Born of Fire

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Born of Fire Page 1

by Scarlette D'Noire

  Indie Publishing House

  Copyright © 2019 by Indie Publishing House

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, animate or inanimate objects, or incidents mentioned are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is strictly unintentional and entirely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to a special soul. I love you Joseph, now and always!

  I would like to thank Gina Wynn for all her hard work and dedication.


  A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance Fantasy

  Born of Fire to please Adam, Lilith is not satisfied with one man, especially one telling her what to do and what to think.

  After she meets Lucifer the shifter, Mercy the Bringer of Light and Balance and the Original Reaper the Archangel Samuel, she knows she must be free to live and love as she pleases.

  But Adam has other plans. He’s hell bent on destroying Lilith’s paradise and devises a sinister ploy to force her to submit to his will.

  Faced with a terrible choice, Lilith must endure the wrath of the Creator and outsmart Adam in order to live happily with her lovers or lose them forever.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  About Scarlette D’Noire

  Also by Scarlette D’Noire

  In the beginning, there was nothing. A place without form or air. Neither matter nor light existed. Darkness drew into itself over and over, in an endless cycle of flux.

  Celestial beings existed, but not in the vast void. They dwelled in the Heavens above.

  Over the eons, the churning energy of the Darkness encroached on the lowest of the Heavens, the Third Heaven, and threatened to engulf the weaker beings. And they pleaded with their host and maker—the Creator of All—to spare them.

  He heard their prayers and called upon His most favored angels, those of the highest order, who lived in the Second Heaven, for help.

  He considered Samael, Mercy, and Lucifer His most treasured creations. They were angels capable of taming the Darkness.

  Samael, strong and fierce would help tame the void and bring order in the cycle of life and rebirth.

  Mercy, the energy of male and female would bring life-giving Light to the Darkness and give balance to the malevolent void.

  Lucifer, the angel he called his first born son and most precious prize, would bring wisdom and knowledge to manipulate and control the Darkness.

  Together with their Creator, the chosen ones descended the levels of the Heavens until they reached the Darkness. In the place where nothing existed, only their energy hovered above the boundaryless void, all seeing in their non-corporeal form. The Creator challenged His angels to solve the dilemma for the lesser celestial beings.

  “This is a place of creation. Change it, shape it, bend it to your will. Find a way to reclaim shape and form here. Or use the free will granted to you by me and choose to do something completely different.”

  Lucifer, the most favored, spoke first as he rested secure in his knowledge of the Creator’s acceptance and benevolent indulgence of him. “Simple. We just need to find a way to capture or trap the Darkness’ essence. Once we’ve got it, we can control it. Problem solved.” Smug satisfaction charged his energy with a low hum.

  Their Creator’s electromagnetic field tumbled about hovering around theirs, radiating approval and love. “You please me well, Lucifer,” He said, and He allowed a sphere to form in the void.

  His favorite son basked in the praise as he watched his Father manipulate the void. The shape separated the Heavens from the Darkness, pushing the Heavens outwards while the Darkness’ energy remained imprisoned and hidden deep inside the core of the newly-made globe.

  “We shall call it Earth,” the Creator proclaimed.

  And that was the first day.

  The Earth roiled and churned with waves and wild waters, clashing together and separating, in a chaotic state without order.

  “There’s no balance,” Mercy cried, and her energy separated, dispersing all around the globe before pulling back together in a humming tangle of electricity. “We’ve got to bring equality and calm to the chaos. We should make boundaries to separate the waters so we have areas that don’t rage and move as well as areas that don’t flood or remain hidden by the water.”

  The Creator’s energy shifted again, pulsing in and out between the atoms of his angels. “So it is said, so it shall be done.”

  Peaks and mountains sprung from the boisterous waves. Great gullies, valleys and plains formed, capturing the water between them and creating the seas.

  Mercy, satisfied with her addition, vibrated at a lower frequency.

  Then the Creator and his three favored children drifted down and landed on their new Earth. The ground lay dry and barren, a flat sheet of rock.

  “May we retake our forms?” Samael requested. “Since, we’re not in the void anymore. We exist here.”

  The Creator appeared, blinking into being, his radiant beauty casting a gentle glow about him. “Very well.” He nodded graciously and tilted a graceful hand in the direction of the frenetic, impatient energy of the three.

  “My All.” Samael dropped to his knees on the new land. “Thank you.”

  Lucifer rustled the feathers of his mighty wings, but remained silent in the darkness, and Mercy held her dark wings tight against her back. They were almost invisible blending into her skin tone, as she paced, footsteps shushing across the ground, as if in thought.

