Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship Page 12

by Jessie Rose Case

  One that he didn’t have the right to be anywhere near. One that was too good for him. Something that precious didn’t belong to him and now……now he’d taken from her. Cheated her out of giving that precious gift to someone who mattered. His mind and heart arguing with each other.

  It was his for the taking! They were together. He wanted this. He loved her.

  No, it fucking wasn’t right. She needed better than him. Better than a park for her first time. She needed someone pure like she was. Needed special and once again, he’d fucked it up. Ruined it for her.

  He was such a fucking piece of shit!

  He slammed his foot down on the peddle. He had to stop this. It shouldn’t have gone this far. He knew better than to taint her with his fucked-up shit. He’d wanted her so fucking badly that he’d been stupid and arrogant. He never wanted to hurt her. And he’d done it anyway.

  Yet again led by his cock. Would he never fucking learn!

  Tainting something good with his darkness. She had enough on her plate without him fucking it up for her too. She was so fucking perfect. Too perfect for him. She was everything he could have ever wished for and he’d damaged her with his sickness.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He hammered on the steering wheel.

  Where had it all gone wrong?

  She knew. She’d given in to him. But she couldn’t say that she’d not asked for it. She had. Sam walked in the door suddenly exhausted, dumping all the picnic stuff right there. Bill came bounding in from his office grinning. “Good day?” He looked for Dillon but didn’t say anything then took her in.

  She plastered a smile on her face not able to really find it. The day had turned on a dime. The best day ever and then the worst. No, it was worse than that. It was hell.

  She’d given her v card to someone who’d thrown it back in her face, and he’d acted like she’d slapped him. And on top of that, they’d not used protection. She couldn’t be on anything because of the treatment. She’d tried to tell him and then got swept away on the sensations and all logical thought had gone out the window. Her treatment would burn through contraception she couldn’t use it, not that she needed it before today and she knew for sure Dillon hadn’t used protection. She swallowed.

  She needed to take something and fast.


  Plastering that smile. “Bill, Dillon can’t make tonight after all. He apologises. And I need a lift. I’d drive myself but I’m too tired. I’m sorry I’m not feeling well, and I need to find a chemist that’s open. Could you take me?”

  He stood there looking at her. She saw his gaze flick go to her neck. She was sure the evidence of Dillon biting her was clear to see. And he didn’t look convinced about her story either. “Sure honey, I’ll get my keys.”

  He was back in moments with his phone. “Okay Sunday chemist is in Brookers, so it won’t take long.” He ushered her out and into his car. She held in the soreness and the little pain at getting in the car. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything. They drove in silence until he parked.

  “Thanks for this Bill, I’ll only be a minute.” She got out gingerly, her pussy sore and aching and he got out with her. “No, it’s okay Bill I can go myself.”

  He stared at her not looking happy. “Lets go Sam.”


  He was going to hear her. She’d have to ask for it, and he’d be right there. She thought about changing her mind for a moment and knew that wasn’t an option. She couldn’t get pregnant. It wasn’t likely but there was still a chance.

  O god. She’d been so stupid.

  Her hands started to shake. She had to hold it together. She couldn’t cry not now.

  Bill opened the shop door and walked in behind her. She approached the counter like it was the last judgement. It probably was. Side-tracking she took a seat near the counter and tried to breath. She blinked. She could do this. She could.

  Bill hovered. She swallowed.

  “Bill, I need a private word with the counter assistant please.”

  He crouched to look in her face.

  “Do I need to call the cops Sam?”

  She blinked and sat back. “What? No?”

  He stared at her for a bit longer then nodded. “Okay. I’ll be over there.”

  She watched him go and then approached the counter. The female assistant looked at her encouragingly.

  She kept her voice low. “Umm. I’m over 18 and I need the ….. morning after pill please.” She pulled out her ID having no idea how this worked in the States.

  The assistant looked at her and then over where Bill was standing. “He’s not my dad or responsible for this.” she said under her breath.

  The assistant nodded and went out the back. She came back with a paper bag and racked up the charge. Sam asked for a bottle of water. She added that to the check and Sam paid. Without thinking further, she took out the pills and threw them in her mouth and swallowed them down with the water.

  Tears hit her eyes. “Thank you.” She took a shuddering breath plastering a smile on her face and turned to Bill.

  “So dinner,” she asked going up to him ignoring her pain. “I’m starving.”

  She had no idea how she was going to go to school the next day. How she would even look at him again. It didn’t matter. She had to make it work. Only another 6 months to go and school was out, 9 until September and she’d be gone.

  She didn’t go in on Monday. She’d given Bill some excuse and stayed home.

  She was such a fucking coward.

  Not that he believed her she was sure of that, but he didn’t pry or say anything. Then that night she told him she needed a break from school. Some space without others around her and wouldn’t be going in all week. Again, he just nodded and left her to it. She hid under her covers, showered, went through the motions, did some project work, her homework on line, slouched out at the TV, ate ice cream like it was going out of fashion, bleared music till her ears bled, exhausted herself until she eventually crashed out. Anything. Not. To. Think.

