Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 27

by Sheri L. Swift

  Tristan had told the mermen that Damon’s ring contained the venom of a tiny jellyfish.

  Cole remembered that he had heard of the Irukandji and how its venom was one hundred times more potent than a Cobra and one thousand times that of a Tarantula and are found off the northern coast of Australia. Cole had never realized just how bad the war had been and how close Damon had gotten to Lana and little Rose.

  Cole thought about how much Darious and Damon had changed in such a short time. He knew that Damon must have picked up the ways of the other mer they had come to live with. He could only imagine how evil they really were. He was even more amazed that Tristan had once lived that life before, and yet chose the life he had now with the mer of Tullius. He and Sirene were the perfect example of a changed life. Cole was happy for them both; he knew himself what a good life the mer had and how much you could appreciate it coming from the outside.


  One November morning, Lana sat in the galley of the Bonnie Rose and visited with her mother. Rose was preparing lunch at the stove while Lana sat at the table. Lana couldn’t help but notice that Rose seemed to have a slight roundness to her stomach and she began to wonder, is she pregnant again, if so, how far along is she?

  “I’m only about six weeks, but I was hoping to keep it from your father until Thanksgiving. I wanted to surprise him,” said Rose as she smiled and turned to Lana, realizing what had happened.

  Lana looked at her with a wide grin and said, “Rose Prentis, how long have you been able to read my thoughts?”

  Rose laughed and said, “I’m not really sure. I know it must have been for a while; only at first I thought that I just had really good insight. Then on the day of your graduation, I realized that I was able to hear you and your father’s thoughts when you and he were talking back and forth with one another. Your father found out on our wedding night; I couldn’t help but hear what he was thinking and he couldn’t help but hear what I thought about it,” Rose laughed out loud.

  “Mom, I can’t believe that you or dad never told me. I guess I’ve gotten pretty good at focusing on each person’s thoughts or I might have paid more attention to yours.”

  “I suppose that your father and I also have that part of the Prentis heritage; I’m sure the kids will have it too. I’ve especially noticed that I get more perceptive when I’m around the mer.”

  “Yeah, they do bring it out in us.” Lana smiled.

  “I can only imagine what Jedediah is going to think about his parents knowing his every thought, not to mention the added strength,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, I can imagine. Just do him and the little one a favor and raise them up knowing about it and don’t just spring it on them one day like my dad did with me.”

  “Yes, I remember that day,” Rose said with a wide grin.

  “Then you remember how shocked I was.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “You do what?” Cole asked as he came into the galley.

  “Remember how shocked Lana was the day she found out that you could hear her thoughts.”

  “So, you finally told her did you.” Cole smiled to Rose and then to Lana.

  “Yeah, I can’t believe that I didn’t know before.” Smiled Lana while shaking her head.

  “I told you that she knew more than we thought; she was just so sneaky about it,” he said as he hugged Rose and kissed her on her cheek.

  “I think it’s time you wake your son for lunch or he won’t want to sleep tonight,” Rose told him as she smiled and kissed him back.

  “Okay, I’m starved. We’ll be right back.”

  Rose waited for him to leave and then she smiled to Lana, “Thanks for not letting him know.”

  “You’re welcome; I can’t believe how many babies are on the way.”

  “Yes, isn’t it wonderful; the family is only getting larger,” Rose smiled once more and then Cole came in with Jedediah and they all enjoyed their lunch together.


  On the day of Thanksgiving, Lana came and helped to prepare the meal with her mother. She loved having her to share the holidays with as she had in the past with her father.

  The mer didn’t understand the importance of such a day and of course Kaloki Island didn’t celebrate the American holiday.

  For Lana and her parents, it was more than just remembering America’s history; it was truly a day to remember all that they were thankful for and it didn’t matter that they were sitting right in the middle of the South Pacific while they celebrated it.

  It had been a tradition of Lana and her father’s to have each one tell what they were most thankful for before they began to eat their meal. Cole began first, “I’m most thankful for this time I have to not only spend with my wife and children, but also my grandchildren and all of our extended family.” He smiled.

  Then it was Rose’s turn, “I’m most thankful for getting to know a certain young teenage girl, which led to my marrying her father and becoming the mother of his three children.” She smiled brightly to Cole.

  “Rose, did you just say what I think you did?”

  “Yes, we have another little one on the way and he or she will be born at Safe Harbor this summer.” She hugged and kissed Cole.

