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Turtleshift Page 10

by Linton Bowers

  “I understand, ma’am.”

  “Just Monica please.”

  We settled into comfortable chairs around a conference table in the main command center building. All of my Tua sat around the table with my new mage guests except Andrea. She entered with a tray full of home made donuts. The meeting had officially begun.

  “I guess my first question is about this Mage Hunter thing. What is it?” I asked.

  “We don’t know a lot about them, you. A good number of us have met the woman known as Acashia. She doesn’t hunt and wanted to make it known that she would leacve us be if we returned the sentiment. Other than that there are myths of Mage Hunter wiping out whole Mage collonies with hordes of Lycans. That is all we now.” Monica said before taking a donut, then setting it down on a papertowel.

  “Damn. i was hoping for more on that subject,” I said. Can you tell me how magic works?”

  “It’s simple really,” Scarlett said. “You already know that a mage has to fuse with an element. There are the elements of water, fire, earth, and life. There are also a few dark schools of magic most avoid like necromancy, and blood magic. Once fused the element and the mage share thier essence and gain power from eachother. The stronger the natural tallent, the stronger the fusion and the more powerful the mage.”

  “That’s cool as shit. Can anyone learn magic?”

  “I’m afraid not,” Monica said. “It’s a genetic trairt passed down through blood lines. That is ne of the reasons we fear Mage Hunters so much. Every death weakens s as a community. We can’t have kids as frequently as normal humans. It’s rare that mages have two kids, I’m one of the lucky few.”

  “What were you doing in that basement shelter?” Izzy asked.

  Monica’s eyes looked down and a tear rolled down her cheek. “My husband and I were taken fro our home. THe bear had few wolves with hiim and they got to us before we could defend ourselves. The oone spell we managed slid right off the wolves we hit. We didn’t stand a chance.”

  “What does Arnold want with water mages?” Miranda asked.

  “Other than the large cavern I built, I don’t know,” Darryl answered. “He said there would be more work for me soon and that I was to hold up in the offices of the building you found me in. As long as I cooperated, my family was safe.”

  “What about you going to see Lassiter?” Izzy asked Scarlet. “What was that about?”

  “I didn’t know he was in league with Arnold. I thought I could get protection from the one person that had magic capable of harming Lycans. Had I known, I wouldn’t have gone to him.”

  “I have an idea,” Tabitha said. She looked to me for comformation that she could continue. I nodded trusting that whatever she said would work for me. “Why don’t you stay here with us until all of theis mess with Arnold is solved?”

  That ook everyone by surprise including me. Nut I liked it. Not only did it give them a safe place it allowed me to have access to three mages.

  “I don’t know,” Monica said. “I have to bury my husband.”

  “What if we bury him here?”I asked. “We could set asid a nice spot for him and have a nice little minutmetn made.”

  “Why would you do this?” Monica asked.

  “I see how much you all cared for him, and it makes me think he was a good man. Also, I want to be in your good graces,a dn while I will not ask for anythiing in return, I hope it goes a long way toward a freindship between my pack and your family,”I said.

  “Can I think about it?”Monica asked.

  “Take all the time you need,” Andrea said.

  Chapter 16

  Izzy and I sat in her car as the elevator platform raised up once more. Our biker escort was in tow along with Monica and Daryl in a separate car. Our mission was much the same as when we left the first time. Figure out who put Lassiter up tp attacking our last home.

  This time we were also getting the water mages home so they could gather supplies before returning to the Amarillo compound.

  “I don’t know about these mages,” Izzy said. “Miranda and I talked, but neither of us could figure out your behavior. We need to be careful.”

  The smile I wore from getting more time with Izzy faded. I knew that I was screwing up, but I didn’t like hearing about my Tua talking about it behind my back. The sensation of my blood boiling returned. Taking a deep breath, I held it for a five count then let it out slow. Repeating the same breathing technique, I did it probably fifty more times before I felt closer to normal. Whatever was wrong with me had me all kinds of fucked up.

