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Adapt (A Touch of Power Book 2)

Page 31

by Jay Boyce

  Dante chimed in, “Sounds to me like they’re connected. No hunt comes back unscathed, so it’s a warning to remember why you called it in the first place—to save people, not to vent your anger.” She glanced up at him, slightly surprised to get this nugget of wisdom from a consummate flirt, but he ruined it a bit by winking saucily at her.

  She chuckled softly, shaking her head. “I’ll try to remember that.”

  “What are you remembering?” Camille shoved Victor out of the way to claim the seat on her right, and he grudgingly went to the other side of the table, sitting next to Dante while Will did the same. She could see Stephen, Eric, Carter, and even Jarom making their way over too. Brodie had claimed a seat at another table, and she could see a couple of other professors she knew who nodded in greeting if their eyes met. It seemed her table was the cool kids club.

  Dante had noticed her absent mindedness and answered in her place, turning his charm on her full blast, “My beautiful princess, she’s going to try to remember her motives for calling a hunt.”

  The others were searching her quizzically for confirmation, and she nodded. “Scylla said a few cryptic things to me that were slightly ominous.” She went back to eating her food as she heard Brady and Dante relaying what she’d told them so she didn’t have to. She concentrated on shoving nutrients into her stomach, feeling bad that she could barely taste the wonderful cooking. It might as well have been cardboard for all she knew.

  She felt Cami’s gentle hand on her shoulder as she murmured softly, “Don’t think about it too much. How were your lessons?”

  Jade turned, smiling at her. “Lessons were good. It was Dante’s turn to beat me up today.” There was a wicked gleam in her eye as Dante immediately started protesting.

  “Well, at least it looks like you gave as good as you got.” Victor’s snicker was unrestrained as he gestured to the many cuts in Dante’s clothes.

  “She cheated,” Dante grumbled in mock indignation.

  “Oh, and how would a wee slip of a girl like Jade cheat against you?” Jarom’s bass rumble evidenced his obvious delight that Dante was getting ribbed. She hadn’t spent all that much time in Jarom’s company, but it seemed like he was always taking pleasure in the friendly torment of others. Was that why he was in charge of the obstacle course? He liked to push people to their limits.

  “She took off half her clothes so I couldn’t look at her straight!” Jade winced as Dante sold her out with way too much information, and then he yelped as she kicked his shins under the table. Everyone but Brady and Dante had turned to stare at her with accusing eyes.

  “Stop slandering me, you twit!” she muttered darkly, annoyed that he’d thrown her under the bus. The accusing glares were still focused on her, so she went on. “I was still dressed. I just wore a smaller layer underneath so that I didn’t have to walk around all day in cut up clothing again.” The glares were now moderating into a more mollified stare as she grumbled, “You people are way too sensitive about skin. I’m a healer! I’ve seen more skin than you can imagine, and it’s not something to be ashamed of.”

  Camille’s voice was calmly measured as she inquired, “Exactly how much skin are we talking?”

  Dante stuck his foot into his mouth again as he jumped to answer, “She was wearing pants cut off until they were barely there and a shirt that bared her midriff and shoulders completely! Ouch!” He belatedly realized he might have said too much, given her second kick and the murderous glares directed his way, most notably by Victor, Will, Eric, and Stephen. She was a little curious as to why they seemed to want to throttle him instead of her now.

  Jade sighed, tapping her fork impatiently on her plate as their gazes slowly all swung back to her. “I was wearing enough to cover myself so that there’d be the least amount of clothing to clean up and repair. As you can see,” she gestured to Dante’s clothes, “the sparring with real blades is very hard on clothing.” She paused, then dictated imperiously, “And that is that. I’ll do what I feel is necessary for my training and comfort, and I don’t want to hear a word of complaint from the rest of you. Is that clear?”

