French Foreign Legion

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French Foreign Legion Page 114

by Douglas Porch

  Cooper, Gary, 429, 430, 432

  Córdoba, Mexico, 140

  Cordova, General, 36

  Cork Examiner, 433

  Corriere delta Sera, 496

  Cot, Lieutenant Colonel, 358–59, 367, 369, 380–81

  Cotonou, Dahomey, 251–52, 255, 256

  Cottez, General, 391, 395, 416

  Coucou, 385

  Courbet, Amédée Anatole, 205

  Courtes Chausses, Battle at, 347

  Court-martial, 359, 360, 464

  Crapaudine, 297, 301–2, 625

  Crapouillot, Le, 360

  Crete, 476

  Crimean War, 124–28, 133

  Legion's participation in, 76, 105, 120, 123, 124–28

  Croatians, 129

  Croix de Guerre, 334, 356, 379, 461, 498

  Czechoslovakia, 374, 375, 442, 443

  Dahomey, 245–67, 276–77, 281, 285, 618

  army of, 254–55, 257–66

  evaluation of campaign in, 265–67

  Legion's contribution to, 285–88

  lessons of, 266–67

  selection of troops for, 246–51

  Dakar, 473, 475, 477

  Dampierre, Brigadier General, 59

  Damrémont, Charles Denys de, 51, 53

  Da Nang, Vietnam, 203

  Dangy, Luc, 177, 183, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 294, 295–96, 307

