Beauty Beneath The Mask

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Beauty Beneath The Mask Page 3

by Jesse Lorenzo

  Gavin let out a long sigh, smiling at her. He shook his head in an attempt to chase away his wayward thoughts about what he’d like to do to those plump limps. Without looking he picked up a pastry and brought it up to her mouth. It ended up being a cheesecake roll shaped as a bloody finger.

  Not so romantic.

  But, it did have them both laughing. Thankfully that lightened the intense lustfully charged pull that drew them closer and closer together. Adelle had to try harder to keep her wits about her. She’d never had a boyfriend before, let alone experienced any of these intense sexual desires she was feeling right then.

  If she wasn’t careful she’d end up giving herself over to him. Which wouldn’t be a problem in that she’d always wanted to giver herself to Gavin. And only Gavin. But, only if she knew he could love her back.

  Love her the way she loved him. It would hurt too much if he only wanted that one thing from her and then walked away without a backwards glance. She decided that just for tonight, she would hold him. Touch him. Flirt and dance with him.

  Hopefully by the end of the night she’d be able to kiss him the way she has always wanted to. The way she had always dreamed of doing, time and time again. Only then, will she be able to leave.

  Gavin watched her closely and he could’ve sworn he saw a brief sadness flicker across her features. Before he could question it, it was gone. He picked up an eyeball Oreo ball and popped it into her mouth slowly, trying to bring her attention back to them. Adelle sucked the melted chocolate off of his finger, not wanting to waste one bit of the decadence.

  She enjoyed the appreciative groan he let out.

  “You’re killing me woman.”

  Adelle leaned into him further pressing her chest against his broad well defined chest. “My aim is to please the king . . . not kill him.”

  Their lips were now a breath apart. She could feel a shudder work through his bare body. Every muscle twitched and flexed. Straining underneath the skin that contained it. His eyes narrowed on hers and dilated with the same erotic excitement she felt as well.

  For a brief moment she was nervous. If she kissed him now, her fun would be over. Otherwise she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from giving everything over to Gavin. Anything he wanted, she’d give to him. She was having way too much fun, being with him like this to have it end so soon.

  Gavin tilted his head, leaning in to kiss her. Adelle panicked for a second blurting out “oh, I love this song. Let’s dance!” She exclaimed excitedly.

  She wasn’t sure what was playing, but needed the diversion. Gavin wasn’t mad, or even disappointed. A sinister smirk appeared across his flawless face. He certainly loved the challenge, and loved to give chase. And right then, Adelle was the one on the run. Gavin didn’t want things that were easily attainable. That’s why up until now every woman he’d ever been with, bored him to death.

  Chapter Five

  “Love may be blind . . . But, only

  because you’ve hidden it

  behind your mask.”

  GAVIN FOLLOWED AFTER the woman of his dreams, wrapping his arms around her waist. His helmet clad head came up from behind her and whispered in her ear.

  “You fit in my arms perfectly. But you definitely feel better than I’d imagined.”

  He breathed in her subtle vanilla perfume and hummed in appreciation. The vibration it caused, sent chills down her exposed spine. Adelle closed her eyes, as an unfamiliar sensation coursed through her.


  Gavin placed a wet kiss on her neck. The firm pressure brought out a low groan from her. This man was killing her. Gavin moaned, pleading with her, “Please. What is your name? I have to know it. I want to feel it roll off my tongue.”

  The woman who quite literally walked out of his dreams, turned into him, grabbed both his hands and pulled him onto the make shift dance floor A.K.A, his dining room.

  “I’ll tell you when the timing is right.”

  Gavin immediately moved his body to the base and in step with the girl’s flirty movements.

  “You’re a tease.”

  The girl just lifted one corner of her lip in a dangerous grin.

  “No. I’m just saving the best surprise for last.”

  Adelle was enjoying the feel of his strong hands as they gripped her hips. She rolled them provocatively to the rhythm of the song playing. She was amazed at the confidence she felt while wearing this corset. It was like it possessed its own magic. It transformed her into a seductress.

  The mask made her bold. Braver than she’d ever dreamed of being. She found herself running her hands up his bare, muscled torso.

  She knew this would be the last time she’d see him. She’d enjoy these last moments with the man she’d fallen for long ago, as he wrapped her in his strong protective arms. She would enjoy the feeling of having him hold her this close and pretend that he knew exactly who she was. Especially since she worried that when he did finally learn who she was, his interest in her would disappear.

