41 likes, 68 comments, On the Wall...it's Complicated!

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41 likes, 68 comments, On the Wall...it's Complicated! Page 18

by vidit chopra

  Chapter 16: Laying the plan for Mumbai!

  The next week went by just like the last few had gone by- on the bed with nothing much to do. The number of visitors decreased by the day and the hours of loneliness increased. Mom was still mad at me for not telling her about Tanya from the very beginning but the fact is no matter how cool Indian parents are something related to the opposite sex always makes them act weird and then comes a point when anything and everything, the smallest mistake you do, it’s the relationship that will be blamed! Plus saying the whole “Mom, Dad I have a girlfriend” is bound to bring a number of mixed emotions which are too much to handle. Quick tip: Avoid telling it, as long as possible!

  Tanya did call up which too was just a rare call at an odd hour at night which meant that there was something fishy for sure. She didn’t admit it but I could just feel it in her voice. Something most definitely was wrong. She wasn’t comfortable with something and what that something was I had to find out. Hence, getting out of bed and going to Mumbai became a necessity. I just had to go. I just had to meet her.

  The week passed by rather quietly even though the constant thought of Tanya being in some sort of a trouble kept troubling me throughout. Finally, the plasters came off and the doctors, yes, I say doctors for it was a whole bunch of them, came to check me. Classic moments of your life if your father is a doctor. Now as I was on my feet and my call for job was still a couple of weeks off the hook, there was no one who could stop me from going to Mumbai.

  Getting a train ticket for any day in the next couple of days was an impossibility, thanks to our rather enormous population. No matter what day of the year it is, you will never ever get a train reservation a day before and if you are the luckiest person alive, you might get a seat a week before. I didn’t have a week and I surely wasn’t the luckiest person alive hence the only way out was travelling by air and that meant more tantrums from my rather agitated mother. The flight from Delhi to Mumbai was for two hours which meant that Mom would be praying for two hours continuously in the hope that the flight will take off and land safely. This sort of, doesn’t trouble me (unless it’s air India of course!).

  The thing that remained to be decided was the reason for going to Mumbai. Telling them the real reason would have meant the end of the chapter hence I had to think of a valid reason for going to Mumbai in mid of July. I called up the person who could be the only day saver.

  “I need your help.” I said as soon as Simran picked up the phone.

  “What now?” she asked.

  “I need your help.” I reiterated.

  “Have you already started earning lac per month.” She said.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I said.

  “It looks like you have started earning a lac per month for if you remember that we stay in the same house hence it is pretty much possible for us to talk face to face rather than talking over the phone.” She said and entered the room.

  “You are already in my room. Kindly cut the phone.” I said.

  “Shut up. What do you want?” she said.

  “I need your help.” I said for the third time.

  “In what?” She asked irritated.

  “I have to go to Mumbai.” I said.

  “Are you nuts?” She said.

  “I have to go.” I said ignoring her statement.

  “But why?” She said.

  “That’s a stupid question. I thought your IQ was rather good.” I replied.

  “My IQ is better than you.” She said.

  “I have to meet Tanya. I hope that makes it easier for you to understand.” I said.

  “Okay. So what do you want from me?” She said.

  “I want you to give me a reason to convince Mom and Dad to allow me to go.” I said.

  “But why do you want their permission. You are an adult. You don’t have to ask, you just have to say that you have to go.” She said.

  “And you think after everything that has happened, they will let me go anywhere without asking a reason?” I said.

  “No chance. That’s exactly what I want in fact!” She said and laughed.

  “Shut up. We have gone through this haven’t we Simran? I love Tanya and I at least expect you to respect that and be a bit more supportive.” I said.

  “Okay. I am sorry. Let me think of something.” She said.

  We both thought of more than ten plans but nothing was fool proof to prevent any sort of counter attack and finally the easiest and the simplest plan struck us.

  “Let’s make it a family trip then.” Simran said.

  “Are you crazy! You want me to take Mom and Dad along! You sure have lost it.” I said.

  “Listen to me first dumbass.” She said.

  “Go on.” I said.

  “I said let’s make it a family trip. It didn’t mean that it will end up being a family trip.” She said.

  “I recently had an accident and now I guess I am getting symptoms of retardness. I think I should talk to Dad about this first. What are you trying to say?” I asked confused.

