Nero: #2 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas)

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Nero: #2 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas) Page 6

by Madison Stevens

  He gave a gentle squeeze, and she shifted her hips against him. His head bumped her clit, sending zings of electricity through her body.

  Nyx shifted again, slipping him between her legs and wedging him tightly against her wet center.

  Nero rolled her nipples in his palm and leaned forward.

  “I want to be in you,” he grunted.

  Nyx smiled.

  “You will.”

  She moved her hips again and pressed her legs closer together, trapping him there.

  Slowly she slipped along his length, fucking him through her legs.

  His breathing picked up with every stroke.

  Nero pinched her nipples in his fingers, rolling them before pinching them slightly harder.

  The sting from his breast play excited her. She moved faster over his hard length. The ache in her center grew, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she came.

  “Nyx,” Nero panted. She could hear the need. His own release was not far away.

  Nyx opened her legs and pressed back against him. He moved. His head pressed at her opening. She quivered at the thought of being filled by him.

  “Sit here,” she said, her voice just above a whisper.

  Nero moved silently to where she’d just knelt. His thick cock stood tall.

  Nyx swallowed. She’d known he was large, but somehow it hadn’t seemed quite that big before.

  Her center throbbed as she wrestled with just how he would fit.

  Nero spoke after a moment.

  “You can go slowly,” he said quietly. “I won’t push.”

  Nyx stared at him. His face held nothing but concern for her reservations. She climbed onto the rock shelf and positioned herself over him. Her center pressed against the head of his cock.

  She leaned forward and pressed her mouth against his, catching him off-guard for a moment. His arms wrapped around her back, and she sighed.

  Slowly, she lowered herself onto him. Nero’s arms tightened around her in surprise. When she was fully seated over his, Nyx pulled back to stare down.

  Muscles along his neck and chest strained to maintain his position.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked.

  Nyx shifted over him.

  “Fuck,” he grunted.

  She shifted again and grinned when his hands gripped her hips. She followed by sliding slowly up and down.

  “Nyx,” he groaned.

  She leaned forward, rubbing her breasts against his chest.

  “I feel full,” she whispered. “Very full.”

  He groaned. His cock swelled at her words.

  “Is it tight?” she asked.

  His fingers dug into her hips.

  “Fuck,” he grunted again. “Yes. So fucking tight.”

  She continued the delicious up and down movement, her mouth just above his she pressed him deep inside each time.

  “You are killing me,” he said, his breath raspy and hard.

  Nyx pressed herself flush against him and buried her head against the crook of his neck.

  “Then maybe you should start fucking me,” she whispered.

  Nero shifted. His hands remained firmly on her hips.

  With ease he lifted her up and pressed her down. He pushed into her and slid out, much faster than she’d been going, but still allowing her enough time to change her mind. After several more thrusts, the building pressure summoned a moan from her lips.

  “More,” she said.

  Her insides quivered.

  As if he’d just been waiting for the go ahead, Nero pressed her down hard on top of him. Nyx moaned loudly.

  Over and over they slapped into one another, each time faster and harder. The sounds of their wet skin slapping against one another echoed through the cave.

  Nyx pressed her mouth to his neck and kissed the skin there. The soft smell of woods still clung to his skin.

  She could feel the burn building inside. Her insides shook with each thrust.

  “So close,” he said.

  Nyx nodded. “Me too,” she whispered against his skin.

  Nero slammed faster into her aching pussy.

  In one final push, he came hard into her as her muscles shook from their release, a faint ache in her middle reminding her of her injury, but the glorious waves of pleasure making her not care.

  Nyx lay in his arms, the warmth of the cave, the effects of her pills from earlier, residual pleasure and exhaustion overwhelming her. She let sleep take her.

  Chapter Ten

  Nyx ignored the whispers around her as she geared up for their next recon mission. She slipped on a holster and set her pistol inside before walking over to another table covered with other gear: tactical belts, knives and a few other useful tools.