  Danjou, Jean, 141, 142, 419, 420

  Dardanelles, 380, 381, 385

  Daudignac, General, 155, 160, 326

  Daumier, Honoré, 72

  Dautelle, General, 297–98, 331, 332

  d'Autmarre, General, 68

  de Beauvoir, Roger, 186, 385

  de Beauvoir, Simone, 588, 599

  de Blignières, Hervé, 608

  de Boissieu, Lieutenant Colonel, 566

  de Bollardière, General Jacques, 588

  de Bollardiere, Major Pâris, 484, 485

  de Bournazel, Henri, 405

  Debre, Michel, 611

  de Brian, Paul-Amiable, 151, 152–53

  de Castellane, Count Pierre, 65, 66–67

  de Castellane, General Victor, 65, 115

  de Castries, Christian, 558, 560, 561

  de Chabrière, Louis, 129

  de Choulot, Paul, 122

  de Corta, Major, 389–90, 393, 394, 424

  Decoux, Jean, 511

  de Foucauld, Charles, 570

  de Frandieu, Captain, 463

  de Gaulle, Charles

  Algeria and, 569, 581, 593, 596–616

  French Resistance and, 471–77, 480, 485, 491, 493, 496, 501

  as head of French government, 593

  Degueldre, Roger, 604, 607, 608–9, 612, 613, 615, 616

  de Joyeuse, Colonel, 421

  de La Hayrie, Alexis Hubert, 151

  de Lamoricière, Louis, 54, 55, 82, 105

  de Lanessan, Antoine, 240

  de Larminat, General Edgard, 484

  de la Rocque, Lieutenant, 464

  Delarue, Father, 586, 602

  de la Tour, General Boyer, 546

  de Lattre de Tassigny, Jean, 399, 500, 537, 546, 550, 553

  de Lioux, Major, 63

  Delmayne, Anthony, 490

  De Lonlay, Dick, 208–9

  Delort, Lieutenant General, 4

  de Massol, Louis, 118, 120, 133, 134

  de Monsabert, General, 572

  de Montijo, Eugénie, 143

  Demoyen, Captain, 26

  de Mun, Albert, 337

  de Négrier, François-Marie-Casimir, 60, 64–65, 302, 628

  in Indochina, 209, 210, 215, 229, 231, 233, 235, 236

  in Sud Oranais, 316, 317

  Dépôt commun des régiments étrangers (DCRE), 480

  de Pouilly, General, 610

  de Réynaud, Pellisier, 116

  Derfner, Xavier, 329

  de Sairigné, Gabriel, 472–74, 476, 478, 479, 482, 483, 485, 499, 502–3

  de Saligny, Dubois, 143

  Desbordes, Sergeant, 153

  des Ecorres, Charles, 182, 183, 201, 210–11, 307

  de Senilhes, Jean-François de Cariès, 42–43, 60

  Desertions, 121, 425, 622–25, 628

  creation of cavalry and artillery units and, 391, 392, 623

  in 1830s and 1840s, 16, 18, 39, 42, 43, 45, 47, 62, 63–67, 69, 76

  explanations for, 64–66

  in Mexican campaign, 154–62

  from mounted companies, 325–26, 331–32, 395

  punishment for, 328, 329

  returning deserters, 66–67

  in Singapore, 225–26

  in Suez Canal, 223–25, 329, 545

  before World War I, 326–33

  during World War I, 375

  during World War II, 448, 464

  d'Esnon, Captain, 501, 502

  Désorthes, Colonel, 296

  d'Esparbès, Georges, 178, 179, 385, 419

  Despinoy, Colonel, 76

  des Vaillières, Jean, 431

  Detaille, Edouard, 422

  de Torcy, General, 275

  de Torny, Diesbach, 121, 123, 134, 135, 149, 151

  in Mexico, 138, 140, 142, 145, 149, 160–61

  de Tscharner, Lieutenant Colonel, 408, 424

  de Villebois-Mareuil, Colonel, 86, 194, 298, 299, 435

  Devil's Brigade, The (Elford), 531

  d'Hautpoul, Count Alphonse, 58, 59, 79, 115

  Díaz, Porfirio, 155

  Di Borgo, Pozzo, 4

  Diégo-Suarez naval base, 275

  Dien Bien Phu, Battle of, 422, 517, 526, 531, 539, 554–66, 571

  Dietl, Lieutenant-General, 467

  Dietrich, Marlene, 429

  Diguet, Francois Georges, 234

  Discipline and indiscipline, 35, 122, 196–97, 327, 328, 425, 432, 619, 625–27, 628

  crapaudine, 297, 301–2, 625

  drunkenness, 307–9, 311, 624, 629

  in 1830s and 1840s, 35, 58–65

  in Franco-Prussian War, 166

  in Indochina, 220, 508, 544–45, 564, 624

  in Mexico, 144, 159, 161, 162

  of native troops, 249–50

  from 1900 to 1914, 296, 297, 299–311

  pelote, 625

  rebellion against, 122

  silos, 122, 297, 625

  le tombeau, 297, 625

  in training paratroopers, 577

  during World War I, 345, 359, 384, 388–89

  during World War II, 448, 451, 473

  at Zaatcha, 107–8

  Disease, 65–66, 68, 119, 163, 164, 193, 291

  in Crimea, 122, 125

  in Dahomey, 252, 263, 265, 266, 286–88

  Disease (cont.)

