Nero: #2 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas)

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Nero: #2 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas) Page 3

by Madison Stevens

  Nero rounded the corner of the building and was surprised to find Nyx leaning against the wall.

  “Nyx,” he said quietly and stepped up to her.

  She looked up and shook her head.

  “I’m fine,” she said, a faint hint of tension in her words. She waved at him.

  He stepped forward. She was anything but fine.

  “You strained yourself,” he said and reached out to touch her side.

  “No,” she shouted. His hand fell to his side. Nero clenched his fists to keep from reaching out to her. The urge to help was overwhelming.

  “We’re partners,” he said, drawing her gaze to his as if by will. “I need to know I can count on you out there.”

  Nyx frowned at him, the pain now clearly visible on her face.

  She leaned toward him. “I think I could say the same,” she snarled. “How the hell do I know you aren’t just collecting intelligence to give to the Horatius Group? How am I supposed to know that you won’t go running to the Group first chance you get?

  It was strange, really. He’d wondered about that same question himself many times before, but hearing those words on her lips angered him. He could feel the new and different hybrid blood coursing through his veins, making his eyes glow and tattoos burn.

  “I think, above all,” he said through gritted teeth, “I have proven my loyalty to you.”

  He breathed heavily as he stalked over to her. Their bodies didn’t touch but were close enough they could feel the heat from one another. Nero leaned down to her face as she stared up at him.

  “There is not a thing in this world that would make me hurt you,” he said, his voice a rumble. “And I think you know that.”

  Her nipples tightened to hard rocks at his words. She swayed forward, half tempted to just give in to the desire humming through her body. He was certainly tempting enough.

  Nyx sucked in a deep breath and held it for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his nearness and his woodsy scent that filled the air around her.

  When she released the breath, she opened her eyes and locked on to his. His deep blue eyes pulsed like a ripple on a dark pool of water.

  Although his appearance had been altered from whatever was in the injection, his body was still very much the large muscular form it had been before. Now she was actually able to admire all those muscles instead of wondering if he might use them to rip her apart.

  She shook herself a little. The attraction rattled her brain, so she couldn’t hardly remember the man Nero had been before all of this.

  A few good deeds didn’t make a good man, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let that sway her. The fact was, this was still the same man that had helped keep her people captive. He likely still would today if the place hadn’t collapsed. His actions had been self-serving, not selfless.

  Nyx leaned away from him and his intoxicating smell.

  She shook her head again, trying to shake off her damned attraction to the bastard. She was not a Vestal, the special non-hybrid women who were the other half of the hybrids. Hybrids did not bond with one another. Not successfully. Or, at least, she’d never heard of it happening. And without a doubt the Group had tried, despite the cost in suffering.

  “What about the rest of them?” she asked, waving an arm to the buildings behind her. “Where does your loyalty lie with them?”

  Nero opened his mouth and closed it. She knew the answer before he was even able to process.

  He looked away for a moment. “I haven’t decided yet,” he said quietly.

  Nyx crossed her arms over her chest and watched as his gaze moved to her now pushed-up breasts, the tips pointing directly at him. She moved her arms further up, covering the hard peaks of her nipples.

  “So are you going to sell us out?” she asked, ignoring the warmth that spread over her face from his stare.

  He shook his head. “It’s not like that.”

  Nyx stepped forward, once again angry at him.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, slamming her hand against the side of the building. “Pick a side, Nero, before your side is picked for you.”

  She spun around, ready to stomp off to her cabin but stopped as pain shot through her. Her body swayed.

  “Son of a bitch,” Nero growled. She felt him at her back, wrapping an arm firmly around her waist, so she didn’t fall.

  With one movement, he lifted her into his arms, one massive arm behind her back, gently protecting the battered ribs against his chest and his other arm under her legs.

  If Nyx hadn’t been in so much pain, she would have laughed herself silly at being carried princess style. Then she would have kicked him in the balls for daring to.

  “You are the most impossible person I’ve ever me,” Nero growled under his breath.

  Nyx glared up at him. Her breath came out in short bursts. “I think,” she said and took in a breath, “that’s my line.”

  He ignored her words and moved through the tree. It was hard to focus beyond the pain, but she could tell he was avoiding a walk through the middle of the buildings. The last thing she needed was a bunch of questions about something she wasn’t even sure she could answer.

  When they reached her door, he set her on her feet and held out a hand.

  “Key,” he said.

  Nyx leaned heavily against the door frame as she fished out the key from her pocket. The movement sent more waves of pain through her side.

  She steeled her face and gave him a tight smile.

  “Thanks,” she said as carefree as she could muster while searching for the key. “I’ve got it from here.”

  Her hand popped out of her pocket, causing her to stumble forward against his hard chest. A warm hand pressed her to him. She reached out to steady herself, pressing firmly against his massive pec.

  Nyx looked up as his massive hand came to cover hers against his chest, and for a brief moment as he stared down at her, she wondered if he was going to kiss her. She licked her lips, not really wanting to stop him if he did. Even though her brain screamed it was an awful idea, the rest of her cheered.

