Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 22

by Sheri L. Swift

  “Never!” Uly shouted and sped past them.

  “Oh how quickly he will change.” Smiled Titus looking back to Lana.

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed some of the young mermaids already flirting with him; although I don’t think he even notices them.”

  “One day, he will meet the one that holds his heart.” Titus winked back to her and Lana kissed his shoulder and laid down her head. It was good to be traveling as a large family again. There was so much excitement for everyone, especially the little ones.


  Several days passed and Lana enjoyed her time getting to know Micah more. He was such a good daddy to little Talei. He hardly let Lana do the cooking; he seemed to enjoy it. He loved the yacht and the life he was sharing with the mer. Lana couldn’t help but think of how much her father had to have done for her at such an age. “Talei, your daddy loves you very much,” said Lana to her.

  “Daddy!” Talei said as she pointed to Micah.

  “Yes, I am your daddy and I do love you very much.” He pretended to nibble on her finger which only made her squeal with laughter.

  “You and my father certainly have a lot in common Micah.”

  “Yes, I believe that we do. It will be good to meet with him and talk about his travels with the mer.”

  “Believe me, he’ll love that. You and Tarra will enjoy living in the cavern at Gull Island. That’s where my father and mother lived for a short while.” Lana smiled to remember it.

  “I am sure that we will like it.”

  “You’ll also be able to visit with my dad on the island too. He’ll love to show you his lighthouse.”

  “I would also like to see it. I have never been in one before”

  “You know, that gives me an idea! I might have you give me a cover story like I gave you!” Lana said excited by the idea.

  “I do not understand,” said Micah confused.

  “Remember how I pretended to be your wife; you can pretend to be my husband. That’ll stop all of the island gossip about the mer. They’ll just hear that I married a Chief’s son from Kaloki Island in the South Pacific. Then we’ll be free to come and go from the island with little notice.”

  “Yes, I can see where that might help us both; I do owe you that much. You must first get Titus to agree.” He grinned.

  “Yeah, he’ll do it. He knows how important it is.” She smiled.

  “I am sure that Tarra will agree also.”


  Tempest enjoyed following the Island Traveler. He was able to get any of the fish scraps that Micah discarded. He was often seen jumping along as they traveled. On a few occasions, all of the mer stopped and took time to visit with Micah. They would wait until they were in an isolated body of water and then it turned into a vacation for all of them.

  On one such day, Lana went with Titus to help him gather some lobsters so that she and Micah could boil them.

  Tarra was able to spend a little bit of time with Micah on his yacht; with his help.

  Little Talei and Rose enjoyed swimming together with Uly and Makoa, and of course Tempest. Titus made him stay with Rose and the others.

  Titus and Lana found a similar grotto filled with lobsters like the one near Safe Harbor. There were such rich colors to the coral reefs all around. Lana couldn’t help but take in all the sights. It was like the coral reef gardens in Torbist and it made her remember the earlier days when she and Titus were falling in love with each other. She saw one beautiful purple in particular and Lana went to get a closer look.

  Just then, Titus pulled Lana back with his right hand and quickly grabbed a speckled moray eel with his left, as it darted out of the coral at her. The eel hissed at Titus and he shook his finger at it, “Behave yourself, or you will end up as my next meal.” Titus let it go and it hissed once more and quickly ducked back inside.

  “Wow that was close; thanks,” Lana said wrapping both her arms around the back of Titus’ neck and kissing him.

  “I am sure that I could do it again if it pleases you that much.” He smiled.

  “Ha, ha, very funny.”

  “Lana, please do not get that close to the coral again in these open waters. It is the favorite home of the eels,” he said seriously.

  “Yeah, I think I’ve learned that lesson pretty well; thanks again.” Lana smiled and kissed him once more.

  “You are quite welcome; now let us bring these lobsters to Micah so that you can boil them alive,” he chuckled.

  “You know we will,” she giggled and went behind him and held onto his neck.

  Later that night, Micah even got Prince Tristan to try some of the boiled lobsters and he did not find it that bad.

  Sirene only shrugged her nose at the two of them.

  “How is it that I am willing to try it, but not you?” Tristan asked Sirene.

  “Because you are willing to try all new things; I am not so sure that I want to, at least not cooked lobster.” Sirene smiled.

  “I do not blame you, yuk!” Uly said.

  “I have to agree,” said Makoa.

  “It really is not that bad, I have tried it myself and I especially love it in the stew,” said Tarra trying to convince them all.

  “That’s fine; that means there’s more for me,” Lana said as she filled her plate again. She looked to Titus as he was grinning, “What?” Lana asked, with raised brows.

  “I did not say a word.” Titus smiled brightly.


  The days were filled with such happy moments and Lana tried to keep her mind off of missing her father and the excitement that was building as they got nearer to her home.

