Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 11

by Sheri L. Swift

  “You two.” Tarra smiled and shook her head and then led Lana to the Hall.

  There were many Princesses in the Hall and it made Lana a little nervous. There were so many maidens; some of them were even of the dark ones. Lana couldn’t help but notice that Sirene was one of them and she tried to clear her thoughts and focus on Titus’ mother.

  “Hello Princess Lana, I am so glad that you have joined us today. We have been most anxious to speak with you and see how you are enjoying your time here,” said Princess Cassandra with a smile.

  “I love it; it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I’m even adjusting to the foods,” said Lana as all of the mermaids giggled to read her thoughts on eating her food raw.

  “We know that our ways must be different for you,” said Princess Cassandra understandingly.

  “Yeah, but I’m getting the hang of it,” said Lana again nervously.

  “I understand that Prince Titus hardly ever leaves your side,” said Princess Rema, Uly’s mother.

  “Yes, you should have seen the look on his face when I had to practically pull her away from him,” laughed Tarra.

  Lana couldn’t help but think of Sirene and how she must feel at this moment; then all looked at Sirene as they read Lana’s thoughts. Sirene looked up in shock and glared at Lana and quickly swam away. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to think about her. How awful you must all think I am,” said Lana sadly.

  “It is not your fault Princess Lana, she should never have allowed herself to form feelings for someone she could not join in union with,” said Princess Cassandra.

  “Titus has ever been your intended and Sirene has known this,” said Princess Rema.

  “I know, but I still can’t help but feel bad for her. I mean, it wasn’t like I was around. I can see why she’d like him. He’s that special,” said Lana sincerely.

  “That is what makes you so special, because you care for others. Sirene will come to accept it in time. My son has chosen wisely in a mate.” Princess Cassandra smiled.

  “Come now, let us get back to stringing shells,” said Princess Rema.

  “Yes Lana, let us make you a top,” said Tarra.

  “Wow, you mean like yours? I’d love it,” said Lana as she began to pick out shells from the many gathered in a large stone bowl.

  The mermaids talked for hours as they strung shells for tops, necklaces, and crowns for their Prince mermen. Lana enjoyed getting to know each of them. Two of the mermaids were sisters and Tarra’s closest friends. Their names were Filene and Fianna and they had the dark hair and eyes. They were also cousins to Kitchi, who had been Tarra’s intended. Lana found the sisters to be very much like Makoa. They were less formal than the others and had a sense of humor. It was easy to be friends with them.


  When Lana returned to her cavern with Tarra, Titus was there with Tempest waiting for her. He could not help but notice her shell top and Lana couldn’t help but hear his thoughts that it pleased him very much.

  “I am so tired, I think I shall retire to the pool,” said Tarra as she swam to the other side of the cavern.

  “Goodnight Sister,” called Titus with a smile back to her.

  “Yeah, goodnight Princess Tarra,” said Lana barely geyying the words out as Titus quickly pulled her to him and kissed her. “Hi, I missed you too.” Lana beamed looking into his eyes.

  “It has seemed an eternity since you have been gone from me,” said Titus softly as he held her close.

  “It really wasn’t that long, but I know what you mean.” She smiled up at him.

  “It gave me time to think what it would be like if you were to go back to the island. I wish that you would stay here with me,” he said softly once moreand Lana read his thoughts on how hard it was for him to tell her what he was thinking.

  “Wow, I almost forgot about going back. I know I promised my father that I would in time for my birthday,” she said as she realized for the first time, how very much she had come to love Titus and didn’t want to leave him.

  “I love you also Princess Lana. Will you join in union with me and live as my mate among my people?” Titus asked knowing how very important a question it was and how much depended on her answer.

  “Titus, I’d love nothing more than to do that. I’m just not sure how I go about telling my dad? I know it might break his heart,” she said seriously, not wanting to make Titus doubt her feelings for him.

  “I know it will be hard for him, perhaps he has also had time to think about it.”

  “Yeah maybe; I know that he’s read my thoughts and he must have known it was possible that I’d choose to stay. I’m also glad that he’s had time to find love for himself. It may not be as hard for him now. I just don’t know.” Lana was torn between the love she felt for Titus and her father.

  “It is alright Lana; we will find a way together. Let us enjoy these last few weeks and pray that Arius will help us when the time comes,” Titus said sincerely as he kissed the top of her head.


  The next week and a half was bittersweet for Lana and Titus. They tried to enjoy the time they had, but they couldn’t help but think of the fast approaching day that Lana would have to return to the island and tell her father of her decision.

  One evening, as they sat outside on the ledge at Gull Island and gazed at the stars, Lana noticed that Titus was guarding his thoughts. He seemed so distant at times and she thought; it must be because of my possibly leaving. “You know I love you Titus, don’t you?” she asked softly.

