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The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana)

Page 25

by Vanak, Bonnie

  Sometime later, the frantic beating of wings against her cheek startled her out of a deep slumber. Sam struggled to awaken, and opened her eyes. She saw a flash of lights wink out, like flashbulbs on a camera.

  Then a lyrical, haunting music sounded deep in the woods. Sam eased out of Darius’ embrace, sat up and rubbed her eyes. The music tugged at her, but held an underlying note. Sinister and dark, it grated on her sprit instead of soothing it.

  Was it because of the Lupine bonding ceremony?

  Or had her senses sharpened and she now heard the other notes because she heard the truth? Or was this a different music of the Fae?

  A chill raced through her tensed body as she stood. She glanced down at the sleeping Darius, one arm tucked beneath his head, his long, dark lashes feathering his cheeks. He looked relaxed and boyish.

  Sam dressed. Compelled against her will, she slipped away, pushing deeper into the forest. Sam followed the trail to the glade where she’d first heard the Fairies sing. But this time instead of playful Sprites darting about the air, filling the glade with an ethereal glow from their wings, a single Fae leaned against the trunk of a tall pine. In flowing deep blue robes, he had long, white hair and piercing blue eyes. The tips of his ears were slightly pointed.

  She did not know who this Fae was, but sensed a threat. Sam lifted her chin.

  “Who are you, sir, and why are you here? Where are the Sprites that danced and sang?”

  The man smirked. “Dancing and singing Sprites. You think this forest is magick? Magick you wish to tap into?”

  A chill raced down her spine. She sensed a great power, much greater than herself. And something so very, very old.

  “I only wish to respect the forest and those who dwell within it.”


  The man waved a hand. Vines suddenly dropped from the trees and seized her by the wrists and ankles, yanking her hard against an oak tree. Sam cried out and tried to free herself. The man came close and his eyes burned like fire.

  “Dancing and singing Fairies. Such foolishness. Like the one who was led here by their song.” The Fae studied his fingernails, suddenly sharp and stained with splatters of green blood. “They died quite quickly. Such a shame, but circumstances being what they are, I could not allow them to live, and protect you in their foolishness. They tried to warn you to leave the forest. I could not allow that. Not after waiting for this moment for so long.”

  “Who are you?”

  The Fae waved a hand and his features tightened, becoming sharp and angular.

  “James,” she whispered. “What do you want?”

  The Fae gave a humorless smile. “Why, my dear half-sister, to get you the fuck out of my life. Out of everyone’s life. To kill you.”

  Chapter 18

  Her brother? Shock pummeled her. Sam stared at James, sickened at the hatred on her former friend’s face. She had a father, and he was alive. And a half-brother, who wanted her dead.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “My father fell for your bitch mother. A stupid love affair that tainted the Fae race by your birth.” James waved a hand, and the vines holding her fast tightened painfully.

  Then self-preservation took over. Sam began to sing, desperate to escape the vines holding her prisoner. But though the notes were pure and melodious, the vines did not move.

  James laughed. “You think your paltry Fae powers can override my commands to the plants and the trees when they are enthralled by me? You are a weakling half-blood, daughter of a bitch Lupine. My true name is Terithen. I am the powerful Elf heir of Glen Daire, pureblood son of the Fae king of the north. I command the forest and it will do my bidding.”

  “My father is the Fae king?” The news stunned her. Sam sagged against the tree. Anger and fear twined together, twisting hard like the vines holding her fast. Thoughts zipped through her mind. She must warn the others.

  “You were my father’s biggest mistake. He fucked that bitch of your mother and she got pregnant with you. You should never have been born.” Terithen spat on the ground.

  Sam thought fast, pushing aside panic and fear. Culling her Lupine powers, she released a long, low howl.

  “So base. So wolf,” he mocked.

  “Why?” She frantically pulled at her bonds. “Why do you hate me? I didn’t even know I was Fae! I was told my father was Lupine!”

  “You are a half-blood, an abomination. I loathe and curse the day my father took your mother into his bed. You shame my family, our race. You shame me!” Terithen flung out his hand. More vines wrapped around her ankles.