  in 1830s, 16–17, 18

  in Indochina, 207, 219–20, 230, 246, 529, 543–44, 562

  in Madagascar, 270–71, 274, 275, 285, 286–88

  in Mexico, 121, 140, 158, 162

  Zaatcha and, 104, 106, 111, 115, 116

  Ditte, Albert, 224, 249

  Djebel Garci, Tunisia, 485

  Djibouti, 631

  Djorb, Battle of, 324

  Dodds, Alfred-Amédèe, 252–54, 257–67, 276–77, 286

  Dogba, Dahomey, 257–58, 262, 266, 288

  Dominé, Marc Edmond, 213, 216, 217, 218

  Dominique (Dien Bien Phu), 556, 559

  Don Carlos, 23, 31–32, 41, 47, 49. See also Carlists

  Dong Dang, Vietnam, 215, 230, 231–33

  Dong Khe, Vietnam, 517, 520, 521–25

  d'Ossau, Georges, 287

  Doty, Bennett, 371, 379, 406–7, 416, 419, 430

  Douay, General Félix, 154, 155, 156, 162

  Dreyfus, Alfred, 235

  Dreyfus Affair, 295, 360, 454

  Drif, Zohra, 584

  Drude, General Antoine, 293

  Drunkenness, 307–9, 311, 624, 629

  du Barail, General Francois, 87

  Dubas, Marie, 434

  Duchesne, Charles, 271, 273–79, 282, 284, 285, 287, 288

  Dueling, 150–51, 198

r, Henri, 600, 601, 602, 604, 606, 607, 610

  Dueenne, Alphonse, 205

  Dulong, Charles, 72

  Dupin, Charles-Louis, 145–47

  Dupré, M. J., 204

  Dupuis, Jean, 204

  Duriez, General, 369, 370, 371

  Durkheim, Emile, 344–45

  Dysentery, 193, 220, 263, 275, 287, 543, 544

  Echo d'Oran, 246

  Ecole Poly technique, 145

  Ecole Supérieure de Guerre, 233

  Eden, Anthony, 578

  Egypt, 406, 476, 578, 579

  Ehle, John, 531

  Ehrhart, Joseph, 371–72, 418, 629

  on Casablanca, 303

  on Indochina, 220, 221, 222

  on recruitment and training, 174, 175, 177, 179–81, 185, 189, 190, 192–93, 293

  El-Arab, Sheik, 95

  Elford, George Robert, 531

  El Ghazalah, Battle of, 483

  El Himeimat, 484–85

  Eliane (Dien Bien Phu), 556, 559, 560

  Eliot, Lord, 38

  Eliot Treaty, 38

  El Kantara River, 91

  Ellis, John, 497–98

  El Moungar, Morocco, 319

  El-Ouffia tribe, 18

  Enlistment. See Recruitment/enlistment in the Legion

  Eritrea, 473–74

  Erulin, Elisabeth, 377

  Escadrille Chérifienne, 401, 446

  Escobedo (Mexican leader), 148

  Espinasse, General, 68, 130

  Estella, Spain, 42

  Etienne, Eugène, 255

  Evans, General Sir George de Lacy, 31, 34, 39

  Express, L', 588

  Fabviez, General, 84

  Falklands War, 632

  Fall, Bernard, 517, 525, 557

  Fanion de la Légion, Le, 434

  Farfar, Algeria, 99, 100, 101, 106

  Farnsworth, Henry, 338–39, 340, 344

  on Legion successes, 365

  Fashoda crisis, 224

  Faurax, Marius-Paul, 246, 257, 258

  Favreau, Colonel, 601

  Favrel, Charles, 417, 421, 424, 442, 450, 467, 468–69

  Feeding of Legion, 17, 624

  in Africa, 68, 75, 78–79, 81–82, 85, 115

  in Algeria, 573

  during Carlist War, 42, 45

  in Franco-Prussian War, 167

  in Indochina, 221–22, 228–30, 541–42

  in Madagascar, 275, 279, 282–83

  in Mexico, 147

  Fernandel, 434

  Fernandorena, Battle of, 37

  Ferrandi, Ascagne-Alcide, 39

  Ferrary, André, 27

  Ferray, André-Camille, 48

  Ferri-Pisani, 386

  Ferry, Jules, 205, 209, 231, 234, 235

  Fez, Morocco, 383, 399, 492

  Fiala, Sergeant, 154

  Figaro, Le, 597

  Fijalkowski, Corporal, 133, 134

  Finland, 446, 466

  Fiore, Captain, 621

  Fister, Sergeant-Major, 393

  Fleury, Rohault de, 51

  FLN. See Front de Libération Nationale

  Flory, legionnaire, 180

  Flutch, legionnaire, 171, 280–81, 294–97, 299, 307–11, 326, 387, 425, 626, 629

  on desertion, 326–29

  on discipline, 300, 301, 303–4

  on Indochina, 241

  on recruitment and training, 174, 177, 179, 180, 181, 183–87, 190, 192, 193, 195–97, 199, 200