  “Nero…” she heard someone whisper. She could make out what they were saying if she wanted, she just didn’t bother. It wasn’t like hybrid super-hearing was necessary to figure out what they were talking about.

  She wasn’t surprised by their attention. They could smell him on her. Hell, several of the men had likely seen Nero carry her home.

  When she’d awoken late morning, she was in her bed. She sure as hell didn’t remember walking back in the dark and that only left one possibility. Part of her could understand. It’s not like he could have just left her in the water in the cave, but dealing with the stares and whispers was pissing her off.

  The damn pain killers. Sure, they’d done their job, but they also made her so tired, especially after their night-time activities. Not that she regretted the sex. She’d loved every second.

  Nyx shifted where she stood and blushed at the soreness afflicting her center. Last night had been amazing. Being with Nero had ended up being a healthy serving of pleasure, far more than she’d ever experienced. And it wasn’t just the sex that had surprised her.

  There had been a connection, an intimacy that finally broke through the walls both of them had put up. Or at least, she had thought there had been. When she’d awoken, the bed beside her was empty. She wasn’t even sure if he’d stayed the night or just dumped her off and gone home. Despite her bests efforts, she couldn’t remember anything clearly after falling asleep in the cave until waking up in her house.

  Vaguely, in the back of her mind, she recalled curling around a warm body, but it could have been her mind playing tricks on her. It wasn’t exactly like Nero had stopped by at some point in the afternoon or even as they’d prepped for the evening’s scouting mission. He had plenty of opportunities, not like they lived in a sprawling metropolis.

  She didn’t know what to make of his actions. After having sex and delving into his painful past, she would have thought he’d want to spend some time talking with her the next day and not avoid her. He’d spent so much time watching her and wanting her, but now that he’d been with her, he was keeping his distance.

  To be fair, Nyx couldn’t be sure he was avoiding her. She hadn’t gone out of her way to track him down herself. Maybe some of this was her own fault. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. The whole situation was confusing and irritating.

  She glanced over to where Nero stood talking with Lucas. The easy-going hybrid seemed more willing than others to at least try and make nice. Not that Nero was talking much, but he hadn’t run Lucas off, and she counted that as a sign. If he was going to stay, it couldn’t just about her.

  Nyx frowned at the interaction, wondering why he could chat up Lucas but not bother to toss her a few words. She wasn’t jealous, she told herself. He was the dick who couldn’t bother to even say hello. It was just rude.

  She grabbed her tactical belt from the nearby table and then turned around to snap it on. It ended up more snug across her ribs than she’d expected, forcing her to hold back a groan that wanted to erupt.

  Although she hadn’t felt much last night, she was paying the price today. Her ribs were sore, and although she wanted to have a clear head, a large part of her wished she’d gone ahead and taken a pill.

  She turned back aroun
d and found Nero watching her. Had he seen the face she made? She’d tried so hard not to make any noise, but he seemed to notice everything.

  His eyes narrowed, and she frowned at him. Whatever he was thinking, he was just going to have to come and tell her with words. She wasn’t some sort of damned mind reader. And she was all out of patience.

  “I can’t believe you fucked him,” said someone from behind.

  She spun and found Marcus close behind.

  Nyx sighed loudly and turned away. She ignored his rage and went back to gathering her gear. The last thing she wanted to do was waste time dealing with his annoying ass.

  “Who I fuck has nothing to do with you,” she said quietly. “So mind your own damn business.”

  Several of the men around them stilled. She knew that they loved a bit of gossip as much as anyone.

  Marcus stepped in front of her.

  “It is my business. It’s all of ours. And who you fuck definitely has something to do with me when you put us all at risk,” he snarled.

  She snatched up a knife from the table. He narrowed his eyes as she raised her boot and slapped the knife into it before putting her foot back on the ground.

  “The only thing at risk right now is your fucking ego,” she said.

