Born of Fire

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Born of Fire Page 9

by Scarlette D'Noire

  I sat still and contemplated all the sensations flowing through me: racing heart, heat in my lower body, heightened awareness of touch. But most of all, the urge to react to these feelings, to such base desires, left me dumbfounded and I could only assess the feelings and stave them off while she slipped into a deep sleep.

  Several hours later, after Lilith’s body had moulded itself to mine and my protection surrounded her while she was at her most vulnerable, thunder roared through the sky and spooked her. She bounced her head off my shoulder and popped herself upright, disorientation claiming her features as she peered at me through sleep addled eyes.

  “It’s only thunder.” I soothed her confusion and stroked her hair again. “You're safe.” I smiled at her.

  I found myself falling, losing myself in the green sea of color in her eyes. Her eyelashes flittered rapidly. Time slowed, and I honed in on the tiny sound of their batting as if they were drumbeats. Boom, boom, boom. Then I focused on the harmony of her breath—my breath—that flowed through her, and it amazed me. Her breasts bounced slightly with the rise and fall of her chest with each inhale even though they lay tight against her chest, barely jutting out.

  She arched her back stretching her arms above her head. Raw desire, an overwhelming urge, to place my mouth on her nipples and suck coursed through me. I shook my head to shake this primitive need from my core. The wind picked up causing little bumps on her body to raise, or was it me? My own skin fell victim to her charm, every hair standing on end. Each sensation I experienced was undoubtedly a direct reaction to her.

  As a Heavenly being, such a physical connection was unnatural...almost unwanted. Certainly undesirable, for we communicated our love and desires on an energetic level. With Lilith I wanted nothing more than to blend these two notions of love. I felt as if I were newly born and understood how her senses could overwhelm and drown her in a sea of sensory overload. I didn’t know quite how to react to it all either, to all the new sensations storming through me in a flurry of anticipation and wonder.

  Her breasts drew my attention again, and animalistic urges fought with my intellect. When I thought I couldn’t fight the unrelenting hunger to wrap my lips around her breasts anymore, I inched toward them, but the Heavens staved off my lust as it opened up and drenched us with a deluge of rain.

  I scooped Lilith up and readied myself for flight, until my reality crashed down upon me, weighing on my body even more heavily and grounding me to the earth. But I shook off the melancholy and self-pity because the sensation of her softness held tight against my chest stirred me more than the loss of my wings.

  She giggled at the rain and held her fingers up to feel it meet her touch. I reveled in her awe of the simple things that brought her such joy and vowed to lighten my own heart a little more, an easy task when we were together.

  I sprinted toward the cave dipping her under branches and making a show of it all to hear another laugh or watch the shimmer in her eyes. In the heaviest rain, I paused for a few moments under a pear tree to get us a little reprieve from the pelting drops, but I still held her body close to me, never putting her down. I twirled around and she laughed with joy clasping my neck tighter.

  When I stopped, we were still laughing, but she ended abruptly. Concerned, I narrowed my eyes and studied her face. Without a hint of a smile she reached up and traced a soft finger down the drops of rain on my face. The sensation hypnotized me and I swayed back and forth, rocking slightly on my heels.

  I turned my gaze to meet hers, and she gasped. Arousal coursed through my body, overtaking my resolution to behave, and I wondered if she saw the desire blaze through my eyes. Her fingertips traced the outline of my mouth and gently touched my lips, and I responded by pressing in to her touch and grazing her skin in the slightest of kisses.

  With effort, I broke her spell and twirled her again. “Grab some pears,” I instructed, hoisting her up so she could reach the fruit. “You must be starving—unless you were stuck in a fruit tree,” I joked.

  “Lucifer,” she squealed and hit me playfully on the shoulder. “It wasn’t a fruit tree,” she admitted before devouring one of the pears.

  The crisp skin crackled as her teeth pierced into another piece, spilling its juice on her chin.

  “Delicious,” she said and giggled.