  “I went to Comairise Energy on the excuse of obtaining evidence to fire HG and Ken. That is what I told my father. I really went there to watch you. It was a challenge, deciding if I should kill you outright or if I should wait.”

  Terithen picked up a snake from the ground and let it wind around his fingers. Then he crushed its head and flung the reptile aside. “I commanded the sea Torathar to drown you. Waiting to dispatch one’s prey is much more enjoyable. The anticipation has been lovely. I met Todd at a gay bar and pretended to be his friend. It was too easy. He needed a friend who understood…and then I got photographs of him dancing with another man at the bar. Perfect blackmail fodder. I sent him to poison you, but he failed me the first time. Then the second time, he did not put enough wolfsbane into the drink. Alas, he developed a conscience and killed himself. I could no longer wait, for by then Darius had arrived. If he were to drag you back to his pack, you would be out of my grasp.”

  A familiar, dear scent flooded her nostrils. Darius. She did not dare look backward to give away his presence. A faint rustling sounded behind her.

  From behind the tree, Darius began quietly sawing at the vines holding her captive. She must distract Terithen.

  “You were my friend. You seemed to like me. How could you do this to me, James?”

  “Terithen! My name is Terithen.” He laughed. “I am a good actor. Hugging you was loathsome, but I managed to hide my distaste. I thought I had you at that restaurant, followed you there and cast a spell on the buzz saw. Unfortunately, your furry Lupine friend stopped my plans.”

  Darius managed to free one of her arms when Terithen’s gaze sharpened. “I knew you were there, wolf. And now I tire of your efforts.”

  The Elf flicked another finger and yanked Darius out of the bushes. Tree roots snaked out of the ground and ensnared his ankles and wrists, pinning him to the ground. Darius snarled and struggled to free himself.

  The Elf glanced at Sam and reached into his cloak, withdrawing a handful of purple powder.

  “Wolfsbane. In distilled form, it sickens a Lupine. I understand in pure form like this, it causes excruciating pain. I’m going to torment you. First, I’ll torture your wolf; make him suffer. And make you, Samantha, watch.”

  Terithen flung a handful of wolfsbane into Darius’ eyes. He screamed and writhed, shifting back and forth from human to wolf. More tree roots snaked out of the ground, lashing his naked body over and over like a horsewhip, making him bloodied. Sam gathered all her energy and sang to the trees, which finally ceased beating him.

  “Too late.” Terithen laughed. “He will die from his wounds. Your puny powers cannot save him.”

  Blood dripped from Darius’ mouth. He looked up, his gaze agonized. “Save yourself. Go. You have the power to free yourself.”

  The Elf laughed. “Who’s the strong one now, Darius? The alpha? You can’t save yourself, you pathetic Lupine. You know me not, nor my powers.”

  Darius released a deep, haunting howl and the hair stood up on the back of Sam’s neck. She recognized the call. The call of pack.

  Dozens of wolves howled back, the echo of their song filling her with fierce joy. Sam added her howls to Darius’.

  “Quiet. You are ruining my eardrums.” Terithen smirked and touched a pointed ear. Still smirking, he formed a small ball of green light. Turning, he hurled it at Sam.

  The pain slammed into her like a w
hite-hot sledgehammer, burning through her, feeling as if someone had lit her internal organs with a blowtorch. She screamed, tears gushing from her eyes.

  Still writhing on the ground, Darius snarled. “Leave her alone!”

  “Why? She screams so sweetly. Shall we make you sing again, bitch sister?”

  Tears gushed in her eyes. Then the scent of dozens of wolves filled her senses. She heard their paws hitting the earth, saw them enter the clearing.

  Her panicked gaze flicked to Darius, who lay quite still, blood seeping from his wounds. “Help him,” she told them.

  Two wolves shifted into their Skin form and raced to help Darius, but Terithen slammed them against the tree. Terithen was far too powerful. Then she saw a large, muscled wolf assume his Skin Form. Aiden! Clothed in black, his expression murderous, he stalked toward the Elf. “You son of a bitch,” Aiden yelled.

  Her half-brother raised his arms to the sky. “I am Terithen, and I command the elements. You cannot stop me.”

