Beyond Redemption (Marked Series Book 2)

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Beyond Redemption (Marked Series Book 2) Page 18

by Jesse Lorenzo

  Ellora watched them carefully. If she wasn’t mistaken, she could’ve sworn she witnessed sparks flying between them over the past few weeks. Gavin absolutely adored her; he didn’t even try to hide it. It pained Ellora to witness their heated and playful flirtations, but neither one ever followed through with their actions and confessed how they truly cared for each other.

  Ellora smiled as she watched Gavin snatch away Adelle’s plate. Her friend pouted at first, until Gavin arched a knowing brow and asked, “Would my queen like her king to feed her? They’re not bloody fingers this time.” They both laughed at their obvious inside joke, and Adelle’s eyes lit up as she seemed to slip into a daydream and stared into Gavin’s eyes. In their moment, no one else existed… it was just the two of them. Ellora made a mental note to ask her about the bloody fingers joke later.

  “So, Adelle, you start teaching here pretty soon, right? Are you excited?” Ellora asked, changing the subject as the air around them was getting much too thick to breathe. Not to mention, the both of them had a terrible habit of interrupting every time she and Behr had a private moment. Tit for Tat.

  Adelle answered even as her doe eyes continued to gaze deep into Gavin’s. “Aye, that I am. I’ve always loved school. Now, I’ve found a way to be in one all the time, and they’ll pay me to do it. Nothin’ in the world is a better fit for me. I start a week shy of a month from now. I cannae believe it. I’ll be in charge of my very own classroom.”

  Gavin smiled brilliantly at the object of his unspoken desire, loving how her eyes twinkled with excitement as she expressed her joy. When she smiled back at him, he could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat then halted altogether. Adelle always managed to steal his breath away. Unable to stop himself, as usual, he reached out to the strawberry ringlet that beckoned to him and twirled it around his paint-stained finger. “I’m so proud of you, lass. I always knew you were somethin’ special.”

  Adelle’s porcelain skin blushed pink. Suddenly shy, she looked down at her hands, avoiding his eyes. Gavin placed a finger under her chin, lifting her head up so she was once again looking him in the eyes. “No matter what you may think of me, I always knew you were someone special, and had no doubt in the world that you’d find success in your life.”

  Ellora could’ve sworn he whispered, “I only pray that one day you will allow me the honor of being a part of it with you,” in a low tone by her ear. As he sealed his proclaimed statement with a tender kiss on her forehead, her heart swelled for them. Something was definitely developing between the two; their chemistry grew with each passing day since Adelle came back from college.

  For once, Behr and Ellora got to sit back and watch someone else’s intimate moment. She looked up to her large protector, and he mouthed the words, “l love you, Lor.” His large frame bent down to place a loving kiss on her soft lips, then laughed as she still had a mouthful of food packed in her cheeks.

  Ellora decided to once again change the subject and lighten the mood from the hot and heavy atmosphere that had been lingering in the warehouse all day. There must have been some sort of hex cast on it, she thought idly. After all, this was the spot where her father fell in love at first sight with her mother. This building seemed to bring couples together. “So, Behr, what does a girl have to do to get a guided tour up the Trotternish Mountains?”

  Adelle perked up at the mention. “Oh, we should all go. We can take ‘er up the Quaraing trail. Aye, it’s beautiful up there, with much to see. We can pack a little picnic and lunch up at the ‘table top’. Aye, she’ll love that.”

  Behr’s eyes lit up at the suggestion, nodding in agreement. “Aye, love. I did promise ya a hike. That’s a promise I intend to keep. It’ll do ya some good to take a break from all this back breaking labor and enjoy Skye’s wondrous majesty.”

  Adelle clapped her hands excitedly. “Yay, it’s settled then. Let’s plan on this upcoming weekend for sure.”

  Ellora nudged Behr playfully. “It’s about time you take me out in public. I was starting to think you were embarrassed to be seen with this Yankee.”

  Behr dropped his food and crawled the short distance, forcing her to lean back onto her elbows as he stalked over her. Wrapping his large arms tightly around her tiny waist, he drew her closer to him. “Never. I just wanted my handywoman all to myself. I’m of a selfish sort. Now that I ‘ave you, I’m never letting you go.”