  “It’s mid-July dumbass. Even if you say that you want to go for a trip for you were tired and bored of living in the same place i.e. staying in the same room on bed for almost a month, they wouldn’t deny and as there isn’t a pack of holidays anywhere near hence Dad wouldn’t be able to get leave, if Dad wouldn’t be able to get leave, he wouldn’t come, if he wouldn’t come, Mom wouldn’t come! Simple!” She said.

  The plan was nice. In fact, the first sensible thing Simran had said in a very long time!

  “And what about you?” I said.

  “What about me?” She asked.

  “Are you coming with me?” I said.

  “Well, it’s part of the plan!” She said.

  “Okay. As it is I guess this will be your last trip before your marriage!” I said teasing her. “Shut up.” She said

  That was another big happening that had occurred in the time being.

  Simran had all of a sudden grown up to be a 27 year old which meant it was time for her to get married and given that she never really had a boyfriend, hers was a classic arranged marriage thing going to happen and while I was bed ridden, the things were decided and a big pay package, a year out of top B school groom was ultimately Simran’s choice. The pay package bit pleased Mom, the top B school thing pleased Dad and the guy who goes by the name Aditya pleased Simran overall which meant everyone was happy and hence things were taken forward. As for me, well, anything that makes these guys happy. I have nothing else to say on the topic but if asked, Aditya did seem like a nice guy.

  The plan was carried out as it was intended. I called up Dad and asked him when he will come back home. A rare call like this made Dad anxious and hence he returned home earlier and this is what happened. Dad came a couple of hours earlier than his normal time.

  “I want to go out somewhere.” I said when he asked what was up.

  “Where exactly?” He asked.

  “Well I thought of a number of places.” I said and paused.

  “The driver is standing outside. Take him anywhere you want.” He said.

  “I don’t want to roam in the city Dad. I want to go out somewhere.” I said clearing the confusion.

  “Oh okay. Have you decided on a place?” He asked.

  “Well I thought of a number of places but finally picked Mumbai.” I said.

  “Mumbai?” He looked at me with questioning eyes.

  “Yes. Mumbai. It’s a nice place to be. Nice weather. Constant rain, a slight drizzle throughout the day. I need to visit a place like this. I am tired of staring at the walls sitting in the same room for more than a month now!” I said putting forward my point to seal the deal.

  “Hmmm. Looks like you have done some research on Mumbai. Who all are going?” He said.

  “I thought let’s make it a family trip. It’s been quite a while since all of us went out together.” I said and prayed that he would deny.

  He laughed and didn’t
say a word.

  “I don’t think it will be possible. I wouldn’t get any holidays plus my patients are important to me. The three of you go.” He said after a while.

  “But how will you live alone?” Simran intervened.

  “Oh that shouldn’t be a problem.” He said.

  “I will stay back with you.” Simran said.

  I gave her a stern look confused what she was doing.

  “No, no, there is no need for you to stay back. Plus sending these two is the biggest risk that I am not willing to take. I want my family to be safe and not to be news in the newspaper saying son kills his mother or vice versa.” He said.

  “Oh come one dad, nothing of that sort is going to happen.” Simran said and laughed.

  “I doubt that.” He said.

  “I will stay back instead.” Mom spoke finally.

  “I think that’s a better idea. You kids go have fun and we will stay back.” Dad said.

  “Are you sure?” Simran asked.

  “Yes. You guys enjoy your trip. I think this is a good idea.” He said nodding his head to show his approval of the idea.

  “Okay dad.” Simran said.

  “Are Ayesha and Kabir coming too?” He asked.

  “Um… I don’t think so. We haven’t spoken to them about this.” I said.

  “Ask them. If they are willing to go then I will book all the tickets together. When do you intend to go?” He said.

  “Latest by day after.” I said.

  “What’s the hurry?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

  “There is no hurry as such Dad just that I will have to leave next week for Bangalore. My call letter is here and I really want to enjoy this trip as this will be our last trip together. Any trip there on will also have her ‘wo’ with us!” I said.

  “Stop being cheesy. Aditya is nice and you will have a nice time even if he was to go with us on this trip.” Simran said.

  “Actually that’s a nice idea as well. Ask Aditya as well. If he is free. This will be a great opportunity for the two of you to get to know each other better.” Dad said.

  This one took us aback. I couldn’t think of anything to say.

  “I…I will ask him.” She said.

  I gave her yet another stern look.

