Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 18

by Sheri L. Swift

  Damon gave a smug look to the King and said, “I tell you King Titan, I do as I wish, although I do think that my King will find it interesting that you have men of the islands helping you.”

  “Our people have only ever wished to live in peace, but we will protect our pod against any who would wish to harm us!” said the King angrily.

  “You are no match for my King and his guard. He could have this Kingdom and all in it if he wishes,” Damon laughed out loud.

  Prince Titus could barelyly hold his thoughts as he stood behind him.

  Damon sensed Titus’ presence and turned and gave him an icy cold stare. Makoa jerked his chain and made him face the front once more.

  “Enough of this; take him to the jail,” proclaimed King Titan with a wave of his hand.

  As they turned to take Damon, he let his thoughts tell Titus that he would escape and make sure that he took Lana with him and especially let him know what he intended to do to her.

  It was all Titus could do to just stand there with his nostrils flaring and gritting his teeth. He knew that he must obey the King for now and be patient.

  Makoa and the other guard pulled Damon forward and took him away.

  “You have done well Prince Titus to not speak to him,” said King Titan.

  “It is a hard thing that you have asked my King. What will you do with him?” Titus asked, still trying to shake off Damon’s wicked intentions.

  “I will release him tomorrow with a message to Tiberius,” King Titan said, knowing what Titus would say.

  “No, how could you! He will never stop trying to take Lana!” Prince Titus shouted, forgetting with whom he spoke.

  “I know it is a hard thing for you Prince Titus. I am trying to keep from having an all-out war between the mer. It is my hope that Tiberius will not wish it as well. If Damon should try to harm any of our people again, then Tiberius will know that I had no other choice than to exact justice to the head of his guard for a second time,” the King said with understanding for Titus’ outburst.

  “Forgive me my King; I know your ways are just. I will try and do as you wish,” Titus bowed to the King and left the Hall and went straight to Lana and Rose. He knew now more than ever; he would need to protect them.

  “How can this be?” Lana asked in shock at the news that Titus brought her.

  “We have already killed Darious, which was King Tiberius’ head of the guard. King Titan feels that a second might lead us to all out war with the others. It is not my wish that Damon go free, but I have no other choice but to do as my King asks,” said Titus reluctantly.

  “He will never stop Titus, he will come again,” said Lana fearfully.

  “Then he will seal his fate. I will surely kill him if he ever comes near you again!” vowed Titus.

  “I was hoping it was over and that you’d be safe, now I don’t know if any of us will ever be safe,” Lana said as she held little Rose and kissed the top of her head.

  “I will protect you and Rose. We will keep constant guard as well as the men of Kaloki Island. We will catch him again and he will die,” said Titus with conviction.


  That next morning, Titus accompanied Makoa and the rest of the guard who took Damon to the deep part of the ocean, far from Tullius. Titus never acknowledged any of the thoughts that Damon continued to try and fill his head with.

  When all of the mer surfaced and the guardsmen began to release Damon’s chains, Titus spoke, “I know this is not over; I will kill you Damon if you ever come near Princess Lana or any of our people again,” Titus said sternly.

  “I know it is not over, I think you are as much a coward as your brother Tarrock was. Your mate deserves a far better mer than you. I will teach her our ways and show her the pleasure that she has been missing.” Damon sneered.

  At that, Makoa could take no more and hit Damon in the face with his fist, causing blood to spill from his mouth. Damon gave a hateful glare to Titus and then dove below.

  “Thank you Makoa, you read my thoughts exactly.” Grinned Titus.

  “Yes, I had enough of his talk myself,” chuckled Makoa and then they returned to the city of Tullius.


  Chapter 17


  Titus and his guard took constant shifts on their patrol that went from the city of Tullius to Kaloki Island. The islanders were even vigilant in their watches. All hoped that perhaps King Tiberius had reprimanded Damon and that he did not want war, but everyone knew that time would tell.

  Lana and Titus took little Rose on small outings near the city where she could play with Tempest. She felt that Tempest was her very own personal toy and he made her laugh at his silly antics. She seemed like a little sponge that soaked up every new thing she came across. Her little eyes would light up with a passing turtle or a school of orange and white clown fish. She loved the flickering lights of the jellyfish. She even clutched to any pretty shell she saw that her father would quickly get for her. Lana enjoyed this small moment of happiness and prayed that it would last.

  Makoa swam quickly towards them, “It is the Princess Tarra’s time and she has asked that you come to her Princess Lana.” He smiled.

  “I’ll go right away, Titus will you watch Rose?”

  “No, I will take her to her grandfather instead. I will not let you travel to the grotto without me Lana,” he said taking Rose from her and quickly swimming her to the city.

  Little Rose did not mind, she loved her grandpa Terrance and was glad to see him. Titus’ father told him that his mother and Princess Rema had already gone with some of the guard. Titus quickly swam back to where Makoa and Lana were waiting and then they three traveled to the grotto.

