Computing with Quantum Cats
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Clauser, John, 165–9, 171, 172, 173, 174
Cleve, Richard, 211–12
Cloud, 91–2
CNOT (Controlled NOT) gate, 215–17, 220, 225–6, 228, 240, 262–4
coarse-grained universes, 201–2
codes, see ciphers and codes
Cohen, Morrel, 233
Colossus: achievements, 41, 42–3; destruction of machines, 43–4; development, 40–1, 82, 93, 203; first electronic computer, 42, 77; Flowers’ work, 40–2, 49; production, 41–2; programming, 42; replica, 44; size, 253; Turing's work, 33, 40–3; valves, 40–1, 263
Columbia University, 69, 100
Commins, Gene, 164, 166–7
Communications Supplementary Services (Washington) (CSSW), 33
computation: act of, 125–7; reversible, 126, 127–9
computers: conventional (classical), 2–3, 132, 203, 210, 213–15, 224; fallibility of components, 82–4; first complete and fully operational electronic digital stored-program computer, 77; first electronic computer, 42, 70, 77; first programmable electromechanical digital computer, 70; first stored-program computer, 49, 70, 76–7; languages, 50; parallel architecture, 80; quantum, see quantum computers; reversible, 128; serial architecture, 79–80; size, 253; Turing machines, 20–1, 43, 81–2, 91, 131, 196–7; Turing's early work, 18–20, 28; universal, 20, 46, 86
Computron, 73
Copenhagen Interpretation, 105–7; Bell's work, 158–9, 184; Bohm's work, 146, 147; comparison with hidden variables theory, 139; Einstein's view, 142, 144; Everett's work, 184, 186; influence, 145, 149; Schrödinger's view, 120–2, 138
CPT theorem, 153
cryptography: future of quantum computing, 265; “one time pad,” 203–4; public key, 204–5; RSA algorithm, 204–6; Shannon's work, 125; Shor's algorithm, 206–9, 210, 212, 213; Turing's work, 23–4, 33, 38–9
D-Day, 42–3
Dalibard, Jean, 171
Dán, Klára (Klári), 59–60
data storage, 91–2
Datta, Animesh, 268, 269
Davies, Paul, 161, 174, 192
de Broglie, Louis: career, 135–6; Clauser's work, 165; hidden variables theory, 137–8, 144–5; 90th birthday symposium, 154; on particles and waves, 136; pilot wave idea, 137, 138, 142, 148, 149
de Forest, Lee, 71, 72
decoherence: problem of, 221, 222, 225, 228–9, 245, 246; times, 228, 243–4, 247–8, 261–2
Deep Blue, 210–11
Deep Thought, 216
Dehmelt, Hans, 217–19, 220, 253
Delilah project, 34, 45
“depths,” 38
DEUCE, 48, 50–1
Deutsch, David: career, 190–2, 210; on fungibility, 200–1; on Grover searching, 212; influence, 134, 175; lifestyle, 189–90; on Multiverse, 4, 199, 200, 208–9; on telepathy, 232; on testing many worlds hypothesis, 192–6; work towards quantum computers, 196–7, 206; writings: The Beginning of Infinity, 193; “Quantum Theory” paper, 196
DeWitt, Bryce, 185, 186, 191
Difference Tabulator, 69
Diffie, Whitfield, 204
Dirac, Paul, 21, 105, 118
discord, 268–9
DiVincenzo, David, 227–9, 240, 243, 248
Dollis Hill research station, 39, 40–1, 47
double-slit experiment, see experiment with two holes
Dyson, George, 87
Eckert, John Prosper, 69, 75, 79, 81
EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator), 48, 50–1, 77, 90
EDVAC, 48, 79–82, 83, 91
Einstein, Albert: Bohm's career, 148, 149; on Bohm's work, 146; on Copenhagen Interpretation, 142; dress, 189; EPR puzzle, 142–5, 147–8, 156, 162, 186; influence, 169, 170; on light quanta, 136; on local reality, 160; Nobel Prize, 108; at Princeton, 58–9, 143–5; on “spooky action at a distance,” 138, 144, 256
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 43
Ekert, Artur, 209, 216, 220
Electronic Control Company, 81
electronics, 71–4
electrons: cavity quantum electrodynamics, 261; development of electronics, 72–3; experiment with two holes, 107, 109–11, 121, 137, 193; interaction, 116–19; Josephson junctions, 232; manipulation, 1, 214–15, 217–18, 220, 244; particles/waves, 105–7, 136; quantum computing, 214–15, 242, 246–7; quantum dots, 242–5; quantum entities, 93–4, 104–7, 119; self-interaction, 115–16; spin, 3, 163, 176, 220, 244–6, 248–9; superposition of states, 3; trajectory, 114; valves, 71–2, 93