  She couldn’t go near the den. Dillon’s things were in there and it smelt of him.

  She’d messaged her girls telling them she was not well and turned her phone off, so she’d not be tempted to look for messages. From him. She knew they’d be none and even so tried not to listen to the bitch on her shoulder that told her he’d got want he’d wanted and was now done with her.

  She tried really really hard.

  Resolve hit her. She wanted to draw a line under the whole thing. Whatever was going on with Dillon he needed to deal with it himself. She couldn’t, wouldn’t get involved with that again. It hurt too much, it was too painful. She’d been an idiot to think she could. Now she knew better.

  She had her game plan and should have stuck to it!

  Bill dropped her off at the clinic on Saturday and saw her in. He’d not spoken to her about that afternoon and she was thankful to him. He’d taken her home and told her how proud he was of her. Fed her and held her hand through a stupid movie. That had nearly broken her then, but she’d managed to keep it back. She didn’t know what to think about Dillon and thought that was best left alone. She couldn’t face it.

  When they called her lost in her thoughts, they took her blood as usual and while she waited on the result, they strapped her in. When the doc showed up, she knew she was in trouble.

  “So what have you been up to?” she asked smiling.

  Sam wasn’t in the mood and it must have showed as the doc got to it quickly.

  “Okay, well you do know this is a private conversation so anything you have to say to me stays with me right?”

  She snorted. “No offense doc, but there are certain people in my life that can buy anything so let’s not do this right now because I’m walking a VERY thin line.”

  She gave her a peeved look. Yeah doc, I deserve that I’m sorry, but I can’t find the energy for anything else.

  “Right well your stats are not good. You’ve not been eating properly. Ther
e are also markers for ….”

  She cut her off. Did she really need to hear that her blood still carried the contaminant of the after pill? No she did not. She was carrying enough guilt.

  “Okay doc that’s great. Nothing I don’t already know. Thank you. It’s been a crap week, and this isn’t helping. Just tell me what I need to do and I’m on it.”

  The doc came over and touched her arm. “Is everything okay Sam?”

  She plastered that winning smile she was getting used to using. “Yes doc. Everything is fine.”

  “Okay well, it’s likely to be hard on your system today and we’ll have to change things around a bit, take smaller increments. You’re not prepped for it anyway like you should be. Do you want to leave it until mid-week, give yourself a chance to build up your resources?”

  “No, just give it to me.” She frowned. “O and I don’t want any visitors no matter who they are okay?”

  She nodded and left. A short while after the nurse came in with the first of the bags. They IV’d her arm.

  Let the fun times roll.

  Chapter Five

  She woke to murmurs in her room. And instantly recognised one of them and groaned. “I have every right to be with my daughter. Now get out.”

  Sam inwardly cringed. Great. Gab was here and he sounded pissed.

  “Now lass stop pretending to be asleep I know your awake.”

  She hissed and looked at him slowly. He had one hell of a smile on his face. “Don’t you have someone to kill or to be in a criminal meeting somewhere?”

  “No I’ve killed everyone I need to this week, I’m cutting back and yes, right here.” She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Soooo. How have you been lass?”

  Why did she have the feeling he knew?

  She gave him the stink eye. “O you know. Living the dream.”

  He grinned at her. It looked predatory. She started to worry. “I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve got to tell ya, I was a bit concerned seeing my son hanging out since Sunday night at the club, drinking himself into an alcoholic haze all week, nearly killing himself behind the wheel of that truck of his, then calling out my best fighters to take him on and not set foot in that school all week. Wanna tell me what’s going on?”


  “You telling me you don’t know?” he asked cryptically.


  “And you’ve not been in school all week either so that’s a co-incidence? Apparently not feeling well?” She ignored that. “Well I’m glad to hear that.”

  Glad to hear what? She hadn’t said a damn thing!

  There was scuffling in the corridor.

  What the hell was that?

  “Just in time. I was worried there for a minute that my boy had fucked it up. I’m glad to see that he hasn’t. You’re a brave lass.” He patted her hand. She looked at him like he was mad.

  What. The. Fuck!

  Then the door opened and Tom came in dragging Dillon who was resisting with Paul pushing him into the room.

  They had to be shitting her. No no no no. She wasn’t ready for this…

  She saw him and cringed. Jesus H Christ. He was a mess.

  Covered in cuts and bruises. He’d been in more than one fight.

  Fuck. O my god. What the hell!

  She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her. She turned her head away and looked at the side wall next to Gab.

  “For fucks sake. Can’t a girl have fucking treatment without all this shit!” she screamed out. They ignored her. She couldn’t look at him or them. It was too much. Her hands covered her face.

  How could they do this?

  “Get out. All of you before I call security.”

  “Now Sam whatever it is, you both need to sort this shit out now. I know he’s no prize Sam and knocking someone up is not ideal, but we all need to deal with it.”

  Aaannnnnddddd. Everything stopped.

