The Battle for Endallen

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The Battle for Endallen Page 20

by Andrew G. Wood

  After picking at his breakfast, Luca felt as if a great weight was pushing down on him. Was it just the thought of Nerina going or the fact that he would soon be all alone again, and left to run an entire nation? Perhaps it was a little of both, and with Edward already packing his own things and soon to depart, the idea of spending so long without any of his friends was fast becoming the reality he had dreaded. Having not been joined to eat by Edward, Luca looked up from his uneaten food as the door to his suite opened. With a great effort, he waited for the guard to pop his head around, “Yes, who is it?” He asked, knowing it was likely to be some problem that he was supposed to know the answer to. Just because he was king, those working in the palace seemed to forget that he was only fourteen years of age. How was he supposed to know such things as taxes, duties and levies?

  While his tutoring had touched on such subjects, how was he supposed to know a satisfactory level at which to set them? The price of the war had apparently been a financial burden, and would apparently see a vast amount of the Treasury’s gold being spent to cover all the costs incurred. While it was true that Luca could set a high tax to get it all back again, he did know that was probably not a good thing to do, especially as his rule had only just started. Did he really want to be known as the king who bled the people dry? Over the past week, he had spent several long and tedious hours in meetings with the men supposedly in charge of his gold, although Luca had eventually surprised them by actually reducing the current tax rate. Despite all their pleas to do otherwise, he had remained resolute in his thinking. As to whether it was the right thing to do or not, in truth, he wasn’t sure. However, Luca was also aware that the people of Arandor had also incurred a great cost due to the war. Some had lost family members, and many of the nobles had spent vast sums of their own gold in raising armies to aid him. Working on the principle that most of the taxes he claimed back would likely just sit in the treasury vaults anyway, he thought it best to allow the people a little time to restructure their own lives again without him making things worse.

  “The Lady Nerina is here to see you,” the guard said, much to Luca’s surprise. As if energised by those words, Luca leapt up from his seat, and hurried towards the entrance, “Let her in,” he said excitedly.

  Feeling his hands were clammy, he wiped them on his trousers and waited for her to appear. Sure enough, just a few moments later, Nerina popped in through the doorway, and on noticing him, she smiled. It was a look that made Luca feel warm inside, and one that had his heart beating that little more quickly than it had been.

  “Hi!” he said. “I thought you would be getting ready to leave?”

  Nerina stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

  “Father says I have an hour before we are ready to go. Are you coming down to wave us off?” Nerina asked. Luca sensed her voice sounded a little uneasy, as if she was just as nervous as he was feeling at that moment.

  “Of course,” he replied, thinking it would have been a foregone conclusion that he would have done so anyway.

  An awkward silence fell as each just stood and gazed at the other, unsure of what to say next.

  “I’ll miss you,” Nerina eventually said.

  Luca could feel his cheeks reddening but actually didn’t care. “I’ll miss you too,” he replied in a rather raspy sounding voice. He quickly cleared his throat and repeated those words, blushing all the time as he did so.

  He managed to hold Nerina’s gaze and watched as she took a big intake of breath as if plucking up the courage to say something. However, Luca was shocked when she walked right over towards him, and without warning, she planted a kiss on his cheek.

  Luca made a gulping sound, feeling as nervous and uncertain as he had ever felt in his entire life. Was he supposed to say or do something in return? Of all the lessons he had endured in his young years, there had not been a single one on how to react in this situation. Of course, he knew people kissed and perhaps when a little more acquainted, shared a bed together, but this…what was this?

  Luca caught Nerina looking at him as she slowly backed away. However, before she stepped back, he lifted his hand up to her face and placed it gently on her cheek. He wasn’t completely sure why he did it, but he felt it the right thing to do. Holding her gaze, he moved his head slightly forward, his body trembling and shaking as it went. Surely, despite everything that had happened to him over the past few months this had to be the scariest situation of them all. Before he knew it, his lips touched Nerina’s. It was just a gentle coming together as he kissed her, just lightly. The touch might have been just a slight one, but it caused his heart to race and thump louder. Then as if the divine powers wanted him to have no more than a tantalising taste, a knock sounded at the door, and Nerina quickly stepped back breaking all contact.

  “Lord Oakley to see you, Sire,” the guard on duty announced through the partially open doorway.

  “Sorry. My father has terrible timing,” Nerina said quietly causing Luca to chuckle just a little at the comment.

  "Show him in," Luca eventually replied, and sure enough just a few moments later, Lord Oakley strolled into the room.

  “Sorry to disturb you, Sire.”

  “You said I had an hour before we needed to leave,” Nerina said with some annoyance in her voice as she turned to speak to her father.

  “I did, that was about an hour and a half ago. Come on, we will be leaving shortly. We have a long way to go.”

  With those words, Lord Oakley bowed his head and turned about and headed back out of the door.

  Nerina sighed and let her head drop, “I’m sorry, I have to go…I wanted to come sooner…but it took me forever to build up the courage to come and see you.”

