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The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana)

Page 11

by Vanak, Bonnie

  The edges of Darius’ composure cracked. Every cell in his body screamed to distrust this blond man held in such high regard by Samantha.

  “I don’t think so. I visit Portland enough on business. I need to return home, and bring this woman with me. She’ll find plenty to keep her happy. Our ranch has wide, open spaces and freedom, and if she desires theater or music, the city does offer a wide selection of both—and it’s close by.” He glanced at Sam. “The Mitchell Ranch is a perfect place to raise a family.”

  She looked away, but he saw the flush of passion creeping up her neck. James studied her, a vein jumping in his throat. He turned back to Darius.

  The Other’s eyes shifted, turning from pale blue to bright green to scarlet. He blinked, and then they were normal again.

  “Have a little problem with your contacts?” Darius asked. “For a moment, your eyes looked red.”

  James looked bewildered. “Dust, perhaps. We were discussing life on your ranch. Tell me about Montana.”

  “My state is peaceful, lots of range with wild, open spaces. Billings is the closest city and offers all the advantages you can find here in Portland.”

  “Ah, it sounds wonderful.” James turned to Samantha. “I should pay Montana a visit some time. But I must admit a preference for Oregon’s coast. What about you, Samantha?”

  “I like living in Oregon, and the city. There’s so much to do after a hard day at the office.” She beamed at James.

  Darius watched the man carefully and inhaled the same odd scent. What the hell was he? He knew James was Other, but could not pinpoint his origins.

  He decided to remove the gloves and go in full speed ahead. He pinned James with a severe look. “What the hell are you?”

  Sam choked on a sip of tea.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “You’re playacting at a role. Why? What species are you? And why are you such good friends with Sam? What do you want from her?”

  “Darius,” she hissed. “Stop it.”

  Darius leaned back, disturbed she had no clue about her friend’s real origins.

  James laughed. “Truly, Darius, you have nothing to fear from me. I am gay.” He smiled at Sam, reached for her hand and squeezed it. “It’s why Samantha and I get along so well. She considers me to be like a girlfriend, only with better fashion sense.”

  He winked at her. Darius was not appeased. The male hid something, but what?

  Temper rising, he gave James a long, steady look. “I don’t care about sexual preferences. I have gay friends and I know exactly what they are.”

  Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, locking his gaze to James. “One is a wolf shifter and another is a cougar. They don’t hide behind a human façade like you. I don’t give a damn what you wear, only why you’ve chosen to wear Skin. I don’t trust Others who lie and pretend to be something they are not.”

  The male’s eyes flashed red again, but he gave an amicable smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Giving a bright smile, Sam gestured to Darius. “Can I talk to you a moment? In private?”

  He joined her just outside the restaurant, every cell in his body screaming caution, screaming for him to spirit Sam away from here and this Other who hid behind his Italian silk suit.

  “Are you insane? Talking to him as if he knew about Others?”

  “He knows about them,” Darius said grimly.

  “Why are you acting so rude to James? He’s my friend!”

  “He’s not what he seems, Sam.”

  “Stop being so overprotective. I can look after myself. You’re not my mate.”

  I will be your mate, sweetheart. Darius forced himself to calm. “Sam, James isn’t a human. Can’t you scent anything different about him?”

  For a moment she frowned, seeming to consider. “He wears Armani. Like the other guys in the office. I can’t smell anything past that.”

  He roped his frustration. “You’ve lost your Lupine sense of smell. The guy is Other. I can detect his scent beneath the cologne.”

  Samantha blinked. “Please, Darius. Don’t blow this opportunity for me. It’s hard enough, trying to be as professional as possible working with you, considering our past. Do you want to screw this up for me by thinking every single male I work with is a paranormal?”

  He gave her a level look. “I don’t want to screw up anything for you, Sam. I wanted you to have this chance to prove yourself in business. But I call ’em as I smell ’em and this James, he smells Other.”

  Her mouth wobbled. Doubts flashed in her eyes and then she peered into the window at James sitting alone at the table, drinking his iced tea.

