Paranormal Dating Agency_Finding Her Bearing

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Paranormal Dating Agency_Finding Her Bearing Page 2

by A. C. James

  “My…” she gasped.

  He looked up and caught her staring at him through the window, and grinned. Had he heard her? He was a shifter, so she supposed it was possible. Cari licked her lips. She should be embarrassed, peeping Tom that she was, but she was so freaking turned on. All sorts of dirty thoughts muddled her mind, and her face flushed with heat, just like the rest of her body. She pressed her sweaty hands onto her thighs, unable to look away. Before she could react, fur began sprouting from his arms and legs. His hands expanded into paws, and he dropped to all fours. His bear took off toward the forest in a run.

  Cari watched out the window for a few minutes. When he didn’t return right away, she started pacing in front of the stone fireplace. It was never comfortable being alone with her thoughts. She hadn’t told Jess, hadn’t said a word to anyone, about what had brought her home. She was too embarrassed and ashamed, even if that shame should belong to someone else. Cari dug her fingernails into her palms, trying to push down the anxiety that paralyzed her every time she thought about that night.

  Cari had always loved babysitting the neighbor’s son—a five-year-old who lived next to her and her ex-boyfriend. The last time Aidan had spent the night, he fell asleep ‘camping’ in their living room. Seth had come to bed drunker than drunk. She squeezed her eyes shut, pretending to sleep. She couldn’t pretend anymore when he flopped into bed, reeking of alcohol. Cari asked him to sleep it off in the guest bedroom, and everything went downhill from there.

  He argued with her about being asked to sleep somewhere else. She got mad, madder than she’d been in a really long time. They’d been together since college, and she’d thought he would outgrow the stupid things everyone did in their twenties. She was sick of his behavior. Then she said something incredibly cruel.

  She didn’t think she was an unkind person, but she hated who she’d become. They’d had a pregnancy scare earlier in the week. Cari took the Pill religiously, but her period was late, and not just a little bit. Of course, it was probably from stress. “Thank god I’m not pregnant, because I refuse to have a kid with your alcoholic ass.” Cari knew she shouldn’t have said it, but it was too late. He started swinging.

  He wouldn’t stop, either. He just kept hitting her and hitting her; in the head, mostly, where the bruises would be covered by her hair. This wasn’t the first time. She grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand and tried to dial 911. Then she was on the bedroom floor next to the bed, and he was on top of her, choking her and trying to wrestle the phone out of her hand. She couldn’t breathe. “I’ll bury you, Cari. I’ll fucking bury you.”

  Starbursts popped in front of her eyes, and everything started to fade. This is it. Her hand loosened, and the phone was snatched from her grasp. The pressure around her neck lessened, but he was still crushing her. She tried to yank his hand off her neck when Aidan jumped on his back, trying to pull him off her. He must have heard them fighting and woken up. They were on the floor between the bed and the dresser. Oh, god. No. Don’t let him throw him off, if he hits his head on the dresser… Seth released her neck, leaned up, and Aidan slid down his back instead.

  Fear and adrenaline threw her into motion. Gasping for air, she picked Aidan up and ran down the hall to the bathroom. If they were in the same room she could keep Seth out, she could protect him. The little guy was crying and hyperventilating. She wrapped him in her arms, locked the door, and pushed all her weight against it.

  Seth was beating on the door. “Is this what you want?” he screamed. “Fucking great, Cari! Now we’ll have to deal with the neighbors. You just want to turn everyone against me, you stupid bitch.”

  After a while the pounding stopped, but she waited for a really long time, just in case it wasn’t over. She couldn’t call the police, because she didn’t have access to a phone. He’d taken her cell. So she carried the boy back to her bedroom, turned the lock, and tucked him in with her.

  The next day there was some bruising near her left eye, and on the bridge of her nose where her glasses had been smashed into her face. She didn’t know how, but there were no marks around her neck. It hurt to swallow, and she sounded hoarse. She’d puked during the middle of the night and her stomach was still roiling.