  “Yes, and I love you also Lana.” Titus smiled brightly and kissed her.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Lana ran her fingers along his lips.

  “Yes, you may ask me anything.” He smiled and kissed her fingers.

  “What is wrong?” Lana asked staring into his eyes.

  “What are you asking?” Titus still guarded his thoughts.

  “Titus, something is wrong and you’re not telling me,” she said growing frustrated.

  “It is not that there is something wrong, but something strange is occurring. I have tried to keep it from you. It has nothing to do with you and I. It is something I must be concerned with as head of the guard,” he said staring seriously back into her eyes.

  “Oh, I see. Can you tell me?”

  “I cannot tell you much, it is just that some of the mer are beginning to keep to themselves and stay in their homes. That is unusual for our people. King Titan is concerned that it may mean more than it appears,” he said cautiously, not sure he should have revealed that much to her.

  “Gosh Titus, I hope it doesn’t mean any trouble. Your people have seemed to get along so well.”

  “Yes, they always have before. Enough of this talk; it may mean nothing,” he said as he kissed her once more and Lana put her head against his chest and heard the comforting beat of his heart. Titus ran his fingers through her hair. Lana could tell that his thoughts were still guarded and she worried for him. “Do not worry, I can take care of myself and you,” he said kissing the top of her head.

  “I know you can and I always feel so safe in your arms,” she said as she hugged him even closer.

  “You are and it is where you belong.” He kissed the top of her head once more.


  Chapter 11


  The next morning, Lana was surprised to find that Titus wasn’t in the cavern as he had been every morning since she arrived. Tarra told her that the guardsmen were called to go on a hunt, which was not unusual a few times a year. Tarra took the stock pot and filled it up with water from the rain barrel along the wall of the cavern. She had told Lana that her father had also engineered it during the years that he lived there. Tarra had learned to make a seafood stew that Lana enjoyed. Lana tried to get Tarra to let her make it herself, but Tarra refused. She said that Lana was only her guest for a few days more and that she enjoyed learning to make new things for humans. She at least let Lana get more drift
wood from the stack along the wall and add it to the fire.

  “I can see how much your and Titus’ hearts are aching at the thought of your returning to your father,” said Tarra sympathetically.

  “Yeah, I’m hoping that my dad will understand how much I love your brother and that I want to join in union with him.” Lana smiled.

  “I think that your father will understand more than you think. After all, he did fall in love and join in union with your mother.” Tarra smiled.

  “Yeah, I keep forgetting about that.” Lana beamed.

  “Some of the mermaids are going out to gather shells today; would you like to join us?”

  “Yeah, I’d love that. It’ll keep my mind from missing Titus,” Lana sighed.

  “Yes, it will be good for you,” laughed Tarra.

  Lana, Tarra, Filene and Fianna mostly swam together. While they did, they shared their thoughts about Lana and Titus. They were all hoping that there might soon be a union between them. Lana heard about how a beautiful the ceremony was. It only made her miss Titus all the more.

  As they gathered shells, Lana couldn’t help but read the thoughts of a mermaid some distance behind her. When Lana turned to see who it was, she saw that it was Sirene and she was once again thinking of Titus. Lana decided to try and be friends with her. She let the others know that she needed to talk with Sirene alone and they allowed her to swim to her. “Hello Sirene, I’ve been meaning to speak with you,” said Lana kindly.

  “Yes Princess Lana, I am sure that you have,” said Sirene coldly.

  “I don’t want to be your enemy. In fact, I’m really sorry if I embarrassed you a few weeks ago. I didn’t mean to.”

  “It is alright, they all know how I feel. I have never hidden that fact,” said Sirene, again coldly.

  “I can see what you see in Prince Titus. He’s a wonderful merman. I know that you and I have never met before. You must have thought that Prince Titus and I might not join in union. I wanted to tell you that we do plan to join as soon as my father gives us his permission,” said Lana, hoping it wouldn’t hurt her too badly.

  “I see; then you have decided. I must go,” said Sirene so strangely, and then she quickly swam away.

  “Is everything alright?” Tarra asked with concern as she swam to Lana.

  “I’m not sure,” answered Lana confused by it all.

  “Do not let her bother you, she has always been different,” said Tarra as the sisters swam up to join them.

  “She is a distant cousin of ours, but we have never been able to get close to her,” said Filene.

  “We have tried several times, but she will not allow anyone to befriend her,” said Fianna.

  When the mermaids were bringing back the shells that they had gathered, Lana saw Sirene waiting near the entrance of Torbist. Lana could sense that her thoughts were sad and thought she might have had a change of heart. “Tarra, I can’t help it. I’m gonna try one more time to talk with Sirene. Do you mind?” Lana asked.

  “No, go ahead; I will meet you at the cavern later. I will visit awhile with Filene and Fianna.”