  Sprouts. Hellfire. Who ate sprouts?

  Sam bit her lip, suddenly looking vulnerable. Damn, he hated when she looked like that. Hell, she’d always been his weak spot and he’d do anything to make her smile again.

  “Darius, please be nice to James. You’ve always been charming and friendly to everyone else. Please, for my sake?”

  Charming and friendly. Not when I sense the man is a shifter and could hurt you, Sam. Are you that oblivious and desensitized to your Lupine powers that you can’t sense anything about him, even after the time you’ve spent with him?

  Darius fisted his hands. “Fine.”

  They returned to the table. For her sake, he’d keep the peace.

  But only until he sensed a threat, and then he’d tear James apart. No peace. Just little, tiny pieces of the man or whatever the hell James was.

  Sam and James began discussing food. Oh gods, sprouts. He wanted to gag.

  When they’d finished debating the merits of fresh greens, Sam gave a bright smile. “Excuse me. I’m going to check out the cupcake bar. The carrot cake is calling me.”

  When she left, Darius leaned across the table, catching the discernible scent of Other. Screw it. He wasn’t letting this drop. “What are you?”

  The man’s gaze narrowed. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You’ll be begging, all right, if you don’t tell me. You have ten seconds to level with me before my claws come out. I bet a year’s worth of your salary that you’re Other and your comfort level isn’t with software, but worm-infested logs.”

  James’ face reddened. Satisfaction filled Darius. Gotcha. He’d narrowed down the choices.

  “Or am I wrong?” he asked in a soft voice filled with menace.

  The man’s pale blue eyes flashed red again before returning to normal. James shrugged. “Gloves off, wolf? I know what you are. You’re Lupine. And I suspect you’re here not because of business, but because of Samantha.”

  “Samantha is my business. Stay away from her. No one’s hurting my Sam.”

  “Your Sam?”

  “She’s my mate.”

  James raised his brows, showing no other sign of surprise. “Odd. She doesn’t act like it.”

  “She is my mate.” Darius wanted to use his claws to swipe the smile off the bastard’s face. “And no one gets between myself and my mate.”

  “You have nothing to fear from me.” The man/Other sighed, as if he truly meant it. “I’m gay and Samantha is my friend. You have no idea what my life is like.”

  Darius’ temper fractured. “No, I don’t, but I know what I smell and what I smell is something paranormal.”

  James fingered his tie. “Really, Darius, I wish I could convince you I’m harmless. My wish is for you to hire us because we’re the best at providing solar power and we can aid your ranch tremendously. If there is something I can say to convince you of this, please let me know.”

  “You can start with the truth. Why are you interested in Sam?”

  “The truth? About me? I told you what I am. I’m friends with Samantha. Nothing more.”

  Enough of this game. Darius growled deep in his throat. “You have no idea of my powers, you red-eyed son of a bitch. You lay a finger or a claw or a fucking scale on her and you’ll answer to me. Sam’s suffered enough. I’ll do whatever it takes to p
rotect her. Understand? Whatever it takes.”

  “Truly?” James looked amused. “Don’t go all alpha male on me. It’s unnecessary.”

  “Not where Sam is concerned. And I am an alpha. A naturally born one.” His little secret out, Darius gave a thin smile as his claws emerged. Red tinted the very edges, a known trait only among alpha males. He shoved his claws into the table. When he withdrew his hands, ten deep gouges dented the table’s surface. Summoning his powers, he let them surge. Let the bastard see the amber in his eyes.

  “I have a lot more tricks to show you. Such as ripping out your throat before you can open your mouth. You won’t even see me coming at you.”

  James leaned back, looking uneasy for the first time. Ah, so the mask drops slightly.

  “I thought you were a business manager. Now you claim to be an alpha. You mean you aren’t in charge at the ranch?”

  Darius laughed and retracted his claws. “I’m in charge when it comes to all the business matters, but Aiden Mitchell runs the ranch. I chose to work under Aiden Mitchell. He’s my friend and the best damn alpha a pack could want. Let’s say we have a partnership.”