  There were grudging nods around the table, and she gestured to their food, which everyone belatedly began to eat, Estelle having slipped over the newcomer’s food without them seeming to notice. She was a good woman. Jade began to eat again, her appetite renewed as she hummed in pleasure. Now that she felt like she could taste it again, it was even richer and more flavorful than before. It was probably a side effect of keen senses, but she was thoroughly enjoying it.

  She cleared her plates quickly, mindful of the fact that she still needed to go make sure her babies were taken care of. The others seemed surprised at how quickly she had eaten, given how she usually took her time. “Going somewhere?” Camille’s voice was laced with amusement.

  “Yup! I’ve got to feed my fellacai and exercise the caged ones,” she chirped brightly back at her.

  “Wait, you’re letting the whole flock out of the cage again?” Victor’s voice held interest.

  “She lets all of them out of the cage?” Eric’s voice was tinged with a bit of dismay. She supposed only the royal family, Delaney, and the servants who’d been there knew about that.

  She grinned. “I do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve a flock to unleash.” She stood up, smiling at Estelle who was walking over with a bag for her. She handed it over and Jade leaned forward, kissing the woman on the cheek as she giggled, “Thanks, Estelle, you’re the best!”

  “Get on with you!” Estelle was blushing and made a shooing motion, quickly retreating.

  “Wait, I’m coming too!” Camille was shoving the last of her food into her face in a very unladylike manner… Well honestly, it was just a more Jade-like manner. Was she adversely affecting people?

  “Me too!” A chorus of yelps rang out around the table as everyone shoved food in as quickly as they could without choking. They were all scrambling to their feet, chewing furiously with chipmunk like cheeks that she couldn’t help but clutch her sides, unable to stop her laughter at the sight.

  The other tables were giving them strange looks, curious about why an entire table was making such a fast exodus. She was still giggling as she led her entourage away and towards Magnus. The happy burble of conversation flowed around her as they made it to the second floor, Dante doing his best to flirt with Camille while several of the others seemed to jockey for positions nearer her. She just grinned at their antics. It was nice being surrounded by friends.

  They made it to her workroom without any mishaps and she opened the door wide so they could enter, even as her babies came out to her to flutter around her. She cooed lovingly at them. “Hello, my lovelies. Did you have a good morning?”

  Pictures flooded her mind of them playing in the garden and napping in the cherry tree. She handed her new bag of food to Stephen as he passed, asking absentmindedly, “Can you set this up on the free table by the garden? I’m going to grab the cage. I’ll be right back.”

  “Missed you!” it was Andy’s tiny voice as the little man brushed wings across her fingers that made her smile adoringly at him. She hummed absently in pure pleasure at them as she unlocked the room next door. It was devoid of people, and she quickly grabbed the cage and locked it again behind her, taking the beautiful little ones next door to her workshop.

  Everyone inside was milling around, several of them inspecting her fire tree or garden. “I’m back!” she called out to get their attention, closing the door behind her. She walked over to the table where Stephen had dutifully set up the food for all of them. She looked down at her cage of fellacai, who were all practically quivering with excitement as she smiled fondly down at them.

  Still, her voice was layered with compulsion and maybe even a bit of hypnotism as she directed it at them, “Same deal as yesterday, no trying to escape, no making any pollen or attacking anyone. No leaving this room, and no eating my garden. Am I understood?”

  Lavender landed on the cage,
peeping mentally at her, “They obey.” Smiling at her pretty, she opened the cage and heard several sharp intakes of breath as they came flooding out. Her babies moved among them again. They were winging around the room, taking turns attacking the food and juice she’d left out for them, playing in the garden, and inspecting the humans around them. She absently emptied her blood into the garden, mixing it with the dirt to enrich the soil and her plants.

  She had to giggle as everyone around her started collecting butterflies related to their magical affinities. They were staring in wonder at now-gentle creatures who were drawn to their energy, basking in their auras.

  Grinning, she informed them, “Well, if I didn’t already know your main magical affinities, I would now.”

  They looked at her, perplexed until they started to realize the color themes of the fellacai sticking to each other. Several of them laughed, startling the fellacai on them into flight, and she figured if they could titter and scold, they would have.