  Seth was remorseful, doing the same old song and dance, and Cari let him think everything was okay. When he left for work, she walked Aidan home, mumbling some excuse about running into a wall when the neighbor asked about her black eye. She went home and packed quickly, taking only what she could fit in her Subaru. Thankfully, three days later the bruising had faded, and she didn’t need to explain what happened to Jess. She wasn’t ready to talk about it, not even with her best friend.

  Cari turned away from the fireplace when the cabin door opened. William had already shifted back into his human form and was wearing pants, but he was still shirtless. Bare-chested and completely lickable, his huge muscular frame filled the foyer. Cari couldn’t stop ogling his well-defined chest.

  “Hey, give me just a sec. I’ll be right back,” William said, before he dashed up to the loft.

  When he came back down he was wearing a shirt. Unfortunately.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, there were some tracks, but I lost the scent at the creek. Whoever was out there took off. Hey, are you okay?” he asked.

  Her eyes stung, but she managed a smile, even though it probably wasn’t very convincing. She was still a little shaken up and anxious. Cari spent enough time worrying and looking over her shoulder without agonizing over whoever had been trespassing on William’s property. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  He nodded. “I hope you’re okay with camping.”

  Cari smiled, glad he’d accepted her bullshit answer. “I haven’t camped since high school.”

  His eyes lit up and a wide smile spread across his face. He picked up her duffel bag. “I love camping, especially in the rain,” Liam said with a wink. “Come with me, beautiful.”

  She followed him through a sliding glass door that led out to the deck. Him taking her bag—that small, simple gesture was so incredibly sweet. Cari didn’t know why, but she was comfortable around him. Even though it didn’t make sense, his presence was reassuring and familiar. He reminded her of Liam, but that was probably just her wishful thinking.

  Chapter Four

  Liam would know Cari’s scent anywhere. His bear had known it was her even before he opened the door. He must have looked like an idiot standing there with his mouth hanging open, but he could care less. She was his mate. He’d have to thank Jess later. There was no way Mrs. Wilder could’ve known without someone tipping her off. The conniving little cub must’ve had something to do with it.

  Cari looked a lot different than she did back in high school, but he’d changed too. She still had the same lush curves. He wanted to explore every inch of them, bury his cock in her. Her wavy brown hair was cropped to her shoulders, with a purple streak on one side. On her forearm was a tattoo of a tree with a quote around it about strength. She wore vintage-style cat’s-eye glasses that made her look like a sexy librarian. He shook his head to clear the image of her bent over a desk wearing nothing but those glasses. Her soft brown eyes were still the same, only now there was sadness in them. Still beautiful, still someone he wanted to love. Would she let him?

  “I set up the tents earlier. The campsite isn’t far, just at the bottom of the hill near the creek,” Liam called over his shoulder as he took the steps from the deck two at a time. “I didn’t want to camp too far from the house in case you weren’t an outdoor kind of girl.”

  He hadn’t known his blind date would be Cari. They’d camped and hiked the Stone Clan land so many times.

  Cari smiled. “Thanks. That was really considerate of you, William.”

  Liam arched his eyebrows, not quite sure why Cari would be so formal. They’d never been proper toward one another. No one really called him William. It was so stiff and so unlike him. He wondered if she remembered the last ti
me they camped together. He’d woken up with her wrapped in his arms. He’d pretended he was still asleep, just so he could hold her a little longer. That lasted until Jess kicked Ky in the shin for snoring and he woke up cussing.

  He laughed. “Nobody calls me William except my dad.”

  “What should I call you then?”

  Liam was confused. What on earth would she call him other than Liam? Maybe she was just nervous because it’d been so long since they’d seen each other. If this was an awkward attempt at flirting, he wouldn’t make her feel bad about it. So he started down a wooded path that sloped downhill, and turned to make sure Cari was keeping up. She was right on his heels, and he almost bumped into her.


  She had a funny expression on her face, a half-frown he couldn’t read. Then she recovered, smiling up at him. The top of her head stopped just under his chin. If he tipped her face up, he could kiss her.

  “You look like a Liam,” she purred.

