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Zach Page 6

by Catherine Lievens

  “Zach? Do you need something?” Kameron asked, worry evident on his face.

  Zach shook his head. “I just wanted to help you. I have to get used to it, right?”

  Understanding dawned in Kameron’s eyes. “You don’t have to do it now, though. You should be resting.”

  Zach gingerly walked to Kameron, the third man’s gaze never leaving him. “I’m fine. I can do this.”

  Kameron moved backward, making place for Zach to sit on his lap, and Zach didn’t hesitate. He sat and leaned back against his mate’s chest before looking at the man on the other side of the desk. “What can we do for you, Rick?”

  * * * *

  Kameron was so proud of his mate he felt he could burst with it. He sure hadn’t expected Zach to come down and decide to be the Alpha mate right there and then. They weren’t even mated yet!

  Still, he was proud. He knew it wasn’t an easy thing to do, especially after what Zach had been through, and having to face one of the members of Erskine’s circle, even if it was not one of those who had hurt him, had to be hell. Zach wasn’t showing fear or panic, though.

  He had calmly sat on Kameron’s lap, and apart from his rigid stance, it was impossible to tell he was nervous, even when he turned to Rick to ask him what he wanted.

  Rick was looking at them looking very much like a fish, his mouth slack and his eyes round and wide. His eyes moved from Kameron to Zach, taking in how Zach was dressed in what were clearly Kameron’s clothes, how he was sitting on Kameron’s lap and how Kameron was hugging him close to his chest. Having Zach sitting there wasn’t very professional, but Zach needed it, and Kameron wasn’t about to push him away.

  “Rick? You needed something?” Kameron asked, the mirth barely concealed in his tone.

  Rick closed his mouth with an audible noise and swallowed. “I, uh, yes. I d-d-didn’t know Zach was here and t-t-that you two were, uh, t-t-together.”

  “Is that a problem?” The mirth was gone from Kameron’s voice immediately.

  “No, no! I j-j-just... I know what happened t-t-to Zach, and I, uh, w-w-wanted to say I’m s-s-sorry.”

  Kameron narrowed his eyes. “You knew what was going on?”

  “No! I d-d-didn’t, I swear!” The man looked around the room desperately, as if looking for an escape way. Kameron had never noticed just how young Rick looked, and it made him wonder what his age was. It was weird that Erskine had had someone so young in his circle, but then he didn’t exactly chose the members for their age. It was more for their cruelty and their willingness to do whatever he wanted that he choose them, really. He wasn’t sure Rick fit that mold, though. He sure didn’t look like it.

  The man was small and on the thin side. He was obviously shy and usually quiet, and he kept his gaze locked on his hands, when they weren’t hidden behind his long, chestnut brown hair. Kameron wouldn’t even know they were an astonishing ice blue if Rick hadn’t been stunned and looking at him only minutes before.

  Zach squeezed Kameron’s hand before smiling at Rick, even if he still wasn’t looking up. “I know you had nothing to do with it, Rick, don’t worry. I’d like to think you would have done something to stop them if you had.”

  Rick nodded. “I’m s-s-sorry, Zach.”

  “It’s okay. So, what did you want to talk to Kameron about?”

  Rick peeked from under his hair. “A-a-are you two a c-c-couple?”

  Kameron told himself he wasn’t going to get angry right away this time, even if it was hard. He didn’t know what Rick was thinking after all, and even if he had followed Erskine once, he could have changed. “We are. In fact, Zach is my mate, so he’s the new Alpha mate,” Kameron said proudly.

  Rick gaped for a few seconds before apparently realizing he was doing it and closing his mouth. “I, uh, c-c-congratulations. Y-y-you both deserve to be happy.”

  Rick definitely wasn’t what Kameron had expected him to be. He had thought he would find a cold man, someone who had many prejudices and who wasn’t ready to let go of them. He hadn’t really known the man, not even when Erskine was Alpha, and he was surprised by what he was seeing. Rick didn’t match the idea Kameron had of what he should be like.

