The Battle for Endallen

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The Battle for Endallen Page 5

by Andrew G. Wood

  “I didn’t see any harm. It was only just to plant the suggestion in Edward’s mind in the hope that his Majesty would like Nerina.”

  “Oh!... I feel you have shamed us all. Sire, I am so sorry.” Lord Oakley said suddenly looking like a broken man.

  It was clear to Luca that Lady Oakley and Nerina had caused Lord Oakley a great deal of embarrassment. However, Luca didn’t actually mind and knew he needed to placate matters for both of their sakes.

  “Lord Oakley, the matter is already dealt with. As it happened, it was not necessary.”

  “No, it didn’t seem to work on me. I could tell that they were using magic, but I don’t know how,” Edward added.

  “How did you know?” Lady Oakley asked somewhat intrigued as to how Edward had detected them using their powers.

  “When Nerina used her power to help us in Greensill, you know to locate Lord Elthan’s sister,“ Edward said not wanting to divulge anything more than that. “I felt a chill. When I was outside your rooms in Deverton, I got that same feeling…twice.”

  “Strange…We must talk more about this later,” Lady Oakley suggested, suddenly changing her entire demeanour.

  “So, you will help?” Edward asked.

  “I can not, Nerina is the one capable of such things, but it is very dangerous for her. Making suggestions in one's thoughts and dreams is one thing, controlling a person’s mind is another level entirely and requires a lot of power. It is something only carried out by dark witches and wizards and requires the life force of another. Sometimes several sacrifices are needed, surely you do not expect us to do such a thing?” Lady Oakley explained.

  “Of course not,” Luca replied. “Can you not create some enchantment, like the necklace you gave me. Make suggestions in Frederick’s dreams. Perhaps a scenario where he needs to get to the castle to rescue Elysia.”

  “Read his thoughts, not control them?” Nerina suddenly spoke for the first time.

  “Is it possible?” Luca asked with an expectant look upon his face.

  “Piece of cake,” Nerina replied somewhat sure of herself, before noticing her father glaring her way.

  “Look, if it can’t be done without risk to yourselves, then we will have to find another way. I would never ask Lady Oakley or Nerina to do anything they did not want to. I owe them both too much,” Luca said aiming his words in the direction of Lord Oakley.

  The nobleman looked over to his wife and daughter before returning his gaze Luca’s direction. “Very well, Sire. We will do what we can.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry if this conversation has caused you any problems. The last thing I would ever want is to cause friction between us,” Luca said trying to make sure everybody was okay with what they were doing.

  “My family is here to serve you, Sire, and will always do what it can to assist you in any way.”

  “Thank you. I know I already owe you so much, all of you,” Luca replied catching Nerina smiling his direction, albeit only briefly.

  While Lady Oakley and Nerina wandered off into the bedroom, apparently to start work on a bangle that they could enchant to place upon Frederick’s wrist, Lord Oakley and Samuel remained at the table with Luca and Edward. Luca explained they needed to discuss the upcoming trials, and while Frederick Elthan’s could be delayed for a while, those of the captured Lord Merrington and other southern lords who had sided with Lord Elthan should take place as soon as possible.

  “You still mean to grant Edward, the titles and properties of Lord Merrington?” Lord Oakley enquired.

  “I do,” Luca replied almost instantly. While this was not a topic that he wished to discuss, it was quickly apparent it was one he would have little choice but to talk about.

  “I would have granted Samuel a similar title, but alas he will take Scarwood, after you, so would not be necessary," Luca said trying to placate the nobleman who had already done so much for him.

  “However, I do have a suggestion, and while it means me losing some land, I hope it can be accepted with the sincerity it is offered.”

  Both Lord Oakley and his son looked somewhat intrigued as to what Luca was about to suggest, moreover, so did Edward.

  “I believe there is an area called Bagley Down just over your border?”

  “There is Sire, we attacked the cultists there.”