  She relaxed, letting various little ones use her as a perch as they basked in her own aura. Unlike the others, there was no differentiation in color on her. She could only imagine she looked something akin to a walking rainbow butterfly mob at the moment, but their tiny flutters on her calmed her down.

  It was a much needed moment of peace.

  Chapter Forty – Shocking

  Too soon for her liking, someone had checked their pocket watch, starting the whole group gently disengaging from the fellacai around them as they prepared to leave. With a sigh, she said softly, “Off now.” The cloud of fellacai swarmed off of her body and she looked at them a little wistfully. It would be so simple to stay here with them, but no. She had places to be and things to learn.

  She stared at them flitting around her room, considering whether she could leave them alone while she went to class. Deciding that it probably wasn’t a good idea, she opened the cage door, calling softly, “In now.” Delicate wings brushed against her as they flooded towards the cage. She glanced around, making sure they were all in before she closed the cage. She decided to leave it in her workroom in case she had time to let them out later. She didn’t think Randall would mind too much.

  “How do you do that?” Camille’s whispered amazement brought Jade back to herself.

  It was Stephen who answered before she could, “She has compulsion magic.” Jade’s head whipped around, staring accusingly at Stephen. He shrugged nonchalantly. “You told us not to be surprised if you picked up all the different types of magic. It’s not like we haven’t seen it before or don’t know how to recognize the signs.”

  She winced, sighing. “I didn’t think of that.”

  It looked like several people were doing mental calculations, but it was Victor who probed next. “That’s what happened with the first mesmer attack, isn’t it? The guards said it stood still for too long.”

  A little chagrined that her secret was out, she nodded. It seemed hiding what she could do wasn’t going to be possible. She kept using it openly without thought. Oh well, she wasn’t a fan of hiding stuff anyway. As long as it didn’t make them afraid of her. Well, either that or it gave anyone who was planning to mess with her second thoughts. Could she have it both ways?

  “Anyway, we’d better get to class. You’ve got lightning now, right?” Camille asked sweetly, and Jade nodded again as they started filing out of the room. Camille patted her on the arm as she passed, saying softly, “You’re still you, and we know that. Stop worrying about what other people think.”

  Jade glanced up, startled. “How did you know I…?”

  Her voice trailed off as Victor piped up from behind her, “You’re not the only perceptive one. Besides, your actions speak for themselves, and even if you think people aren’t watching…they are. Everyone is curious about what the traveler is like, and for the most part, you haven’t let them down.”

  “For the most part?” Her tone was worried. When had she let them down?

  Stephen snickered at her. “Your little temper tantrum last night was noted.” She winced. She had lost it, it was true. She felt bad that people would know how disrespectfully she’d treated Aiden. It hadn’t been her intention at all, but she’d just…lost her patience entirely. It was the last straw against her mountain of stress.

  Yes, she could admit she was stressed. Who wouldn’t be, when you knew one of your friends was being tortured and eaten alive, and you were the only one who could potentially stop it? When those monsters kept appearing and trying to kidnap you? Dealing with the aftermath of taking another living being’s life? Having your body change on a daily basis and having to adapt every morning? Having the weight of expectation thrust upon you? Everyone was expecting her to be a hero. What if she let them all down? What if she couldn’t save Frank?

  Her shoulders tensed as she paused, her forehead against the door she was closing. The conversation behind her was still going on, but she was stuck in what ifs. What if she was too late? What if she couldn’t find them, despite her training and waiting? What if they killed someone else while she was trying to save Frank? Was saving him worth the risk of another’s life? What if she found the nest, but they weren’t all home, and then she missed them? What if there were multiple nests? Finding one wouldn’t be enough. What if she died?

  She trembled against the door, her hands too shaky to lock it. She missed twice before she got the key in, thankful her small scrabbling was lost in the din of voices behind her. She managed to turn the key, locking the room before she slipped the key into her pouch with still trembling fingers. Locking her hands behind her back and with a smile she didn’t feel, she faced the people behind her.