  She wiped some juice off with the back of her hand, but her lips still glistened. I took a deep breath and blew it out hard to steady my base desires, but the urge won out, and I angled my head to meet her lips as I drew her tighter to my body. Covering her mouth with mine, I closed my lips over hers and sucked the pear juice from their surface. Before I could break away, she bit down softly on my lower lip, and the length of my penis stiffened and stood tight against my stomach. Hurriedly, I jostled her higher in my arms so she wouldn’t feel the effect she had on me pressing up against her.

  Our connection made me feel as if I could conquer the world, blazing through it, taming everything in my sight. Yet at the very same time, the touch of her lips on mine weakened my knees, as I might fall to them at any moment if I succumbed to her allure, which perplexed me. I hadn’t decided yet if I would tame these base desires or fall victim to the temptation of it all.

  Truth be told I wasn’t really sure if I even had a choice anymore.


  To my delight Lucifer dipped inside a hidden cave, and a small, treacherous, voice in my head asked me why Adam didn’t ever find shelter like this for us—a nice reprieve from the rain and the wind. Instead we slept restlessly with one eye open. Well, my eyes anyway. Most of the time, Adam just slept, seemingly unaware there might be danger. Even though he was supposed to be my protector I kept watch usually.

  I spied the pile of fruits lying on the floor, and as if on cue, my stomach rumbled loudly. Lucifer heard it too because he laughed, and my cheeks burned, but I laughed along with him.

  “Help yourself, please,” he said as he shooed me toward the fruit. I picked a few of the juiciest ones, a beautiful peach and a nice plum and alternated between the two, taking quick bites.

  “Slow down. There’s more for you to enjoy,” he teased, wiping the juice from my chin.

  It seemed the fruits were picked with infinite care. Each one looked ripe and perfect. I spent a long time focused on them, before I noticed the silence in the cave and raised my gaze to find Lucifer studying me. The way he looked at me—not like an animal, although clearly he could, since I was a lower being than him—pushed all of the breath from my chest. His gaze held affectionate curiosity and delicate strands of...something that reminded me of fire.

  He took my hand in his and raised it to his lips. With the juice of the plum still wet on my fingers, he sucked each into his mouth one by one and slowly licked the juice off them. I gasped in a breath and held it. Why did such an act stir an almost painful desire within me?

  He abruptly withdrew my hand from his lips. “What's wrong?” he asked. “Your muscles have tensed. There’s nothing to be afraid of here. You’re in my care.”

  “Oh, nothing.” I felt hesitant to tell him of the desires floating in my head and coursing through my body. “Tell me about the wonders of the Heavens.” I changed the subject to abate my craving for him. “How can you be both a man and a snake?”

  Hard lines and angles took control of his face as his jaw pulsed on one side. I feared that I angered him or upset him in some way.

  “Those aren’t interesting stories,” he said. “What is interesting is you and your current sticky predicament.” He brushed his hand over my mouth removing the last of the fruit juice. “You’re very patient with Adam.” He pointed back at the fruit, “you want more?” He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

  I shook my head no, but didn't answer.

  “You said you’re the Creator’s son... Are there more like you?”

  “Am I not enough?” He laughed with ease and displayed an exaggerated frown, placing his hand against his heart as if I’d wounded him.

  I laugh
ed in return at his playful nature. “No, no it's not...not that,” I stammered, “I'm just curious is all. What can you tell me about the Heavens?”

  He raised his fingers to his forehead and rubbed up and down, shutting his eyes as if deep in thought.

  “I’m sorry.” I frowned. “Have I upset you?” I touched his arm lightly.

  He ignored my question. “I can sum it up in one word.” He opened his eyes and looked at me with an intensity that flipped my stomach as if a swarm of bees were inside.

  “All I really need to tell you is it's about love. The greatest love you could ever imagine.” His voice trailed off and sadness overtook his eyes, deepening the shade of blue.

  I wanted to comfort him and reached toward his face but thought better of it and left him to his thoughts.

  Caught in my hesitation over touching him, I simply nodded my head. “Yes, yes I know.” I agreed finally, breaking the silence.

