Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 24

by Sheri L. Swift

  “Thank you both for such a gift.” Tarra smiled gratefully.

  Then Titus carried his little son to the waiting men outside, where his mother and Princess Rema had also gone. Then Rema went back inside with Lana and Tarra. Titus smiled to his parents and said, “I have a son and his name is Prince Tarrock.”

  “Oh Titus, thank you for that, he is a wonderful son,” his mother said full of emotion.

  “Congratulations my son; you have chosen a good name.” His father smiled proudly.

  “May he be as brave and noble as his uncle,” said King Titan.

  “See your little brother Rose,” Titus said as he brought him to her.

  Rose smiled and kissed his cheek.

  Then he showed him to Uly. “Cool, you named him after father!” Uly smiled.

  “Yes, he has your father’s name.”

  “I can see that Uly is picking up some of the human language,” chuckled Makoa as he swam to Titus and little Prince Tarrock, “Congratulations my friend, he is a fine son.”

  “Thank you Prince Makoa; would you like to hold him?” Titus asked, knowing he might be afraid to.

  “No, I do not think that I could do it.”

  “Nonsense, here you go,” said Titus as he put his tiny son in Makoa’s arms.

  “He is so small; I am afraid that I might break him.”

  “You will not; he takes after his father. In fact, you might want to hold on tight; he has already tried to swim away from his mother.”

  “Which only reminds me of the day that you were born,” said Princess Cassandra as she went and kissed his little cheek.

  Makoa passed Prince Tarrock to his grandmother as he could tell that she wanted to hold him.

  Princess Rema was also glad that Prince Titus had chosen her husband’s name for his son. She hoped that he would grow to be the merman that Prince Tarrock had been. She was sure that with Prince Titus as his father and Princess Lana as his mother, he would be a mer of strong character.

  Lana was so grateful that her time of pain had passed and that she was able to give Titus a son. She knew that he was the very image of Titus; just as Rose was also. She was glad that he was a merman and would be able to hunt beside his father one day.

  Lana had Tarra send word to her father and Micah in the cavern. Cole had been waiting for the past three hours for his grandchild’s birth. Tristan and Sirene also waited with them and helped to watch little Talei.

  It wasn’t long and Cole, completely outfitted in scuba gear, came into Lana’s small home and saw his grandson for himself. Lana passed Prince Tarrock to him and many bubbles escaped from his mouth piece as he smiled to see his tiny grandson of a mer.

  “He looks just like Rose when she was born,” said Lana smiling to her dad.

  “He’s a fine boy; he definitely takes after his father, and his grandmother Leona,” Cole said to her with a grin.

  Prince Tarrock flipped his tail quickly and tried to wriggle free of his grandfather’s grasp. “Yeah, I think he has some of his mother in him too,” laughed her father, releasing air bubbles.

  “I wasn’t that bad.” Lana smiled.

  “No, not till you reached about thirteen.” Her dad winked. “Seriously Lana, you two picked a fine name for him. I know Tarrock would like it.”

  “I’m glad Dad; I wish I’d known him, but I guess I’ve gotten to know some of what he was like just by knowing his family.”

  “Yeah, I told you they were special. You deserve to have such a family in your life.” Cole smiled releasing more air bubbles.

  Lana smiled and said, “Thanks Dad, so do you.”

  Cole passed Prince Tarrock back to her.

  “Tell mom that I’ll come to the cavern in a week or so if she’d like to see him.”

  “I will, and yeah, she can’t wait to see her new grandchild. She’ll love that you named him Tarrock too. I can just see him and Jedediah causing mischief together one day,” laughed her father, causing air bubbles to escape once more.

  “Yeah, I can see that too,” Lana also had to laugh.

  Then her father left her home and Titus and the other mermen said their farewells to him, but not before little Rose went and kissed her grandpa Cole’s face mask. They all laughed to see it.


  Late one evening, Prince Tarrock was restless. Lana began to sing him a lullaby that she sang to Rose many times before. It was told to Lana that her own mother Leona used to sing it to her also. It was a favorite of the mermaid mothers. It was an ancient lullaby. Lana hummed the tune aloud as she sang the words in her mind to little Tarrock…


  Sleep peacefully my little one

  Now cradled in my arm

  I pray you will have sweet dreams this night

  Kept safe from any harm

  May you dream of many Seahorses

  Rocking and twirling all around

  All their friends have come to play

  Though they do not make a sound

  I have asked them not to wake my Prince

  For you need this time to rest

  So they quietly dance the night away

  For they know that it is best

  So sleep peacefully my little one

  Now cradled in my arm

  I pray you will have sweet dreams this night

  Kept safe from any harm

  Just as Lana was finishing the last line of the song, Titus came in from night patrol. “Have I told you how very much I love you.” He smiled to see her cradling their son and singing the mermaid’s lullaby.