  “I, uh, I k-k-know Nick arrested S-S-Stan and Bud. I wanted to t-t-tell you I would h-h-help any way I c-c-can. I know you d-d-don’t like or trust me, and I k-k-know I don’t deserve it, b-b-but I’m not like them.”

  Zach looked at Kameron, and Kameron could see he was as puzzled as he was. “Rick... how did you get in the inner circle? No offense, but you’re not really the type.”

  “I d-d-didn’t want to. I don’t think E-E-Erskine was right about m-m-mating other types of s-s-shifters, or about g-g-gays.” Rick took a deep breath and for once looked right at Kameron. “I-i-in fact, I’m gay.” He blushed fiercely, and this time it was Kameron’s turn to be gob-smacked. He hadn’t seen that one coming that was for sure.

  “I w-w-was pushed in it. M-m-my father was a member until he died, and I’m t-t-the only male in the f-f-family now. I guess I t-t-took his place in the circle, although I’m n-n-not sure why they wanted me.”

  “Okay, Rick. I’m glad to know that,” Zach said in a gentle tone.

  “I w-w-want to help the pack in a-a-any way I can. If y-y-you need info on the i-i-inner circle, I’ll tell you everything I c-c-can. I k-k-know you don’t t-t-trust me, but I want to h-h-help. I want to be p-p-part of the pack for real. I n-n-need to be part of the pack.” Blue eyes peeked from under a curtain of hair, and Kameron felt something tug on his heart. He knew Rick had been part of the inner circle of hell, but he couldn’t remember him actually hurting someone or even behaving like the other members.

  More importantly, he recognized something in those eyes, something he had seen in the people they rescued from the labs, and even in Zach. Something that led him to believe that Rick really didn’t have any other choices than to do what he had been told.

  His eyes were haunted, loneliness and hurt clashing together in an emotional storm that was almost enough to bring Kameron to his knees. He heard Zach suck in a breath from his place on his lap, and he knew his mate had seen the very same thing.

  Zach rose and slowly got closer to Rick. “What happened to you?”

  “N-n-nothing that hasn’t happened to y-y-you.” Rick plastered himself on the back of the chair he was sitting on, careful to keep as much space as possible between Zach and him. Zach looked like he wanted to grab the guy and hug him, but he didn’t move. If what Rick was saying was true, and Kameron was inclined to think it was, he had probably been abused a lot longer than Zach had. It made sense for him to be wary of people touching him.

  When he realized what he was doing, Rick straightened and closed his expression off, and all traces of pain disappeared from his face. It was something incredible and a little creepy to watch, if Kameron was honest, because in a handful of seconds the man in front of him seemed so completely different from the one that had been there before.

  “Okay. What can you tell us, then?”

  Hope dawned in Rick’s eyes, and it made Kameron feel satisfied. He wanted to help the man in front of him.

  Rick talked for a while, but he didn’t really tell Kameron anything new. Most of the things he said the old inner had done—threats, insults, even beatings—Kameron already knew of, but it was nice to have a confirmation. He also confirmed that while Renaldo and Harvey had known about Zach and Ellie, they had never hurt them. That meant Kameron was going to deal with Stan, Bud and Tom first, and he hoped that once he was done with them, the other two would leave without fussing too much.

  Once Rick had left, Kameron opened his arms, his heart soaring when Zach stepped in them without hesitation. “What do you think?”

  “I’m still trying to find a good reason for Rick to be in Erskine’s inner circle, to be honest. He’s definitely not the type, and it’s obvious he’s been hurt. I’m glad he had the strength to come out of it, whatever it was.�

  Kameron nodded. He was going to ask the three men he had to interrogate about that, because he could feel there was something there, something big he had to know.

  Chapter Four

  “When are you going to go?”

  Kameron looked at Zach.

  They were still in his office, Zach still on Kameron’s lap, but Zach knew it wouldn’t last much longer. Kameron had stuff to do, Alpha stuff, and Zach couldn’t put himself between the man and his job, as much as he wanted to stay close to him right now.

  “The sooner the better, so I think I’ll go now.” Kameron smiled and Zach’s breath hitched. The man was gorgeous, and he wanted him. Zach had never allowed himself to even dream about one day mating with Kameron, and he still had trouble believing he actually would. It was amazing, really.

