A Mail Order Bride for the Fur Trader: Joy & Henry (Love by Mail 3)

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A Mail Order Bride for the Fur Trader: Joy & Henry (Love by Mail 3) Page 6

by Christina Ward

  * * *

  The horse fidgeted and Henry ran a hand down its mane. “Shh. Good boy.”

  Henry waited outside the saloon while Sarah went to the apothecary. They were to meet up there once she got all the tools. He had collected the alcohol she had requested, but as the minutes dragged he felt quite uncomfortable with a set of bottles sticking out of the sack in his hand.

  For a moment he considered dropping by the pastor’s house. Just to see that teasing smile… But instead a few foul words shouted in anger caught his attention. Henry craned his neck to see over his horse into the narrow back alley besides the inn.

  A young woman in a dark red dress shoved a man away. Henry watched the man stagger back. Despite the black frock coat and brown canvas pants he did not make a good impression on Henry. Or the lady for that matter.

  “Your loss,” the man scoffed and spat to the side. He put on a bowler hat, took out a cigar, and walked towards the main street.

  Their eyes met and when Henry said nothing, the man stopped just beside Henry, nodded and struck a match. He dropped it to the ground and blew smoke Henry’s way.

  Henry clenched his fists. He knew the smug type all too well.

  “Say, you from this town?” the man asked.

  “Not really,” Henry said. “I just moved here a few weeks ago.”

  The man blew another ring of smoke. “So you don’t know any good bars here?”

  “Just the one,” Henry nodded to the building they stood next to, “but, I don’t think our saloon’s the type you’re looking for.”

  The man chuckled, then flicked off embers from his cigar. He glanced at the alcohol filled bag. “Starting a private party there? I’m Earnest -”

  He was about to say something when his face contorted in a grimace. Henry looked behind to see what made the man cringe. But it was just Sarah with a handful of bandages… and a face full of scars. The stranger was starting to really get on Henry’s nerves.

  “All done?” Henry waved to her and turned to the man who had just gasped. “No, not a party. It’s for the wounded.”

  “Oh.” Earnest stepped aside giving Henry room to climb on the horse.

  “Good day,” Henry said, though he didn’t mean it, and kicked his horse into a trot.

  Chapter 9

  Joy couldn’t stop the tears flowing down her cheeks. She dabbed her handkerchief against her puffy eyes. Still, her parents wouldn’t budge.

  “Come on, Joy, the coach won’t wait forever.” Her mother fussed over their luggage. Ma had told Earnest that Joy was just undergoing a phase. All while Joy was standing right there beside them. They wouldn’t even let her see if Henry was alright.

  Joy turned to Claire, who looked at her with worry. “I don’t wanna go, Claire. Please, don’t make me.”

  The woman looked over her shoulder at Hannah, who seemed to be the only one that got Joy’s pain.

  “This is for your parents to decide.” Claire said. “Pray to the Lord for guidance Joy. Maybe there’s something more to Earnest than meets the eye?”

  Joy shook her head, tears falling all over the place. Sure there was more to him, more to dislike!

  “Oh, Joy.” Claire hugged Joy and brushed her hair. “It’ll be all right.”

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Joy’s mother approached her. “Why’re you crying?”

  “Is it because of me?” Earnest took off his bowler hat and pressed it against his chest. “If I caused you grief in any way, Joy...”

  “No, no, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Joy’s mother turned to Earnest and patted him on the shoulder. “Joy’s just overwhelmed, that’s all.”

  “No, I’m not, Ma.” Joy wiped her tears with her handkerchief. “I’m not in love with him!”

  “And you’re in love with a man you just found through the papers?” Her mother took a deep breath visibly at the end of her tether. “Don’t be silly. We know Earnest and his family. He’ll take care of you, give you a good life...”

  “I will, Joy,” Earnest said, eyes soft. “I swear it.”

  But she knew what was inside his heart. The minute she’d turn her back, he’d make advances towards other women. He’d gamble and swear like a sailor.

  “Your Ma knows what’s best for you,” her father said. “C’mon, Joy, let’s go home.”

  Joy bit her lip. She stepped down and followed her father to the coach. Was this really it? She stopped and looked back imploringly at Hannah and Claire.

  “Let’s go now,” her Ma said, “we have a wedding to prepare.”

  The ground thundered, and a horse galloped towards them. Joy gasped. The steed ground to a halt right before them and Henry jumped off, his face covered in sweat.

  “Joy,” he began, voice rough and heavy.

  “You know my fiancée?” Earnest’s eyebrows joined into a furious dark line.