  “I think you might have told me a time or two, but I never get tired of hearing it.” She smiled.

  “Has our son been giving you any trouble?” Titus gave a knowing look.

  “Perhaps a little, but then I think he loves to hear his mom sing to him. I’m sure I’m spoiling him rotten,” she giggled.

  “I do not believe that you would do such a thing.” Titus winked with a smile. Then he came and kissed Lana and took her and cradled her in his arms as she held Tarrock.

  Rose was sleeping peacefully next to them while clinging to Tempest’s tailfin.

  “I think we have both spoiled Rose with Tempest,” Titus chuckled.

  “Yeah, and I think Tempest does his part too.” Lana grinned and then they all fell asleep to the tune of the Seahorse Lullaby.


  It was only one week later that Lana’s father sent word for the mer to prepare for a storm. It definitely looked as though they were going to be hit full force by a hurricane. All of Safe Harbor Island began to board up windows and bring everything inside.

  King Titan had extra food brought into the city which included cages of herring, crabs and lobsters.

  Micah even stocked the cavern with the supplies that they would need to ride it out. The weather bulletin was sent out warning all ships to clear the area. Micah had already taken the Island Traveler to safer waters.

  Cole began to worry when he couldn’t reach his friend Marty on the radio. He owned his own lobster business and had gone out the day before with his crew. He knew that Marty’s business had been slow and that he’d wait until the last minute to pull up his Lobster Pots. Cole was worried that he might not realize how quickly the hurricane was coming, especially if he was having trouble with his radio. Marty couldn’t afford a new ship and his was quite a relic.

  Despite the crazy weather that was beginning to roll in, Cole began to row the dinghy out to Gull Island. To his relief, Titus spotted him and met him halfway.

  “Cole, why are you out here?” Titus asked worried that something might have happened to Rose or Jedediah.

  “I am fine, so’s the family, it’s my friend that I’m worried about. Titus, if I had any other way, I’d never ask...”

  “What can I do?” Titus knew that he was struggling with the request.

  “My friend Marty Thompson and his crew of six men went out for lobsters. They’re usually gone a few days; I’m not sure he r
eally knows how serious this hurricane is,” Cole said with apprehension.

  “Where would he be?”

  “He’ll be at least twenty miles straight out; he’s kind of a creature of habit. I tried telling him once where a better location was for lobsters, but he didn’t believe me,” Cole chuckled.

  Titus had to laugh at that too, “I will bring some of the guard; we will find him.”

  “You can’t miss his ship; it’s black and white and you’ll see the name CRUSTACEAN in bold black letters across her stern.” Cole grinned.

  “Yes, I think I will be able to spot her.” Titus also grinned.

  “Titus, if he wasn’t such a nice guy, I’d never have asked. I know that he and his crew have heard rumors of the mer, especially after Darious three years back. Son, just be careful,” said Cole seriously.

  “I will Dad.” Titus smiled widely and then he gave a slight bow of his head and dove below.

  Lana was worried when Titus told her that he had to go. She knew how bad a hurricane could be. She had lived through several before on the island; but she was even more afraid of what the men might do to Titus and the others. They might not understand that they’re coming to help them and not hurt them. She knew how much the island was stirred up by the trouble three years ago. Now all she could do was wait.

  Titus, Makoa and Tristan led five of the other guardsmen to the area where Cole believed the CRUSTACEAN would be. Sure enough, the tiny ship was being tossed about while its crew quickly tried to cut their trap lines. She was taking on more water than the crew could keep pumping out. The old bilge pump had seen better days.

  The first thing the mer began to do was see if they could push the ship back to the island. It worked for a little while, but even that proved to be impossible as the waves only grew in strength and worked against them.

  Between the high winds and waves, it was obvious even to the crew that it was only a matter of time before the CRUSTACEAN would sink. Each of the men began to jump from the sinking ship wearing their life vests. They tried to stay together as best they could.

  Titus was the first to surface next to, who he believed to be, Marty.

  When the man saw him, his eyes widened with fright and he tried to swim away.

  “Is your name Marty Thompson?” Titus called out.

  “Yes, but who or what are you?” Marty answered trembling with fear.

  “I am a friend of Cole Prentis and he has asked that I help you and your men.” Titus smiled trying to calm his fears.

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because, that is what we mer do.” He smiled once more.

  All of the men began to cry out as the other mer surfaced next to them.

  “Please do not be afraid; we do not wish you harm. Cole Prentis has sent us to you!” Titus shouted so all could hear above the howling winds.

  “What’s going on Marty?” called one of the men.