  Foch, Ferdinand, 378

  Forey, General Elie Frédéric, 121

  Formosa, 205–7

  Forrest, Bedford, 148

  Forts. See names of individual forts

  France and French military

  in Algeria, see Algeria; Algerian War of 1954–1961

  Allied liberation of, 493, 499–502, 503, 526

  Armée Coloniale, 251, 294, 295

  Armée d'Afrique, see Armée d'Afrique

  Armée d'Orient, 124

  Bataillons d'Afrique, see Bataillons d'Afrique

  Carlist War, and the Legion, 23–27, 30, 40–41, 42, 49

  Chasseurs d'Afrique, 13, 16, 19, 81, 110, 250, 276, 315, 317

  Commune insurrection, 120, 167–69, 614

  in Crimean War, 124–28

  in Dahomey, 245–67

  Fall of France, 455–64, 471

  Fifth Republic, 593

  Foreign Legion, see French Foreign Legion

  Fourth Republic, discontent with, 566, 579, 592–93, 598

  Franco-Prussian War, 120, 164–67, 170

  Free French, see Free French

  in Indochina, see Indochina

  Italian campaign of 1859, 120, 123, 128–31

  Legion compared to regular army, 197, 305

  Legion of 1850s and, 119–20

  metropolitan army, 250, 251, 269, 288, 297, 310, 361, 363, 414, 417

  Mexican campaign, see Mexican campaign

  Moroccan Division, 378–80

  in Morocco, see Morocco

  from 1939 to 1940, 441–64

  reaction to Zaatcha assault, 115

  Régiments de marche des volontaires étrangers (RMVE), 445, 48, 454, 456–63, 474, 486, 502

  Revolution of 1830, 1–7, 14, 15, 25, 54

  Revolution of 1848, 93, 94, 97, 104

  in Rif War, 383, 398–406, 429

  rivalry of marines and Legion, 295–96

  Second Republic, 93–94, 97, 104

  Suez crisis, 578–79

  Third Republic, 165, 170, 235

  uniforms, 414

  Vichy government, see Vichy France

  after World War I, 388, 390, 394

  in World War I, 334–81

  Zaatcha campaign, reasons for, 92–97

  zouaves, see Zouaves

  Franchet d'Esperey, Marshal Louis, 419

  Franchini, Philippe, 231

  Franco, Francisco, 398, 442, 443, 466, 471

  François, Sergeant, 458, 459, 461–64

  Franco-Prussian War of 1870 to 1871, 120, 164–67, 170, 316

  Frankfurt, Treaty of, 170

  Free French, 471, 473–85, 491, 492, 493, 495, 496, 503

  French Communist Party, 168, 570

  French Foreign Legion

  in Algeria, see Algeria; Algerian War of 1954 to 1961

  in Algiers, see Algiers, Algeria

  after Allied invasion of North Africa, 492–502

  Allied liberation of France and, 493, 499–502, 503

  amalgamation of nationally segregated battalions, 21, 28–29, 35, 62, 86–87

  anonymat, 177–81, 195, 212, 301, 413–14, 425, 432, 630

  as apolitical, 29, 30, 183, 292

  bataillon ´etranger de parachutistes (BEP), 517, 520, 523–30, 535, 540, 554, 560–64, 573

  bataillon de marche étranger d'Orient, 337, 371

  Bugeaud's institution of changes in, 75–85, 88, 97, 99–100, 102, 103

  Bureau des statistiques de la L´gion étrangère (BSLE), 438, 439, 487, 489, 490, 493

  after Carlist war, 48–49, 58, 62–63

  in Carlist War, 25–50

  cavalry and artillery regiments, organization of, 383–84, 391–92, 564, 621–22, 623

  cleanliness, standards of, 189

  clothing, selling of, 176, 188, 309

  commune insurrection, suppression of, 167–69

  compared to regular French army, 197, 305

  Constantine, siege of, 51–58

  creation of, 1–11, 58, 418

  in Dahomey, see Dahomey

  desertions, see Desertions

  discipline, see Discipline and indiscipline

  disease affecting, see Disease

  Druse rebellion and, 406–7

  dual function of, 171–72, 296–97, 311, 439

  from 1850 to 1859, 118–36

  enlistment in, see Recruitment/enlistment in the Legion

  exploitation of enlistees, 627–28

  expulsion from, 301

  Fall of France in 1940, 455–64, 471

  feeding of,
see Feeding of Legion

  1st and 2nd Regiments, distinctions between, 75–76


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