  Ellora wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m not going anywhere without you by my side.”

  When their lips brushed together shamelessly, a symphony of groans and fake gags effectively broke the spell. Their breath mingled together as they laughed breathlessly at their not so subtle friends. “Ugh, get a room, you two!”

  Just to spite her interrupting friend, Ellora decided to teach her a lesson. Tilting her head to the side, she tangled her hands into Behr’s dark locks and brought him down to her. She not so gracefully kissed him deeper, as loudly and obnoxiously as possible, even going as far as making indecent slurping noises.

  Behr didn’t object in any way, playing right along with her all too willingly. “That’s right, love. Gobble me right up. ‘Ave your fill.”

  After their grotesquely sweet display, everyone continued eating their lunch. Ellora looked around at her new family, grateful to have them in her life. “All right, I’ll take a break from this place and plan on a weekend of adventure. But… until then, I’m going to crack the whip on you and try to get as much work done as possible.”

  Adelle groaned exasperatedly. “You’re the worst boss ever.”

  Gavin broke his eye contact with Adelle to taunt Ellora. “Ah, lass, keep your bedroom toys at home and save them for this grizzly over here. Aye, he’s the one who needs taming.” Leaning into his strawberry-haired queen, Gavin whispered not so low in her ear, “Donnae worry, lass. I’ll be happy to massage out all the kinks later on… in my room.” Adelle slapped him half-heartedly as he wiggled his naughty eyebrows at her.

  They finished up with lunch and began cleaning up the empty cartons and containers. At the sound of the newly installed bell chime over the entry way doors, they all looked over to see who the new arrival was. Isaac from Jan’s Hardware store strolled in with some bags in tow. Ellora had called ahead to order some extra screws, finishing nails, spackle, and some painter’s tape.

  “’Ey there, Ellora. I told Bree I’d just deliver this stuff over, seeing as you’re so busy. Wow! This place is really takin’ shape.” Behr stalked over and snatched the items from him with a hard glare. Ellora mentally shook her head at him. Isaac was still in high school, for crying out loud. But Behr didn’t hesitate to show his dominance around other guys who showed the slightest interest in her. This was probably the result of his ex, Shannon, after years of infidelity.

  “Thanks, Isaac. I really appreciate that.” He circled around, taking in all their progress.

  “Aye, the place looks well on ‘er way. A contractor business, eh? So, we’ll be kinda working together on a lot of projects then, yeah? I mean, Jan’s and your business. You should apply for the contractors’ benefits card. You’ll get outstanding rates and discounts on bulk items.”

  Ellora laced her fingers with Behr’s, easing his mounting tension at Isaac’s slip in his word choice. “I’ll do that. Thanks, Isaac. You’ve been a terrific help.”

  Giving her a salute with his hands as a goodbye, he was halfway to the door before turning on his heel. “By the way, Behr, your parents were in the store earlier today.”

  Behr grew rigid, freezing on the spot after years of unresolved resentment and anger. “So?” was all he gave as a response. Ellora had never seen this side of him before. The bitterness that came off him was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

  “Yeah, they inquired after you, and when Bree let them know about everything that has happened in recent months, they seemed interested to know all about Miss Ellora. Everyone within earshot sang your praises, of course.” Isaac’s face reddened at his admissio
n before he continued. “Your mother expressed her desire to meet you and…”

  Behr interrupted him before he could finish, pushing him out the door in a shocking display of anger. “A’right, we get the point. Thank you, Isaac, but we ’ave lots of work to do.” Slamming the door, he marched over to his forgotten paint roller and picked up where he’d left off.

  Ellora looked to Gavin and Adelle for an explanation, but they just shrugged. He was now extremely agitated and muttering incoherent things to himself through clenched teeth. She carefully approached him. Behr was quite intimidating when he was like this. Hearing about his parents had obviously upset him. They had, after all, abandoned him when he was still young. He had just showed everyone that he was far from past it.

  “Behr, are you okay?” Her heart constricted when he hadn’t even looked her way or acknowledged her presence. It made her stomach churn. “Behr. You’re scaring me. Please, don’t shut me out. Talk to me.”