  “If I may…” Samael fell silent.


  At the curt word, Samael sprang back to his feet, towering over Mercy. He raised his arms in a useless, unseeable gesture, indicating the space around them. “It’s dead, My All. There’s nothing here. To truly keep the darkness at bay, we need an opposite force. It’s about natural order.”

  The Creator gave a slow chuckle. “Indeed.”

  “Then we need something. Something more than just all of...all of this.” Samael gestured again, then groaned in frustration. He could barely see his own hand in the Creator’s light. Retaking his form imposed limits he didn’t have to worry about otherwise.

  “What do you suggest, my son?” The Creator’s tone
held curiosity.

  “Life.” Lucifer spoke before Samael could answer. “We need to create life here. It is the opposite of the nothingness that is this great void.”

  Samael nodded at the intriguing thought. “That could work. If the balance of good outweighs the Darkness, it could be enough to bring order.”

  The Creator inhaled slowly. “Life, you say? Life, as I created you? Lucifer, you wish to create life?”

  Lucifer shrugged, glad of the dimness so his small gesture of defiance remained unseen. “I believe it’s necessary. And I believe it will honor you, my Father.” Tucking his large iridescent wings tightly against his back, he sank to his knees and bowed his head, his mind whirling and joints held stiff with anticipation.

  The Creator didn’t speak again. He raised His hands and mists rose from the seas and watered the land. From the dust and mist, clay and mud formed over the rock. The force of the mists was so great, they threatened to over take all of the land as rain lashed the surface, obscuring the view and forming puddles and pools on the rock’s surface.

  “Wait. We can’t let the water rule here, too—we need to maintain the two distinct elements of our creation.” Mercy turned away and paced a little, water splashing gently under her feet. “I can’t tell you why—I just know there needs to be separation. There’s something wild and ruthless about the waters we’ve created. And then something more...predictable and reassuring about being able to walk on my two feet in safety.” She shrugged, and her lips quirked in a half grin. “Like I said, I can’t explain it. I only feel it.”

  “No. Mercy, you’re right. I get it. You’re really talking about balance again. The solid rock is everything the liquid water lacks. They both compliment and contrast with each other.” Samael smiled, his perfect teeth revealed a flash of pleasure. “Plus, it appeals to my sense of order. I know where I am"—he stopped and threw his arms out in an expansive gesture—“when I can see how things should be.” Samael threw an arm across Mercy’s shoulders and drew her close, the gesture brotherly and protective.

  Lucifer simply quirked an eyebrow. “There’s a lot to be said for unpredictability.”

  And that was the second day.

  Mercy stepped forward, her spine straight and her eyes knowing. “I have a further suggestion.” A small, iridescent orb began to form between her fingers. “I represent the perfect energies of You, my Creator. You imbued me with both strength of character and body and gentleness of mind and nature. Balance in all things. Let’s also give the Darkness a companion. After all, life isn’t simply about an eternal battle of wills. It’s about companionship and love. ”

  “Go on, my child,” the Creator said. “I am curious to hear more about your proposal.”

  “I wish for one who can give Darkness a reprieve from its duties.” She paused. “Let there be light," she said, revealing the full beauty of the orb in the palm of her hand.

  The Creator gasped at Mercy’s offering. “So it is said, so it shall be done.” With a powerful breath, He blew the orb free from Mercy’s palm, and they watched as it sailed through the sky.

  The orb changed colors, blazing reds, golds, and oranges, as it flew higher into the sky where it faded to a pale yellow and cast a dim glow over the Earth. Eventually, it came to rest, just below the Heavens, where it blazed with an almost white hot fury.

  Lucifer held a hand in front of his face and shrank back. “Never have I felt such heat,” he whispered. “And I hope to never again.”

  The Creator cast him a quick glance but quickly turned his attention back to the blazing fire in the sky. “There,” He said firmly. “And so it is. Mercy’s orb shall light one half of this new Earth. And so it shall be in turns, with each half balancing the other.” He waved a hand in the direction of the sky. “And this we shall call the sun, giver of life for taming the Darkness. And for this offering, you shall be known as Mercy, and also known as my, Bringer of Light and Balance.”

  Mercy dipped her head in acknowledgement. “Praise be given to You. Nothing would be possible without you, my Creator. And it’s awe-inspiring.” Satisfaction radiated through her words.

  “Almost.” Lucifer nodded. “Almost.” He turned away for a moment, still plainly visible in the bright light cast over the globe by Mercy’s orb.