  Several of the others nearby exchanged glances, but no one said anything.

  His eyes flared at her. The younger hybrid might be handsome as hell, but he needed to know when to keep his mouth shut. Today wasn’t the day for it. She didn’t have the stamina or drive to bother with this shit. He could just keep having his hissy fit, and she’d walk away. They had a mission to do.

  Nyx pulled her hair up and reached down to pick up her pack. Marcus snatched her pack from the ground before she even got close. She rolled her eyes. He obviously was going for intimidating, but he was mostly coming off as petulant.

  From the corner of her eye, she could see Nero move forward. Anger pulsated off of him as his low growl grew with unspoken warning.

  “Marcus,” Lucas said and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Just let it go. We need to get ready. All of us.”

  Marcus shook off his hand glared at him.

  “When he sells us all out, I hope you remember who paved the way,” he said.

  She grunted loudly as he shoved the back in her arms. A deep throb filled her side as the belt dug in to her injured rib. The hiss came out of her mouth before she could stop of it.

  Nyx had just gotten the belt unclasped when a loud roar filled the air.

  She looked up and found Nero’s deep blue eyes glowing with rage. Marcus just had time to turn before the enraged man was on him.

  He slammed a punch into Marcus’s chest, sending him to the ground. He leapt down for another blow, but Marcus kicked up, deflecting him. The younger hybrid jumped up just in time to throw a punch.

  Nero managed to block the punch, producing a loud, dull thud. The previous silence among the others vanished, consumed by shouting and calling out.

  Marcus charged Nero. Both men tumbled to the ground, rolling around and trading blows.

  Several other hybrids entered the room, curious looks on their faces. They quickly hurried toward the fight.

  Nyx rolled her eyes. She stepped forward to put an end to it but stopped when Lucas put a hand on her shoulder.

  “You’ll only end up getting hurt more,” he said quietly. “Besides, they need to get it out.”

  She huffed loudly. “This is idiotic.” She gestured. “We have a mission.”

  Lucas shrugged, his short brown hair dipped onto his forehead in a boyish way.

  “Men can be idiots,” he said. “Besides, he was out of line. Nero needed to show him that.”

  Nyx bit about an annoyed grunt.

  “I shouldn’t have someone else fighting my fights,” she said.

  Lucas leaned toward her a little. “Fighting for you is how he’ll prove himself,” he said, his voice hushed.

  She glanced around and watched as the two men tussled on the ground. A few seconds later, both were back on the feet, continuing the fight, mostly blocked punches, but a few body blows and hits to the face between the two of them.

  “Besides, he’s going easy on him,” Lucas said with a grin. “Your bonded is holding back.”

  Nyx resisted a snort but realized Lucas was right. She’d seen Nero in action more than once. It wasn’t just about strength, but also tactics, mind, will and training. If he really wanted to, she had no doubt he’d be able to cripple Marcus. Nero was built for fighting.

  As if she’d just heard him, Nyx turned to Lucas. “Bonded?”

  Lucas opened his mouth but snapped it shut. A second later, Nyx realized the previous yelling and carrying on had stopped, with only the thuds of Marcus and Nero’s blows and their heavy breathing heard.

  The crowd parted as Rem stomped through, his face a hard mask of anger.

  “Enough!” he thundered.

  The two men stilled on the ground. Blood dripped from both their faces.

  “We have a mission,” Rem said. He glared at them. “Now get suited up. We don’t have time for bullshit right now. Lucas, you’ll be with Nero.” He looked toward her then nodded toward the housing units. “You’re off tonight,” he said firmly.

  Her mouth dropped open. They had been the ones fighting, and yet she was out?

  Marcus smirked on the ground. Nero frowned.

  “If you’re finished gearing up,” Rem continued, turning and looking at various hybrids at turn, “then step outside. If you’re not part of the mission, then get the hell out anyway.”

  “I’m off?” she said.