  The seething man hissed out a breath like he’d been slapped. Dropping the roller, he wrapped the petite girl up into his strong arms. “I’m nae mad at you, love. I just cannae believe they ask other townies about my well-being. The cowards! If they really cared at all, they’d come and see for themselves. It riles me so, that they dare ask about you. They donnae have a right to ask. They donnae deserve to know you.”

  The heavy weight of his confession slammed into Ellora like a punch to the chest. She wanted to wrap her arms around Behr and console him, to relieve him from the unmerciful cruelty his parents bestowed on him so many years ago. No one should have to carry around that much resentment and bitterness.

  “Why don’t we both go to them? You know, you could introduce me to them, and maybe we could all just sit down and talk. I think enough time has passed. I think the time has come for you to make contact with your parents, Behr.”

  All too suddenly, he let her go, whipping his hands away, and stepped back as if her words had burned him. Ellora flinched at his reaction, and his booming voice rattled her spine. “Why the Devil should I go to them? I already told you once before that I tried that, only to have my own flesh and blood disown me and slam the door in my face. If they really want to know anything about my life or who’s in it, it’s best they come ‘an ask me. Not the rest o’ the Isle.”

  Behr’s face slowly turned about three shades of red. His powerful jaw ticked in frustration as he ran his large hands through his dark hair. His deep, throaty baritone bounced around the near empty warehouse, vibrating the windows. Ellora’s voice came out sounding unsure and hesitant. She didn’t want him cross with her, but she couldn’t seem to keep her mouth closed or let the subject drop.

  “Behr… it’s just that…” She nervously fiddled with her fingers. “Well, you never know when your father’s time here will be up. I do remember the story you told me. You said his health was failing him. That was so many years ago… years wasted with hurtful feelings of betrayal and bitterness. It might be time to drop that heavy burden. The weight of all that on you is enough to bring the strongest of men down. You’re a good man, Behr. Leave the past where it belongs and go see your parents. I wish every single day that I had mine here with me. It hurts my heart, knowing they’ll never meet you or see how happy you make me. If you hold on to this bitterness and he passes away, you’ll feel the most incredible, debilitating guilt that will tear you apart inside. It will haunt you for the rest of your life.” Ellora ran her trembling hands up his arms and cupped his face.

  “The regret you feel from it will cripple you… You won’t ever be able to take it back. Ever.” Behr shook from anger, or out of sheer frustration. She knew him well enough to know how incredibly stubborn he could be. The thought of possibly getting rejected and hurt once more was not something he wanted to experience again. But, at the same time, the realization that flashed over his features of his father’s depleting health and ticking timeline was also a harsh reminder that the time for reconciliation was dwindling.

  For some reason, Ellora was compelled to rush the reunion. Behr hated to make rash decisions. He liked to sit back and think about all his options. Even though she knew this, Ellora kept talking. “No one is guaranteed a tomorrow.”

  “STOP!” Behr’s sudden shout had the petite girl jumping back and away, startled by his thunderous bellow. Her heart pounded inside her chest as his anger was now directed right at her. “Leave this be, Ellora. It’s nae any of your business.” He snarled through tightly clenched teeth. Before she could stop herself, tears collected around her shocked eyes and spilled over the side.

  Ellora was furious at herself for making him so angry. She could see it was a raw subject for him. Why couldn’t she just shut her mouth? The emotionally torn girl wrapped her arms around herself, feeling nauseated, her gut twisting and churning from nerves. “I’m… I’m sorry, Behr.” Her whispered voice cracked on his name. His mood and expression changed just as fast as his temper had come.

  After a few moments passed, he looked horrified with himself. He never wanted to yell at her. He knew she was right, but he wasn’t yet ready to face the man, and acted as though he was being pushed to make a rash decision. He never meant to lash out at the very reason his heart beat. Now, she was crying, trying her best to hold the tears back for his sake. He was such a bastard. “Ellora I…I’m sorry. I’ve gotta get out of ‘ere. I need some fresh air.”

  Ellora stepped forward, swiping away runaway tears. “Behr, please don’t go. I’m sorry. Please… don’t be angry with me.”