  Lucifer snapped his fingers as an idea gripped him. Excitement buzzed through him at the trust the Creator showed in them and the responsibility he freely gave them. “How about this.” He waved his hands as if to illustrate what he wanted, conducting music in the sky. “Divide the orb and scatter some to remind the Darkness of its defeat. In rotation, Light will always return and blot out the Darkness,” he suggested. He turned his head, directing his gaze toward Mercy, and his vivid blue eyes sparkled as he smiled at her.

  Delight brightened the Creator’s face, and He embraced His favorite son. “So it is said, so it shall be done.” He clasped his palms together then reached toward the orb. As He spread His arms in either direction, the orb split into pieces, dimming the light of the great fire. Throwing His left hand upward, He splayed His fingers and scattered the smallest of the pieces into the inky black sky just beneath the Heavens. Millions of tiny particles flew outwards, spreading far into the distance, and they peppered the sky with twinkling lights.

  Then He turned his attention to his right arm and moved the largest piece of splintered orb to a position opposite the still-glowing fire. It hung closer than any of the others and reflected the fire in a pale white glow.

  Lucifer let forth a laugh of pleasure, and the angels spun around trying to follow the trajectories of each of the travelling lights as they anchored themselves in the Darkness.

  Samael clasped Mercy’s hand and twirled her around then he brushed her wavy hair behind her shoulders. “It’s beautiful, Mercy. Just like you. Good work,” he said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

  “Let us call them the stars and the moon,” the Creator intoned. He waved his hands, swirling the arrangement above, until the stars and moon dropped out of sight and only the original orb remained. These tiny bearers of light, Lucifer’s guardians, will serve as a reminder that the Darkness cannot ever truly conquer the Light.

  He adjusted the brightness of the new sun to his satisfaction, gesturing until light filled the sky once more, flooding the Earth and banishing the darkness completely.

  The light refracted off Mercy’s auburn locks; Lucifer gasped and reached out to touch the shining hues, only to have the effect disappear under the shadow he cast with his hand.

  “How enchanting you are down here,” he said.

  The Creator smiled. He turned to His most special creation of all and patted his back. “And you, my son, shall not only be known as Lucifer, but also as, my Morning Star and Shining One.”

  Lucifer closed his eyes and tilted his head in a slight bow of gratitude.

  And that was the third day.

  The angels delighted in their new creation.

  “What about Lucifer’s idea of life, Father?” Samael exclaimed.

  And the Creator tilted his head as if in question. “My son?”

  Samael passed his tongue over his lips and twisted his hands together briefly. “The life Lucifer requested ensure the Darkness remains trapped. That is, if you agree, My All. Mercy’s blend and balance allows for a natural order of life, I’m sure of it.”

  Without a word, the Creator lifted his hand. Vegetation sprouted over the surface. Trees, bushes, and flowers sprang into being across the surfaces and disappeared over the horizon. Plants yielding seeds and fruits covered the land. Harvest burst from the ground and the vines crept up trees.

  Lucifer gasped and unfurled his wings, a ripple of pleasure passing through him at the freedom bursting inside him as he held them out to take flight. Each large, soft feather on its own appeared white, but under any light source, they all shone a pearlescent range of color. Privately, he considered them the most beautiful of anyone’s, but he kept any evidence of his conce
it carefully hidden. Samael and Mercy also unfolded their own beautiful—though less so—wings, and together, they flew over the lands to examine the varied trees and bushes. They walked upon the grass and moss and marveled at the colors and scents of the flowers.

  And that was the fourth day.

  Mercy lifted her head, staring into the wide blue space above them as the sun rose to banish the darkness. “I wish for there to be creatures that can fly in the sky. They should be as soft as Lucifer’s wings and as feminine as my own nature.” She clapped her hands together and turned in the direction of the sea; it could be heard, battering against the rocks, its fury and passion tamed by the will of the Creator. “Oh! And I know! We should put different creatures to swim in the waters. We can make them as strong and masculine as Samael” She laughed and rested her hand on his well-muscled upper arm.

  “I’m not sure…” Samael frowned and his brows drew together as he broke off.

  Lucifer grinned. “Let the creatures of the sky and water be both masculine and feminine. Let them be tame and fierce to keep the order of life in balance. They can multiply and monitor themselves. This creation is simply a plaything, not a full time diversion.” He looked into the Heavens. “It’ll exist long after we go home.” He looked at the other two again, careful to avoid eye contact with the Creator, though he was unsure why. “You should both be satisfied with my solution. For you, Mercy, there remains balance. And for you Samael, birth and life.”


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