  “Did you hear that Jedediah? You’re gonna have a little brother or sister.” Lana smiled and kissed him on his cheek.

  “I want eat!” Jedediah cried out.

  “Well Son, I guess we all know what you’re thankful for,” Cole chuckled.

  “Yeah, he definitely takes after me.” Lana smiled and then said, “I guess that I’m most thankful for getting to share a holiday with my dad again, and the best part is, I also get to share it with mom and Jedediah. I’m also thankful for my husband Titus, our children, and all of my big and crazy mixed up mer family,” she giggled.

  Cole also laughed and shook his head in agreement, and then he began to carve the turkey. He made sure that Jedediah got his first; he had been so patient with them.

  Lana only stayed long enough to eat and then she went home to spend the rest of this time with Titus and the kids. She wanted to share this part of the Thanksgiving holiday with them; it was nice to reflect on things that you’re thankful for. She hoped that it might become a new tradition for them as well.


  The day finally arrived for Sirene to give birth. It was a little sooner than expected and Princess Cassandra was concerned. She had taken on the role of mother and Prince Terrance had taken on the role of father to Sirene and Tristan; seeing that neither of them had parents.

  Lana helped with Sirene, while Titus and Makoa tried to give their encouragement to Tristan.

  Prince Terrance and King Titan also waited with him and even they tried to guard their thoughts on any complications that might be occurring.

  It was several hours later when Lana came to the doorway and smiled and told Tristan to come inside. Lana quickly went back in the home with him and Titus knew that she must not want to reveal what the child was.

  It was several minutes before Tristan came out again. When he did, he held two baby mer in his arms and he grinned widely and said, “I have a son and a daughter; this is my son Teneo, and this is my daughter Tenera.”

  All of the mermen let out a cheer and went to see them. King Titan was allowed to go first. “What fine children indeed. I see that they have the dark blue eyes of their father. Their light brown hair they must get from the both of you.” King Titan smiled.

  “Arius has truly blessed us and made up for the loss of time,” Tristan chuckled.

  “Yes, he truly has.” Smiled Prince Terrance.

  “I see that they have the dark blue tail of their uncle Makoa,” Makoa said jokingly to Tristan.

  “They are fine children; congratulations to you both.” Titus smiled.

  Then Tristan took his son and daughter back to their anxious mother. They were both so happy and so thankful that the ordeal was over and that both mother and the two baby mer were doing well.
  Lana went to Titus and hugged him and let her thoughts tell of how much she loved being the mother of his children.

  He said that he was so glad that she was.

  Then they returned to the grotto where Tarra had been watching their Rose and Tarrock. Lana and Titus told Tarra and Micah of the twins and they were so happy for Tristan and Sirene.


  In early December, Ratu Daniel and King Titan did perform another union for Andrew and Fianna. It was just as beautiful as Micah and Tarra’s wedding had been.

  Titus also helped to find a secret grotto for the two of them.

  Lana once more made sure that Andrew would have food, water and firewood.

  Tarra was so excited that her lifelong friend was now her sister.

  Micah knew how hard it would be for his brother to live the life he had chosen; but he too was thankful to have his companionship.

  Cole and Rose enjoyed watching the beautiful ceremony. Cole was glad to see that the mer had guardians in the South Pacific as well as the Atlantic.

  After a time of celebration, Andrew rowed the florally decorated canoe with Fianna sitting inside. He spoke words of love to her. They were so happy to finally be married. It had been hard for the both of them to be separated one from the other last summer; but their love did prove true. They now looked forward to their future together and knew that it would be a blessed one.


  When the week of Christmas had finally come, Lana was so excited. It was the one holiday she had especially missed with her father.

  This year all of the mer that wished, as well as her father and his family, were spending Christmas Eve at Kaloki Island.

  Micah had told of how special a tradition it was for the villagers. They even had Santa Clause come and pass out treats to all of the children. He told King Titan that it was a sacred event for his people and even he decided that he would attend with the mer in the lagoon.

  “Lana, I do not believe that I have ever seen you so happy,” said Titus to her as he came in from patrol and saw her still awake.

  “I can’t help it Titus, Christmas is such a special time. I used to drive my dad crazy; I can never sleep when it gets this close. It’s not even about the gifts; it’s just about the family coming together and taking time out to visit with one another. I guess it’s like a big vacation day,” she laughed as she realized; Titus probably doesn’t even get what that means.

  “I just know that it means that you are happy and that makes me happy.” He smiled and kissed her.