  “Then perhaps,” James said, “it is best we call it a truce for now. I told you, I am not a threat to you, or Samantha.”

  Still wary, Darius glared at him. “Then who are you and what do you want?”

  “Someone who wants what she wants. To make the environment cleaner, and clean up the mess people have made of this planet. We must work with many others to achieve our goals of creating a less-polluted environment.”

  Mentally Darius zipped through his internal file folder of OtherWorlders who had the power to hold to a Skin form for months at a time. Ogres, no. The bastard was too slick and smart. Snake shifters were too interested in their own welfare to care much about the planet. Besides, if a snake shifter saw a Skin polluting the planet, he’d merely eat him. Problem solved.

  No, the only species of OtherWorlder with power and interest enough in clean energy were Glythen, woodfolk like the Fae who made the forest their home, and needed wild spaces to survive. They needed clean air and water, which was why so few lived in smog-laden cities like Los Angeles.

  “Of course. I wish for the same. Even if I’m not a fairy like you.” Darius gave a charming smile. “I’m not talking about a derogatory term for gay people, but the type of Fairies that fly and sprinkle glitter.”

  James narrowed his eyes to slits. Bingo.

  Sam returned to the table. Her worried gaze flipped from James to him. “Are you two discussing business?”

  “Business of sorts,” Darius replied, his eyes focused on the silently fuming James. “I was telling James how I deal with competitors.”

  Sam sipped her water. “How?”

  “I tear them up.”

  James glanced at the counter. “Our food is almost ready. Before the server brings it, I have a confession to make, Samantha.”

  He looked down at his plate, his lips drawn tight. “Darius has called me out of the proverbial Other closet. He’s right. I am a Fairy.”

  “James, don’t degrade yourself like that.”

  The Other shook his head. “Fae, Samantha. I am Other, as Darius is Lupine.” He took a deep breath. “As are you. I am truly sorry. I wanted to pretend I was human, Skin, and when I met you, I could tell you were a shifter. I’ve been so lonely in the city, all by myself, and I couldn’t help but befriend you because you’re Other as well.”

  Sam’s jaw dropped. Darius stared at James. What a load of horse crap. Bring on the violins. The Fae was very, very smart, outing himself before Darius could and winning Sam’s sympathy.

  “As you know, we must hide among the Skins and I did not dare reveal my true self to you. I am sorry for lying, Samantha. Please, will you forgive me?”

  Oh please. Darius fisted his hands beneath the table.

  She blinked in surprise. “You’re Skin. You love the city, the restaurants, shopping, gardening like me and you’re a vegan, you’re into recycling…” Her voice trailed off. “Oh!”

  “It’s why I chose to work at Comairise Energy. My people believe in protecting the environment.” He glanced at Darius. “As do yours. We must work together to save the planet. As a Fae, and one who is gay, my people have been oppressed enough by what mankind has done to the earth.”

  Holy crap if this dude laid it on any thicker, he’d need wading boots to slog through the b.s.

  Sam’s expression grew tight. “James, why didn’t you tell me what you were, and that you knew what I was? I thought we were friends.”

  “I was afraid, Samantha. For too long my people have been forced to hide from humans, and live with mistrust.” James sighed. “I am sorry for hurting you.”

  Darius leaned forward. “I’m glad you told the truth, James. But have you told all of it? Like I said before, I don’t care about sexual preferences. Or your species. Gay, Fae, it doesn’t matter to me. What matters is what you’re not saying. You can sell yourself into a martyr for the cause, but I’m not buying it. Caveat emptor.”

  “Darius, he had the courage to reveal himself.” She touched the Fae’s arm. “I wish you’d told me earlier, but at least now I know your secret. I’ll never share it.”

  “And I will never share yours.” James glanced at Darius. “Or yours. We must band together, and work together as well. I hope to gain your trust, Darius. You seem like a Lupine who is fighting for the same cause as Sam and I are, protecting our world.”

  “Oh, I’m into protection, all right.”

  Darius smiled as the waitress brought their food. His gaze centered on Sam, who began to eat. He took a bite from his sandwich.

