Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2) Page 9

by Sienna Duncan

  “It’s more fun this way.” How I come up with this shit, I don’t know.

  Tommy didn’t seem to care, because he began sucking on my breast again. He licked the top of my breasts, and used his tongue to work his way under the cup of one. I felt his tongue flick against my nipple. Damn! If he wasn’t a pity case, I might find out what else he could do with that tongue.

  I heard Lynn whisper my name. I glanced back at her.

  “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.” She mouthed.

  I shook my head. Lynn laughed silently, and she motioned with her head for me to look down. Why does she want me to see her hand wrapped around his dick? She knows I didn’t want her to unzip his pants. Well, me and my curiosity looked down.

  My mouth dropped.


  What. The. Hell. Is. That?

  I looked back at Lynn and she nodded, trying to hide her laughter. I had to look down again. I couldn’t believe my eyes. How is that even possible?

  It looked like a fucking Vienna sausage! You know the cans of sausage in the grocery store? Okay…not the can, but one tiny sausage.

  No exaggeration.

  I was worried about seeing her hand wrapped around his dick, but there was no need. Two of her fingers were on one side, and her thumb on the other, as she stroked him.

  I just… I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped. I felt Tommy tense.

  “Are y’all laughing at me?”

  “Nooo.” Lynn tried to say it as serious as possible.

  “We’re just having so much fun and we’re trying to decide what to do to you next.” I pulled that out of the air somewhere.

  He smiled. “I want one of you to go down on me.”

  I froze. Lynn looked at me and motioned for me to do it.

  No fucking way is that EVER happening! He can lick my nipples, but that is as far as it goes with this chick.

  “Well, I’m not doing it either.” Lynn mouthed to me.

  Okay…enough of this bullshit. Lynn must’ve agreed, because she stopped stroking his vienna sausage…I mean, penis. On the bright side, you’d never have to worry about gagging when you’re giving him a blow job. No wonder he is meeting women on the internet.

  “What’s wrong?” He sounded a little nervous.

  I looked at Lynn. This was all hers! I backed away from the bed and pulled my shirt back down.

  “We just need to stop. I’m not ready to go any further.”

  Tommy sighed. “Oh. That’s fine.” Although he sounded disappointed, he sat up and pulled the sash off.

  Lynn walked around the bed and closed the gap between us. I was already waiting by the door.

  “We need to go. Becky has to be at work early in the morning.”

  “No need to rush off.”

  I was already opening the door. I heard Lynn say her good byes, but I waved without saying anything. The quicker we get out of here the better! Tommy walked Lynn to the door. I had just walked into the hall.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow night after I get off from work.” He leaned against the frame of the door.

  “Okay.” Lynn smiled.

  Only someone like me, who knows her well, can spot her fake smile a mile away. She was really pushing it, too.

  We walked back to the car in complete silence. She didn’t want Tommy to see us talking about him. Whatever. Once we were safely in my car, we both burst out laughing until there were tears in our eyes. I laughed so hard I almost pissed in my pants.

  “Tell me it wasn’t really that small?” I wiped my eyes.

  “You weren’t imagining it. I have never seen a grown man with one that small. My train man was a dud.” Lynn took a drink from her water bottle.

  I shook my head and laughed. “You mean, vienna sausage man.”

  Lynn spit out her water all over the windshield. I started laughing again.

  “Oh, my God! I’m trying to get the image out of my head. I will never be able to eat another vienna sausage again. I liked them, too.” She groaned.

  “I wish I could pluck out my eyes and bleach them. Damn! We probably gave him the best night of his life, and we didn’t really do anything.”

  “Yeah. You’re probably right. I just can’t believe it. He was talking big to me over the phone, but there is no way he would’ve been able to do half of what he said. What a waste of time.”

  My thoughts exactly!

  “Well, I don’t know about you, but I need a drink to make me forget.”

  No, make that a whole bottle!

  Lynn smiled. “We can make some margaritas.”

  I nodded. “With extra tequila.”

  “Yeah!” Lynn agreed. “I’m calling Johnny. He’ll have a field day with this.”

  Oh Lawd!

  We made it back to my apartment and proceeded to try to block out the train man. I may or may not have repeatedly told her his new name was vienna boy.


  I was running way behind. Leave it the landlord to say I had to meet him at three o’clock and then take forever about signing a new lease. I have been here a year and couldn’t believe it was time to sign again.

  I was out of breath by the time I entered the building. Hopefully, there wasn’t any urgent business while I was away. I glanced at the clock.

  Damn it! I’d been gone an hour and a half. Only half an hour left before the end of the work day. (That’s the only good part about being detained so long) At least I am not behind on any assignment since I’m supposed to meet Taylor and Shelby for drinks after work. I put my purse down and logged into my computer.

  I could hear voices in Gwen’s office. I recognized hers right away, but one was a deep masculine voice I didn’t recognize. Could it be a new writer or assistant she’s been talking about?

  She rarely has meetings this late in the day. Hopefully, it will not be something to keep us in the office longer than necessary. We just finished twelve hour days leading to the next month’s publication.

  We’re all in need of some down time, and I’m personally counting down to the weekend.

  I looked through some emails and replied to those needing my immediate attention. I found myself glancing at the clock again.

  Almost time to get off for the day.

  I heard voices, a little louder this time, as Gwen’s office door opened. I looked up and was met with the most intense dark brown eyes I have ever seen.


  Oh my God! His deep, sexy voice gave me chills. My body was acting crazy. It’s just his voice, damn it! Get a grip.