  Rem sighed and walked over to her as the others cleared out. The few still gathering their equipment made sure they weren’t near Rem and Nyx.

  He looked her up and down. “I know you’re still in pain.” He offered a look of sympathy. “Take the night and rest.”

  She glanced around, hoping someone would say she was fine to work. The only eyes she found were Nero’s.

  Bonded. The word echoed in her mind, and she looked back to Rem.

  “I’m fine,” she said, trying to keep the anger out of her voice.

  He smiled at her. “You will be,” he said, “but not if you push yourself out of stubbornness. Rest. Your job will still be here tomorrow.”

  Heat flashed through her. The snarky leader seemed to always see right through them.

  She huffed loudly and stormed off, pushing hard past him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nero walked quietly through the forest, his thoughts still lingering on Nyx. He had planned on talking to her when they got a chance to be alone. He’d gone over last night over and over in his head, unable to fully understand how things had progressed so quickly. When he went to the cave, he never expected she’d follow him. And he never dreamed they’d make love.

  He scrubbed his hand over his face. He knew his feelings. She knew his feelings. In the last few days, he’d made them very clear to her repeatedly. Whether she truly felt the same remained unclear.

  Yes, the sex was great, but they had both been overwhelmed in the emotion of the moment. Maybe it hadn’t been good for her, or she didn’t feel the same things when they were together. She might want to fuck him, but not want be with him past that.

  When he’d brought her back to her house, Nero lay next to her just enjoying the feel of her warm little body next to his own. She’d pressed herself to him and sighed in her sleep.

  He’d waited for hours before deciding to leave. It would be best for them both if maybe things slowed down. He needed to give her time to figure out how she truly felt.

  However, he hadn’t counted on the way she would smell and that the other hybrids would know just what had happened between the two of them. It seemed so obvious in retrospect, but he’d never paid attention to such things. When he’d been with the Horatius Group, mating had never been a concern.

  Potential mates or Vestals were kept in different facilitie
s than him. The Group wasn’t going to waste mating on a freak mistake like he had been. Those women were meant for the normal hybrids.

  Still, even though he hadn’t thought much about mating, he recognized her smell instantly, the scent of a woman who had been marked. It was similar enough to the scent some of the other bonded in Rem’s group, but still distinct, still him.

  “Don’t mind Marcus,” Lucas said, cutting into his thoughts.

  “I don’t,” Nero said gruffly.

  He looked over to the younger man. He’d been pleasant enough. Lucas didn’t seem to mind his past like so many of the others. When he thought about it, he couldn’t think of a single time Lucas had said anything rude to him.

  He rotated his jaw a little. The twinge of soreness on his right side was only one indication that little shit Marcus had a mean right hook. “He seemed to be the one who minds, and he won’t shut up about it.”

  Lucas laughed easily and ran his hand through his hair.

  “Yeah, Marcus seems to mind everything right now,” he said. He followed with a quick shrug. “I mean it’s not like he’s not talked crap about a lot other people. Don’t take it personally.”

  Nero raised a brow at how carefree the other man was with his words for his friend. “I noticed.”

  “Yeah,” Lucas said and sighed.

  Nero scanned through the darkness that had set in. Despite the smell of spring hanging in the air, the sun still hadn’t quite caught up yet. It was just past seven, and the night had already claimed the area. Their superior hybrid vision made that more of advantage for their mission than a handicap.

  “You have to understand,” Lucas said. “I know this doesn’t excuse it, but this is hard for him. This is his second time out of cryo.”

  Nero looked over at him in surprise. As far as he knew, all the blue-eyed hybrids that had been rescued had been frozen except for Nyx and Magnus. Rem had never mentioned it, and he’d heard nothing about it in his time with the Horatius Group.

  “When?” he asked quickly.

  Lucas shook his head. “He doesn’t talk about it. Rem seems to know, but no one asks, and he doesn’t tell. I… if they brought him back, I can’t think that it was a fun time.”


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