  Luca said nothing, but stepped forward again and lifted his hand up to her face once more. Using his finger, he gently brushed Nerina’s hair back and held her gaze for a few moments before making another bold and audacious move. Leaning forward a little quicker than last time, knowing time was short, he planted a much firmer kiss and Nerina’s lips, pressing much harder than he had before. This time Nerina’s mouth responded in kind and Luca could feel his entire body pulsating as if something inside had been triggered. However, all too soon the passionate kiss came to a slow halt and just as before Nerina moved her head back just a little.

  “I should go,” she said softly.

  Luca smiled, “Come on, I’ll walk down with you,” he added, but not before stealing just one more quick peck on the cheek.

  Luca watched as Nerina clambered up on to her horse, “Promise me that you will write,” she said looking down to him.

  “I promise,” he replied. “And promise me you’ll return in spring,” he added, making his own condition.

  “Or you could come to visit us,” Nerina replied with a warming, heartfelt smile on her young face.

  Luca thought he detected a tear or two in Nerina’s eyes as she held his gaze for a few moments longer before her father gave the words for them to move out. Luca felt helpless and deeply saddened as he watched the horses manoeuvre their way towards the gates. Nerina turned her head just one last time and gave him a wave of her hand before eventually moving on from view.

  Luca remained standing outside for a further couple of minutes, despite it being a little chilly. Staring blankly towards the vacated area, he felt as if a piece of him had suddenly gone. Clearly, his feelings for Nerina ran much deeper than he had first thought, or at least more so than he had been ready to admit. Only now she was gone did it dawn upon him that the thought of her not being close by actually hurt. While their relationship had always been a rocky one, and at times almost confrontational, Luca had always felt a certain something for Nerina.

  “Bye,” he said softly to himself as he eventually turned around to head back inside.

  Luca had barely got ten paces in through the main doors when he noticed Edward hurrying his direction. Although he did contemplate just continuing going the other way, Luca thought it would have loo
ked rude to do so; and perhaps something the old Luca would have done.

  “Hey! Have they gone already?” Edward asked. Sounding slightly out of breath it was evident that he had been running.

  “Sorry, you missed them,” Luca replied.

  “Ah! I lost track of time trying to sort my own things out. Oh well, they’ll not be far away from me, I might take a trip down to see them once I’m settled.”

  “When are you heading off?” Luca asked, knowing it would be soon.

  “I was going to go tomorrow, but I’m almost ready…So probably within the hour.”

  Luca looked over to Edward and gave a smile, although deep down he felt far from happy.

  “Hey…Come on, walk with me. The others can load the last of the things onto the wagon.”

  While Luca didn’t feel much like talking he did as was asked, knowing this was the last time he would see Edward for several months.

  “We will see each other again…That much I promise you,” Edward said as they slowly meandered along the corridor. While not heading in any particular direction, Luca could see they were moving towards the back of the palace, and he presumed outside. Sure enough, Edward gestured to one of the doors leading out and explained that his small entourage was getting ready around the side.

  Edward stopped suddenly and turned to face Luca.

  “I will miss you,” he said.

  Luca thought he detected a certain roughness to Edwards' voice as if his emotions were getting the better of him.

  “I’ll miss you too,” he replied offering his hand out for Edward to shake.

  Looking somewhat confused by the gesture, Edward made a scoffing sound. “You may be the king, but I will always consider you my friend above anything else…Come here,” he added holding his arms out and wrapping them around Luca’s shoulders. Pulling him in closer, Edward gave Luca a big squeeze.

  “I don’t care if you think this is appropriate or not. I’m certainly not going to be satisfied with merely shaking your hand. A hug is far better,” he added, keeping Luca firmly fixed in his embrace.

  Chapter 23.A New Start.

  Edward, now officially Lord Smyth of Nackleton, rode ahead of his small entourage. Aside from the small number of soldiers now in his service, and for whom he was responsible for paying, was Frederick Elthan. Having been told that his father had been captured and executed, the former lord had not seemed overly surprised. However, he had been somewhat shocked when he had learned of his fate. Presuming that he was to be released and take up the mantel of his father and family in Endallen, he was not impressed to discover he no longer held any such claim. Instead, Frederick was now in the service of Lord Smyth, and just to ensure that he did not escape was shackled and placed in one of the wagons heading south.

  The group’s first stop was not too too far from the capital of Miranor, although still a few hours ride. Allenton was the home of Edward’s father, a man he had not seen for some time, and one who would be travelling to Nackleton with him. Having exchanged several messages back and forth, Edward’s father, Stanley, had decided to sell his inn and move south with his son to help him settle into his new role.

  Edward felt in a slightly pensive mood as he slowly trotted his horse around to the inn where he had grown up. Remembering back to the time he had first met Luca he afforded himself a smile as he recalled the young prince being none to impressed at having to dress as a girl. So much had happened since that time, and though it wasn't all that long ago, the life he had lived before did seem an entire age away.