  The man standing outside Gwen’s office was absolutely gorgeous, and when he spoke, it was with complete authority. One of those deep voices that demands for you to stop what you’re doing to pay attention, but it also makes you wet at the same time.

  I have to get mind out of the gutter! I don’t know why this stranger is making me feel like this. I couldn’t help myself. My eyes roamed over his body. He is tall. I’d say at least six feet. He looks to be in his early to mid-thirties.

  I continued to check him out, and quickly noticed he was wearing a tailored suit (it was obvious because of the way it fit him) My mind took a little detour. I could picture the hard, muscular body underneath. (Here I go again) His light brown hair was cut short all over and he had light stubble along a strong jawline. I don’t usually like facial hair, but it added to his overall sexiness. He exuded confidence with each step he took and he was headed for me. I swallowed hard. He watched the motion as it went down.

  Damnnn! The man looked like walking sex. I’m sure he knows it, too.

  Shit! I hope I’m not drooling.

  I found myself wishing I could remove his tie and unbutton his shirt to discover all the hard ridges on his body.

  I heard Gwen clear her throat, and I snapped out of the lust filled haze I was in. I glanced at those gorgeous brown eyes again. The bastard was smirking. He knew exactly what I was thinking. I felt my face getting hot.

  Just fucking lo

  What a time for my body to finally wake up!

  Asshole! Well, at least he’s a sexy asshole.

  I watched him look me up and down, and his eyes lingered at my chest. He licked his lips. I didn’t think I could get any wetter.

  He flicked his eyes to my hair before settling back on my face. Okay. I’m not sure I want to know his thoughts on my hair color. I shouldn’t care.

  I’ll give him credit for not making a snide comment about my hair.

  “Good you’re back.” Gwen looked at me and then back to Mr. Sexy. My nickname for the mystery man. “This is the writer you have been asking about.”

  What? He’s looking for me?

  Gwen smiled as the two of them walked over to my desk.

  “Maxwell Roberts let me introduce you to Becky Stevens.” She extended her arm indicating me.

  She looked from him back to me for a second.

  “Mr. Roberts owns a chain of hotels and one of them is located in New Orleans. You mentioned wanting to write an article from that destination.”

  Gwen spoke to me, but her attention was drawn back to him. I don’t blame her one bit, but she needed to calm down her cougar self . Without looking, I knew he’d captured the attention of every person in the office.

  So, this is Maxwell Roberts. He looked at me expectantly with his arm outstretched. I extended my hand and he firmly grasped it.

  As I looked at him it clicked where I knew that name. He’s the owner of the Sanctum Grande Hotel chain.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Roberts.” His hand lingered on mine.

  “Oh, I assure you, the pleasure is all mine.” The way he said that left no doubt where his thoughts were headed.


  I wonder if he knows how wet he just made me. The wicked twinkle in his eyes says he does.

  He lightly stroked my hand in small circles with his thumb before releasing it.

  I had to take a deep breath to calm down. I haven’t had anyone make me feel this way since…well, you know.

  “Have dinner with me tonight and we can discuss your trip to my hotel in New Orleans.”

  He looked at me expectantly. I bet no one has ever told him no.

  I almost agreed, but I remembered my plans the girls for the night.

  I shook my head. “Mr. Roberts…”

  He held up his hand to interrupt.

  “I won’t take no for an answer. If you have plans, cancel them. I promise you won’t regret coming to dinner with me tonight.”

  The wicked promises I could see in his eyes sent tingles throughout my body.

  I sighed and looked at Gwen for help. She pretended to look away, but I could see the look of amusement on her face.


  He interrupted me before I could finish.


  I looked at him, confused.

  “My friends call me Max, and I have a feeling we are going to be very good friends.”

  Am I the only one hot as fire here? It feels like it just went up ten degrees.

  “Oh, really?” Slap me. Just slap me! That’s all I could come up with?

  He chuckled and it sent more tingles throughout my body. It seems I have no control over my body around Max Roberts.


  Oh, shit! I am in so much trouble. How am I going to make it through dinner without offering myself as the main course? Maybe dessert.

  “Let me make a couple phone calls to cancel my other plans.” I barely squeaked out.

  Max smiled.

  Shit! He knew I was going to cancel my plans. I wanted to slap the smile of his handsome face.

  It was the kind of smile that could melt the panties off a virgin.

  I got in touch with Taylor first and quickly explained I had to go to a business dinner at the last minute. Well, it’s true. Kind of. We agreed to meet up later.

  I quickly saved all my files on the computer and logged out. Gwen was speaking with Max Roberts outside.

  I took another deep breath and grabbed my purse. As I opened the door to exit, Max’s eyes met mine.

  Oh no! Trouble alert! My mind was sending up red flags everywhere. My body on the other hand, was moving closer to danger. Aka, Maxwell Roberts.

  His eyes promised wicked things to come, and I found myself wanting to find out what he had in mind. I just hope I’m ready.

  I need to stop thinking ahead. I might be misreading him. Yeah, right. He probably looks at all the woman like he wants to eat them.

  Damn. If I don’t stop this, I will be a puddle before I ever leave.

  Gwen excused herself to lock everything up.

  “Hello again, Becky.” I felt my nipples harden when he said my name.

  I swallowed again before meeting his dark brown eyes.

  “Hello.” I got this under control.

  Oh yeah. Hellllo, Max.

  Becky’s story continues in Uninhibited in New Orleans.

  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to leave me a review?


  Sienna Duncan

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  The Becky Chronicles Series:

  Don’t Look Back


  Uninhibited in New Orleans

  When in Vegas…




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