  “We will figure this out,” Izzy said placing her hand on mine.

  My blood boiled once more, but for different reasons. Electricity surged through me at her touch. My senses sharpened and I could smell every nuance of her scent. She was a blend of rich earth and sweet natural perfume. Her tan skin looked brighter and more alive. Somehow, Wolf Sense activated without me willing it to.

  “You okay?” Izzy asked.

  “I think so,” I lied. It felt horrible to tell her something that wasn’t true, but I felt like I had to. If she knew I was losing control she would insist on going back.

  My turtle looked over at me, but she kept driving and didn’t say anything. The drive rushed by as my mind worked to puzzle out my issues. By the time we reached the Mage residence I was non closer to answers. When Izzy stopped the car at the curb out front I climbed out

  “Hey,” Izzy said following me to the front door. “This isn’t the plan. The wolves are supposed to go in first and make sure the place is safe.”

  “I know, but I couldn’t just sit there while my pack tool on the risk. I’m damn near imortal. I should do this.”

  “No, you shouldn’t,” Izzy replied.

  I kicked the door open and walked in. Izzy cursed at me in spanish and walked back to her car while keeping up the unfamiliar litany.

  The house wad cool and dark. I kept the lights off since Wolf Sense was active again. I hadn’t activated it again. But it was coming in handy, so I didn’t think much of it.

  The place was a good size, but that is where the expectations ended. The house sat in a decent residential area, but the decorations and furniture spoke to the mages being rich. Everything looked like it cost more than the entire building my last apartment had been in. Maging must be a lucrative business.

  The first floor was clear so I took the stairs up. The second floor was just as lavish, but there were no people on the second floor. I went to the basement dior on the first floor as I approached the door opened and a woman with dark skin and close shaved head walked out. She looked at me and froze. I stopped mid step unsure of what to do.

  “why are you hear,” she said in a thick accent that reminded me of accents used in movies set in Africa.

  “Um,” with my blood boiling my brain would not function like it should.

  “Are you him?” She asked.

  “Him who?”

  “The Tuatha. The man whose father is the snake my mistress seeks?”

  “Your mistress being. .”

  “Acashia the paragon of wisdom.” The title was a new one to me.

  “I am,” I said ready to fight this woman and gain a small measure of relief through violence.

  “I see. I have not come for you. I seek people to help my mistress with magical assistance. You should leave now.”

  The tone of command in her voice set my rage from ten to twelve. I growled but she didn’t react. “No one tells me what I should be doing,” I snarled.

  I rushed the woman. Set on putting her in her place. She stepped side at the last second. I pulled and used the extra strength to stop myself and lashed out. Rage blinded me and I wasn’t sure how much I pulled. Slow Time didn’t activate so I had hope that I hadn’t fucked up. Or a small part of me did. Most of my thought process was focused on causing pain. I wasn’t alone in that.

  The woman struck faster than I could see. Two quick hits to my gut knocked the wind out of me. Another to the head
staggered me. I stumbled back shaking my head. The haze didn’t immediately clear, but the woman didn’t capitalize either.

  “Terry, stop!” Izzy shouted.

  Having her tell me what to do once more set my blood from boil to full burn. I roared and ran at the woman like a brainless brute. My arms swung out at random in a series of uncoordinated attacks. She dodged or blocked every blow with ease.

  “What is wrong with your man, turtle?” The woman shouted.

  “I don’t know!” Izzy’s voice held a note of desperation I had never heard from her. It was enough to snap me out of my battle fugue.

  The woman took advantage and hit me three times in the head. My knees buckled and I fell forward. She caught me keeping me from falling on my face. The blows dazed me and took my close to unconsciousness, but not all the way.

  “What is wrong with your Tuatha?” The woman said to an unseen figure. Izzy stepped up and took me from the unknown woman. “I don’t know.”

  “How could you not know? Do you not share a bond with him?”

