The Battle for Endallen

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The Battle for Endallen Page 2

by Andrew G. Wood

  Luca slowly got to his feet, glad that the crown was a nice snug fit around his head and waved his hand up to the clapping crowd before him. Although he didn’t do so on purpose, in particular, he felt his gaze being drawn to one person, sitting near the front and looking up at him. Nerina was smiling and seemed happy as she clapped enthusiastically, holding Luca’s gaze for several moments before looking away. Thankfully, Luca didn’t have to make any speeches, and after lapping up his applause for several seconds, he stepped back and sat back down on his throne. He glanced up to see Edward looking down at him, who just gave him a slight nod of the head to say everything was okay.

  With the official crowning now complete it was just left for Luca to sign the pledge of allegiance, something that all the major nobles signed, along with all the minor nobles of Brenthellin, or at least those present and not incarcerated or under suspicion of siding with Lord Elthan. Two palace staff carried a wooden writing stand over to where Luca was sitting and placed it in front of him, before one of them duly handed him a quill to make his mark. Although having read the document beforehand, Luca gazed at it for a while looking at all the signatures written beneath the declaration. Some slanting one way, some the other. Some were so illegible if not for the person’s name printed beside it he would never have guessed whose mark it was. At the very bottom, was a large space with his own name already written in for him, and without further delay, Luca dipped the nib into the small pot of ink on the tray and made his own mark; something he had practised yesterday. While signing one’s name might not have been a big deal, it was pointed out to Luca that once he had decided on a signature he would need to stick with it, and with that thought in mind Luca had practised several ways of writing his own name, eventually deciding on a slightly sloping form of writing.

  Luca wasn’t certain who gave the signal to do so, but the doors at the far end opened, and his Royal Guards started lining up in front of the dais to escort him out of the hall. He turned to see Edward giving a nod of his head to indicate for them to move, and Luca got to his feet once more and made his way down the steps to the floor level.

  “King Luca,” Edward whispered with a grin on his face as the pair of them walked slowly down the centre of the hall. Luca just returned the smile trying his best to keep his head still, so the crown didn’t slip or fall; a scenario he had endlessly worried about.

  With the ceremony over, the hall needed to undergo a transformation as the celebratory feast would be held there later in the evening. For now, Luca could retire back to his own rooms and rest, although he had the horrible feeling that wasn't going to be allowed to happen. Now that he was officially the king it was very likely he would suddenly become the most popular person in the palace, and with all the nobles currently in the capital, he was quite sure some would find their way to him. Thankfully, he had guards at the door to stop anybody just walking in, and Edward with him as a friend and advisor to help with those that were permitted entry.

  Refreshments were already waiting for him on the dining table when he returned to his suite, something that Edward headed straight for.

  “Am I okay to help myself?” he asked, thinking it was probably best not to just dive in ahead of Luca.

  “Sure, help yourself,” Luca replied waving a nonchalant hand before slumping down on one of the cushioned chairs and removing the crown from his head. Turning the polished gold hoop in his hands, Luca was quite impressed by the workmanship that must have gone into making the thing, even more so when he considered that whoever had made it had probably only had a day or two at most to do so.

  Edward, his hands filled with food, and a sandwich wedged in his mouth decided to plonk himself down next to the new king. Luca glanced over and chuckled as Edward filled his face.

  “Hungry?” he said with a smile.

  With his mouth full, Edward just made a grunting noise, but nodded his head, only speaking after he had swallowed, “Starving…You not eating?”

  Luca sighed and glanced over towards the table, “Yeah, I’ll get something in a minute. I feel worn out already, and we’ve got this dumb party thing later.”

  Edward shoved another sandwich in his mouth and gave Luca a strange look, “It’ll be fun…Just think, Nerina will be there…Perhaps ask her to dance.”

  Luca just blushed, “Not likely? Anyway, I’m not sure about her now, since you told me about her using magic again.”

  Edward chewed quickly so he could empty his mouth to speak again, “I might have been wrong.”

  “You sounded quite convinced when you told me…and I’m not sure as to why she would do such a thing.”

  “Perhaps she’s just trying to get you to like her?”

  “I already like her..a lot. It’s her that doesn’t like me,” Luca replied deciding he’d had enough of watching Edward stuff his face and ventured over to the table to get some food for himself.

  Chapter 2.A Royal Celebration.

  It was late afternoon, and Luca had somewhat reluctantly received four guests since his ceremony that morning. Lord Dalby, as his uncle and somebody he could trust had just popped in to congratulate him and check everything was okay. Knowing that the man had no deeper or ulterior motives for being there, Luca was happy to see him. However, he also had visits from three of his lesser nobles from Brenthellin lands. One of whom was from the south, and someone that Luca had suspicions may have originally opted to side with Lord Elthan. However, being as there was no proof, Luca was willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt, at least for now.

