Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship Page 7

by Jessie Rose Case

  The rest of the day passed quickly. She heard several comments about how Dillon had beat up another senior cos he’d mouthed off about his new hook up. They shut up when she walked past. Which was weird because that wasn’t her. Dillon had a different life outside of school.

  And they had a different one in it.

  She made it to her usual bench after school and waited for him. Running stupid thoughts through her mind while she rested knowing he’d be longer with practice. She was okay with that. It gave her time to recover and start on her homework and chill with the girls before they went home.

  By the time she saw him coming, she’d already dropped a message to Bill saying she’d be late and not to worry. Dillon came bounding over, looking better than he had earlier but still damaged and crowded her on the seat slinging his arm around her shoulders and pulling her in for a hug and kiss on the top of her head. His crew followed behind him.

  “Any dragons still alive on that field?” she asked him laughing.

  “Nope slain them all my lady.”

  “Good job George. Extra drumstick for good behaviour thrown your way later then.”

  They were both grinning at each other and suddenly aware of their audience.

  “That drumstick comment a euphemism for cock?” She knew that was from Trent, he scratched at is cheek with a cocky smile.

  “Who the fuck is George?” Dale asked. Missing the point entirely.

  “Baby I’d slay a dragon for you.” Cosmo put a hand on his chest then did a sweeping bow.

  Slick. She smiled.

  “Jesus, I said come and say hi not put her off. You’re all acting like fucking idiots.”

  They laughed and joked and introduced themselves properly while Dillon wrapped his arms around her shoulders pressing kisses to her face. To her surprise they weren’t being assess, she found she rather liked them. Then the cheerleaders came around the corner and she stiffened.

  Not again.

  Dillon pulled her onto his lap and wrapped her up in the protective barrier of his arms. The guys turned around and told the cheers to be on their way. Several nasty looks came her way.

  Go Sam. Making friends again.

  “So, are you guys coming to the dug out tonight?” One of them called as they sauntered passed going through the teachers carpark pilling into three cars. Macy? Mary? She wasn’t sure and quite honestly didn’t care. This group was nasty to everyone.

  The guys were looking at each other unspoken communication going on. Then when the three cars were full, they all drove into the teachers carpark coming nearer idling by the curb. She’d just wondered what now, when she heard it. Candice had a nasty smile on her face.

  “Okay girls, hands up who’s had Dillon’s cock in their mouths?” She tried not to stiffen but she did anyway.

  Candice that bitch. Fake smile plastered to her face.


  She didn’t want to react or upset Dillon but couldn’t help the rod of shock that pulled her up straight and sat there a little shocked at the blatant display as most of the hands in all three over flowing cars shot up in the air.

  All three cars….

  “Shit…” she said under her breath. She swallowed. Well she knew his rep she shouldn’t be surprised.

  Really, she shouldn’t be right?

  “How many have had his face eating their cunt?” Someone shouted. She held her breath.


  Nearly everyone’s hand went up in all three cars.

  O my god….

  She took in a staggered breath.


  Dillon’s crew all stepped forward like they were trying to shield them. She could have told them it was a waste of time. These girls were on a mission. Nothing was stopping this, whatever this was.

  “How many girls have had his cock in their pussy?” Shouted another. She wanted to look away but couldn’t give them the satisfaction of being hurt or shocked by it.

  Cos they were in three different cars it needed to be loud right?

  Nearly all had their hands up with whistles and woops and that was just this group. She wasn’t feeling good.

  “I feel sick…” she mumbled without thinking.

  Dillon’s fists tightened. He’d stopped touching her, his face looked angry so did the boys, but she couldn’t focus on that, there was more incoming she just knew it.

  “Last question girls.” She tried to pull away, but Dillon held her fast on her thigh like he needed her to hear it while with him.

  She didn’t need that, really she didn’t….

  “Whose had Dillon’s cock in their ass?” She took a sharp intake of breath. Over half put their hands up so fucking proud of it. She was close to throwing up and desperately held it back.


  She was shaking. Her brain stuttered and she whimpered. Dillon held her hand tightly like he was afraid she was gonna run. She thought she might.

  What the hell was she meant to do with that?

  They were all looking at her. Expectedly. Doubling down she swallowed and prayed for her stomach to settle. So much sex. He’d been with them all in one way or another, a lot of them in every conceivable way possible. There was no hiding that.

  What was he doing with her?

  She kept her face neutral. They were expecting her to be hurt. To frail about wailing. To run away. Go off in a huff or be crying or some shit, maybe call him out on it.

  She didn’t feel that at all. She was gutted, that was true, and it was hard to hear. No doubt about that. But she had no right to feel anything. Dillon wasn’t hers. Not then, not now.

  Was he?

  God it hurt though, but she’d be fucked if she’d let them see it. Dillon had stopped touching her other than to stop her running. And that kinda hurt more and kicked her in the pants.

  “O I’m sorry,” she barked out full of sweetness she wasn’t feeling. “Was all that just for me?” she asked them. Dillon appeared to have withdrawn and that pissed her off even more. She couldn’t look at him. “I thought you were cheerleaders not cheer hookers but hey, thanks’ for giving the boys plenty of experience to share so the rest of us can benefit.”