English Electric Company, 48
ENIAC, 75–9
Enigma, 25–30, 35, 44, 203, 204
entanglement: Commins's view, 166; de Broglie's work, 135, 138; experiments, 163; ion traps, 254–6; non-locality, 173; parallel universes, 193; photons, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265; quantum computation, 174, 201–2, 216, 239, 249, 263–5, 267; SQUIDs, 239–40; telepathy, 231; teleportation, 222, 256–7; term, 133
entropy, 124–6
EPR puzzle: Aspect's work 170–1; Bell's work, 156, 158–9, 171; Bohm's work, 146–7, 159; origins, 142; paper, 143–5; Shimony's work, 162–3; teleportation, 256
error correction, 221–3
ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule), Zurich, 55, 71
Everett, Hugh III, 184–6, 189, 191–2, 193
Ewald, Peter Paul, 152
experiment with two holes (double-slit experiment), 107–10; Copenhagen Interpretation, 107, 121; de Broglie's work, 137; Deutsch's work, 201; Everett's work, 193; experiments with larger molecules, 183–4; Feynman's work, 110–13; Many Worlds Interpretation, 197–8; Schrödinger's work, 122
exponential growth, 92–3
Falicov, Leo, 233
FAPP (for all practical purposes): Bell's phrase, 106; Copenhagen Interpretation, 122, 145, 149; everyday computing, 197; experiment with two holes, 110–11; fungibility, 200; Multiverse, 208; SQUID rings, 239
Fenson, Harry, 43
Fermi, Enrico, 86
fermions, 176
Ferranti Mark I computer, 49–50
Feynman, Melville, 99–100
Feynman, Richard: childhood, 99–100; on digital Universe, 176; education, 100–2, 106, 113–14; on electron's self-interaction, 115–17; experiment with two holes, 107–13; Fredkin relationship, 130, 132; on IBM machines, 64–5; marriage, 103; Nobel Lecture, 115–16, 119; Nobel Prize, 103, 113, 119; on physical world, 179; at Princeton, 58, 60, 102–3, 116; Principle of Least Action, 117–18; on quantum computation, 122, 132–3; on quantum computers, 1–2, 133–4; war work, 103–4, 115; writings: “The Principle of Least Action in Quantum Mechanics,” 102–3, 110, 113–20; “Simulating Physics with Computers” lecture, 132–3, 178; Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman?, 58, 64–5; “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” 94
fiction, 200
Fleming, John, 71
Flowers, Thomas, 39–41, 42, 43, 44–5, 47, 72
Fourier analysis, 207
Fowler, Austin, 223
Frankel, Stanley, 64–5
Frankfort Arsenal, Philadelphia, 103
Fredkin, Ed, 129–30, 132
Fredkin gate, 130–1, 215, 228
Freedman, Stuart, 167
Frontiers magazine, 212
Fry, Ed, 168
Fuechsle, Martin, 93
fungibility, 200–1
G15, 48
Gakushin University, Tokyo, 109
GC&CS (Government Code and Cipher School), 24–5, 29
GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), 44, 205, 209
General Report on Tunny, 44
Goldstine, Adele, 76, 79
Goldstine, Herman, 68–9, 74–7, 79–82, 85
Grangier, Philippe, 171
Greenbaum, Arline, 103–4
Gregory, James, 13
Grover, Lov, 209
Grover's algorithm, 209–10, 211–12
Guinness Book of Records, 225
Hamming code, 221–2
Hanslope Park, 34
Hardy, G. H., 18
Haroche, Serge, 256, 259–62
Heath Robinson ma
chine, 38–40, 41
Heisenberg, Werner, 104–5, 115, 136, 140, 141, 149
Hellman, Martin, 204
Hensinger, Winfried, 219, 253, 254
Herbert, Nick, 160
Hermann, Grete, 140–2, 143, 156
hidden variables theories: Bell's work, 137, 156–7, 161; Bohm's work, 145, 147–8, 149, 161; comparison with Copenhagen Interpretation, 139; de Broglie on, 137–8, 144–5; EPR paper, 162; Hermann's work, 140–2; Horne's work, 164; Pauli's view, 138; Shimony's work, 162, 164; von Neumann's view, 138, 139–40, 142, 145, 151
Hilbert, David, 18, 19, 21, 22, 56
Hiroshima bomb, 62
Hitachi research laboratories, 109
Hitler, Adolf, 35, 42–3, 57
Hollenberg, Lloyd, 223
Hollerith, Herman, 66–7, 68
Holt, Richard, 165, 166, 167–8
Home Guard, 31–2
Horne, Michael, 164–6
Houghton, Betty (née Bowden), 41–2, 44
House Un-American Activities Committee, 148
Hoyle, Fred, 87
Hubble Space Telescope, 179
Hubble Ultra-Deep Field, 179