  The other two were both men he knew, although not on a personal level, and owned lands adjacent to each other. Luca already knew that some of the lands were disputed, something that his father had not been able to resolve amicably when he had been king, and something that had apparently gone on for some considerable time. Both men had clearly had the same idea in trying to gain his favour so that he would resolve their longstanding disagreement. As it was, the piece of land in question had been taken away by Luca’s father so that neither man owned it, in the hope that they would work a suitable settlement out between them, but evidently that had not happened.

  The two lords in question, were Lord Hutton, a middle-aged man, somewhat overweight and balding, and Lord Tyler, a man in his late twenties, with dark swept back hair and pointy facial features, who had decided to carry on the feud when he had taken the title off his late father. Luca had been glad that Edward had been there with him when both Lords had pleaded their own cases to him. In truth, Luca couldn’t really see what all the fuss was about, especially because the land in question was barely more than a few fields and a small farming community that lived nearby. However, both men had made what Luca thought to be legitimate claims to the land, but just as his father before him, deciding on who to give it to without offending the other, was not as straightforward as it might have seemed. Thankfully, Edward had suggested that the king had heard both sides and would make a consideration in due course, at least giving Luca some time to try and make some kind of decision.

  Luca received word that the celebrations in the city had already started, and several parties had spilt out from the taverns onto the city streets. Despite the mood being generally jovial, Luca thought it a good job that so many soldiers were on hand to help keep some kind of order and not let any drunken exuberance get out of hand. While he waited for the call to make his way down to his own somewhat more formal celebration, Luca sat chatting with Edward. Now he was officially king, Luca could formally appoint Edward as his advisor, something he had done just a short time after they had returned from the coronation. While the official paperwork might not have been signed and completed, as far as Luca was concerned, Edward now held that post. As to whether the nobles liked it or not, he didn’t much care. Besides, if they didn’t like this decision then he was almost certain they wouldn’t like the one where he announced Edward as a noble; that was yet to come, and couldn’t be finalised until after the necessary trials of those so
uthern lords who had betrayed their king.

  For now, Edward had told Luca to enjoy the evening ahead, although, with so many things to do, Luca already doubted that would be possible. Having changed clothes, into what he had been told was something more befitting a banquet, the pair waited.

  “Lord Oakley’s men are transporting Lord Merrington to the capital as we speak. That means the trials will start soon,” Edward told him.

  “Something else to look forward too,” Luca replied somewhat sarcastically.

  “Oh, lighten up. It’s supposed to be a happy day,” Edward replied just as a knock sounded at the door.

  “They are ready for you now, Sire,” the guard on duty said, just peering through the slightly open doorway.

  Edward waited for Luca to join him in the corridor outside the royal suite, where the six guards that made up the escort were also waiting. The evening’s celebrations were only to include the nobility and distinguished guests, meaning that the palace staff and soldiers, or at least those on duty would miss out. Unlike earlier, the lamps and torches that lined the corridors were now all lit, illuminating the way to the hall. As they approached, Luca could already hear the sound of chatter coming from the open doorway. However, as he neared, somebody gave the word the king was present, and if somebody had switched off all the voices in one go, silence befell the room.

  As Luca entered the room, he noticed how the tables had been set out to allow people to sit and eat, and a smaller area near the back to allow for a little dancing later on. Being the king meant that his table was positioned up on the dais, just as it had always been when his father was in charge. Sat elevated above all others in the room, Luca was interested to see who would be joining him on the top table. Which of the nobility had taken it upon themselves to sit with him? Ordinarily, Luca would have been shoved somewhere at the end, as if needing to be seen but not heard. This time he would be the one sitting in the centre, and at his request, Edward would sit to his right. Who sat elsewhere, he guessed he was about to find out.

  As he passed down the centre of the room, the nobles and their respective families bowed their heads. The nearer the front of the hall the more important the noble, until Luca gazed up to look at his table to see several familiar faces. Imogen and her husband would naturally be expected to sit on the top table, as would Elysia, but it was probably not right that she was there. As far as Luca knew she was still being cared for by Lord Fallon’s son, Elliot. Lord Dalby apparently had been the nobleman who thought himself worthy of the top table, although in truth Luca thought that of all the nobles present, being as he was family, he probably deserved it more than the others. Lady Dalby, Clarissa and Theo were also there, taking up the positions near the end of the table where Luca had usually found himself being put.

  Only once Luca had sat down, on his somewhat larger than necessary, chair, did the others in the room do likewise and continue their conversations as they had before his arrival. The musicians in the far corner started playing a calm and melodic tune that gave the room a little more atmosphere. Then the multitude of serving staff appeared as if from nowhere to start serving the food. With Imogen sat to his left, Luca thought it only polite to enquire how she was, although he waited until she had finished talking to her husband so as not to appear rude.

  “I’m fine Luca, how are you coping?” Imogen asked in reply.

  Luca just shrugged his shoulder, unsure what to say, although did make a comment about being glad that Edward was there to help him.

  “He seems very nice…You’ve made him your advisor I hear?”

  “Yes, I thought it was best to have somebody I could trust and wasn't linked to any of the main nobles.”