  “Well, I would like to offer Samuel those lands. Furthermore, when the time is right for him to succeed you, amalgamate them into Scarwood lands. That way, he gets a little practice at being the one in charge, but on a smaller scale and still inherits what is rightly his,” Luca added.

  Luca looked between Samuel and Lord Oakley, awaiting some kind of response. While he hadn’t run the idea past Edward, being as he had only really just thought of it, he hoped it would be seen as some small way of thanking the Oakley family for everything they had done.

  “I’m not sure what to say, Sire,” Samuel eventually said.

  “You can still call me Luca, this is an informal meeting after all.”

  Samuel glanced across to his father, clearly unsure as to whether he should or not, “What do you think?” He eventually asked.

  Lord Oakley just shrugged, “I think you would be a fool to decline such a generous offer. Overseeing a small area will stand you in good stead for the time you take over from me. I suggest you graciously accept the proposal and thank his Majesty for his generosity.”

  Luca afforded a smile as Samuel got up from his seat and walked over towards him. Feeling somewhat awkward that Samuel felt the need to kneel before him, Luca listened as the young lordling assured him he would forever be loyal. “I promise I will not let you down.”

  “Excellent,” Luca said, “So it is agreed, after the trials, I shall award you the lands around Bagley Down, and make you a lord of Brenthellin. I shall have the necessary documents drawn up handing those same lands over to Scarwood when you take your father’s place. Is that fair?” Luca added.

  “More than fair, Sire,” Lord Oakley said with a satisfactory nod of his head. “May I ask a question?”

  Luca gestured with his hand for Lord Oakley to ask away.

  “If we succeed in removing Lord Elthan, what are your plans for Endallen?”

  This was something Luca had thought long and hard about and knew that whatever his decision, it would likely offend or upset somebody. It was clearly the chance of one of the lesser nobles of all the regions to stake a claim and be granted the titles and lands of the Elthan family. However, with so many trying their hardest to impress, picking one above all the others would be almost impossible. While Luca had actually made a decision in principle, it was not something he was willing to divulge to anybody, at least not yet. With such a large carrot dangling in front of so many noses, keeping it there for as long as he could, would ensure everybody remained fully focused on the task ahead.

  While not wanting to lie to Lord Oakley, Luca also did not want to reveal the truth, and so, gave his answer as a mix of both.

  “I have a few ideas in mind, but have not yet made a final and definite decision.”

  “I understand, Sire,” Lord Oakley replied, trying not to sound too disappointed he had not gotten the answer he was looking for.

  Edward suddenly took a sharp intake of breath, “look at my arms!” he said.

  Those around the table with him did as was asked, and looked to see the hairs all standing upright as if they might in a cold room.

  “Lord Oakley, I presume your wife and daughter are using magic,” he said with a smile as he rubbed his arms to warm them up.

  “Interesting. I’m sure my wife would like to discuss that with you in more detail.”

  Edward just chuckled nervously and pulled his sleeve back down again, uncertain that was something to look forward to.

  Chapter 5.A problem solved.

  Luca waited patiently for the arrival of his prisoner. Captured during the fighting in Scarwood, Lord Merrington had been held captive ever since by Lord Oakley. As the king, Lu
ca would now have to preside over the man’s trial and carry out the sentence, and even though he already knew the man was guilty of all charges, he still needed to run through the entire series of events and listen to Lord Merrington’s plea, should he wish to make one.

  Set in a room that Luca had only ever been in once before, he thought it a strange place. About the size of two or three offices, the walls were covered in wood panelling, making the entire place seem quite dark. As a result, additional lighting was used to brighten the place a little, adding to that being supplied naturally through the large circular window at one end. Luca was given a large seat that was raised above all the others so he could look down on everyone else in the room, which was divided, having seats and tables on either side of a gap down the middle. A large banner, depicting Luca’s family crest, the red and blue quarters with a gold crown at the centre, hung from up high along the wall behind his seat, and several of his newly reformed Royal Guard were positioned around the room.