  “You know?” He looked puzzled. “And how do you know these things?” he asked, motioning me to sit on the bed.

  “Mercy imparted her love on me,” I admitted. “And gave me the beautiful gift of music.”

  He didn’t seem surprised or angry that I cared for her to my relief.

  “But then...” My voice broke and my bottom lip trembled. The tears welled up in my eyes. “Adam broke my horn and threatened to throw me in the fire, so I ran away from him and climbed up the tree.” With my last word, tears spilled from my eyes at the terrible truth.

  “So then you know, my sweet Lilith, there can be so much more between lovers than what you share with Adam.” He crouched next to me and stroked the tears from my cheeks.

  Even though his voice stayed even and soothing, he balled his fists up tight as he sat beside me, brushing his thigh against mine, causing a stir to rise through me. I placed my hand on top of his fist, now red from pressure, and uncurled his hand to clasp it in mine. An unseen current flowed from his hand into me, and heat spread up my arm before diffusing in my chest.

  I marveled at how much Lucifer differed from Adam, and he was different still from Mercy. His beauty utterly masculine, lured me into his charm, but it was more than that. He was kind and considerate, whereas Adam usually treated me indifferent or harshly in his thoughtlessness.

  My easiness with Lucifer spoke to my soul. Most times with Adam, I felt exhausted and worn out from always being on edge in case I’d offended him or hurt his feelings, but Lucifer had an air of confidence and a playful nature I cherished.

  He stroked his fingers over my hand. “I can teach you of that love, if you want?” For the first time since I’d met him, his words were almost hesitant, and his eyes searched mine waiting for an answer.

  Time seemed to stand still and lull all my worries away as the day’s frustration drained from my body and mind. Excitement surged through me as new found energy coursed through my veins.

  “Like Mercy?” My voice, low and soft, barely emerged from my mouth.

  “I can show you that form of love, too.” He paused. “But there are many forms of love and many ways to gain satisfaction.” He lay down on his bed and flung his arm out wide. “Come lay with me and learn,” he offered.

  I rested my head on his chest, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. The security and protection I felt relaxed me totally. “You've always been my teacher.” I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent.

  “Adam doesn't care if you receive pleasure.” Lucifer stroked my arm, his touch seductive. “He only cares for his own,” he observed. “But you don't need him for pleasure.”

  “You will give me that pleasure?” I nestled my head closer to him.

  He took my hand in his and guided it onto my belly. “You don’t need anyone to gratify yourself,” he stated, steering my hand in small circles.

  “I don’t understand.” Even though I felt my own touch on my skin the heat of his hand blazed through mine. And as his hand enveloped mine, traces of his own touch occasionally grazed my skin, stirring a deeper passion within me.

  Directing my hand upwards, he lifted it by my palm so only my fingertips feathered over my skin. He trailed my fingers around the outline of my breast, moving up over them, and warmth flooded my face as he placed his fingers directly over mine and guided my fingertips over the top of my nipple. Pushing my fingers together to form pressure with his hand still over mine we squeezed. I arched my back and moaned. When my fingers fell lax, he continued to trace his own over my flesh. I reached out to touch his chest and caress his as he did mine, but he turned on his side pressing his erection against my leg and clasped my hand away from his powerful torso. The heat between us called to the burning flame between my legs, and a demanding need for him to enter me flooded my brain. I tried to draw him on top of me, but he laughed and resisted my pull.

  “You see the desire you create in me when I see you? When you allow me to touch you?” He guided my hand toward his erection. “But you can take control of your body and decide who gets to see all of you.” He dropped my hand before allowing me to touch him. “It’s so much more than just being naked with another,” he whispered, his words sliding across my skin like silk. “It’s letting someone else see all of you...truly know all of you. Every secret, every need, every desire.”

  I reached for him again. I really wasn’t interested in what dangled between Adam’s legs, but Lucifer! I wanted to take him in my hands and give him pleasure, but he nudged my hand away.

  “All in good time,” he murmured, and I groaned in disappointment.