  “Very good.” He wiped his mouth with the napkin. “Nice and rare. I like meat. Rare, full-bodied. I don’t believe in vegans.” His gaze flicked to James. “Except to graze on them as a small snack.”

  James shook his head. “Eating meat is so unhealthy. But being from a cattle ranch, and considering your origins, of course you have your preferences.”

  “I know exactly what I prefer.” Darius centered his gaze on Sam. A different hunger bit him.

  Body language aggressive and male, he leaned forward, locking his gaze to the Other. “What I prefer is what I take, and what I take, I keep. And damn the one who tries to stop me or hurt anyone close to me.”

  Chapter 8

  The three-story oceanfront mansion looked big enough to host his whole damn pack. Darius paced inside the master suite he’d been given.

  Facing the Pacific, it had a private balcony and beach access via a staircase leading to the bricked walkway. It boasted a fireplace, huge flat screen television, a bathroom with a Roman tub, and even a private hot tub on the wide balcony.

  A damn palace within the palace.

  It didn’t suit him. This suite took up half the third story, and was extremely private, but too far away from Sam’s bedroom. She’d been given a smaller bedroom on the first floor, a room too damn close to James.

  The urge to shift and run wild and free itched within him. But business came first. He sat at the desk overlooking the ocean and powered up his laptop.

  After answering emails, authorizing payment on invoices and dealing with the construction of a new ancillary barn and outbuildings, he began searching through online records. Two hours later, he shut off the computer and gave a long stretch. The golden sun began to sink into the Pacific, streaking the sky rose and gold.

  Darius walked onto the balcony overlooking the wide beach. Whitecaps rolled lazily onto the shore, licking the sand, then rolled out again. His hackles rose as he spied a bonfire on the beach and several chairs grouped around it.

  In one of those chairs sat Sam, with James and two other men. Sam, alone with three men.

  He was a predator, and right now, the prey he sought was surrounded by other males. A low growl arose in his throat. He wanted Sam in his bed. Now, before another man took what was his.

  Unfortunately, he must do things the Sk
in way if he did not want to violate Sam’s fragile trust. He sensed she craved this deal, and needed to prove herself to management.

  He would not interrupt. But he could observe.

  Darius climbed down the private staircase to the steps, which cut through the boulders protecting the house from the beach. Behind the boulders, he called upon his magick. His alpha powers enabled him to shift into a dog that resembled a German Shepherd than a wolf.

  The illusion came in handy when he needed to mingle among Skins, flushing out information to eavesdrop on business competitors.

  Paws digging into the hard sand near the grayish surf, he scampered and barked, playing with the incoming tide. As water lapped around his paws, he leapt back.

  Whoa, that was cold.

  He loped along the shoreline, sniffing the sand, catching smells of brine, dead crab, dogs, Skins, and then finally, Sam’s delicate scent. Darius loped over to the bonfire where Sam sat with James, her manager, Ken, and a man Darius had been introduced to earlier as Tom, director of sales. Tom had a round, jowled face and light blond hair.

  She sipped a tropical drink and laughed, the sound sweet and carefree. He missed her laughter.

  Sharpened Lupine senses enabled him to overhear their conversation. They discussed the coastal water project and its efficiency. Nothing more. Business.

  Maybe Sam could walk with him on the beach. Better yet, walk him back to his room, and then join him in bed.

  Oh yeah. His tailed wagged.

  Then his ears pricked as he overheard his name.

  “You seem to be quite familiar with Darius, Samantha. Did you know him before you ran into him at the Heathman?”

  This from Ken. Darius pretended to be absorbed in scenting a piece of driftwood.

  “We knew each other in childhood.” Sam’s voice was tight.

  “Ah, old friends. Good friends?” Ken asked.

  She gave a sigh so wistful it turned his heart over. “Once.”

  Ken shook his glass. “I’m out. Anyone care for a refill?”

  “I’ll come with you.” Tom jumped to his feet. When the two men had left, James turned to Samantha with a concerned look.


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