  Okay, Cari was definitely flirting with him. She was doing a damn fine job of getting his bear in an uproar. Hot damn, how he wanted her. He moved closer, drawn to her like he’d always been since day one. Why…why did he hesitate? Her lips were slightly parted. She closed the remaining distance between them, the only invitation he needed. There was a small pause, buzzing with chemistry built up from years of restraint, and then he snatched her into his arms. He was helpless, unable to control his needy mouth or his restless hands. They roamed from her hips up her waist, to the edge of her breasts. He gave into it, gave all to that moment where his body ruled his mind and his bear roared over reason. His desire grew until his erection poked her belly. She gasped into his mouth and broke the kiss. Man, he was going to need a cold shower.

  “You are so incredibly beautiful, Cari. Do you know that?”

  “Thanks,” she said, her voice husky.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “Starving,” Cari said.

  Liam almost groaned. He was hungry too, but it wasn’t for food. He needed Cari. He’d waited a lifetime for that kiss, but the reality was better than any teenage fantasy he’d built up in his head. Her heat, her scent, her generous curves and kindness, and her devastating sensuality, all awakened his bear. And his bear struggled to keep his paws off her, even though he wanted to dig his claws into her and mark her. Claim her as his mate. That’s what her kiss promised—forever. He was hers now.

  “Good. I brought some steaks I can grill on the camping stove.”

  They reached the campsite. He’d already set up everything, which was good, since the sky was turning a dusky pink.

  “Can I help with anything?” Cari asked.

  He unzipped one of the tents and tossed her duffel on top of the sleeping bag and air mattress. Liam didn’t know how he’d get any sleep in his own tent. He was still uncomfortably hard from Cari’s kiss.

  “There’s a lettuce mix, cherry tomatoes, and some dressing in the cooler. Want to make the salad?”

  Cari smiled. “Sure.”

  Liam could hardly keep his bear in check when she bent over the cooler, her ass on full display. His eyes watered behind his contacts. He usually wore glasses in his human form, but he’d wanted to wear contacts for their date. Liam had to pop in a new pair when he dashed up to the loft for a shirt. Right now, watching her hips sway as she rummaged through the cooler was making him even harder. He wanted to jump in the creek; either the cold water or taking matters into his own hands would release the tension. He fired up the camping stove instead, while Cari busied herself making the salad.

  “How do you like your steak?”

  Cari divided the salad into two small bowls and slouched into one of the camping chairs. “Medium rare.”

  Liam took a swig of his beer and flipped the steaks. “These should be perfect in another six minutes.”

  Cari grinned. “What is it about men and their meat?”

  “You have no idea. You should see us when the whole clan cooks out,” Liam said.

  She laughed. A few minutes later the steaks were done. He slid them onto plates and served one to Cari.

  “Smells delicious,” she said, before forking a bite into her mouth. When she finished chewing, she continued, “And it is. This is really yummy.”

  Liam took another swig of beer. “I like a woman who eats.”

  Cari smiled. “What else do you like?”


  He loved everything about her, always had, since ninth grade when she moved to town. He hadn’t been able to forget her when she left. There’d been others, all of them completely forgettable.

  “You’re incredible, Cari. Where’ve you been?”

  “Well, I moved away for college, and…” she trailed off and shifted in her seat.


  He waited patiently for her to answer, because she had a sad, faraway look in her eyes again.

  “I’m not sure how much Mrs. Wilder shared with you, but I just got out of a pretty bad relationship.” Her voice was so soft and she looked away.

  Liam put his plate down and took her hand. “Cari, you’re beautiful. No one ever has the right to make you feel like you’re not. I’m sorry if someone did. We can take things slow, as slow as you need.”

  She squeezed his hand and smiled. “Thank you, Liam. That means a lot to me.”

  They finished their food and he made an effort to lighten the mood. It was almost like they’d picked up where they left off. They talked about everything and nothing until the peepers were chirping. He lit a campfire before the sun set over the mountain and a full moon took its place, lighting up the sky.