  As the cool breeze blew directly into his face, Edward spotted his father sitting atop of his small wagon waiting for him. After exchanging smiles, Edward dropped down from his horse and waited while his father clambered down to ground level.

  “Am I supposed to bow or something?”

  Edward chuckled at his father’s remark. “I’ll let you off this time,” he replied somewhat sardonically.

  After exchanging a firm hug, Stanley looked on proudly at his son. “Lord Smyth…Whoever would have thought it?”

  Edward just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. However, he surprised himself by noticing the smell of smoke and stale ale upon his father’s clothing, something that he had never noticed before. In truth, it was actually quite over-powering, even a little repulsive, although he would never say such a thing to his father.

  Happy to be back on the road again, Edward was surprised by how quickly the time went. Engaged in deep conversation with his father, explaining everything that had gone on in some detail since they had last seen each other, he barely noticed the distance they had covered. Only when one of his men announced they were nearing their destination for the night did Edward comprehend just how far they had travelled.

  “What is this place?” Stanley asked his son as the group made their way.

  “This is apparently Wallington, home of Lord Hanson, who I am led to believe is going to be our host this evening.”

  “Really? Wow, I just assumed we’d be kipping down in somebody’s barn or at best find an inn,” Stanley replied casting his gaze left and right as the track beneath them widened significantly.

  Although not a walled town, Edward did notice that the main building at the centre of the town was fortified. While not exactly a castle, he thought it could probably be classed as a scaled down version. Unlike the outskirts of the town, the home of Lord Hanson was walled, albeit by one that stood probably no more than ten feet in height. In place of a portcullis or thick wooden gates that one might expect to find on a castle, Lord Hanson’s home was fronted by a rather ornate set of black iron gates. While Edward had still not finalised his own colours or emblem, his men did show the colours of the crown, something that did have a few heads turning as they approached the home of their host.

  The two guards on duty at the gate merely stepped aside to allow them in, indicating that his appearance had been expected.

  “Do you know this man well?” Stanley asked his son, before stopping his wagon just inside the entrance and walking over to where Edward was positioned.

  “Not really. I have met him once. It was Lord Oakley who arranged all this for me.”

  Edward noticed his father looking a little hesitant, and asked what the problem was.

  “Perhaps I should find an inn…I don’t want to show you up. I’m not familiar with all the protocols,” Stanley added already looking back towards the gates for his way out.

  However, Edward was having none of it. “You think I do? Trust me, while I might be used to some of the strange protocols of the nobility, I’m no expert. Come on, Father, I want you with me,” he added.

  Stanley gave a wry smile and eventually nodded his head, “Very well…Lead on.”

  Edward had no sooner clambered down from his horse when four liveried house-staff approached and offered to assist. Another man, probably in his middling years, but still wearing the colours of Lord Hanson walked over towards them and introduced himself as Herbert, the head of their host’s staff.

  “Lord Hanson and his family are expecting you, My Lord. If you would like to follow me I shall escort you inside,” the man added bowing his head before speaking.

  Edward acknowledged the gesture and motioned with his hand to lead on, but only after reassuring his father that his wagon and its contents were safe in the hands of their host.

  Edward shook his head as he watched his father glance back several times more as the pair of them were escorted to the main doors. The building was built from dark grey stone, and although probably originally designed with defence in mind, was actually quite ornate. The large black doors were adorned with highly polished brass furniture, and two large planters had been positioned either side to give a boost of colour. While the flowers within looked as if they were slowly deteriorating due to the change of weather, a few of them at least were still in bloom. Two windows now adorned the lower front wall, something that had quite clearly been added in more recent times.

ward looked back to see his small group of soldiers being led to another building just across from the main yard. Frederick Elthan was being coerced along with them, thankfully without the need for causing any kind of trouble. Happy that his men were being looked after and that his father finally seemed content to allow his worldly belongings in the hands of strangers, Edward followed Herbert indoors. The foyer to Lord Hanson’s home was well lit and surprisingly warmer than expected.

  “May I take your cloaks?” Herbert asked already signalling to another member of the house staff to assist. Stanley glanced over to his son as if checking this was the normal thing to do before duly unclasping his cloak and handing over to the member of staff in question. Once Edward had done likewise, Herbert explained that Lord Hanson was waiting in the dining room to greet them and provide them with some light refreshments.

  “All very posh,” Stanley whispered as he edged closer to his son.

  Edward just chuckled and shook his head, “What did you expect? Cracked walls, bare floors and cobwebs.”

  Stanley went to speak again but couldn’t think of anything to say so remained silent as the pair of them came to a halt outside a set of gilded doors.

  “I shall announce your arrival, My Lord,” Herbert said turning briefly to Edward before using both hands to push the doors open.

  “Lord Smyth and his father. Lord Smyth this is Lord and Lady Hanson and their family.

  A very flamboyant but happy looking man bounded over towards them. “Welcome, welcome. Please do come in.”


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