  “Well, I’m just down the hall. I’ll see all of you later!” She turned to the right, going past the stairs that the rest of them were either going up or down, and went to classroom 2N. She was still a bit early because they’d left with time to get to further locations, but she was happy to note the door was open. Slipping into the room, the only person inside was the professor, who glanced up at her upon her entry.

  Countess Shara Barak was about the same height as Jade when she straightened up, her light blonde hair pulled back into a strict ponytail at the base of her head. Her eyes were a pretty blue flecked with golden rings around the center. She seemed like a solid core of lean muscle; she was more bulked than Jade hoped she would ever get. Yet it was the kindness in her eyes that Jade noticed most as she walked over to greet her, kissing her on the cheek as her alto voice uttered into the silence, “Lady Jade, it’s good to see you again.”

  “Y-you too, Countess S-Shara,” Jade barely managed to stutter back, still fighting down a panic attack. Her muscles were clenching painfully in their shudders.

  Shara frowned slightly, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You’re shaking. What’s wrong, little one?” Shara half pushed her into a nearby seat, hand still on her shoulder as Jade shook her head. The one time Stephen had introduced them in the faculty lounge hadn’t prepared her for the shaken girl she saw now.

  She seemed to make up her mind about something, and Jade felt a tiny current of electricity invading her body. It was going through her muscles, stimulating them until they slowly unclenched, relaxing under the soothing tingles. One muscle at a time, she felt her body give in to the masterful energy and her shaking began to cease, until finally she felt her muscles go a bit limp.

  Shara sat back, looking her in the eye as she said soothingly, “That’s better. Now will you tell me what was wrong?”

  Jade stared down at her lap, avoiding her gaze as she confessed glumly, “Thank you, but nothing was really wrong. I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed. What was it that you did to me?”

  Shara smiled at her, realizing she was trying to shift the conversation and obliging. “Electrotherapy. It can be used to relax or stimulate the muscles in small quantities. It’s a careful balance to tread because too much and you fry your system. Too little and it does nothing but tingle. It’s handy if you can get the tric
k down, though. The stimulation can clear the mind and help you think, move, and react more quickly.”

  Jade was staring at her in amazement. “I would have never thought of that. We used electricity, stored electric energy, to restart someone’s heart if it’d stopped, but I never thought it could be used to amplify the cells.”

  Other students were starting to come into the classroom now, and Shara patted her on the shoulder. “I’ll explain more once the class starts.” Jade nodded and smiled, feeling better now that her muscles had been relaxed, albeit forcefully. Shara was right in another way too. Her thinking had become clearer, less paralyzing. It had allowed her to get out of her own head and remember that what ifs did no one any good.

  Of the fourteen students filing in, she only recognized two of them: Michael and Travis. Travis cheerfully took a seat next to her, his greeting bright. “Hey, Jade! How’re you today?”

  She grinned at the him. “I’m good. Nothing terribly exciting since geography yesterday.”

  He laughed. “That’s not what I heard, but if you say so…”

  “He’s right, you know. You put the rest of us to shame! To think I was bragging about completing the beginner course yesterday…” Michael ran a hand through his bright red hair, grinning at her as he took the seat in front of her and turned around to wiggle his brows. “Maybe you can give me some pointers? I wish I’d been able to see you in action.” He seemed bolder now that neither Adam or Evan were here to glare daggers at him.

  “Me too,” a tiny voice came from behind her and Jade turned to see the girl who’d claimed the seat to her rear. She was a tiny, delicate thing. Her heart shaped face was smiling at Jade wistfully as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She reminded Jade of an adorable little kitten. Realizing that Jade had heard her and turned to look at her, her cheeks had gone bright red as she smiled shyly. “Oh, hi. I’m Melody.” She leaned forward, kissing Jade on the cheek, lingering for slightly longer than was appropriate and–did she just sniff me?


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