  “I… Well, yeah, but…”

  “You have not given him everything you are. You resist and therefore have not experienced the true power you both posses. I am not surprised. I have heard you turtles are like this. You must accept him and give him your all for him to achieve his potential. I any of his Tua resist he will lose himself in madness never knowing why.”

  “How can you be sure?” Izzy asked. Fear and self doubt came to me from the link I shared with my turtle.

  “It is the way f things. My Tuatha has been around for a very long time. My lion leadsw our pride, and he is tamed by a powerful and ancient Tuatha. But do not let her know I called her ancient.” The african woman laughed, and Izzy let out a nervous chuckle.

  “Why are you telling me this?” Izzy asked.

  “I know what this one’s father has done. I do not feel that a child must pay for the sins of the father. I would see him earn his own way in the world. There are not enough Tuatha as it is. I must go, but you will accept him and help each other grow strong, or he will fail as your Tuatha and your entire pride will fall. Do not let foolish arrogance and the ways f the turtle stop you from being his.”

  The dark woman rose to her feet. My vision wasn't completely clear, but I thought I saw golden fur sprout from her skin and her face take on a feline shape She took off at a run quickly leaving the house. A few surprise shouts came from my wolves.

  “We have to get you to the car,” Izzy said. “Can you walk?”

  “I think so,” I replied.

  Witht eh help of my Tua I rose on shaking legs. She put my arm over her shoulders and we made for the front door. Dris entered with the mages in following. “Was the hell was that?” He asked.

  “Someone we don’t want to piss off. Help me get him to the car,” Izzy said.

  “You feeling alright, Rodriguez?” Dris asked. “You look a little pale, and it’s not like you to need help with someone is weight.”

  “I’m fine.” But she wasn’t. Whatever was affecting me wa starting to get to her as well.

  “We need to get some rest,” I said.

  “I think he’s right,” Izzy said.

  :Damn, Rodriguez, you must be feelin off if you are agreeing with the boss man. I know a place not far.”

  “Some place nice,” I said. I want a big comfy bed and a large sower,” I said. What’s the point of having this damn black card if I can’t use it?” I asked.

  “Your the boss. We are going to escort the Hydros inside so they can get their things, ten we will leave. I know a place not too far from here,” Dris said.

  Izzy helped me get settled into the backseat of her car. I leaned against the door watching as Dris and the mages went inside, or the Hydros ashe called them. It was a cool name and I think I would work to make it stick. The Hydros only took a few minutes to get a couple suitcases and come back out.

  Daryl led the way to the sedan they were using. Scarlet walked behind him with their mother in the rear. Scarlet was smiling until she looked up. A shadow flashed across the Hydros then Scarlet screamed and ran forward. She shoulder checked her brother knocking him to the ground.

  I went into autopilot, jumping from the car and running to the Hydros. Five feet from the car and e shadow fell from the sky. A large winged werewolf landed hard on Scarlet. The sound of several bones breaking was followed by her screams of pain. Claws dug into the woman cutting off her scream as one tore into the flesh just below her throat. Her eyes met mine for a second and I saw fear and hope there.

  The monster beat its wings and took off with Scarlet secure in its talons. I leapt into the air. Dragon wings tore themselves painfully from my back I reached up and took the wolf’s leg in my hand. Claws erupted from my fingers ripping oes in the monster’s calf. Hot pain shot down my arms from the explosive growth of claws. I climbed up his leg makng new holes as I went.

  Warmth grew in my chest rapidly becoming an inferno. I had to let it go but I wanted to reach the creature’s head. I was in Dragonshift mode when I should have been able too. Whatever was affecting me had forced the skill to activate. As such, it wasn’t functioning properly. I was up to his waist when the fire exploded from my mouth and throat tearing a new breathing hole open below my jaw. The fire engulfed the monster, me and Scarlet. What remained of us fell to the ground as smoke billowed from our charred bodies.

  All I could think about was that I had just killed Scarlet. I had to do something to save her, and there was one possibility. I reached out with my will, but it was difficult with every nerve ending in my body screaming from pain. The wind whipping by felt like razors being dragged across my burnt flesh.