  King Titan and all of the guard were ever watchful as they neared the Atlantic Ocean. They knew that Thaddaeus’ guard had been badly beaten and would most likely not challenge them, but they were cautious none the less.

  When the mer finally arrived at Gull Island, it was sometime in the night. Micah had to anchor his yacht a ways out. Tarra swam with little Talei on her back and Makoa brought Micah.

  Micah and Tarra were looking forward to being together again. Talei had some time with Tarra and the mer, but mostly spent it on the yacht with Micah.

  As soon as Titus and Tristan unsealed the cavern, Tarra went in and began to build up the fire. Now she and Micah were able to be a family again with their little daughter and a home of their own.

  The guard unsealed the city of Torbist and all were exhausted from their trip and each headed to their homes.

  Sirene led Tristan to the home she had once shared with her parents.

  Lana had to fight everything within her to not swim to the keeper’s house and see her father. She knew that she wanted tomorrow to be perfect. Not only was it the appointed time that her father set to meet once more, but she also knew that it would be her new mother Rose’s first time to ever see the mer. She hoped that little Jedediah would be there to see them also.

  Titus read her thoughts and smiled as they three and Tempest, entered their own home. “It will be a mermaid day,” he said as he kissed her.

  “Yeah it will.” She smiled as she came in and saw the glass paperweight in the center of their floor next to the plant. It still had the picture of Lana in it from the prom. “Wow, my dad was right, this thing really is waterproof,” she had to laugh as she showed it to Titus.

  “Yes, how I remember that night. That boy had better not be anywhere around you. I will not be so kind this time,” he teased as he kissed her once more.

  “Don’t be silly; I doubt he even remembers me.” She grinned.

  “I do not think so; who could forget you Princess?” Titus said as he ran his fingers down her cheek and under her chin.

  “You make me so happy Titus; I love you so much,” she said while giving him a tender kiss.

  “And I love you. I am most blessed among my people to have you for my mate; which reminds me, I am not so sure that I like Micah pretending to be your husband while you are on the island,” he said with a half grin and one r
aised brow.

  “Titus, you know why it would be best for us all if he does.”

  “I just wish that it could be me taking you on the island,” he said sadly.

  “I will never stay long; my place is here with you and Rose and our new little one.” She smiled as she looked down and rubbed her tummy.

  “Yes it is and do not forget it; we need you. I need you,” he said sincerely looking into her eyes.

  “I like being needed.” She grinned and then nestled into his arms. They both smiled to see Rose cuddled up with Tempest and they all drifted off to sleep.


  Chapter 21


  The next morning, Titus came and woke Lana. He knew that Cole, Rose and little Jedediah were already at Gull Island in the dinghy. Her father had spotted Micah’s yacht and couldn’t wait another minute to see Lana and his new granddaughter he had heard about.

  Lana could hardly contain herself; she quickly combed little Rose’s hair and followed Titus as he led them to the surface. She could see the dinghy just above and her heart was pounding.

  Cole, Rose and little Jedediah sat in the small boat waiting for some sign of the mer. Then they looked to see Prince Titus, Lana and little Rose surface.

  Rose couldn’t believe the sight of the tiny mermaid in Lana’s arms and knew that it was her granddaughter. She had long light blonde hair, sparkling little silver eyes, and a bright smile. Her tail was a glistening blue-green. She was somewhat small for a two year old. Rose saw Titus with his crown of shells and Lana now wore a crown of grey pearls. Rose couldn’t believe how beautiful Lana’s emerald necklace was. Cole had told her of the gift that Titus gave Lana for their wedding.

  Both Lana and Titus smiled to them as they swam up to the boat. “Hi Dad, Mom and little Brother; this is our little Rose,” said Lana as she handed Rose to her grandfather.

  Cole beamed with pride. “What a precious little thing you are Rose,” he said as he kissed her on top of her head.

  “She is that.” Rose smiled with tears filling her eyes. “This is your little brother Jedediah,” said Rose as she brought him closer to the side of the boat so Lana could see him better.

  “Hi Jedediah, I’m your sister Lana.” She smiled as she kissed his cheek. He was such a cute boy of one and a half years. He kept staring at little Rose and wasn’t so sure that he liked his daddy holding her.

  Little Rose blew him a kiss and it made him smile.

  Jedediah had the thick black hair of his mother and father, and the blue eyes of his mother. He smiled brightly at Titus as he came closer to meet him. He took to him right away and held out his arms for Titus to hold him.

  “I am not so sure that your parents would like you to get wet,” said Titus with a grin, looking to them both.

  “That’s fine; he loves the water,” laughed Rose.

  Then Titus took him and he kept smiling as he stared at Titus’ eyes and then he tugged on one of his braids. “You must think that I am quite a sight to see.” Titus smiled to Jedediah.

  “Yeah, he’s never seen a mer before,” Cole chuckled.

  “Neither have I, and it’s so good to finally meet you Prince Titus.” Smiled Rose.