  A low rumble came from his chest. The sound zipped through her like a jolt of electricity.

  His hand came off hers and pulled away the key she had been holding. Nero leaned forward, his face just past her shoulder. His warmth made her forget the pulsing pain in her side and focus on a different kind of throbbing.

  The lock clicked open, and she was suddenly left with cold air between them.

  She opened her mouth to thank him but watched as he stepped into her home.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she said.

  She stepped through the door and watched as he rummaged around on the peninsula between the living room and her kitchen.

  Nero pointed to the couch.


  Nyx frowned.


  Nero turned and sighed loudly. Not waiting to respond, he moved over to the door and shut it behind them. A warm hand circled around her back as he led her over to the couch.

  “Sit,” he said. The same word as before but somehow less sharp than it had been.

  Not really knowing what else to do, Nyx sat. It felt good to take the strain off her side, and she was instantly glad she had listened.

  She watched from the couch as he walked back to the pill bottles he had been examining before.

  “You skipped your pain meds,” he said, more a statement than a question.

  Nyx nodded. It had been some time since she’d taken her meds.

  Nero walked around to the other side of the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He returned to her quickly with long strides, a pill in one hand and the bottle in the other.

  “Take it,” he said firmly.

  Nyx hated being told what to do, but the pain was too much, and she would have to take the pill either way. She downed the pill and took several big gulps of water.

  When she was finished, she
noticed Nero had made his way back to the door, his hand on the knob.

  “You should wrap your middle,” he said. “It will help with movement. And make sure to stay hydrated.”

  His behavior stunned Nyx. The way he’d been acting before, she was certain he came in her house hoping for something more.

  When he looked over his shoulder at her, his gaze pinned her.

  “I won’t betray them,” he said. His voice was soft, but his words carried through the empty room. “I won’t betray any of you.”

  “So you’re with us?” she asked, not quite sure why she should be so hopeful.

  He nodded. “For now.”

  Without a word, Nero opened the door and closed it as quietly as when they had entered.

  Chapter Five

  Nero watched the scouting group as they assembled their equipment. They had ventured just past the sensors, and he knew there was a decent amount of land they didn’t bother to maintain.

  It was interesting to him they hadn’t decided to build a giant wall like the hybrids of Luna Lodge. Maybe they had too much time stuck behind walls, and they didn’t ever plan on letting that happen again.

  For his part, he thought they had the right idea. Building a wall around something just made people curious what was behind that wall. Besides, the world didn’t know about this new set of hybrids. There was no point in making them aware of the fact.

  He shook his head. Getting too comfortable wasn’t such a great idea. Most of the local hybrids didn’t want him here, and those that did still weren’t sure about him.

  He was better off on his own. This many hybrids in one place was just asking for trouble, especially considering how clueless a lot of the hybrids taken out of cyro-storage had proven.

  If it weren’t the Azilians, the Horatius Group would find them, and when they did, they would all be back to the same miserable fate they had before.

  Anger ran through him. He didn’t really know he could still feel such emotion after all the Group had done.

  Not everyone had to be caught again. There were some that, like him, would make it in the world just fine. And yet here they were, gearing up to take on yet another battle. It just didn’t make sense to him.

  “Headset,” Nyx said, startling him out of his thoughts.

  He nodded and took the headpiece and put it on.

  Nero stared at her. She looked much better than earlier. They all were dressed in black. It was the best cover for night.

  Her long-sleeved shirt was tucked into her black cargo pants and still managed to show her waist. He wondered if she’d taped her middle like he suggested. It would help with the pain. He knew that trick from his own experience. He shifted his thinking back to her. The last thing he wanted was to think about his past injuries.

  Nyx seemed to be moving easier than she had, but he knew how drained she had to be. Nero didn’t want to worry but couldn’t help himself. She pushed herself and didn’t seem to know when to stop. That sort of thing could be a liability, and she put herself at risk doing so.

  He kept his mouth shut, not really wanting to start down a road that he wasn’t quite ready to take. Not like he deserved it anyway.

  He watched as she put on her own headpiece and glanced his way. It was the first time she’d even looked at him since he’d been in her house.

  “Check,” Remus said over the piece. “Signal check.”

  “Check,” Magnus said. His deep voice vibrated through the line.

  He listened as Marcus, Lucas and Sergius called out.

  “Check,” Nyx said, her very female voice cutting through the sea of testosterone.

  The line grew quiet.


  Remus looked over at him expectantly.

  “Check,” he said. Nero was nearly startled by the sound of his own voice in his ear. Even though it’d been a few months, he still wasn’t used to it, and he’d spent a lot of time alone, barely talking. It wasn’t the beast-like growl he had heard for years. This was a new man. A stranger.

  “Move out,” Remus said over the line.

  “Better keep an eye on your man, Nyx,” Marcus said, his voice mocking and angry.

  “Fuck off,” she snarled.

