Griffin: Bad Boy MMA Romance

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Griffin: Bad Boy MMA Romance Page 7

by Ashley Hall

  “What question?”

  “How did you get your job?” I repeated, gesturing towards her with my champagne glass. Sadie’s lovely eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “I thought I was supposed to be interviewing you.” She shot, any trace of relaxation she might have been feeling melting away defensively.

  “You are.” I was going to need to get her to drink if she was going to loosen up at all. I wasn’t out to get her drunk – just to get her away from thinking that I was some kind of serial killer. “We’re trading off. You ask me a question, I ask you a question.”

  Her eyes immediately widened in alarm. “That wasn’t part of the deal!”

  I loved the way her lower lip trembled when she got nervous. I wanted to bite it –to tug at it and kiss it before moving onto other, more sensitive parts of her.

  “It is now. Take it or leave it.” Crossing her arms over those delicious tits, she glared at me with enough fire to make my cock press against the zipper of my slacks.

  Then, she did something crazy. Her gaze never leaving mine, the blonde woman reached out to take her full champagne glass – and down the entire thing in one swallow. When she placed it back on the table, her expression was one of grim determination. “Fine.”

  I had to admit, I was surprised. She wanted to meet me on my own terms.

  She had balls.

  I found, quite suddenly, that I didn’t just want Sadie Warner.

  I liked her.

  That said, she was definitely a lot more fun when she wasn’t uptight. It took about two glasses of champagne, but the tension in Sadie’s shoulders finally began to loosen.

  And, in spite of her earlier reserve, she started to open up.

  Obviously, she wasn’t too thrilled with my suggestion of a question for a question, so the first few rounds were stiff. I tried to ease her in with all the small talk that I usually hated. Why, I wondered, were women so insistent upon telling me their favorite color? Their favorite brand name? Their favorite chocolate?

  As if I gave a fuck about any of those things.

  Usually, at least. With Sadie, I found myself wondering. For once, I wasn’t faced with a woman that wanted to talk my ear off about frivolous bullshit. When we started speaking, she was so clammed up that she stuck to one-sentence answers. She didn’t have a favorite color, it turned out. She didn’t splurge on brand names most of the time and she didn’t even like chocolate.

  By that second glass of champagne, however, she was getting into the groove. Where she’d been reading the questions she asked me carefully from the tablet originally, by the time the appetizers came, she was moving off script, taking notes less and less often.

  To my amusement, she continued to surprise me. No cookie cutter questions for little Miss Sadie. No – she wanted to know the answers to things I’d hardly thought about – information I had to think up on the spot.

  “So…” Her cheeks were flushed with drink, her blonde hair curling sexily around that captivating face of hers. I watched, transfixed, as she popped a black olive into her mouth, her the fingers of her opposite hand drumming against the table. “What would you be if you weren’t an MMA competitor?”

  I arched a brow. I had never really thought about being anything else. Not since Riley had all but saved my life. Ever since then, every part of me had gone towards my training – towards being stronger.

  But there was one thing I thought about, sometimes. When I wasn’t hell bent on training, drinking, or fucking away my messed up history, I thought that maybe I’d like to keep other kids from getting fucked up the way I did.

  “I dunno. Maybe a cop?”

  I thought her eyes might pop out of her head. She stared at me, obviously shocked, as I chewed on an olive.

  “A cop?”

  Why the hell was she so surprised? “Don’t you hate cops?”

  I gave her a long look. “Why would I hate cops?”

  “Because you’re always in trouble with them!” She exclaimed, as if the answer should be obvious. “I’m pretty sure they know you by what bars you frequent by this point.”

  I took another swig of champagne. Here was another arena in where Sadie was most definitely different. She didn’t purr, stroke my ego and indulge in my reckless vibe. No, she told me what a troublemaker I was.

  How I should reform myself.

  It was interesting as hell. “If I get into a fight, Sadie, and certain phone calls are made, the cops come.” I shrugged, taking the opportunity to rest an arm on the back of the seat – around her shoulders. “They’re just doing their job. Of course, it fucking sucks, but if no one stepped in to stop people from killing each other, where would we be?”

  She blinked, merely staring up at me – before sipping at her third glass of champagne delicately. “I don’t understand you.” She finally declared, shaking her head slowly. “You give off very mixed signals, Griffin.”

  “How so?” I was enjoying this night more and more by the minute. When was the last time a woman had challenged me – had really caught me off guard and garnered my interest?

  A fucking age, that’s how long.

  “You’re a thug. A bruiser, bad boy, thrill-seeker.” I nodded at her summary. That much was all true. “But you want to be a cop…so you can…help people?”

  I frowned. “Well, now you’re just making me sound like a pussy.”

  To my surprise, a low, sexy laugh escaped her as her eyes gleamed in the candlelight. “Please. No one in their right mind would ever question your masculinity.”

  At that particular statement, heated blood pulsed through my veins and I swallowed the sudden hunger clawing to escape me.