  “Oh, sure.” Zach made to climb down, but Kameron tightened the hold he had on Zach’s waist.

  “I’m proud of you, love.”

  Zach’s eyes widened. “Why? What did I do?”

  “You were every bit the Alpha mate I need you to be.”

  Zach was stunned. Sure, he knew Kameron was the Alpha, and as his mate, Zach would be the Alpha mate, but he had never thought that Kameron might actually need him. He wasn’t sure he really had something to offer his mate, but he was going to try. He had no intentions of throwing what Kameron was offering him away, not when happiness was finally within reach.

  “I, well, I’m happy I could help you, although I’m not sure what I actually did.”

  “And that’s why you’re amazing. You’re a natural, Zach. You were ready to give Rick a chance even knowing his past, you asked the right questions and you were firm, yet gentle. You saw how Rick opened himself to you.”

  “I’m not sure it was to me. You’re the Alpha.”

  Kameron shook his head, a smirk on his face. “You’ll see. You’re going to be perfect.”

  Zach hesitated. “Are you sure you want to mate with me?” When Kameron scowled, he hurried to explain what was behind that question. “I want to mate with you, but you’re the Alpha, and the pack isn’t the most open-minded group of shifters there is. I don’t want them to create problems because you’re with me.”

  “Like I care.”


  “Look, you know I wasn’t exactly eager to become the Alpha, but I did it because it needed to be done and no one else would. I love the pack, but I’m not sure I can actually do much about the members’ views, not after all the years Erskine has been Alpha. As much as I love the pack, I’m not ready to sacrifice my own happiness for it, not after we lost years already. If they don’t like it, they can stick it where the sun don’t shine, for all I care.”

  Zach gaped at Kameron. He’d known Kameron wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about being the Alpha, but he hadn’t expected him to be ready to throw everything away. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “So say nothing. There’s nothing to say, really. I’m going to mate with you, and if someone really doesn’t want me to be the Alpha after that, they’ll have to challenge me. The pack has to grow up and finally enter this century. I want everyone to be able to be who the heck they want to be, and I think we all deserve it.”

  There was nothing Zach could say to that, because Kameron was right, of course. So he decided to let his body talk for him.

  He leaned into Kameron and pressed their lips together, eager to feel his mate’s tongue against his own again. It helped convince him that it was real.

  Kameron’s lips were soft against his, and Zach was surprised when Kameron didn’t try to take control of the kiss. He let Zach lead, let him take what he wanted, so Zach used his tongue to open Kameron’s lips and dove in. He used his tongue to trace and memorize the smoothness of Kameron’s teeth, the slickness of his tongue as they stroked each other, the feeling of their lips pressed together.

  Zach wanted to take this further, but he knew they couldn’t right now, so he pushed himself closer to his mate and tried to convey the happiness he was feeling, the wonder and love. He wasn’t sure he succeeded, but the smile on Kameron’s face when they separated was a good indication he might have.

  “I really have to go,” Kameron whispered even as he placed tiny kisses over Zach’s jaw.

  “I know.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to.”

  Zach smiled. “I know, but it’s better if you do it now. That way we can be together tonight.”

  It was already close to seven PM, but if Kameron went now, he could probably be back around ten PM, maybe a little later. Zach could use the time he was gone to rest a bit and to contact the people he had ignored during the last few months.

  Still, it took them another fifteen minutes before they were finally able to separate completely, much to Zach’s dismay. He was finding out he loved being with Kameron. Well, he already knew that, but it was different now. Before, they hadn’t been together, together. Zach had loved talking to Kameron, finding out what the man liked, but now he could actually touch him whenever he wanted. He didn’t have to hold back anymore, and it was incredibly freeing.

  Zach walked Kameron to the door, where they lingered awhile, just kissing lightly. It felt odd, but so very good. Zach had expected Kameron to be fierce, to demand. Sure, he had known the man could be sweet when he wanted to, but he hadn’t expected this. It was light and sweet, and it told Zach that he really was loved. It was an incredible sensation, especially after what he had been through to get there.