  “Your just jealous.” One of the sneered shouted.

  “Do you know you’re so right. So let me think. 20 Million sexually transmitted diseases in the US every year. Random strangers’ cocks and pussies, mouths and asses. Possible STDs, pregnancy, clamidia and infertility, aids, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, HPVs and a hell of a lot more transmitted diseases. You know what? Sign me up girls it sounds like so much fun!”

  There was a shocked silence for several seconds. “We use condoms you fucking weirdo.” Someone shouted and the cars started to move off slowly.

  Sam shouted back. “Not in your fucking mouths dipshits. Wake up and smell the fucking roses before your holes rot off!”

  There was a shocked silence and they didn’t look so happy now as the cars stopped then started again getting out of there lively. The guys looked uncomfortable. Dillon hadn’t moved. He was a statue of fury and something else she didn’t recognise.

  “Sorry about that, I kinda lost it.” She mumbled. They avoided looking at her and that hurt. “Sooooo,” she asked. “Clinic appointments all round then boys?” She grinned trying to break the tension.

  Trent started to dry heave. “I can’t believe you just said all that.”

  Dale looked unsure. Cosmo looked down at his pants.

  She shrugged. “It’s true I looked it up once.”

  “So errr,” Trent looked contemplative. “That’s true then, they could get all that in their mouths?”

  She looked at him like really? “Yes Trent, whatever diseases you can get with your cock you can transmit to someone’s mouth using said cock and back to another cock or mouth and the magic roundabout continues.”

  “Fuck.” Trent.

  “Bummer.” Dale.

  “Fuck I need a check-up.” Cosmo.

  Sam shook her
head. “Well this has been lovely. Must do it again sometime but I need to get food so….” She got off Dillon’s lap picking up her backpack.

  “I’m taking you remember.” Dillon told her awkwardly.

  She walked towards his truck in a bit of a daze while they held back and did their thing. He caught up with her before she’d reached it, had the door open waiting on her, she climbed in trying not to think of anything.

  “Pizza?” he asked.

  “Sure, sounds good.” He took off in the truck, ten minutes later pulling into a car park. She grabbed her purse, unbuckling her seatbelt and opened the door stepping out. A short walk later she found herself inside a warm and cosy pizzeria.

  The staff calling out to Dillon telling him to take a seat. Moving her along he guided her to a booth in the back. The place smelt like heaven.

  “This place smells great.” She told him sitting in the booth and looking around. Dillon took a seat opposite her. Not even bothering to try to sit on her side next to her, not looking at her at all and that bothered her more. She was a little relieved that he’d sat opposite her having sat practically on the end she wanted to see his face. Now she wasn’t so sure that was a good idea. It was blank. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  Their waitress came over and Dillon stood. He hugged her and she kissed him on the cheek.

  “Hey handsome, nice to see you. You brought a friend.” She looked from Dillon to Sam.

  Sam held out her hand. “Sam nice to meet you.”

  Her face dropped. Sam wondered what that was all about. “Sam this is my aunt Dawn.” Dillon told her.

  “You the Brit?” she asked, surprise in her voice taking her hand and shaking.

  Sam nodded. “Yep, guess so.”

  Dawn laughed. “Ooo your Da is going to shit it when I tell.”

  Sam looked at Dillon curiously. He didn’t show much. “So what can I get you guys?” she asked.

  Dillon ordered, chicken wings, chicken pops, garlic bread with cheese and a large stuffed crust pepperoni with two cokes. His aunt went off happy.

  “I like her your aunt she seems nice. This her place or does she just work here?”

  “It’s ours, the families. One of our business’s.”


  She could feel his heat on her face. She looked around a bit more taking in the pictures on the walls and at the end of each booth, that depicted an era gone by. She recognised a number of them. Places in Ireland. Images of the potato famine. During the troubles. Sinn Fein.

  His family was definitely Irish.

  His aunt came back with their drinks. They thanked her.

  Sam took a sip, but Dillon just sat there staring at anything but her. He wasn’t ready to talk and she gave him space.

  She looked at her phone a few times and then the starters came, and they shared. His aunt engaged him in conversation, and he was a little more animated. Then he fell silent again as he ate through most of the food. She gave up eating and wondered what the hell she was even doing there.

  It was clear that Dillon was uncomfortable in her company and yet he’d brought her here.


  A huge pizza came up with garlic bread. She didn’t feel as hungry as she had earlier. Taking a slice and some garlic bread she dipped and chewed slowly watching the place fill up as Dillon munched through it all.

  Whatever was on his mind he wasn’t sharing that.

  She dropped a 20 on the table wiping her hands and stood. “Bathrooms?”

  He pointed to a far corner. She found them easily enough. Relieved to have a minute to herself. She did her business and washed up feeling the need to stop whatever this was before it blew up in her face.

  She exited with a resolve she didn’t really want and as she approached their table, saw an older man sitting in her seat facing her and looking at Dillon. Dillon couldn’t see her as his back was to her. She guessed they were related. The older man looked like Dillon in many ways. Intense and brooding. Dangerous.