IBM (International Business Machines): Almaden Research Center, 223–5; computer development, 69; Difference Tabulator, 69; ENIAC, 75; Feynman's work, 103–4; Manhattan Project, 64–5; origins, 67; Physics of Information group, 227, 241; punched cards, 69, 75, 78; quantum technology, 241; von Neumann's consultancy, 81
Imbert, Christian, 171
infinity, 198–9
Innsbruck, University of, 217
input/output devices, 79
interference: between histories, 201, 202; experiment with half-silvered mirrors, 195–6, 201; experiment with two holes, 108–9, 110, 111, 197–8, 201; of observer, 187, 192–3; parallel universes, 192–3, 196, 197–8; pilot wave, 137; quantum, 199, 201; quantum devices, 230, 235
intuition, 88
ion trap, 217–20, 227, 230, 252–4
ions, 217
Jauch, Josef-Maria, 155, 156
Jehle, Herbert, 118
Josephson, Brian, 230–4
Josephson: devices, 234–5, 240; effect, 230, 233–5; junctions, 227, 232, 233
Kasparov, Gary, 210–11
Ketchen, Mark, 241
King's College, Cambridge, 15, 17, 22, 24, 50
Knill, Emanuel, 268
Kocher, Carl, 164, 166
Kovesi, Marietta, 57, 59
Kürschák, Joseph, 55
Laflamme, Raymond, 268
Lagrangian function, 118
Landauer, Rolf, 126, 127, 128
Langevin, Paul, 72, 136
Leggett, Tony, 235–9
Lerner, Lawrence, 76
light: direction of travel, 114–15; as wave, 178–9; see also photons
linear optical computing, 263
Lloyd, Seth, 178
Los Alamos, 61–3, 78, 79, 103–4, 115, 146
Lüders, Gerhard, 153
Lyttleton, Raymond, 22
McCarthy, John, 88
McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 148
Mach-Zehnder interferometer, 194, 195
MacPhail, Malcolm, 24
Madhava of Sangamagrama, 13
magnetic tape and discs, 90
magnetism, 250
“majority voting” system, 83–4
Manchester Baby, 49, 77, 91
Manchester University, 47, 49
Manchester University Mark I computer, 49
Mandl, Franz, 154
Manhattan Project, 61–5, 78, 146, 148
Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI): Bell's work, 158, 174, 186; Deutsch's work, 191–2; Everett's work, 184, 186, 189, 191–2; Schrödinger's contribution, 189; wave function, 183
Maryland, University of, 69, 256
Mauchly, John, 74–5, 79, 81
Maxwell, James Clerk, 116–17, 120
measurement problem, 142–3, 183, 186, 187–9, 222
Melbourne, University of, 223, 245
memory: computer, 42, 46, 70, 79–80; quantum computer, 208, 246; RAM, 49, 73; quantum unit, 192; solid state devices, 90; storage, 93
Merkle, Ralph, 204
Mermin, David, 157, 158–9
Michigan, University of, 254, 256
Mind-Matter Unification Project, 231
mirrors, half-silvered, 193–6, 198, 201, 255
MIT: Feynman's career, 99, 100–2, 115, 132, 178; Fredkin's career, 130, 131; Haroche's career, 260; public key system, 204; Shannon's career, 125; Shimony's career, 162
Monroe, Christopher, 220, 254
Moore, Gordon, 90
Moore School, University of Maryland, 69, 74–5, 78, 79, 80, 81
Moore's Law, 90–1, 92, 93
Morcom, Christopher, 14–15
morphogenesis, 50–1
Morse code, 26, 35
multiplexing, 84
Multiverse, 4, 196, 197, 199–201, 208, 223
musical notes, computer programming, 50
Nagasaki bomb, 63
nanotechnology, 94
National Defense Research Council (NDRC), 61
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 220–1, 252
National Physical Laboratory (NPL), 46, 48, 50
Neddermeyer, Seth, 62
Neumann, Michael, 54
neutrons, 249–50
New South Wales, University of, 245
Newman, Max, 18, 21, 38, 40, 41, 49
Newton's laws, 124, 125
nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) centers, 248–9
NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), 224, 227, 244, 249–52, 267, 269–70
no-cloning theorem, 222
Nobel Prize: Anderson, 232–3; Bell's nomination, 174; de Broglie, 136; Dehmelt, 218; Einstein, 108; Feynman, 103, 113, 115, 119; Haroche, 256; Josephson, 230–2; Leggett, 235, 238; Townes, 166; Wineland, 252
Noether, Emmy, 140
non-locality: Aspect's work, 173; author's view, 189; Bell's work, 156, 159–60; de Broglie's work, 145; experiment with two holes, 109–10, 122; feature of the Universe, 173; Schrödinger's cat, 122
NOT operation, 214–15
NP-complete problems, 212–13, 214