  “Henry,” Joy began, but Earnest blocked her path.

  “Who do you think you are? I’m Earnest Karth and Joy’s my fiancée.”

  “I came as soon as I heard,” Henry said to Joy and then glared at Earnest. “You don’t deserve her.”

  A thrill went up Joy’s spine and warmth spread over her cheeks, chest, and stomach!

  But her mother had a different opinion. Andrea Fletcher was as fierce as she was small. She approached Henry and put her hands on her waist.

  “Now see here, young man, this engagement has been going on for some time -”

  “No, it hasn’t,” Joy said.

  Her mother glared at her, then turned to Henry with a sigh. “We had a talk with Mrs. Beckett. We’re so sorry for the confusion, but Joy’s already engaged. I apologize on behalf of my daughter, for not telling you.”

  She smiled and patted Earnest’s hand. “Earnest is a kind young man. We’ve known his parents for years. We know he’ll take care of our Joy.”

  Joy made a small, strangled sound and sought out Henry’s eyes. His broad chest heaved, and sweat rolled down his face generously. Now that he’d learn the truth... Joy hoped that he’d at least forgive her.

  “Let’s go, Joy,” her mother said.

  Joy was about to climb into the coach, when Henry said, “Wait.”

  Joy turned back to look at him, but he was looking at her parents.

  “This man,” he said, pointing to Earnest, “is not who you think he is.”

  “What?” her father asked. “What do you mean?”

  “Earlier today I met him outside the saloon, harassing a young woman.”

  Earnest swiveled towards the Fletchers, who gaped. He chuckled at them and said, “That’s not true. Of course, I’d never do that.”

  But Joy’s heart swelled. So Henry knew, too. She folded her arms and said, “Oh, really? Then what about that time with my friend Margaret. I don’t care if you deny it. I’m not keeping that secret again.”

  “And how would you know?” Earnest snapped back.

  “I was there.”

  “Where?” her parents, and Earnest exclaimed at once.

  “Timothy Brown stole a kiss from me on the other side of the fountain.” There, she admitted it. The secret was out, but she had nothing left to lose. “He left and then I saw you and Margaret! I saw what you did!”

  Her Ma gasped. Her Pa turned red.

  “That was just a bit of fun!” Earnest said. “We were both drunk, young kids.”

  The lies were finally unravelling. “She cried for weeks!”

  “Joy why didn’t you tell us?” Her Ma wrung her hands and shot a cross look at Earnest.

  “You wouldn’t believe me.” Joy was in tears again. “And Margaret said she’d deny it too and that no one would want me if they knew…”

  Earnest stepped from foot to foot, then his face morphed into a mask of rage. “You’re supposed to be grateful I wanted to marry you!”

  Joy raised her palm towards Earnest, but her mother beat her to it.

  “You don’t talk to my daughter like that!” she shrieked.

bsp; Her husband grabbed the front of Earnest’s shirt. “Is it true? What they said?”

  Earnest touched his cheek, then wiggled his way out of the older man’s hold. “Well, if you’re all going to be ungrateful about it, I might as well cut the act!”

  He pressed and gusted his coat.

  “Yeah, it’s all true. So what? It’s not like you have a choice.” He pointed to Joy. “Your daughter’s too picky. Everyone who’s courted her has already either gotten hitched or found another lass to woo! Even without her transgression making the gossip rounds there weren’t many takers. Who else is gonna want her?”

  “Me.” They all turned to Henry, who gazed at Joy with soft eyes. “I will.”

  Joy’s hand flew to her chest in an effort to stop her heart from bursting.

  Earnest scoffed. “And you’ll what, support her by mining or some other menial, back-breaking -?”

  Henry shouldered him out of the way, and took Joy’s hand. “You know I don’t have much,” he said, “but everything I do have is yours.”

  Joy gulped and wet her lips. “Even your heart?”

  Henry smiled. “Especially that.”

  Hannah and Claire both squealed from afar. Joy’s father cleared his throat. Henry and Joy looked up.

  “Is this what you choose, Joy?” her mother asked, wringing a handkerchief. “Even though it’s - it’s not the life you’ve always wanted?”

  Joy gave her mother a hug and said, “No it’s not what I wanted, but it’s better than anything I could’ve imagined.”

  Earnest shook his head. “All of you people are crazy.” He got into the stage coach and shouted at the driver, “c’mon, let’s get outta here.”

  Joy’s father approached Henry and squeezed his shoulder. “Do you really care for our Joy?”

  Henry nodded.

  The older man turned to his wife. “Guess we’re staying here for a little while, then.”