  As Aiden rushed Terithen, wind and rain began lashing the alpha, who raised a palm to shield his eyes from the stinging droplets. A tree root snaked out and captured his ankle.

  “Sam,” Aiden shouted. “Use me. I’m an alpha. Use my power, connect with my energy and let it flow into you. You can defeat him through us.”

  Wind whipped his dark hair back as he struggled to walk toward her.

  “You cannot defeat me,” Terithen shouted, his laughter maniacal. “I have the power to do whatever I please!”

  Terithen hurled a ball of energy at the tree behind her. Bark exploded as the ball made contact. Deep inside her she heard the tree scream. Anger pushed aside all fear.

  “You are foresworn to protect the forest!” she screamed at her half-brother.

  “My hate for you overshadows any love for the trees. They will understand. Their sacrifice is noble, eradicating a vile half-blood who never should have been born.”

  Reaching behind her, she managed to place her palm flat against the tree trunk, connecting with it, and sang. Sam glanced up and saw the bark mend itself, the gaping hole in the trunk slowly close over. And then a new, stronger power flowed into her.

  She’d somehow tapped into the power of the elements. She felt a surge of strength, of pure force and will, flow into her. Suddenly the vines holding her captive released her. She was free!

  The storm lashed at them with wicked fury. The wind howled with vicious force, whipping back her pale hair and tearing at her clothing. She advanced toward Terithen, who snarled and flung another energy ball at her.

  It slammed into her chest, burning like cold fire. Sam gritted her teeth, but the fire raced through her veins, draining her. She collapsed against a tree trunk.

  This was all wrong, she thought dimly. I’m going to die and I barely started to live my life, the life I was meant to live.


  She turned and saw Darius on the ground, his face covered with blood. He struggled to speak. “I believe in you, and I love you. You are Lupine and Elf, the best of two worlds. Use your powers. Heal yourself.”

  Darius, the male who wanted her as his mate, despite her mixed blood. Darius, the Lupine who had sacrificed himself to protect her.

  He would not die today.

  Neither would she.

  Sam lifted her face to the sky and began to sing. She sang with the last ounce of strength, her fingers gripping the tree trunk and feeling the tree’s energy connect with her spirit. Drawing strength from the tree, which drew strength from the earth, she kept singing. Finally the power inside her surged, filling her with good, strong magick. She sang a new song, urging the elements to calm.

  “Heal me, be with me. I am one with you, the storm and the sky and the wind.”

  The blood of two powerful alphas and their packs flowed into her, feeding her strength, courage and power. Sam felt Darius’ strength and his belief in her, his love flood her spirit. Darius did not care she was a half-breed. He did not care if she was wolf or Elf. He simply loved her for herself.

  I have the power to defeat Terithen. Love is the greatest power of all.

  The feeling built deep inside, shimmering and right, and Sam knew she’d finally found her true self. The storm abated, and she felt its power flow into her spirit. Closing her eyes, she cupped her hands. When she opened her eyes, a ball of bright light danced in her palms, rippling in rainbow colors.

  Sam looked at Darius. Her mate. Her lover. The only male, Lupine, Skin or Elf, who had stood by her side and loved her, no matter what she was. And she drew on the strength of that love and let it feed her soul.

  “Dear brother,” she called out in a low voice. “James. Yo. Shitty excuse for breathing.”

  He turned, his eyes glowing red.

  “I am half-blood. Lupine. Elf. It is all within me, the power of the earth.”

  She smiled and bounced the multicolored ball in her palm. “Taste the rainbow, you son of a bitch.”

  Snarling, she flung the ball of light at him.

  It hit him square on the chest. Staggering back, he pin wheeled, trying to regain his balance. Sam opened her mouth and sang, calling forth the roots, the trees, the blades of grass to become knives. And she called on her mother’s people, the Lupine. From the shadows, from the distance, the wolves raced forward, snarling and awaiting her command.

  Sam lifted a finger and pointed at her half-brother, who stood gathering his power. “Tear him up.”