  “Okay, see you later.” Lana waved and then she swam to Sirene.

  “Hello Princess Lana. I was waiting to apologize and was wondering if we might go somewhere more private, like your cavern?” Sirene asked in a friendly tone.

  “Of course, I’d like that,” said Lana as she led the way around to the cavern.

  When Lana and Sirene reached the entrance of the cavern, there were two guards posted as usual, only Makoa wasn’t one of them like he’d always been before. These guards had their dark hair all pulled back into one long braid down their back and Lana had never seen them do that before. Neither one of them looked in her direction as she swam passed and entered into the cavern. Lana began to have a cold chill run down her spine. Something’s wrong; she couldn’t help but wonder what it was?

  As Lana and Sirene surfaced, Lana jumped up on the rock ledge of the cavern floor and she noticed that Sirene wasn’t coming any closer. She had a strange look on her face, “I am truly sorry Princess Lana, I had no...”

  “Silence!” Lana heard a man’s voice shout from across the cavern and Sirene quickly dove into the water and swam away.

  The hairs on the back of Lana’s neck began to stand on end as she realized who it must be coming towards her in the water. He was one of the dark ones, only his eyes were different. They seemed as black as night and cold as ice. They reminded her of a shark’s eyes when feeding. He had a scar running down the side of his face and his arms and torso were also covered with several scars. She could feel the evil of his presence and she knew; this must be Darious.

  “So, you have heard of me? I am impressed, only it is Prince Darious.” He smirked.

  As he got closer, Lana saw a golden circle around his head and that his hair was also pulled back in the one braid. “Yeah, I heard of you, only I heard that you were no Prince,” said Lana smugly.

  “Well, well, you are brave for one so weak,” Darious said as he slowly came even closer to the ledge where Lana was sitting.

  Then Lana heard a sound like moaning coming from behind her where the seaweed bed was. Lana saw that it was Makoa and he seemed to be unconscious. “What have you done to him?” Lana cried as she quickly went and tried to revive him.

  “Nothing compared to the other guard. He was, shall we say, not one of the family. If this one is smart he will join with us and leave Titan,” he hissed out the words.

  “What do you want?” Lana shouted.

  “Do you not know Princess, I want you!” he laughed a hideous laugh out loud.

  Then Lana felt an even deeper sense of an evil presence as another came from the shadows of the cavern in the water. He was much younger and smaller, almost sickly. He had the same dark, cold eyes. He also had the gold crown and hair pulled back into one braid. Lana had never experienced such a look of evil in all of her life. His thoughts were the worst she could have ever imagined of what he wanted to do to her.

  “Brother, you said that when I came to Torbist that I could have any pick of the maidens. I choose her!” shouted the younger.

  “No Damon! I told you that you could have any pick of the mermaids, I am keeping the merwalker for myself!” Darious yelled.

  “I will challenge you for her!” Damon shouted as he boldly swam to him, nearly crashing into his chest.

  “Do not be a fool!” Darious screamed and he struck his brother across the face and Lana thought that for one brief moment, Damon was going to kill Darious.

  “Go back and wait for me with the others. Do it!” Darious screamed once more and Damon turned and stared at Lana.

  Lana nearly vomited as she once more heard his thoughts with a promise that he would have her one day. Then he smiled a wicked smile to his brother and then dove below.

  “You must forgive my little brother; he has not yet found himself a suitable mate. You however, are the very image of your mother, except for the tail of course. That also can have an advantage towards our human enemies,” he let out a sinister laugh and Lana backed even further into the cavern. Darious only hopped up on the ledge resting on the joint above his tailfin and began hopping from his hands and tail towards her.

  Lana remembered the knife that her father had given her and took it out and firmly held it with both hands and pointed it towards him.

  “Do you really think that you can stop me with that toy of yours? Do you not see how many others have tried before.” He sneered as he came even closer.

  “Darious Stop!” Prince Titus yelled as he quickly surfaced in the cavern.

  “Well, if it is not Prince Titus coming to save his beloved,” Darious hissed out the words again.

  “This is between you and I leave her alone!” Titus shouted.

  Darious turned back to face Lana and flung himself forward against her and grabbed the knife from her hands. Titus leapt out of the water and tried to catch him, but it was too late. Darious turned back to Titus an
d plunged the knife into his side before Titus even realized that he had it. Titus had a look of shock and then regret as he looked to Lana.

  “No!” Lana screamed and she ran and tried to help Titus, but she was too late. Darious threw Titus into the water and turned back towards her. He threw down the knife and grabbed Lana’s wrists with both of his hands and began kissing her hard on her mouth. Lana fought to get free. His evil thoughts were in her head and again, she nearly vomited to have his mouth on hers and then he stopped. She saw that his eyes were wide with fear and then he slowly fell to the cavern floor.


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