  Edward, as his advisor, was to stand just to Luca’s right, and give advice as and when it was deemed appropriate to do so. While Edward was not familiar with the ways of such a hearing, he had been given a condensed course in what typically happened by Lord Oakley, who was to be the man representing the prosecution. Lord Merrington would have a chance to speak and plead his innocence, although Luca doubted he had much of a defence, especially as he was caught leading a band of soldiers to attack him when he was at Garley.

  Although not a public hearing, a few of the lesser nobles of Brenthellin had decided to watch on, taking up a few seats near the back of the room. While these would play no part in the proceedings, Luca hoped that what transpired there today would be a lesson for all of them. Luca watched as two of his guards dragged a somewhat bedraggled figure in through the doors and forced him into a seat on the left side of the room. The man, now dirty and unshaven looked up towards Luca with deep sunken eyes, holding his gaze for a few moments before looking away. The doors to the room were closed, and when he was happy that everybody was ready, Lord Oakley stood up and started walking slowly across from one side of the room to the other, speaking as he went. Firstly, the nobleman explained why they were all there, before reading out a list of charges aimed against Lord Merrington. The most important among those was treason, a crime punishable by death, and if Luca decided the man was guilty, that would be the likely outcome. Having already tussled with his conscience about ordering a man to be killed, he had managed to convince himself it was the right thing to do. After all, Lord Merrington was the one who had led the army over into Scarwood with the aim of attacking Garley and killing Luca in the process, all for the promise of monetary and land gains.

  Having been schooled and educated in the kingdom’s justice system, Luca felt quite confident in what he was doing, even though he did feel extremely nervous about doing it.

  “You have heard the charges, Lord Merrington, how do you plead?”

  There was a short silence, and for a moment Luca thought there was not going to be a reply.

  “You want me to beg for mercy? That’s not going to happen…I am a man of noble birth and have been treated like a commoner. Thrown into a stinking pit of a prison cell and left to rot. It is that man that should be up here facing charges,” Lord Merrington snarled as he pointed towards Lord Oakley.

  Luca just nodded his head once, “Very well. Lord Merrington I find you guilty of all charges. All your titles, lands and property are renounced from your family’s possession,” Luca said loudly and clearly so those in the room could hear him.

  “What?” Lord Merrington shouted. “You can not remove my family’s right. What about my wife and children? My son should inherit them…”

  Luca remained calm, “Perhaps you should have thought of that before breaking the oath you swore as a nobleman of Brenthellin,” he replied. “Your family will be treated with the respect they deserve and will be rehoused, but due to your actions your family shall no longer serve the crown!”

  There was another short silence as Luca allowed that information to sink in. Not just for the prisoner, but for those watching and listening at the back of the room.

  “You can’t do that!” the Lord Merrington shouted in protest.

  “It is written in our laws that I can. Laws that you agreed to when taking your title. You have no one to blame but yourself.”

  “Why, you little…”

  The prisoner’s words were cut short as one of the two guards standing beside him gave him a reminder about who he was talking too. The prisoner recoiled as the guard’s hand struck the side of his head, and while it was probably not a hefty blow, it did have the desired effect of shutting him up.

  “Moreover, the prisoner is no longer a noble, and therefore shall be publically executed in the morning by means of hanging!” Luca announced.

  There were a few quiet mumbles from the back of the room, but Luca kept his posture upright and his look serious, while he committed the prisoner to death. Ordinarily, it would have been seen as a quicker death for a noble to have been beheaded, and certainly not in public. However, Luca knew he needed to look tough and make a statement to the other nobles that had betrayed him.

  Luca watched as the prisoner was unceremoniously dragged from the room. Although kicking and screaming at first, the defiance was soon broken after another swift blow from one of the guards. Now that one was over, charges would also be brought against two more of his nobles and sentences carried out in their absence. Lord Horsham and Lord Ansley had also partaken in the attack into Scarwood, and both were absent from the capital. While Luca knew he would probably have to physically remove both, especially as he had already promised Samuel the lands of one of them, it did not mean he couldn’t pass sentence.