  She had no idea how badly she was asking for it. By simple virtue of just being…her.

  Sadie Warner was a lot of things I hadn’t encountered in a woman in a long fucking time. She was smart. Sure, it seemed to lend her a bit of a superiority complex when she was sober, but the nervous way she acted around me gave her away. She was gorgeous – in a very natural way that had nothing to do with surgeries, fake tits or pounds of makeup. And, shockingly enough, when she let loose, she could be funny as hell.

  “Is that a compliment?” I growled, teasing her – even further aroused when she licked her lips anxiously in reply, her eyes darting away.

  “Take it as whatever you want.”

  What I wanted to take was all that goddamned sass out of her mouth.

  Thankfully for her, before I could get started, the food finally arrived. I had a pleasant buzz going – enough to have me starving, and as the waiter set the immense, gorgeous slab of medium-rare meat in front of us, the woman beside me moaned.

  Actually moaned.

  The low, hot-as-hell sound went straight to my cock, which immediately stood at attention once more. However, I quickly figured out that it wasn’t anything I had done that had caused that sound. At least, not directly.

  Sadie was staring at the steak with such intensity that, for a moment, I was almost jealous of the damn thing. “Medium rare?” She asked, almost as if on the edge of coming, and I swallowed thickly.

  “Why the hell would I burn such a gorgeous piece of meat?”

  Despite having told me that she wasn’t going to eat, Sadie went for the steak before I did. I admired the way she dug into it – only starting to eat after I watched her for almost a full minute.

  Now that was something I liked to see. A girl with a good appetite. Sadie was a slight little thing, but apparently, not for lack of trying.

  “Here.” I managed to stave her off for long enough to add a bit of Worcestershire sauce along with a dab of Grey Poupon mustard - something the owner of the restaurant had taught me. “Try that.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice.

  Sadie took the bite of steak off the end of my fork with relish. As she chewed, her eyes slid closed and an expression of pure bliss appeared on her face. “Oh my God…that’s amazing.”

  Pretty much the same reaction I had the fir
st time I tried it – though I was pretty sure I didn’t look so goddamn sexy.

  “Isn’t it?”

  “Can I have another bite?” I was quick to oblige. In all honesty, I just wanted to see her make that face again.

  And she didn’t disappoint.

  At some point or the other, the interview was forgotten. I ordered a second bottle of champagne and Sadie did her half of the prime rib justice. I encouraged her to look at the desert menu as I thought about what I might want to ask her now that she was answering my questions a little more readily.

  “So, what is it that you don’t like about me?” Seemed as good a question to ask as any, seeing as how my natural charms obviously didn’t make me any better in her eyes.

  Sadie merely smirked at me. She was smirking now. That had to be a good sign. “You’re a bad boy, Griffin. And I don’t do bad guys.”

  I chuckled lowly. “As in, literally, you don’t screw them?”

  She looked away for a moment, her cheeks pink. “No. I meant that I just don’t see the appeal in pursuing men who only break hearts. In idolizing them. I mean,’ she tossed her hand casually in my direction. “Sure you’re attractive.” Her brown eyes very suddenly locked with mine, and in her innocent, sweet gaze I saw a hunger that took my breath away. “Very attractive. But that doesn’t excuse your…your…”

  She trailed off, her ample vocabulary obviously having failed her. “My what?” I leaned in close to her – so close that I could feel the heat her body produced and see each tiny freckle that dotted her throat.

  “Your…” She exhaled a slow breath, her eyes searching mine. “…delinquency.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. That smart little mouth of hers was driving me fucking insane. My fingers tunneled through her gorgeous blonde waves and I crushed my lips against hers.

  We’d just finished eating a steak for God’s sake. How the hell did she taste so sweet?

  Sadie didn’t shove me away. I expected a slap, a gasp – anything but what actually happened. She wrapped those slender, milky arms of hers around me and pulled me close, a soft moan escaping her.

  She wanted it just as badly as I did – which stole any pretense of gentleness I might have had. Immediately, my grip on her scalp was almost harsh – I was tugging at her hair, urging her closer as my tongue cleaved its way into her mouth to taste her deeper.

  To my continued surprise, Sadie only arched that lithe body of hers against me – flush enough so that I could feel every curve that suit of hers was hiding. True, it was a bit better than the dress she’d worn that afternoon, but not by much.

  Though that mattered little now. After all, I was aiming to get at the soft skin beneath.

  For a good-little-girl, she kissed like a woman possessed. Her fingers curled into my shoulders and her tongue slid against mine almost aggressively. I bit and sucked at her lower lip so she shuddered in my arms and I could feel her body heating up against me.

  Christ, I’d thought about this all day – and it was even better than I had imagined. With a low growl, I hauled her into my lap, enjoying the small sound of surprise she uttered against my mouth. For the first time, my hands curled into that pert little ass of hers and I groaned as her skirt rode up. It didn’t take long before her thighs were bare beneath my fingers.