  Micah’s mother Kalea and Grandmother Nalani were already with Princess Tarra before the others arrived. Micah was beside himself when the women made him go outside and sit in his boat. Now that Titus and Makoa were there, he felt somewhat better. He knew that his father, brothers and friend Levu, would also come soon to give him their support.

  Princess Tarra was especially glad that Princess Lana was there. She knew that if anyone could relate to her situation, it was she, having only just had Rose a little more than a year ago. She also loved having her and Micah’s family there. Grandmother Nalani was especially comforting.

  It was a difficult and long labor. There were moments that all the women began to worry, but with one last hard push, the baby was born.

  She was a beautiful baby girl. She was a merwalker, with the curly black hair and dark skin of her father. She had the silver eyes of her mother as well as her ears. Her fingers and toes were webbed and Lana had to smile at the sight of her.

  Micah was brought in and his eyes filled with tears as he held his new baby daughter. He kissed Tarra and said, “She is Talei, our precious one.”

  “Yes, her name is Princess Talei.” Smiled Tarra lovingly as she kissed her daughter on top of her head.

  This made Lana’s eyes fill with tears as she realized that Micah and Tarra must be the very image of her own mother and father when their merwalker daughter was born. It caused Lana to miss her father even more and she wished she could tell him thank you for all of the sacrifices she knew he had to have made to have such a life. She also knew; it’s a good life dad, just like you told me.

  “Welcome Princess Talei,” said Grandmother Nalani.

  “Yes, welcome,” said Micah’s mother Kalea.

  “I am so proud of you my daughter, and she is a beautiful little merwalker,” said Princess Cassandra as she kissed Tarra on her cheek and then Talei.

  “I can certainly see some of her aunt Princess Lana in her.” Smiled Tarra to Lana.

  “Yeah, hopefully she isn’t as stubborn,” Lana giggled.

  “Congratulations Princess Tarra and Micah, she is beautiful,” said Princess Rema.

  Then the other men were allowed in a few at a time to see the new little Princess Talei. Micah’s father Ratu Daniel beamed and puffed out his c
hest with pride to see his little granddaughter. Micah’s brothers Eli and Andrew each took a turn holding her. Then Levu, Titus and Makoa were allowed to see her.

  “Congratulations Micah,” said Titus smiling at little Princess Talei and then he looked to Lana. He could not help but remember the day that she was born. Lana smiled and went to him and hugged and kissed him.

  “Congratulations my friend, she is precious,” said Levu.

  “Yes Congratulations Micah and Princess Tarra, I pity the man or the mer that ever comes to ask your permission to join in union with her,” chuckled Makoa.

  “There had better not be one so brave. Well, at least not for a long while.” Micah smiled.

  Over the next few months, little Talei grew. Princess Tarra was careful to not keep her daughter too long under the surface. She did not know if her daughter would have gills, but most merwalkers can stay beneath the ocean for a time. They usually open their gills when they reach one winter, time would tell.

  Tarra knew that Lana’s mother allowed her daughter to spend most of her time with her father on his boat, on an island, or in the cavern. She knew that Princess Leona felt sorry for Cole; not having any family of his own to be with when they traveled. She felt that Lana would give him comfort and she never allowed her too much time in the deep to have her gills open.

  Tarra hoped that Talei would have gills. She knew that Micah had his family and friends, but she was also glad that Talei would have the freedom to visit with them on Kaloki Island herself one day.


  Once more, Lana found it hard to sleep. Since the time that little Talei had been born, Lana had such strong memories and emotions stirred up for her dad. She wondered if he did in fact marry Rose and was he happy. It had been nearly two and a half years since she last saw him. Once again, the holidays had come, even in the islands. Next week would be the third Christmas she had missed with her father. I wish I could speak to you and tell you about your little granddaughter Rose. You’d love her dad.

  At that moment, Titus came in from his shift on patrol. He could not help but read her thoughts, “Lana, there must be a way for you to send word to your father. Perhaps Micah can help us?”

  “There is a way Titus, if I could get to a telephone then I could speak to him,” she said a little unsure if he would agree to such a thing.

  “I have heard of these telephones from your father. Yes, I am sure that Micah could help us to find one.” He smiled sweetly to her.

  “Titus, do you mean it! Would you really let me go to an island and call him?” Lana asked with such excitement as she hugged and kissed him.

  “I wish I had thought of it earlier. Who knew you would give me such a reward,” teased Titus as he allowed her to continue kissing him.


  Titus and Lana did meet with Micah and Tarra and told them of Lana’s hope to speak with her father.

  Micah explained that his island did not have a telephone, but that he knew a man that he traded with whose son worked on one of the big islands at a hotel. When they had heard that Micah got married, they offered him a free stay as a wedding gift. He was sure that they would still honor it. Micah knew that they could use the telephone at the hotel.