  Once Kameron was gone, Zach grabbed the phone and settled in one of the armchairs, his legs under him and a blanket around his shoulders. He dialed a number he still remembered and waited for an answer.

  “Kam? You have news?”

  “Hi, Derick.”

  Zach smiled when Derick went completely silent on the other side of the line, but it didn’t last long.

  “Zach? Oh my god!” Derick shrieked, and Zach had to move the phone away from his ear. His friend was still talking when he moved the phone back to where it had been. “—the fuck happened, Zach? We were all worried, and Kameron was so sad. I wanted to come and kick some sense into you, but everyone told me I should leave you alone.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, Derick, but I thought I was doing the right thing. I know I should have trusted my friends instead of trying to do everything on my own.”

  “Okay, stop. Tell me what happened, Zach.”

  So Zach did. He told Derick everything, from what had happened when he was fourteen to Bud beating him and his trip to the hospital. Once he was done, he waited for Derick to start ranting that he was an idiot that he should have known better. It was the truth, after all.

  The rant never came.

  Derick sighed deeply into the phone. “Shit, Zach. That’s... I don’t even know what it is. I’m just glad you’re out of it now.”

  “You’re not angry?”

  “Oh, I am. You’re going to have to work to make me forgive you. But I’m glad you’re okay, you know? That’s the only thing that matters right now.”

  Zach smiled. He was taking his life back, and nothing had ever felt better.

  * * * *

  Kameron looked at the metal door encased in plain cement walls. Stan was behind that door, as well as Bud, and Tom.

  Kameron didn’t particularly like what he was about to do, but he had learned months ago that sometimes he had to do things he didn’t want to do in order to keep his pack safe And now that he also had to take care of Zach, he wasn’t going to let anything come between those men and pack law.

  He wasn’t going to apply pack law anyway. It was an old set of laws, fruit of centuries of traditions, and he didn’t think it was useful nowadays, at least not all of them. Kameron had no intention of killing the three men he was about to see, even if that was what he should do according to pack law. It was what Erskine would have done without hesitations. The man had killed for a lot less that what those men had done.
  Forced mating, blackmailing, beatings, probably rape in Ellie’s case, and that was only what Kameron knew about. He wasn’t naïve, though, and he knew they had done plenty more than that, even if he couldn’t prove it. Still, this was enough to get rid of them forever, so Kameron was satisfied.

  He reached for the handle and opened the door, satisfied when he saw Duncan and Thomas in the small room the door opened into. There was another door in the room that led into a hallway in which the cells opened.

  The place looked better than when Erskine had been Alpha. Kameron had added heating to the front room and a few other things the guards could use. They hadn’t actually used the jail since Erskine had died and Hank had been sent to the council’s jail, but Kameron had still wanted to make it a decent place to be in. Bud and the others might be bastards who deserved whatever Kameron could throw at them, but it didn’t mean he wanted to be down at their level.

  The cells were still cells, but at least Kameron had added stuff in them, too. Each cell now had a metal-framed bed, complete with a pillow and blankets. They were clean, and insulated as well as they could be. It wasn’t a five-star hotel, but it was decent.

  “They’re in?”

  Duncan grimaced. “Stan and Bud, yeah. But Nick called, and he hasn’t been able to find Tom yet. He’s been both at his house and where he works, but the man vanished.”

  Kameron had to stop the growl from escaping his throat. It wasn’t these two men’s fault if Tom had escaped, and it wasn’t Nick’s either. “Someone told him we were after him?”

  “Probably one of his friends,” Thomas said.

  “I’d say Renaldo. He looked all kinds of nervous when I talked to him, and he kept on glancing at his phone. I should have guessed he would do something like that,” Duncan said with a groan. “Damn, maybe I’m not that good at the inner circle stuff.”

  “You’re doing just fine. Tom has always been the sneakier of the bunch.” As much as Kameron had wanted to get the man, the fact that he was now on his own and without his belongings made him feel a tiny bit better. It might not seem like a good enough punishment, but it was for a wolf shifter.


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