  He wanted to kiss her again, but he held back. Even an alpha needed to let someone else lead sometimes, especially someone who’d been hurt. Liam waited until Cari said good-night and moved to her tent before he headed for the creek. He was a patient man, but a man nonetheless. He’d be tossing and turning, rustling in his tent all night, if he didn’t do something to release the tension.

  Chapter Five

  Cari was curled in her sleeping bag. The thud of footsteps caught her attention as she was dozing off. She assumed it was Liam heading into the trees to take a piss. When she didn’t hear him come back, she started getting nervous.

  She put on her sneakers and unzipped her tent. “Liam?”

  There was no answer from Liam’s tent. The short, sexy nightgown she was wearing was a waste with two separate tents. Sex she could handle. It was far easier than the emotional stuff. Although, it was really sweet how considerate he’d been about the sleeping arrangements. Liam was a gentleman and didn’t just assume she’d sleep with him. Funny how he had the same name as her high school crush—they looked nothing alike. The Liam she’d known was a shy, lanky art nerd with glasses. This Liam was one big bear—all rippling muscles—and he exuded confidence. Definitely a turn-on. She smiled into the darkness and pulled out her cell phone for light.


  Still no answer. She was no ninny, but after the weird vibes and evidence of someone snooping around earlier, she damn sure wasn’t staying here by herself. Hell no. She’d rather go find Liam, even if she got eaten by a bear tromping around the woods on her own. Cari snort-laughed. For some reason the idea of being dinner for a grizzly bear was funny, considering she was on a date with a bear shifter.

  “Whoo-whoo!” Cari jumped. Just an owl. She was a ball of nerves.

  “Good God, Cari. Get a grip,” she muttered.

  Cell phone in hand, she traced her steps toward the edge of the clearing and walked past her tent to the woods. There was a path through the trees. Liam must have gone this way.

  After a short walk, tripping a few times, the path came to a creek. She was about to step out of the woods when she spotted Liam. Her mouth dropped open, but she couldn’t look away.

  “Oh, fuck me,” she whispered.

  The moon lit up the sky like it was daytime, and there was Liam, sitting on top of a large flat rock, stro
king his cock.

  She should go back to her tent. That’s what any reasonable woman would do, right? But she couldn’t stop watching him jerk his hand up and down his shaft. It was so incredibly hot. Her palms were sweaty. She should turn around right now…but her feet were glued to that spot, spying from the trees.

  Cari couldn’t resist. Watching him like that had her so hot and horny it was ridiculous. She began removing her short black nightgown, sliding it down her shoulder until her breast popped over the lace trim. She cupped her breast, rolling her nipple between her index finger and thumb. He was stroking his large cock even harder now. She shifted her weight and snapped a twig. Liam turned his head in her direction.


  There was no way he could see her from this far away. Not unless shifters had some sort of supernatural night vision. Cari was sure she blended into the tree line. Why did it look like he was staring straight at her, then? She edged back into the trees just in case.

  He kept jerking his cock. There was no stopping now. She lowered the other side of her nightgown and stepped out of it slowly, then swung it over the branch of a bush. The only things she had on were her panties and her sneakers—a weird combo, for sure. And her panties were already soaked from watching Liam. It’d been far too long since she’d been with anyone, and the sexy little show Liam was putting on made her so freaking hot.

  She ran her hands up and down her body, savoring the feel of the night air prickling her skin into goosebumps. Her eyes met Liam’s. Cari slowly began to tease him, as if he could really see her. Her fingers slid under her panties, touching her pussy. She imagined it was Liam touching her.

  Liam’s chest rose and fell heavily. It was almost like he could see her too. She kept pretending, playing with her clit, rubbing it in circles. Cari pulled her hand out of her underwear and wiggled them over her butt, down her legs, and over her sneakers. With her ass high in the air, she looked over her shoulder, smiling at Liam like a burlesque girl. She slung her underwear over the same branch as her nightgown. Cari rubbed her pussy, and then slid a finger in deep. The whole time his eyes were locked with hers. She slowly licked her finger, sucking it into her mouth and savoring the sweet honey it was coated with. Liam groaned.


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