  Chapter 10

  “If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace,” Reverend Shepard said, his eyes roaming the sea of guests.

  Joy glanced at the church doors, then at Henry who smiled at her. Earnest was gone now, gone for good, and her parents had given their blessing. There was no cause for worry.

  The Reverend nodded at them. “Very well then. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Joy blushed and stifled her squeal when Henry stepped forward and claimed her lips.

  The church erupted in applause. And maybe her mother was crying now, but Joy was too busy kissing Henry back to really see.

  * * *

  Angel Creek, July 1872

  Joy waved goodbye to Claire and Hannah. Mercy and a few other women from the Bible reading session stayed to ask her about the new furs.

  “You really think it’ll look good on me?” Maria Jenkins asked. “I can’t wait to get a fur coat.”

  “And I’m planning to get Duncan a cap,” Bridgett Haynes said, “but Joy, I’ve been dying to ask you about this dress. Henry said you made it yourself?”

  “With help from Mercy,” Joy said, winking at her friend, who was busy wiping bread crumbs from Amy’s mouth.

  “Oh, I’d love to have one like this, too,” Maria said, touching the silky purple petticoat.

  “So,” Mercy began, “what do you think of the sheriff’s decision?”

  The ladies sat back down. Joy fanned herself. “Well, Henry said the sheriff wanted to spend more time with his family.”

  “Plus we need some new blood in this town,” Bridgett said and batted her eyes. “Someone young and tough.”

  Maria bit into the cookie. “Wouldn’t that be interesting?” she mused. “Perhaps he’d also have some new deputies to help him, eh?”

  “Don’t you already have suitors?” Bridgett raised a brow.

  Maria shrugged. “I still can’t make up my mind between them, though.”

  “Well,” Joy chuckled, “I suggest you take action before your mother decides for you.”

  They all giggled.

  A knock on the door announced Cole and Henry’s arrival. The men entered and Cole turned to his wife, with baby Grace in his arms. “Ready?”

  Mercy smiled and they kissed. “Of course.” She turned to Henry. “Are you sure Elias and Leanna don’t mind?”

  Henry chuckled. “I think they’d adopt Amy and Grace if you’d let them. Now you and Cole go have some fun.”

  The Becketts left, and Henry approached Joy. He took her hand and kissed it. Joy blushed.

  “Aww.” her friends sighed in unison.

  “Well, thanks for coming to the session, girls,” Joy said.

  Maria and Bridgett grinned at her. Bridgett dusted her dress as she stood up.

  “All right, all right. We can tell when we’re not needed.”

  Maria giggled, and they left, closing the door behind them.

  “And how was the shop?” Joy asked.

  Henry sat beside her and smiled.

  “We had a lot of sales, especially the hides and leather have been in high demand. And you? How was your day?”

  “Good.” She touched his hand. “But I did miss your company.”

  Henry’s face reddened. Joy giggled. So, she could still make him blush despite his straight-laced attitude!

  “You’re stuck with me now, you know.”

  Henry grinned and touched her cheek. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Thank You!

  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed following Joy’s story. I would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to leave a review for the book (on Amazon, GoodReads, or even your own blog and social media). God bless You for helping spread these positive love stories!

  And if you’d like to read more about Angel Creek and other Mail Order Brides please check out the other books in the series. :)


  Email: [email protected]



  Twitter: @AuthorCWard

  Book Updates: http://eepurl.com/bwaPnf

  Further Reading

  Love by Mail series

  A Mail Order Bride for the Undertaker – http://amzn.to/1fRBiNU

  Meet Mercy, an orphan desperate to help those who had raised her and maybe, just maybe, find true love while she supports those in need. But is Cole, a strangely jolly undertaker in a town full of unwelcoming strangers, really what the Lord had in store for her?

  A Mail Order Bride for the Miner – http://amzn.to/1O4eRRk

  Meet Mercy, an orphan desperate to help those who had raised her and maybe, just maybe, find true love while she supports those in need. But is Cole, a strangely jolly undertaker in a town full of unwelcoming strangers, really what the Lord had in store for her?

  A Mail Order Bride for the Sheriff – http://amzn.to/1RmrRnq

  Meet Mary Ann, a down to earth kind of gal, running away to the West in search of a simple, honest life. But with Warren looking for a classy lady to boost his reputation can the two find love despite their differences?

  Widows of Virginia Series

  Maude’s Trials – http://amzn.to/1WwvzMa

  Meet Maude, a widow desperate to provide for her children. But the last thing this mail order bride expected when she arrived West, was for her future husband to already be engaged to another.




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