  “If you cover yourself, only those you allow will be able to see your beauty and allure.”

  His words perplexed me.

  Cover myself.

  “Why should Adam have the gift of gaining pleasure from such a lovely view? Surely he shouldn’t. Fashion coverings for your body to help tame him and give you some relief.”

  As he spoke, images whirled in my head, and I understood perfectly clear what he meant. I kissed his cheek in delight, enjoying him, enjoying showing myself to him.

  Sitting up, he smoothed his hand over the top of my thighs and spread them open. I’d never let Adam look at me in such a way, and nervous fear prickled over my face. I opened my legs wider, and Lucifer leaned over as if straining to see the mysteries of my body.

  “My delicate flower.” His eyes widened and softened. “How beautiful you are.”

  He ran the tips of his fingers up and down my inner thighs and they shook as anticipation grew inside me.

  My own hand fell on top of his as he caressed my legs and traced the outline of my pelvis stroking the hair above my burning flesh. The muscles in my stomach tightened and twitched with his every stroke. He raised his hand up sharply and released my own on top of my yearning core, now wet with longing and hunger.

  “Stroke yourself,” he ordered. “You are the master of your own body.”

  I narrowed my eyes. I’d known I was separate from Adam because my thoughts were my own, but I hadn’t considered my body, created for me could be owned by me. Still, I readily obeyed Lucifer where I would have questioned Adam. Running my fingers over and around my opening, I explored myself. The slick warmth covered my fingers, and I gasped at each gentle, shallow intrusion I made. Lucifer watched intently his eyes fixated on my movements.

  He picked up my hand and rubbed his fingertips over mine transferring the wetness to his own and rubbed his thumb against his index and middle finger. “So silky,” he said, half closing his eyes. “Faster,” he instructed, guiding my hand back down.

  I moved my fingers faster without giving much thought to Lucifer’s command. My body craved the touch. Lucifer peered closer, his eyes narrowed, and his breath felt hot against my hips.

  He spread me open and pressed two of my own fingers deeper inside me. The tightness hugged around them, and I moaned from pleasure, ecstasy surrounded me as I’d never felt. Desperate to prolong the new sensation, I trailed my other hand up to my breast and clutched at it, kneading my nippl

  “Yes,” he said, breathing hard.

  He pulled my fingers out of me, kissing my hand in sensual, long kisses and sucked the silky substance from my fingers. His head fell to my belly and a long moan escaped his lips.

  His breath, hot and soothing against my skin, fanned the desire building between my legs even more. I wanted his mouth on my body. I felt his shaft pulsing against my leg, hot and heavy.

  “Put yourself into me,” I said squirming underneath the weight of his head on my stomach. He rose up, grasping my hands and intertwined our fingers before raising my arms up over my head. Then he kissed me, and our intertwining tongues sent shivers over my body. The taste of my wetness still lingered, faint in his mouth, as I swirled my tongue on his. The full weight of his body covered me and I spread my legs wide, wrapping them around his body, as I yearned to explore him.

  He reached down and lifted my legs, sliding his body between them as he spread my legs wider, exposing my need. Even the rush of cold air against me as he moved drew a rush of tingling sensation through me.

  He looked down. “Your nectar is so sweet and inviting.” He hesitated. “But we must take our time. I won’t spill my seed on your stomach and leave you unfulfilled.” He looked up and smirked a little, and the twist of his lips made me long to kiss them again.

  But the reference to Adam drew a giggle from me, and he released my legs, laying them on either side of him as he flattened himself onto his belly and slid between them.

  “Bring yourself pleasure again,” he said, tugging my hand down.

  I hesitated before touching myself, and he raised his eyebrows, parting his mouth as if in anticipation. I moved my finger up and down the wet slit as he watched inches away. When my fingers were covered in my desire he spread my legs open and kissed my thighs.

  I wanted to feel his soft tongue explore further over my burning flesh.

  “This feels good, yes?” he questioned.

  I moaned out, “Yes.”

  “But it’s not enough? You need more?” he prodded.


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