  “Both of you shut the fuck up and focus,” Magnus boomed through the line. “We don’t have time for fucking games.”

  The line fell silent at the reprimand. He could understand the irritation. Magnus and the other men were closer to the Azilian compound. They had to be in order to get the camera in place. People fighting put them all at risk, especially with a hothead like Marcus.

  Nero still wasn’t sure what the young hybrid’s specialty was besides being a giant dick, but it must have been something great for them to put up with that sort of behavior.

  He and Nyx walked in silence, each scanning the land around them. They searched for anything that might lead to trouble or resources they could use.

  He could hear the rumble of a vehicle in the distance. Halting, he tried to focus.

  Nyx stilled beside him.

  “What?” she asked quietly.

  He shook his head, still trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. Although he’d been over the land before, this didn’t seem to be coming from any road he’d been able to find.

  “Nero?” Remus buzzed in his ear. His voice was hushed but commanding, even over the line.

  “Vehicle,” he said and glanced to his right. Had to be. It was the only way they would have gotten this far. “South. It’s a path I’ve never seen them drive before, and it seems to be fairly deep in.”

  The line grew quiet as they waited for instructions.

  “Damn,” Remus said quietly. “We’re too far out to make it in. Check it out, observe and get back to report.”

  Nero looked over to Nyx. She nodded once.

  “Got it,” she said.

  “And Nyx, no hero shit,” Remus said. “You aren’t healed enough.”

  No hero shit. She was going to box his damn ears when she saw him. What the fuck sort of point was he trying to prove?

  Despite her anger, Nyx skulked in silence through the forest. Something wasn’t right.

  Rem hadn’t seen her in pain. There was only one man who had, and he was standing right next to her.

  She switched off her communications gear and glared at him. In one grab, she reached out and yanked the wire from his ear.

  “What the—”

  “You told him.” Nyx pointed at him and stomped closer. “You told him about earlier.”

  Nero balked at her behavior and shook his head. He started making his way back through the darkness.

  Nyx followed.

  “What did you tell him?” she hissed.

  Nero stayed quiet. His breathing was heavy, and she knew he wanted to say something, likely to gloat about how easy it was taking her position. All the sensitive shit from earlier had been a ruse. It had to have been.

  “What did you tell him?” she repeated, this time a little louder.

  Nero glanced over. Irritation creased his brow.

  “Nothing,” he said quietly.

  She scoffed at his words. There was no way she was going to believe his traitor ass.

  “Hope it was a great conversation,” she huffed. “Likely offered you my job so it would officially be an all-boys’ club. Well, you can fuck off. I’m not stepping down, you son of a bitch.”

  She stomped forward, not caring how crazy she sounded or how much noise she was making. These people weren’t hybrids. Whatever weird rocks they’d had, their guards had been nothing but human. They couldn’t hear like hybrids could.

  Nyx stepped over a branch, gripping the tree next to it when a firm hand gripped her arm and pulled her to a stop.

  She turned to tell him off but found he’d moved forward, his body wedging her between the tree and himself. Nero leaned in, his face just inches from her own.

  “I didn’t talk to Remus,” he said quietly. Controlled anger laced
his words. “I don’t want your fucking job. I’m not here putting in a resume.”

  He leaned in closer, pressing himself firmly against her. She could feel the ridges of his manhood straining against the sight pants he was wearing.

  Nyx took in a shaky breath, not so certain that it wouldn’t turn into a moan when she let it out.

  “I’m here for one reason,” he growled. His anger mixed with the sexual tension, and she shivered at the feeling it gave her.

  “What’s that?” she whispered. Her heart hammered in her chest as she stared at his eyes. In the dark they glowed like two cloud-covered moons, the look eerie and enthralling.


  His mouth crashed against hers before she even had time to process what he’d said. She breathed in his scent. Soap and pine, mixed with the toothpaste mint on his breath. He filled her senses and surrounded her.

  Nero let go of the hold he had on her arm and slipped his hand around her back, pressing them closer together. She raised up a little, sliding her hands across his chiseled chest to his broad shoulders. Her hands gripped the firm flesh there as her mouth moved over his. Nyx knew she should push him away. Now wasn’t the time for this.

  Her lips parted as he ran his tongue along the seam. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue along his, loving the feel of him in her mouth.

  His chest rumbled, and her nipples tightened through her shirt. She rubbed the hard tips against him.

  Her nails dug into his shoulder, pulling him closer to her. Hunger fueled her.

  Nyx opened her mouth wider as their tongues warred.

  Nero shifted, rubbing his hard length against her stomach, and she moaned into his mouth.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and winced at the pain that lanced up her side.

  Nero pulled back with nothing but concern on his face.

  “Your injury,” he said and took a step back.

  Her hands slid from his shoulders down to her sides.

  Nyx took in several breaths to steady herself. The kiss more than the pain had knocked the wind right out of her.

  “Should we go back?”

  She shook her head. They had a mission to finish. It was what they should have been doing instead of giving into passion.


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