  As time ticked down to when Leiah would pick her up, she knew she wanted to kiss him. Just once, before she left Portree for college. A slow song drifted out of the speakers, bringing the pace down to an intimate rhythm. The masked couple smiled at each other, happy with the song selection.

  They gazed into each other’s eyes. Gavin’s grip on her hips tightened, as he brought her as close as their bodies would allow. His body ached with desire as he felt her body close to his. He wanted this mysterious woman more than he’d ever wanted anyone else.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed against his body to the seducing words of the song. Feeling her body roll and grind against his was enough to drive him mad with need. He was moments away from getting down on his knees and begging for mercy.

  Gavin cupped her masked face in his hands. He couldn’t wait any longer. Gavin needed to taste her lips. Adelle let out a gasp as he bent down to kiss her. She wouldn’t stall him anymore. It was something they both wanted. It was what they both needed.

  When their lips met, she could’ve sworn she felt an electric shock from their connection. It sent waves of pleasure rippling through her tiny frame. This overpowering sensation sent tremors across her hyperaware body. His wetted lips moved with hers, the pace was slow and attentive.

  He cherished her with every tender kiss.

  Adelle’s knees went weak and buckled under the persuasive power of his desire for her. Her Spartan King easily held her up, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist. Adelle moaned uncontrollably against his lips.

  Gavin’s body stirred at the sound of her pleasure. His remaining hand tangled into her long strawberry locks. He had to get closer. This just wasn’t close enough. His need to taste every inch of her body intensified, every time her tongue swept along his. The overpowering kiss grew in intensity as did his desire for her.

  The pounding of his excited heart thumped fast and hard in his chest, positive that she would feel it. Finally his mystery woman opened her mouth to him and he took the invitation, sliding his tongue inside.

  Adelle had died and gone to heaven. There was no way this was her first kiss. First kisses were awkward, gross and with someone you’d wish you’d forgotten later on. Every touch. Every stroke of his skilled tongue. Every nip on her lip had her climbing higher and higher to a destination that was still foreign to her.

  Gavin had to put a stop to this kiss. He needed to know once and for all who this captivating woman of his dreams was. Who, in just one night, stole his attention and his heart? As he moved to pull away, the little minx gripped him tighter. She tilted her head and deepened the kiss even more.

  The barely clothed man groaned in pain as his body reacted to her unbridled passion. His desperation to have her . . . right then and there, was growing by the second. Gavin back stepped to the flight of stairs he knew were about ten feet behind him, and took her with him. They never came up for air, or to look where they were going. It was as though they were locked toge

  “C’mon, love, let’s not give everyone here a free show. I want time and space to properly worship my queen.”

  Adelle was putty in his hands. All her well thought out plans had flown right out the window with his kiss. She wanted him so much. She didn’t have the strength of mind to say no, let alone pull away from him. She wanted him to take her, have her and hold her for just one night. In the back of her mind she thought she heard someone calling her name.

  It finally broke through her lust filled haze, capturing her attention. To her despair, it was Leiah. The moment had finally arrived.

  It was time to go.

  Her heart broke wide opened. She definitely didn’t think this adventure would hurt as much as it did. Deep down, she knew that she would be feeling the effects of this for a very long time. Gavin continued to kiss a path down her neck, unaware that her friend was calling out her name.

  Well, it’s now or never.

  Gavin would get his wish and find out exactly who she was. Adelle trembled when her adrenaline flooded her system, scared of what would happen after she revealed herself to him . . . in front of all of these people. The very same people who tormented her all her life.

  Abruptly, she dropped her hands from around his neck. She placed them on his chest, pushing him away. He opened his lust filled eyes and looked into her masked face. When she took a step back and away, Gavin looked hurt and confused. It tore her heart wide open.

  “What’s wrong, love? What have I done? If I’m going too fast just tell me. Don’t back away. I won’t hurt you.”

  Oh, but I’m going to hurt you.

  She thought to herself. And that’s not at all what she meant to do. The look on his face shook her resolve. She wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him and let him take her up stairs. She’s dreamed of it.

  “It’s time for me to go, Gavin.”

  She glanced over to her friend, waiting by the door. She wore an excited and shocked look on her face from walking in and seeing them together. After a few minutes of looking back and forth between them did Gavin realize that it was Leiah.

  “You know Leiah?”

  Without another word Adelle lifted the mask, removing it completely and looked up at the man of her dreams. A man she could never have.

