Kenneth McVeigh would say to her if he knew the truth.Well, he should know it. Captain Monroe was sacrificing himself forher. How she admired him! Did he fancy she would allow it? Yet thatshot alarmed her. She heard them say Pierson had escaped, but had heretained the papers? If she was quite sure of _that_ she wouldannounce the truth at once and clear him. But the morning was so near.She must wait a few hours longer, and then--then Kenneth McVeigh wouldsay to her, "_You are under arrest_," and after all her success wouldcome defeat.
She had never yet met defeat, and it was not pleasant to contemplate.She remembered his words of love--the adoration in his eye; would thatlove protect her when he learned she was the traitor to his home andcountry? She smiled bitterly at the thought, and felt that she couldsee clearly how _that_ would end. He would be patriot first and loverafter, unless it was some one of his own family--some one whose honormeant his honor--some one--
Then in the darkness she laughed at a sudden remembrance, and risingfrom the couch paced feverishly the length of the room many times, andstood gazing out at the stars swept by fleecy clouds.
Out there on the lawn he had vowed his love for her, asked her tomarry him--marry him at once, before he left to join his brigade. Shehad not the slightest idea of doing it then; but now, why not? Itcould be entirely secret--so he had said. It would merely be abetrothal with witnesses, _and_ it would make her so much a part ofthe McVeigh family that he must let Captain Jack go on her word. Andbefore the dawn broke she had decided her plan of action. If he said,"_You are under arrest_" to her, it should be to his own wife!
She plunged into the idea with the reckless daring of a gamester whothrows down his last card to win or lose. It had to be played any way,so why not double the stakes? She had played on that principle in someof the most fashionable gaming places of Europe in search of cure forthe ennui she complained of to Captain Jack; so why not in this morevital game of living pawns?
She had wept in the dark of the garden when his lips had touched her;she had said, wild, impulsive things; she had been a fool; but in thelight of the new day she set her teeth and determined the folly wasover--only one day remained. Military justice--or injustice--movedswiftly, and there was a man's life to be saved.
The Bondwoman Page 27