  Her breath caught. Tears sprung to her eyes. She stared at that wall as if her life depended on it clinging to the blanket covering her biting her lip. She couldn’t breathe, the alarm on the monitor went off. She started to hyperventilate; her breath wouldn’t come. She started to struggle.

  “Breathe Sam.” Gab stood over her gripping her arms. “Breathe, take a breath lass.”


  “Slow, take it slow. Smooth and deep. Just relax. Look at me, follow what I do. In slowly, out slowly.” He did it and she followed him. It wheezed passed her tight throat, she gasped, it became easier. “Good. Again. Okay better. And again.” The alarm went off. Gab looked at it, then at her. “Okay that’s better keep going.”

  Tom punched Dillon in the face. She saw it as she struggled to breathe from the corner of her eye.

  Jesus. Dillon stood there taking it.

  What the hell?

  She slowly focused on Gab not looking at Dillon. Her heart bleeding.

  “Hhheeee …knocked… one of the… cheer leaders up?” she whispered staring at Gab, tears in her eyes that she didn’t want, suddenly feeling exhausted.

  Gab looked confused.

  Join the club buddy.

  Life was pretty sweet a week ago.

  “Not a cheer leader lass. You.” Paul punched Dillon in the face this time.

  She moved back in the bed away from all of them struggling to breath.

  “Are you…. all …mad?”

  “No not mad hun and happy as a pig in shit over this turn up. Of course, Dillon will take full responsibility and marry you.”

  She put her hand up in horror. “Stop whatever shit you are all smoking right now. You need to stop whatever this is. It’s not funny. It’s not happening. None of this is happening. I need to speak with the doctor. I’m must be having a nightmare; hallucinations or some shit, this can’t be real.” She hunted for the call button and couldn’t find it.

  “This is no nightmare lass. This is real.” Gab told her.

  “I’ll take her on Da. She’s only ever had the one little prick. Mines bigger I like her.” Tom.

  Her mouth dropped open.

  He did not just say that! What the fuck! How the hell did he know she’d only had Dillon?

  She could see Dillon just standing there. Saying nothing staring at her.

  “You fucking told them?” she asked in disbelief that he’d broken her trust.

  He took another punch this time from Tom. She wanted to cry.

  “For god’s sake!” she screamed. “Stop punching him. I don’t want to deal with this shit. Tom stand in the corner until you can behave. Paul move away you’re giving me a headache. And you,” she pointed at Dillon. “Get a fucking shower. Start defending yourself cos I don’t even know you right now. Spilling my deeds? Who the fuck does that? You stink of whores and a fucking brewery I can smell it from here. Get the fuck out.”

  Both Tom and Paul moved smirking. Dillon didn’t. She looked away quickly.

  Gab laughed. He thought this was funny?

  “Well if you don’t want them, I’ll take you on lass. You amuse me.”

  He moved nearer to her. She leaned away. “No offence Mr Connolly but get the fuck away from me or I’ll stab you.”

  He laughed harder. “God you remind me of Skyler. I fucking loved that women with everything I am. Well it’s got to be one of us. That in there,” he pointed to her stomach. “Is a Connolly.”

  O my fucking god.

  This was mistake. She looked for the call button again and found it under several layers and pressed it.

  “Out. All of you out and don’t come back. Now!” She raised her voice pointing to the door.

  “Okay boys mummy bear has spoken, time to go. I’ll be back later to have tea.”

  “Jesus! Just all fuck off!” she screamed at them.

  They all walked out grinning and left Dillon behind. “O no you don’t. Take your fucking punch bag with you!” But they left without him.

  Dillon didn’t move. “Get out.” She told him without looking at him.
He went to move towards her. She freaked. “Security!” He stopped. “Get the fuck out, we’re done,” she whimpered looking back at the wall. Anywhere but at him. “I can’t.”

  She didn’t hear him go but when the doc came in with the nurse he was gone.

  “Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on and what’s this about me being ….. pregnant!”

  The doctor looked at her monitor and told her to calm down.

  “Calm down! I lost my mind for ten fucking minutes last Sunday, very quickly was reminded of how stupid I’d been and when I got home, had someone take me to the chemist right after. I took the pills. How the hell can I be pregnant?” she roared.

  She saw a shadow in the corridor that suspiciously look like Dillon. He’d better be gone by the time she got out of there or she might stab him too.

  In the end, the truth was harder than fiction. It turned out she was well and truly in the shitter this time.

  For whatever reason and no one had a reason for it at all, she was definitely pregnant. Possibly because the IV was still strong in her veins but no one knew for sure. Apparently, they can test for pregnancy and get a result 5 days from conception. She’d had six. Lucky her.

  High fives all around. Only it wasn’t a celebration, more like a lead balloon. She was so fucked.

  Her treatment programme had to be changed. They needed to know if she was keeping it.

  Keeping it?

  Who could have that conversation ten minutes after finding out you’re pregnant? At 18!

  The doc said she thought she knew hence the conversation about her blood earlier. O no, she’d told her. She thought she was talking about all the junk food and ice cream she’d been gulping all week, not the ball of cells replicating like an alien in her stomach!


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