  Chapter Six

  “When not wearing their masks,

  Kindred souls can finally see each other.”

  ~ Francine Portelance

  GAVIN STARED AT those familiar eyes and telling freckles. But, he couldn’t wrap his head around the stranger wearing them.

  “It’s me Gavin. It’s Adelle.”

  She announced the obvious. Several party goers within ear shot stopped what they were doing and turned around. The Spartan King stood frozen on the spot. His heart swelled at the sight of the girl next door.

  “Adelle! You’re . . . You’re breathtaking.”

  It was now Adelle’s turn to be rendered speechless. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t this reaction. She thought he’d be horrified, upset, embarrassed, or even angry with her for doing this. But the look in his eyes as he searched her from head to toe was something else entirely.

  Her self-conscience mind refused to believe that he looked at her with adoration and possibly love. No. She wouldn’t believe it even if he spoke the words out loud. The time had come to rip off the Band-Aid.

  “Goodbye, Gavin. Thank you for inviting me. I had a really fun time with you.”

  The emotionally wrecked girl, walked over to her friend trying hard not to fall apart in front of everyone. She had to be strong, but her shaking legs gave her away. Adelle was glad Leiah called out her name when she did, breaking the spell. Adelle couldn’t fall for a playboy like him.

  She knew that.

  It was best to walk away now before things went further, before she fell for him even more than she already had. At least for a few hours tonight he was all hers.

  “Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye? You can’t leave me now. Don’t leave now that I finally know who you are.”

  Adelle looked over her shoulder at him, trying hard not to cry. Had her ears betrayed her into thinking he was actually happy it was her under that mask.

  “I have to go. I’m leaving for college. Tonight. I’m not coming back, not for a while. I just wanted to have one more night of fun in this town before I left. Goodbye Gavin. I will never forget tonight. Thank you.”

  She felt hollow inside. She thought she would feel epic leaving like this, after her big reveal, but she was dead wrong. The broken look on his face as he slowly removed his helmet made her feel horrible.

  Before he could think of something brilliant to say to make her stay with him, she stepped out of the house and out of his life. Realizing too late that the girl next door that has chased him around growing up, the girl everyone else dismissed, the girl who always had a special place in his heart, had been the girl he’d been searching for all along.

  Everyone in town thought he chased or dated all those other women because he was a playboy. That was his rep after all, but that wasn’t the case. He was just searching for the girl of his dreams, the girl who’d been right there all along. And he just let her walk out the door. No longer having the strength to stand, Gavin sank to the couch as his heart shattered into a million pieces.

  It took him this long to figure out what it felt like to be in love. The moment he finally grasped it in his waiting arms, the woman responsible walked out of his life, and took his beating heart with her. He wasn’t sure how, but he would get Adelle back into his arms again. No matter how long it took or how far he had to go to get her. He wouldn’t let Adelle go.

  He loved her.

  “We all wear masks, the time comes when

  we cannot remove them without

  removing our own skin.”

  ~ Andre Berthiaume

  Gavin and Adelle’s story continues in

  The Marked series.

  Other works by the author

  Forever Marked Book 1 (Marked Series 1)

  Beyond Redemption Book 2 (Marked Series 2)

  Past Forgiven Book 3 (Marked Series 3 coming soon)

  Tales Of The Night an Anthology

  A collection of short stories that benefit the Joyful Heart Foundation.

  *All proceeds will be donated. Joyful Heart offers support to victims of domestic abuse. Help us make a difference by sharing the news.

  When Summer Came Calling an Anthology :

  Eight authors put together the perfect summer read filled with lustful, lethal, and lighthearted stories that’ll keep you turning the page.

  *All proceeds from this anthology will be donated to The Joyful Heart Foundation.

  About the author

  Jesse Lorenzo is an emerging author of romantic suspense.

  She was born and raised in Central New York where she met, fell in love, and married her husband in what can only be described as a whirlwind romance. Together they forged an adventure across the country to sunny Arizona, with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

  Now Jesse spends her days raising her three beautiful daughters and two fur babies... Her nights belong to writing and the creation of exciting new worlds.

  Self proclaimed coffee connoisseur, lover of all book genre, camping, shooting, and all things outdoorsy.

  Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome.

  Thanks in advance for your correspondence.

  Follow Me

  Twitter: @LadyJ_Author

  Instagram: @LadyJ_author



  Email: [email protected]



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