O'Brien, Jeremy, 263
Official Secrets Act, 31
Olympic Games (1948), 47–8
Omni, 157
Onnes, Kamerlingh, 232
Oppenheimer, Robert, 145–6
optical cooling, 217
P problems, 212, 213
Pan Jianwei, 259
parallel worlds, 187–8, 193, 197, 198, 200
Paris-South, University of, 171
path integral approach, 103, 111–12, 113, 119
Paul, Wolfgang, 219
Pauli, Wolfgang, 138, 142, 149
Peierls, Rudolf, 152, 153
Penning, Frans Michel, 218
Penrose, Oliver, 129
Phillips, James, 233
phosphorus atoms, 246–7
photolithography, 219
photons: Aspect's work, 171–2, 173; CHSH paper, 166; Clauser's work, 169; de Broglie's work, 136; detection of, 179; digitization, 176–7; discord, 269; energy of, 177; entanglement, 163, 256–7, 259; EPR experiment, 202; experiment with two holes, 108–9; Feynman's work, 118; gamma rays, 163; Horne's work, 164; ion traps, 254–5; Kocher and Commins's work, 164; Mach-Zehnder interferometer, 194–6; manipulation, 1, 93, 262; polarization of, 166, 167, 168–9, 171–2; quantum computing, 93; quantum dots, 227; quantum photonics, 262–6; spin state, 249; SQUIDs, 240–1; in superposition, 261–2; teleportation, 256–9, 263; trapped, 260–1
Physical Review, 148, 149
Physical Review Letters, 167
Physics, 161
Physics Letters, 234
Physics Today, 233
Pilot Ace, 48
pilot wave, 137–8, 142, 148, 149, 154
Pipkin, Frank, 165
Planck, Max, 177
Planck length, 177
Planck's constant, 177
Podolsky, Boris, 143, 146
/> Post Office, 39, 45
Princeton Institute for Advanced Study (PIAS): computer development, 83; Einstein's career, 58–9, 143; foundation, 57–8, 68; Turing's career, 24; von Neumann's career, 57, 59, 60, 68, 81, 83
Princeton University: Bohm's career, 146, 148–9; Everett's career, 185, 192; Feynman's career, 102–3, 116; Office of Population Research, 60; Proctor Fellowships, 21–2; quantum dots, 242, 245; Shimony's career, 162; Turing's career, 18, 21–4, 34; Veblen's career, 68; von Neumann's career, 56–7, 79, 84
probability: Copenhagen Interpretation, 106–7, 139; EPR paper on, 144; experiment with half-silvered mirrors, 195, 198, 201; experiment with two holes, 110–12, 198, 201; Feynman on, 118, 132; in fungible universes, 201; in parallel universes, 200; quantum computation, 215, 223, 241, 262–3; Schrödinger on, 188; von Neumann on, 85
protons, 249–50
Pryce, Maurice, 15
punched cards, 64, 65–9, 78, 90
quantization, 176–7
quantum codes, 213, 222
quantum computation: Bell's inequality, 133; Bell's theorem, 174; CNOT gate, 215, 216–17, 220–1, 262; codebreaking, 203; Deutsch's work, 175, 190; entanglement, 138, 174; error correction, 223; gateway to, 122–8; hidden variables theory, 138; limits of, 210–14; manipulating quantum entities in two states at the same time, 1; Multiverse, 200; NMR, 249–52; problems, 222; QIP, 262; quantum reality, 121–2
quantum computers: already built, 223–5, 267–8; chess-playing, 211; codebreaking, 1, 205–6, 209, 213, 266; computing power, 4, 214; Deutsch's work, 192–3, 196–7, 200–2, 206, 208; development of, 173; Feynman's work, 133–4; future of, 225, 226, 241, 245, 252–3; Grover's algorithm, 209–10, 211; key criteria, 227–30, 240; limitations, 203, 210–14; logic gates, 214–16, 226; Multiverse and, 200–2, 208; non-locality, 110; nuclear spin, 246, 247; problems in building, 201, 202, 212, 214; quantum dots, 242–3; quantum photonics, 263–6; quantum switches, 3, 216; qubits, 3–4, 202, 222–3, 226; RSA algorithm, 205–6; Shor's algorithm, 206–8, 223; simulation, 132, 178, 179–80, 196–7, 210; size, 253; SQUIDs, 230, 239–40; teleportation, 258, 263; trapped ion technique, 219–20, 253–4, 263; uses of, 1–2
quantum discord, 268, 269
quantum dots, 227, 242–5
quantum electrodynamics (QED), 119
quantum entities, 1, 93–4, 104, 119, 222
quantum gravity, 191
Quantum Information Processing (QIP), 262
quantum interference, 199, 201
quantum leap, 218
quantum mechanics, 93–5, 105–7
quantum memory unit, 192
quantum photonics, 262–6
quantum physics, 104, 106, 118
quantum simulators, 132