  “It is good to finally meet you Rose Perry, or should I say, Prentis. I have especially loved your oranges over the many years that you have brought them to my people.”

  “Then I’m glad I brought some more with me today,” Rose said as she handed the bag to Lana.

  “Thank you so much Rose; I’ll make sure that Titus gets at least one of them,” she giggled to Titus.

  “So Lana, I see you’re expecting another little one. When are you due?” asked her father.

  “I’m due in about a month and I’m glad to be having this one at Safe Harbor where you can be a part of it.” She smiled to them both.

  “Lana that’s wonderful; how exciting to be able to see both of our grandchildren,” said Rose.

  Then the water began to ripple and Tarra swam up with little Talei. She hopped onto the ledge with her daughter.

  “This is Princess Tarra; she’s also the one who married Micah, the Chief’s son. Where is Micah?” Lana asked.

  “He is coming now with Makoa. He wanted to make sure that the yacht was secure and get some more supplies. It is good to finally meet you Rose Prentis.” Tarra smiled to her.

  “It’s good to meet you also.” Rose smiled.

  Then Micah swam up and went to the ledge with Tarra and Makoa swam next to Titus. “Bula, you must be Lana’s father; I am Micah, Princess Tarra’s husband.”

  “Hey Micah; I’ve heard a lot about you. I sure do love that yacht of yours. I saved you a slip down at the Marina on the other side of the island. I’ll take you there later if you like,” said Cole.

  “That would be wonderful, and by the way, Lana insists that I pretend to be her husband.” Micah grinned.

  “Really, how do you feel about that Titus?” Cole asked him with a half grin.

  “Not very good, but I understand why it is best,” said Titus with a stern expression.

  “Yeah Dad, that way Micah and I can come and go from the island a little easier,” said Lana.

  “Well, if that’s the way you guys want it; I guess I can understand it. If it’s okay with Princess Tarra and Prince Titus, then it’s okay with me,” said Cole still not so sure about Titus.

  “It is fine with me.” Tarra smiled.

  “It is alright with me, as long as Lana does not stay away for too long.” He smiled to her.

  “You know I won’t my love,” Lana said as she kissed him and it made Jedediah laugh.

  “Makoa, is that a crown I see on your head?” Cole asked.

  “Yes it is Cole. Your son-in-law decided to name me his successor if he and King Titan should die in battle. Then King Titan had no other choice than to name me a Prince,” Makoa chuckled.

  Both Lana and Titus quickly looked to each other; they hadn’t told Cole of the battle yet.

  Then Makoa looked to them with understanding and was sorry that he had spoken of it.

  “What battle, what do you mean his successor?” Cole asked with concern.

  “We had no other choice but to go to war with the others. King Titan named me his successor should he die in battle, and I then named Makoa should I die,” said Titus reluctantly.

  “How bad was it?” Cole asked seriously.

  “It was very bad and if not for Micah and his villagers helping us, we might not have survived it,” answered Titus as he looked gratefully to Micah.

  “I hate to hear that. Boy you guys have been through a lot,” said Cole shaking his head.

  At that moment, the water rippled once more and Tristan and Sirene surfaced.

  Cole took a look at Tristan and wasn’t sure who he was or even what he was. Then he recognized Sirene.

  Lana read her father’s thoughts and quickly said, “Dad, this is Prince Tristan and Sirene. You remember Sirene; she was the one who took me to the cavern. What we didn’t know then, was that her parents were being held hostage by Darious. She and her family were taken to Tiselius by Damon; that’s the city of the others. They kept them under guard for three years and, in fact, Prince Tristan was one of her guards,” laughed Lana realizing how it must sound to her father.

  “Hello, it is good to meet the guardian.” Tristan smiled as he swam closer. Sirene kept her head down as she was somewhat ashamed of what she had done.

  “Well, what a story. It’s good to meet you Prince Tristan. I’m sure you have many stories that you could tell us. It’s good to see you again Sirene, and believe me, I know how ruthless Darious was,” Cole said trying to comfort her.

  “Thank you Cole. Both Prince Tristan and I are learning to live a better life than the ones we had before,” she said as she smiled slightly.

  “It is good to meet you Sirene and Prince Tristan, and all of you,” said Rose as she looked to all the mer and was still amazed by it.

  Tempest swam u
p and made his clicking and whistling noises to little Rose in the dinghy.

  “It is alright boy; you know Cole. He will not harm her; he is her grandfather,” Titus said to Tempest.

  “Rose and Tempest are hardly ever apart.” Lana smiled to her father.

  “Tempest, give me Tempest!” Little Rose cried as she reached over the side of the boat for the dolphin.

  Cole handed her back to Lana and Makoa took the bag of oranges from her. Little Rose grabbed onto Tempest’s dorsal fin as he swam near Titus. Even little Jedediah put out his hand and touched him.


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