  My need o save Scarlet overwrote the pain allowing me to focus and pull. The mage stood before me in all er nude glory. Her round breasts and curvy hips showed no sign of the damage I had done. She collapsed to her knees and she grew pale while I ran t her.

  “Scarlet, I need you to accept me as your Tuatha. If you can do that I can save you, I promise. I’ll free you once you are safe. Do you accept me?”

  A slight up and down was the only acknowledgment I received that she accepted me as Tuatha. A window appeared and I shut it down before I could read it. As I began to pull from my pack another window popped up. I dismissed it as well. I had to focus. With all the Lycan gates open to ninety percent I directed te flow to the newest gate, te mage gate. Scarlet shot up to her feet standing with her back arched and her head back. Light shot up from her eyes and mouth turning the darkness into white-bluelight.

  I felt pain along my back and heard a thumb. Unconsciousness claimed me and my final thought was hope that I was able to save Scarlet, my Hydro.

  Chapter 17

  I woke up in a soft bed. A blue light filled the room, it wasn’t bright, more light a night light. I stretched and felt a lot of pain originating from the skin on my arms.

  “That’s right, I burned myself pretty bad. And…” I sat up quickly causing another wave of pain from burned skin, I ignored it. “Scarlet,” I said.

  “I’m okay,” came the voice of the pretty mage woman from my left.

  I looked over and found the source of the blue glow, Scarlet. “You’re glowing.”

  “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up. Any chance you can turn this off?” She asked.

  “Off?” Before she could answer I understood. I was channeling massive amounts of power to her. I dropped the pull from my Tua to ten percent and closed the Mage gate. A tickle of pain made me rethink my power pull. Looking down I saw that I was naked and my skin was a charred mess of blacks and reds. In some places I looked like a lava monster with black skin cracked fro. Moving and showing red between the black. Upping the draw to forty percent caused an itch signalling the beginning of the healing process.

  Scarlet’s glow faded. It had come from her entire body. The light no longer eliminated from her skin, but a soft glow came from her eyes and it wasn’t fading away.

you,” she said. “All that power was crazy. She unfolded legs that had been covering her and stood. “Can I lay down next to you?”

  “Um, sure,” I said.

  I hadn’t been able to see thw damage done due to the explosion of dragon fire, but it had to be bad. Now though, she looked whole and healthy with pale skin that had a pink tint to it. She was nude like she had been in the dark mindspace. Her dark red hair was much shorter now, almost a bob cut, but uneven and wrong. The patch of soft looking curly hair between her legs was a light brown. Her breast swayed and jiggled as she walked in an enticing way. She slid on the bed and pulled the sheet up.

  Her warm body pressed against my side causing pain. Sex would be out of the question until I healed. That was fine.

  “I’ve surpassed my brother,” Scarlet said. “Even with the power flow cut off I am much stronger than him. What you did to me was amazing.”

  “About that, I’m sorry to have made you do that. It was the only way I could think of to save you. If you are all healed up, you can sever our connection so you won’t be tied to me,” I said.

  “What if I want to be connected to you?”

  “Why?” I asked curious as to what would make a mage want to be part of a Lycan pack.

  “There is security in this pack. I feel safe surrounded by shapeshifters that have the benefit of an massive increase in their power. As a Hydro-mage I am alone. I have my mother and brother, but they are busy doing their thing. I didn’t have a thing so I spent a lot of time doing nothing of consequence. I was more like a kept bird than a person. I would like this to be my thing, if that is alright with you?”

  “That’s fine with me. I just wanted to make sure you were a part of the pack by choice,” I replied.

  “I am, Terry. I really am.” A dark shadow came over her features. “There is… I need to tell you everything.”

  The room door creaked open letting more light in. Izzy came in and stood over the bed. She didn’t react to Scarlet being in the bed which surprised me. “Are feeling okay,” Izzy asked.


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