  After listening briefly to Lord Oakley explaining that soldiers of both nobles had been found among the attackers in Scarwood, and the fact neither noble had shown up at Miranor to support the king, their guilt was a foregone conclusion. With nobody to defend them, there were no pleas to be heard, and so it was just left to Luca to pass judgement on both men. Again he passed the same sentence, removing the respective lands and titles from the families in question and declaring both men be put to death when captured. A small force of soldiers was already waiting to leave with the relevant paperwork in hand, and later that day would set out to ensure both men were caught and brought to justice.

  With the three trials over, it was now left to Luca to reallocate two of the three areas he had just claimed.

  “Lord Oakley, if you would ask for your son to join us please,” Luca said. The nobleman gave a smile and nodded, turning about immediately and heading for the door. In the meantime, Luca could carry out one more duty while they waited and turned his attention to Edward.

  “Kneel before me,” Luca asked his friend.

  “Why?” Edward replied unsure as to what was going on.

  “Because you are about to join the ranks of nobility, now stop asking silly questions,” Luca replied trying to keep his voice low so nobody else could hear.

  The handful of lesser nobles at the back of the room, watched on, seemingly also unsure as to what was about to transpire.

  Edward stepped forward and knelt down in front of Luca as had been requested. “What now?” Edward whispered up to him.

  Luca made a shushing sound before standing up. “Edward Smyth, as a reward for your loyalty, trust, and friendship, I bestow upon thee the title of Lord. Furthermore, you shall now own all the lands and properties in and around Nackleton, formerly belonging to Lord Merrington. Arise, Lord Smyth of Nackleton.”

  There were a few more gasps and whispers from those present in the room, and Luca knew this was something unheard of and was likely to cause some discontent among the nobility. However, Luca also hoped it would show them that he was willing to reward those who had helped and stuck with him.

  Just as Edward stood back up, Lord Oakley returned with Samuel following just a pace or two behi
nd him. Spotting him enter, Luca beckoned the young lordling forward and asked him to kneel as Edward had done just a few moments earlier.

  “Samuel Oakley, for your loyalty, trust and friendship I bestow upon you the title of Lord Oakley. Furthermore, you shall now own all the lands and property in and around the town of Hexley, including the area of Bagley Downs.”

  Samuel looked up at Luca and smiled, and Luca smiled back, “You may stand, arise Lord Oakley of Hexley.”

  Samuel slowly stood and looking like the cat who had gotten the cream, he beamed an infectious smile as he glanced over to his father. Luca spotted Lady Oakley, and Nerina enter the room just at that moment and after catching the eye of the latter, held her gaze for a few moments, before returning his attention to Samuel.

  “I think your family wishes to congratulate you.”

  Edward stepped up beside Luca and watched as Samuel walked quickly over to his father who shook his hand before Lady Oakley grabbed him and gave him a big hug.

  “You think the nobles will like what you’ve done?” Edward asked watching the other minor lords at the back of the room chatting among themselves.

  “They don’t have a choice. Besides which, I still have lands to give out, so everyone will at least try and be nice to me. Now that they’ve seen I’ll give them to anybody and not just those of noble birth, it might start making a few of them try a bit harder.”

  As nice as it was to see both Edward and Samuel pleased with their new titles, neither would actually be taking control of them just yet. For Samuel to take control of Hexley and the lands around that area just north of Scarwood, the former occupant first needed to be captured and removed, along with his family. Not wanting to appear completely heartless, Luca had asked both Edward and Samuel that they allow the ousted families to keep some of the monies they owned, and to find each of them other properties to live in. However, Lord Merrington's family were to now reside in Hexley, and Lord Ansley’s in Nackleton. By doing this, Luca hoped to negate any loyalty the local populace might have had towards their former masters. By removing them entirely from the area, he hoped to minimise, even avoid any trouble during the transitional period.


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