  The wolves rushed forward, snapping their jaws, but Terithen broke free. He severed a tree limb and swung, knocking the wolves down. The vines and roots imprisoning Darius fell away from his wrists and ankles. Her half-brother was losing power in his focus to save himself. The wolves recovered and rushed him again. She recognized Ryder and Aiden sinking their fangs into his legs. Terithen screamed and hurled energy balls at the wolves, slamming into them. Howling, they writhed on the ground.

  Sam kept singing, urging the trees to attack the one who attacked and used them. Roots pulled up from the ground, ensnaring his legs and pulling him down. Terithen wriggled, trying to free himself, but the roots tightened around him.

  One snaked around his neck like a noose. With wild eyes, Terithen looked up at her. “You can’t do this! I am the True Heir!” He began to call out in words she did not recognize. And then he screamed in English, “Father, save me!”

  Sam studied him solemnly. “No one will save you, Terithen. You have abused your power and surrendered to dark forces. You killed those who protected the forest and harmed the woods with your evil.”

  “You can’t kill me!”

  “I am not the one killing you. They are.”

  The root squeezed tight as his face grew purple. Terithen gasped, and then died.

  Suddenly light shimmered, iridescent colors that made her squint and her eyes gush water. When it faded, a tall, silver-haired Elf stood there, clad in a brilliant scarlet tunic and trousers, his hair falling down to his breastbone. Clutched in his right hand was a long crimson staff topped with an intricate twist of leaves.

  He looked down at the fallen body of Terithen. Then he quietly regarded the twisted remains of the trees, the broken roots and the damaged earth. The tall Elf struck the staff deep into the soil and the earth opened. It began pulling her stepbrother downward, like quicksand. Terithen shrank, his body folding into the earth, and vanished.

  The pack shifted back to Skin form, as did Aiden and Ryder. Both alphas were bruised and bleeding, but their wounds had begun to heal.

  Sam rushed over to Darius and knelt at his side. Darius was not healing.

  Naked, covered with blood that shone black in the moonlight, he had a weak pulse. His eyes flickered open. A wan smile touched his bloodied mouth as he reached up and caressed her cheek. “Love you,” he whispered. “Be happy.”

  “Please. You can’t leave me,” she whispered, cradling him in her arms. Sam pressed her lips to his. Once warm and firm and soft, his mouth was cold and nearly lifeless.r />
  Aiden’s mouth worked violently as he clasped his friend’s hands. “Darius, c’mon, hang in there, buddy. I need you.”

  Ryder dropped to the other side of Darius and looked at Sam. “His wounds are too grievous.” The alpha looked at her solemnly. “I’m an alpha, but even my powers can’t help him because of the wolfsbane. None of us can.”

  But I can. Sam began to sing and felt power seep into her hands, soar into her body. She placed her hands on her mate and watched the blue light flicker along his body, healing the torn flesh. A lump clogged her throat as he did not respond.

  “The internal injuries are too much,” Aiden said thickly, his eyes growing moist. “He’s dying.”

  Sam glanced at the tall Elf staring down at the blackened earth that held the remains of Terithen. “I need your help! Please, help me heal him.”

  But the Elf did not turn. He raised the staff over his head and chanted. A great rustling and rumbling sounded in the forest. A cloud of mist suddenly appeared in the glade, and then exploded into droplets.

  The mist faded and Sienna stood in the clearing, clad in a green, long-sleeved tunic and black leather trousers. A sword was strapped to her belt. She looked more beautiful than ever, her long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Her ears were slightly pointed, and her deep green eyes were filled with sympathy and compassion.

  “I am sorry I am late. I would have arrived sooner, had I known Terithen had found you.”

  “Darius needs help. I can’t heal him.” A teardrop fell from her cheek, splashed onto Darius’ bloodied face.

  “You cannot do it alone. You need me. I have the power to heal and destroy.” Sienna’s expression softened and she glanced at the tall Elf, still staring in morose grief at the darkened ground. “To heal Darius, I must give my true name. It is forbidden to do this among others.”

  Sam’s hope faded.

  Then Sienna shrugged and she gave a small smile. “But I’ve never been known to follow the rules.” She looked at Sam and placed her hand over her heart. “I am Ninianne.”


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