  “Good idea,” Imogen replied catching Luca somewhat by surprise.

  “You think so?”

  “Yes. At least none of the major houses can claim you’re being influenced by another.”

  Luca gave himself a nod of self-satisfaction, pleased that his sister had thought his idea a good one. He leaned over slightly as one of the serving girls placed a plate down in front of him and enquired what he’d like to eat. Being as he was king, naturally, he would be served before anybody else, and so not to prolong the others being attended to he quickly made his choice. It seemed the feast was somewhat simple in that it didn’t consist of numerous courses. Luca assumed this was so people could drink and dance a little more, although he was doubtful he would indulge in either. After selecting the venison, he waited patiently while the serving girl added some potatoes and green vegetables, before pouring over a thick, rich gravy.

  “Thank you,” Luca said as picked up his silver knife and fork to make a start.

  It wasn’t long before the sound of clattering cutlery filled the room, almost drowning out the soft background music being played, an indication that others had also started eating. Luca paused for a few moments to look around the room and smiled, perhaps, he thought, this wasn’t going to be as bad as he had first envisaged. Being King was evidently not going to be easy, but with a little help, perhaps things might turn out okay. The food was good, and although he had now tasted many different styles of cooking on his travels, some of which were very good, it was nice to once again eat the types of food he was a little more accustomed to.

  As Luca finished his meal, he noticed the sound of peoples voices appeared to get louder the more wine they consumed. While he was not a big fan of the drink, he had taken the offer of a small glass of red, more to be sociable than for any other reason. He noticed Edward looking down the table several times in the direction of Clarissa who was seated nearer the end, only to find that he kept looking over Nerina’s direction, but each time he did she never seemed to be looking back.

  Luca chuckled as he watched Lord Oakley dancing with his wife, the first couple up after eating.

  “Do you think Clarrisa would dance with me?” Edward said trying to keep his voice low, but loud enough for Luca to hear over the noise in the room.

  “Why don’t you ask her?”

  “What if she says no?” Edward replied thinking it a terrible idea.

  “Then she doesn’t want to dance with you,” Luca replied with a grin.

  “I’ll need a few more of these,” Edward added gulping down his wine, before holding his empty glass aloft slightly to indicate to the young lady waiting on him to refill it.

  “If you drink too much of that, you won’t be able to stand up, never mind dance. Just ask her.”

  Edward placed his glass down on the table and took a deep breath.

  “Wish me luck,” he uttered as he slowly got to his feet; a young man showing his steely determination.

  Luca watched with interest as Edward looked incredibly nervous as he walked along the dais to where Clarissa was sitting. Although he couldn’t hear what was being said, Luca thought it must have gone quite well as Edward seemed to be grinning as he slowly made his way back.

  “Well?” Luca asked as Edward plonked himself back down in the seat next to his.

  “She said yes.”

  “Why aren’t you dancing then?”

  “Oh, she will in a few minutes, she just wants her food to settle a little first. She said she’d give me a signal when she’s ready. I’m not sure your uncle was impressed though.”

  Luca discreetly peered over to where Lord Dalby was seated and tried to judge the man’s mood. However, and somewhat disappointingly, Lord Dalby was just talking to his wife and didn’t appear overly bothered about anything, so perhaps he wasn’t too concerned about Edward asking Clarissa for a dance.

  Barely two minutes had passed when Edward leaned over towards Luca, “Do you think she’s forgotten?”

  Luca laughed, “Give her chance,” Luca replied.

  “How long does it take for food to settle anyway?” Edward said clearly nervous and agitated.

  “She’s ready when she says she is ready,” Luca told him, “Now calm down.”

  “Easy for you to say. Anyway, are you goin
g to ask Nerina?”

  “No…I think it’s probably for the best I don’t. You know things haven’t been that great between us.”

  “They’re never great between you. So are you just going to sit on your throne and watch all night?”

  “For a little while, then I think I’ll retire to my rooms. You stay and enjoy yourself though.”

  “I intend to,” Edward replied with a grin, although Luca could tell he was actually looking Clarissa’s direction to see if she was ready.

  Luca felt his fingers strumming on the table in time with the music as he watched dozens of lords and ladies elegantly moving across the floor in dance. It seemed everyone was having a good time, especially Edward who had just had his call from Clarissa that it was time for them to join the merriment. Luca smiled at the thought of Edward and Clarissa together, and while he knew his friend was nervous, he seemed to be doing okay for himself. Clarrisa was giggling and holding his hand, seemingly enjoying the occasion, and even Lord and Lady Dalby had joined them on the dance floor.

  “Will you dance with me, Sire?” Came a soft but familiar sounding voice. Luca turned his head sharply, unaware that anybody had stepped up onto the dais and made their way to his position. He had been so focused on everyone else dancing that he had failed to notice.

  “Nerina!” He said in surprise.

  “Sorry, you caught me by surprise.”

  “So do you want to dance or not?” Nerina said, her voice suddenly changing from the softly spoken girl into one that was evidently getting angry again.


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