  She simply shrugged and went off to call Aditya and check if he was free.

  Now, you don’t expect a Manager to be free and that too for a week so I was still optimistic about him denying going for the trip. As far as Kabir and Ayesha were concerned, well that didn’t trouble me, in fact they surely were going to be a boon and a huge moral support.

  Soon Simran was back after making the call.

  “What did he say?” dad asked.

  “He said he would love to come. Coincidentally, he also has some work in Mumbai in the week so he will not go with us but will join us later when he will gets the time.” She said.

  “Okay. What about Ayesha and Kabir?” Dad asked

  “Oh as always, they would love to come. Have we two ever done anything without them?” Simran said and smiled.

  Dad smiled too.

  “So I think I will have to book flight tickets then since you have to go to Bangalore next week and as it is there won’t be any train reservations available.” Dad said.

  “I guess so.” I said and nodded.

  “Okay.” He said.

  The tickets were booked for the following day and the packing began.

  Mom had already begun with her tantrums and rebuking Dad for booking flight tickets. She got too paranoid sometimes!

  It was an afternoon flight and Kabir and Ayesha were to arrive in the morning which meant another few days of tense awesomeness were on the cards.

  “So it’s a family trip after all.” I said to Simran while packing up my stuff.

  “Be happy that at least Mom and Dad aren’t coming along. Plus all of us being with you will be more of a support than anything else.” She said.

  “You, Kabir and Ayesha sure will be but what about Aditya?” I asked.

  “He wouldn’t disturb you plus he is very understanding. As it is he wouldn’t get much time to meet us so there is no need to worry on that front.” She said.

  “Already getting so protective about your ‘wo’-to-be.” I said with a smirk.

  “Shut up and pack your stuff.” She said blushing.

  The packing was done and everything was finished in the night itself.

  At around midnight Tanya called and I told her about the plan.

  “What? Why? Why are you coming here?” She asked her voice filled with excitement and a bit of fear.

  “Why do I have all dumb people in my life. I am coming to meet a couple of Bollywood stars.” I said sarcastically.

  “Oh you have fixed an appointment with them. That’s nice.” She said playing along.

  “Yeah I have. Will you like to come along?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. I am not too sure.” She said.

  “Shut the fuck up will you. I am coming to meet you obviously.” I said.

  “But why? What’s the need?” she said.

  “What’s the need? You are my girlfriend right?” I asked.

  “Yes. So?” she said.

  “And you love me. Right?” I said.

  “Yes I do. So?” she said.

  “So that means we should meet every few days to confess our love for each other and as it is I haven’t seen you for such a long time now that I have forgotten how you look. If I don’t see you for a couple more days I might die of starvation or drug under doze.” I said.

  “I guess you should fix a meeting with a director instead for at the moment you are talking so Bollywood.” She replied.

  “You are such an unromantic woman.” I said.

  “And you are such an over romantic man.” She said.

  “And I thought women liked romantic men.” I said.

  “Sure they do.” She said.

  “What do you mean by they? Aren’t you a woman?” I said.

  “You have doubts about that?” she said.

  “I don’t know. I don’t have doubts but I can’t confirm that you are a woman either. I haven’t done anything to be able to know.” I said.

  “Stop being cheap.” She said.

  “Look who is talking.” I said.

  “Shut up.” She said.

  “You shut up.” I said.

  “I love you.” She said.

  “I love you too.” I replied.

  And then there was a weird silence which was followed by a minute of uncontrollable laughter which had no specific reason.

  “I will be in Mumbai tomorrow and I want to meet you. End of story.” I said.

  “Is that an order or a request?” She asked.

  “It’s none.” I replied.

  “Then why exactly should I listen to you?” She said.

  “Because I am asking you to.” I said.

  “So that means it’s an order.” She said.

  “You just wouldn’t give up being an asshole that you are.” I said.

  “It’s an order right?” She said.

  “Yes it is.” I said.

  “How dare you order me!” She said.

  “You are impossible.” I said.

  “I know. I have to go now. Will talk to you tomorrow. Bye. Love you.” She said and hurriedly disconnected the phone.

  It was the first time in so many days that her voice actually sounded happy even though there was still something that was fishy which included the part when she hurriedly cut the phone every single time. Also, the fact that she used to call only late at night.

  I had to find out what was going on and I was just about 18 hours away from knowing the truth.


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