  “I am not so sure that I like my wife pretending to be yours,” said Titus a little unsettled about the whole idea.

  “Do you not see Titus, it would be a good thing for people to see Micah’s wife. Everyone has been told that he married a white woman from the States. Lana will give that story some credibility,” said Tarra with a grin.

  “Yes, but Princess Lana will have to wear a disguise, even the big islands have heard rumors of the mer,” cautioned Micah.

  “Yeah, I could wear a wig, sunglasses and some touristy clothes. It would work!” Lana said getting even more excited.

  “How long would you need to stay?” Titus asked not liking any of it.

  “Titus, I’d only stay long enough to speak with my dad and then we’d return.”

  “Does this telephone need treasure?” Titus asked, willing to pay any cost for Lana to speak with her father.

  “No, my dad would be more than glad to pay for the call, once he knows it’s me calling.”

  “You will have to be very careful, I have heard it said that some listen to the overseas calls, you will still have to pretend to be my wife,” said Micah wondering how she could do it.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll think of a way, you just get me the things I need for the disguise!” Lana squealed to Micah and then hugged Titus.

  Lana was so excited that she could barely stand to wait the few days. She wanted to time it just right. She knew that her father liked to be home next to the fire on Christmas Eve. Since the time zone in Fiji was sixteen hours ahead, she needed to make the call at 1:00pm on Christmas Day. That would be 9:00pm his time on Christmas Eve and Lana thought that would be perfect.

  Micah’s friend assured him that he would have a room ready for them and that his wife could call her father in the States.

  Lana was so grateful for Micah giving up any Christmas plans he might have had, but he told her that his family mostly celebrated on Christmas Eve and he planned to take little Talei then.


  When the time came, Titus still was reluctant, but he allowed Lana to get into Micah’s boat. Lana had been sure to leave her emerald necklace and crown of pearls behind as she did each time she left the water. She wore a long blonde wig, large straw hat, dark sunglasses and a two-piece pink floral bathing suit with a matching wrap around her waist. She also wore bright pink rubber clogs that completely covered her toes. She brought a large floral beach towel and laid it over her hands, as to not show her fingers, and carried a large straw bag. She had even put on dark pink lipstick.

  Micah had to laugh; they will think that I did indeed marry a haole tourist.

  Titus and Makoa followed beneath Micah’s boat. Although Titus let her go, he insisted on coming along to make sure that she got there and back safely.

  Lana was worried for them because of the many scuba divers and those snorkeling around the island. Titus insisted that she had to accept him coming along or not go at all. She knew she had no choice if she wanted to talk to her father.

  Titus let his thoughts tell Lana to be careful and that he loved her. He and Makoa waited further out.

  Micah drove his boat to the hotel dock. He helped Lana out and they walked to the entrance where his friend Joel met them.

  “Bula Micah, we welcome you and your wife. We hope you both enjoy your stay.”

  “Bula Joel, I am grateful for this gift.” Micah smiled shaking his hand.

  Lana smiled and then looked away as though she were anxious to get to the room.

  Joel gave Micah a wink and a smile as he shook his head slowly, implying that his wife was a real hottie! Micah chuckled and took the key card from Joel and led Lana to their room.

  Once they had closed the door behind them, Lana let out a laugh. “This is so fun! Thanks Micah for helping me to do it.”

  “Thank you for helping me to convince my friend that I married well,” he laughed.

  Lana put down the bag and beach towel and picked up the phone. Okay, here it goes. She followed the instructions for placing an overseas collect call. She held her breath as she waited for her father to speak.

  Then her dad’s voice came on the phone, “Lana, is that you?” he asked with excitement.

  “Dad, it’s me Tarra, your daughter. You know, the one who got married in the South Pacific,” said Lana, hoping he’d catch on quickly.

  “I’m not sure I understand,” he said confused.

  “Dad, just call me kid, like you always have.”

  “Kid, is it really you?”

  “Yeah Dad, it’s me. I wanted to say that I love you and Merry Christmas,” Lana said with tears filling her eyes.

  “I love you too kid, Merry Christmas. Gosh it’s good to hear from you. Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah Dad
, it’s wonderful. You have to know that your son Titus and his wife Lana have a little girl. They named her Rose. She is about one and a half years old now. She looks exactly like Lana’s mother,” said Lana barely able to get out the words.

  “Oh kid, that’s wonderful, Rose will love that. What does Titus think about her?”

  “He’s even more puffed up than ever, as you can imagine,” she giggled.

  “Yeah, I bet he is. I can’t wait to get to see her and you.”

  “I can’t either Dad. That’s why Micah; you know your new son-in-law, and I have come to the hotel. We couldn’t miss another holiday without talking to you. We just had a daughter of our own four months ago and she looks a lot like Lana, only she has Micah’s dark curly hair and skin. You know, Micah’s father is the Chief of Kaloki Island and Micah is his firstborn. We drove our boat to come to the hotel.”


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