  “….You don’t have to worry about her.” Dillon spat out. “I told you I fucked it up already. She knows it all, the business, the clubs, the fights, the pussy. She got it thrown in her face big time today. I don’t know how she can even stand to be with me right now. She won’t want anything to do with me from now on, so you got what you fucking wanted.”

  Was that what all this was about? He was talking about her?

  He feared she wouldn’t like him after hearing all that?

  What a load of shit.

  That pissed her off more. She understood his concern but that was kinda stupid. They weren’t in a relationship and if they were, she’d accepted his history.

  He was a guy, it’s what they did given half a chance and he’d had plenty of chances. She didn’t blame him for his actions. Sure she wished he’d been a bit more choosy but at the end of the day, it wasn’t her call to make. It was his. And guys thought with their dicks.

  She didn’t like this though. Didn’t like it one bit. This guy was deliberately trying to upset him.

  Again. Why?

  Walking up behind Dillon she slid her hand along the back of his T collar into his hair and he stiffened under her, probably realising she might have heard him. She stopped when her hand met his shoulder slightly under his T, then bent down and kissed his neck before moving around him to look in his face catching his eyes.

  “Why are you talking shit about yourself and me?” Dillon just stared at her. She couldn’t read his face it was closed down. She used his own words against him and smiled. “Whatever you’re thinking, whatever you thought you’re wrong.”

  Dillon’s eyes softened. She felt the eyes of the man in her seat looking at her. She turned to stare over at him and stood keeping her hand on Dillon’s shoulder giving it a squeeze.

  “Hi I’m Sam. You’re upsetting him. Why?”

  “Your British.”


  “That’s enough.” He told her pointedly.

  The same spite Dillon had. They were definitely related.

  He looked to be in his late 30s, early 40s. He was good looking, as tall as Dillon she guessed and had the build of a house, rocking the dark hair and recognisable bright blue eyes. Dillon would be stunning as a man full grown if this was his template. The man was nearly as dream worthy as Dillon himself. But he was not him and he’d just insulted her.

  She laughed. “Apple didn’t fall far from that tree did it?” Dillon stiffened under her hand. She gave him another squeeze.

  Sam tilted her head. Not letting that shit go. She pushed Dillon back in his seat to sit on his lap and he moved holding her steady so she could still face the man sitting opposite him. Leaning back, she turned her head, kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear.

  “You know me, I got this. Stop worrying.” She planted a light kiss on his ear as he gripped her hips tightly one arm sneaking around her waist, she turned back to the guy opposite. She knew he was taking it all in.

  “Really? Is it?” she asked tilting her head. “I was born after the bombings stopped. After the majority war ended. And you’re not first generation, are you? Born what, in the late 80s early 90s? So by the time 2001 came around you’d still be a bit young to take part, even with Molotov’s, arguably that would still be possible if you lived in Ireland, but you never have. Your accent give’s it away, you are born and bred here. So, you are carrying old wounds that do not belong to you and directing your second-hand bias and hate to your son and to someone who doesn’t deserve it. Maybe you should save that for someone who does.”

  She saw the guys jaw tick. He contemplated her then narrowed his eyes. “You don’t want to fight me girly.”

  Dillon pulled her to him more firmly. She could feel how on edge he was. She stroked his hand with her own. The man watched the movement.

  “I’m not fighting you. I don’t have to. I’m stating what I know and see. I’m happy to be proven wrong.”

  He looked at Dillon a
nd then back at her. “You’d come to the dark side for him?” he sneered and chinned to Dillon, his voice full of hate and derision.

  “I’d come to his side anytime he asked.”

  “Even though he’s a fuck up, fighting all the fucking time, a pussy whore and they rubbed it in your face today? You’d let him fuck other women in the ass while you watched or sat at home?” Dillon’s hand tightened on her hip. It was bruising.

  She sent him a disgusted and disapproving look not because she agreed with him but because he’d said that to hurt them both, but particularly hurt Dillon, she turned away from the hateful man to Dillon and plastered a smile on her face. His strangle hold on her hip was telling. Whatever was going on with him it was clear to see the mark it made by the bulging veins in his neck and his grip on her.

  “Dillon hun?” he looked at her. She smiled. “Ready to go?”

  Dillon locked his eyes with hers. He was still taller than her even with her in his lap. There was darkness there. The man had been right, but it didn’t scare her.

  Dillon helped her up as he stood, throwing down another 20 and walked out with her.

  He guided her straight to his truck and got her in safely. Then took a step back towards the Pizzeria.

  She opened her door. “Don’t. Whatever you are thinking leave it.”

  “I can’t. He’ll take it as me being weak.” He threw over his shoulder. He was all hard, steeled fighter ready to strike. The bruiser she’d seen under his skin. She knew then that that man had made him like this.

  Sam got back out the truck. He turned and came towards her. “Get in the fucking truck Sam.” His voice cold and hard just as he looked.

  She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He resisted stiff as a board harbouring his anger.


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