  They were soft and satiny – a color I knew would bruise under harsh treatment.

  The question was, how harsh? My hands curled firmly into her thighs, and then even harder, as I jerked her upward, forcing her to straddle my lap as I sucked on her tongue.

  Not a word of protest left her. Instead, the little minx moaned and squirmed, butting the heat between her legs against me with all the pent up want of a woman starved. Like I was going to deny that?

  Reaching between her legs, I found that her underwear was thin and lacy – and that they were already drenched. “Fuck.”

  At the hushed word, Sadie’s breath hitched and she pressed her hot wetness even more firmly against my palm. Her eyes met mine and she flushed bright red, looking away. But she didn’t try to take back her dignity. No – even if she wasn’t looking at me, her soaking pussy rubbed eagerly against my hand.

  I glanced at the thick curtain that was all that separated us from the busy restaurant beyond. Though we hadn’t ordered dessert yet, the waiter could still be back at any moment – hell, anyone could stumble in.

  But I hardly cared.

  Delicious little Sadie Warner was all but giving herself to me – and I would be a fucking fool not to answer the call. Without hesitation, I yanked the thin lace of her panties aside and found her gushing for me. She gasped, immediately trying to squirm away until I locked an arm around her waist to hold her in place. “Shhhh.” I ordered lowly, as I stroked the soft, slick folds between her legs. “You gotta be quiet, babe.”

  She whimpered, her lips parting as her fingers threaded through my hair and loosened it from where I’d tied it back. “Griffin…” Her voice sounded almost pained as I slipped two fingers into her wet heat.

  Jesus, she was tight – almost virginal. When I began pumping my fingers in and out of her clenching passageway, she buried her face in my shoulder and moaned lowly, her hips thrusting in time with my hand.

  She was letting me finger her in a public fucking place – something I had never expected from Miss prim and proper – no matter how much she drank. “That’s it…” I growled against the top of her head, obsessed with how her hips bucked against my hand hungrily. “Ride my fingers, honey. Like that…”

  A low hiss of pleasure escaped her and I felt her inner muscles clench around my hand as she bit down on my neck. Mind you, she didn’t bite hard but it was enough to send turn every coherent thought I might have had into pure lust.

  Sadie yelped as I lifted her from my lap to set on her own shaky legs just next to the booth. While she was standing there, she seemed to regain some of the sense that had left her while my fingers were inside her.

  Her eyes widened as I shoved the remainder of our food from the table to the floor in a clatter of china wear and mess. “Griffin! What are you doing?”

  Before she could protest any further, I yanked her back to me, setting her on the table before me as my mouth found hers again.

  Now…. now that the space had been cleared, I could really get to work.


  I must have lost my mind. That was the only reason that I’d be sitting on top of the table we’d just eaten from and letting Griffin Webb kiss me utterly breathless.

  Actually, considering that his hands had just been down my underwear, that was a pretty mild infraction of the rules.

  I wasn’t drunk – anyway, not near drunk enough to allow this, but the thing was: I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t bring myself to form the word no or shove him off me. Griffin had ignited a hunger in me I hadn’t even known existed – and I found that I suddenly needed him desperately.

  However he wanted to have me.

  As his tongue thrust boldly into my mouth, the man ripped my jacket from my shoulder to toss onto the booth seat next to him. Next came my shirt buttons – which weren’t undone so much as popped so they pinged all over the small space. I inhaled sharply, glancing in fear at the curtain that separated us from the rest of the restaurant. “Griffin…someone could come…” My body jerked as he yanked my bra down to expose the globes of my bare breasts and my skin burned. “Anyone could see us!” It was all I could think to say, considering that my body couldn’t decide whether it wanted him to stop or keep going.

  “Someone is going to come,” He growled lowly against my ear as he took my breasts in his large, calloused hands to knead them purposefully. “You, little Sadie. You’re going to come for me. And if anyone wants to watch, they’re fucking welcome.”

  His words sent a streak of heat jolting down between my legs and, if possible, I only got wetter. I gasped as Griffin forced me flat onto my back onto the table, my breasts out in the open for all to see. As the martial artist plu
cked at one of my nipples, I squirmed, attempting to escape his grip.

  However, Griffin only shoved a knee between my legs to force them open before his body came between them. My skirt hiked up to the point of no return, bunching around my waist, and the man’s green eyes stared down at me with a ravenousness that made my womb clench almost painfully.

  When his body pressed against mine, I could feel the jut of his cock through his slacks and it made me shudder. Everything was obviously in proportion there – Griffin was huge. And I had no doubt that I was going to find out exactly how huge in short order.

  He jacked his hips against mine, teasing me with the bulge of his erection as he leaned over, taking each of my breasts in a firm grip that plumped my nipples upward. By this point, they were hard little nubs of desire – and Griffin took full advantage. He put the tip of a breast into his mouth to lick and suck until I was biting my lip against the moans that threatened.


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