  “I’m not sure, but at this point, I’m accepting any help they can give.”

  Each of the mer greeted the man they were closest to and told them not to fear. The mer grabbed onto their life vests and helped them on their backs and told them to hold onto their necks. The men were in shock, but did as they were told.

  Titus and the others swam as quickly as they could towards the island. Makoa swam behind to make sure that none of the men fell off.

  Titus led them all right up to Cole’s dock.

  Cole quickly came out and helped the men out of the water. When all of the men were safely on the dock, he looked to Titus and told him in his mind that he was grateful and that he would talk with the men. He would try and get them to keep their secret.

  Titus nodded in agreement and then he and the mer swam away.

  Cole quickly led the tired men into the keeper’s house where Rose had put on two pots of strong hot coffee.

  “Who are they Cole?” Marty asked as they entered the house.

  “They’re called the mer; they’re not the ones you heard about three years ago. These help men; not hurt them.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” said one of the younger crewmen.

  “No, not many of us have. I was saved by them once myself and have kept their secret. That’s how I knew that it wasn’t them that wrecked those ships three years back,” Cole said as he handed them some warm towels that Rose had brought and she gave them each a cup of hot coffee.

  “How long have you known them?” Marty asked curiously.

  “Awhile now; I hope you’ll all keep their secret. If you don’t, you know what’ll happen to them. Then where would any of us be when we need them,” said Cole seriously looking to all of the men.

  “I don’t think anyone would believe us; they’d think we were all crazy!” laughed one of the men.

  “Yeah, why do you think I’ve never told any of you?” Cole chuckled.

  All the men agreed to keep the secret of the mer and they were grateful to Cole for sending them to their rescue. They each knew that they would most likely be on the bottom of the ocean if it hadn’t been for the mermen coming to save them.

  Later, the men began to leave. When Marty was the last one, he looked seriously at Cole and said, “Now do you want to tell me the truth Cole?”

  “What do you mean Marty?”

  “I’m not blind Cole. That one in charge; he looks just like your daughter Lana.”

  “You caught that did you?” Cole smiled.

  “Yeah, and if my men weren’t so scared stiff, they might have had their eyes open long enough to see it too.”

  “Let’s just say that they’re part of my family and we’ll leave it at that, okay?”

  “Sure, if that’s the way you want it. I’m just glad you have such great connections or I wouldn’t be standing here tonight,” said Marty as he smiled gratefully and shook Cole’s hand firmly.

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d keep that bit to yourself Marty,” Cole said sternly.

  “Yeah, yeah, who’d believe me anyway? Seriously Cole, thanks again and thank you Rose for the warm towels and hot coffee.”

  “You’re quite welcome and I’m glad that you’re all home safe.” Rose smiled.

  Marty nodded back with a smile and then headed out the door.

  “Well, time will tell,” said Cole somewhat sadly.

  “I don’t know; they all seem genuinely happy to be alive. I think they might surprise you,” said Rose as she went and kissed him.

  “I hope so, for Lana and Titus’ sake.”


  Lana was so glad to see Titus come swimming through their doorway.

  He smiled his widest grin and kissed her.

  “Why are you so happy?” She smiled at him curiously.

  “It feels good saving humans, but also your father called me son earlier.” He smiled widely again.

  “He did; well that’s what you are,” she giggled.

  “Yes, but it is nice to hear him say it; I also called him dad,” he chuckled.

  “I imagine that he liked hearing that too.”

  “Yes, I could tell that he did.” Titus smiled widely once more as he took Lana in his arms.

  “I’m so glad that my dad’s come back to the mer family,” Lana said as she kissed him.

  “Yes, I am glad also,” said Titus and then he told Lana all of what had occurred with Marty and his crew.

  Lana hoped that her dad was able to talk the men into keeping the secret of the mer. She knew that her father must have believed in Marty enough or he might not have sent Titus to him in the first place.

  The hurricane went just passed the island and Safe Harbor suffered little damage. They were all grateful; it could have been much worse if it had hit them straight on.


  Chapter 23


  That next week, Cole did bring Rose to Gull Island so that they could go into the cavern and see their new little grandson Prince Tarrock.

  When Cole rowed up in the ding
hy, Titus, Makoa, Tristan and Sirene greeted them.

  Cole allowed Makoa to take Rose on his back and he followed after them.

  Titus agreed to keep Jedediah entertained with the help of Tristan and Sirene. Jedediah loved being held by Titus and they all four sat on the ledge outside of Gull Island while his parents visited with Lana.

  Rose couldn’t believe how wonderful it was to ride on the back of one of the mer. This surpassed any dream she had ever had of them. If only her mother could have seen her now.


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