  He gave one more sorrowful look at the teary-eyed girl who always took the very breath from his lungs. “I’ll be out on the water if ya need me, love.” He then stormed out, slamming the door behind him. The crash made everyone jump.

  Frozen in the very spot she’d been left standing in, Ellora stared at the door, willing him to come back. How had things escalated so quickly? How had this even started? As time ticked by at a painstakingly slow pace, the devastated girl finally crumpled to the cold floor.

  Ellora was moments away from vomiting. Bringing trembling hands up to her face, she silently sobbed right there in the middle of the warehouse floor. The very idea that Behr was so mad at her, that he needed to get away from her… needed air and space, struck her aching heart like it was being carved out with dull knives.

  She could feel the overwhelming absence of Behr from her spirit, and it suffocated her. Ellora began to hyperventilate, and struggled with herself to gulp in air. On the verge of a full blown panic attack, Ellora was moments away from falling apart. What if he was done with her? What had she done?

  Adelle rushed to her friend’s side and crouched down by her side. “Ah, don’t you cry, Lor. He was out of line, and he knows it and probably feels terrible.”

  Gavin knelt down on her other side to comfort her. “Aye. Did ya nae get a look at the ‘ol grizzly’s face? He is plenty ashamed of himself. I’d wager a bet he’ll come running back in here beggin’ your forgiveness after some time on the water.” Gavin added, smirking down at the shaken girl, “You just witnessed the reason why we call him the Grizzly Bear. Aye, a soft teddy bear he is not. It’s best you observed his outburst now, rather than later.” Gavin chuckled at his own joke.

  Adelle rubbed soothing circles on her back. “Damn the ass. I’ll give him a tongue lashing when he gets back here. Donnae worry yourself. You are the very air he breathes. And from what I’m seeing now, you feel the same. Why don’t you go to the terminal and rent a speed boat…? Go after him. I know that’s what you really want to do. Gavin and I will stay behind and clean up here. We’ll meet you later at Grady’s.”

  The pair helped the girl to her feet and practically pushed her out the door. “Go! Go make up with him, and be sure to tell me all the details later.”

  Ellora sprinted down Bank Street toward Grady’s. She still had wet paint on her and wanted to quickly change out of the soiled clothes. She was overreacting. She knew that. But, after losing her parents and almost losing B
ehr, it was all too much for her heart to handle. She didn’t like how he’d left, and she wanted to right it immediately. The very separation from him made her soul ache. She had become cold and empty without him around.

  The thought pushed her faster, and she raced at a breakneck speed as a sick sense of dread pulled her toward him. The chilly wind whipped her hair back behind her as she ran, ignoring the curious stares from passersby. She needed to get to him.

  Behr wasn’t even a few miles out before he turned The Sea Witch around and hit the accelerator. He followed the Trotternish ridge back toward Portree, feeling like such an incredible asshole. A selfish asshole. Too busy complaining about his own parents. Forgetting completely that hers were ripped out of her life. The things he said, he didn’t mean. But, surely, the damage had been done, wounding her with his harshness and insensitivity. Behr could still hear what he’d said as it echoed inside his head… and it killed him inside.

  Flashes of the hurt confusion in her watery green eyes tore his heart wide open. So much so, that he ran, not knowing what else to do. Now, he had this incredible urgency to get back to her and beg her forgiveness. She was right, after all. Everything she said was right. He’d go to his parents and make peace. He’d be proud to declare that she was his, so long as she’d still have him.

  He prayed that his angry outburst didn’t frighten her away. His temper didn’t come like that often, but his parents had always been an unresolved wound that just wouldn’t heal. Behr mentally shook his head. That was a poor excuse and one he didn’t plan on making again. She deserved better than that. He vowed never to talk to her like that again. He loved her from the very depth of his soul. She was it for him… he planned on marrying her, hopefully someday in the near future.

  A screeching noise tore him away from his thoughts, clanging like heavy metal stressing against its gears. An ear-splitting clanking, and a strange sort of clicking from down below in the engine room, filled Behr with dread. If he could just coast to the terminal, he’d get it checked out.


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