  Christmas Eve finally came and most of the mer gathered in the lagoon with their children. Ratu Daniel, with a red and white Santa hat upon his head, greeted King Titan and also brought the King a hat to wear.

  King Titan gladly accepted it and put it on.

  Lana had to laugh; wow, King Titan really does look like Santa Clause!

  Ratu Daniel took his seat that had been brought onto the beach. All of the island children sat down on the ground, including Talei on Micah’s lap.

  Ratu Daniel explained to the mer that Arius had a Son that chose to be born a human and live among them and teach them His sacred ways. Then Ratu Daniel told everyone the Christmas story.

  Soon, the food was brought out; a large feast had been prepared for this special occasion. As all gathered and talked, they heard the sound of jingle bells.

  A large man dressed as Santa Clause came with a huge sack over his shoulder and shouted, “Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!”

  Lana giggled to see Titus thinking he was rather strange. He began to pass out candy canes to all of the island children.

  Then there came another Santa Clause swimming among the mer children in the lagoon and he began to pass out coconuts to all of them from a net bag that he carried.

  Titus smiled widely and shook his head as he realized that it was Makoa in disguise. The mer parents broke open the coconuts and all of their children enjoyed their treat as well. The islanders began to sing Christmas Carols and even the mer began to sing along.

  Lana went and hugged her father and Rose and told them that it was the best Christmas she ever had. They agreed that it was for them also. Jedediah loved his candy cane that Santa gave him.


  Later that evening when Lana and Titus got their little ones and Tempest to sleep, Lana said, “Thank you Titus for allowing our children to have a Christmas.”

  “You are welcome; I know how much it means to you.” He held her and gently ran his fingers through her hair.

  “It means more than I thought it would. I guess I do like keeping some of my human traditions.” She smiled.

  “Believe me, after seeing Makoa pass out those coconuts to all the mer children, it has become a mer tradition as well.” He had to laugh at the memory of it.

  “He was wonderful wasn’t he?” she giggled.

  “Yes, I cannot believe that he kept that from me.” Titus laughed once more.

  “He has such a kind heart.”

  “Yes he does; he will make a wonderful mate for our Rose.” Titus smiled and winked at her.

  “Titus, you know how I feel about that; she will make her own choice one day,” Lana said with raised brows.

  “I know, hopefully she will choose as wisely as her mother did.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Yes, even I have to agree with that,” said Lana and then she realized: hey wait a minute! It wasn’t really my choice in the first place!

  Titus gave her a wide grin and chuckled.

  Lana smiled back and shook her head at him and then she grabbed one of his braids, pulling him closer and kissed him deeply.

  Lana was so content. She felt like she finally found the balance and the purpose to her life. She now loved who she’d become. She was not only human, but also mer. She was not only a daughter, but a granddaughter, a sister, an aunt, a wife, a mother and a friend.

  Her family reached far beyond the island of Safe Harbor. She now knew that she had a heritage as rich and deep as the sea and that her future lies beneath it.



  It was a surprise to all when Princess Tarra and Micah’s second child was born. He had been born a complete mer. He had the black curly hair and dark skin of his father and the silver eyes and ears of his mother. He had a dark blue glistening tail and of course, Prince Makoa said jokingly that it was because he wanted to be just like him. Prince Titus and Princess Lana were glad that little Tarrock would have a cousin to grow and play with. Tarra and Micah named him Prince Keola.

  It wasn’t long after, that Cole and Rose had a daughter that they named Elizabeth, after Rose’s mother.

  In that same year, Andrew and Fianna had a son and he was born a merwalker and looked just like his cousin Princess Talei. They named him Maile.

  The mer and their extended families lived many more years in peace before the other mer of Tiselius began to challenge them again; but then, that’s another story. : )



  I wish to thank the WCC Computer Emporium for allowing the public to use their computers. It was greatly appreciated during a time that I was without one.

  I would also like to thank Sally Stuart (CWMG) for giving me a few pointers that helped me with my first novel.

  There is not enough pages to thank all of the musical artists who have helped inspire me; however, I wish to thank KUTLESS. Your song (What faith can do) gave me encouragement during a rough week when I was writing this story.


  Selest A. Swift


  Creativindie Book Cover



  Sheri L. Swift lives with her husband and beagle (Talei) in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She is a mother of five daughters (One adopted from her Church family), five sons-in-love and eight grandchildren; which are the joy of her life. She considers herself to be an inspirational writer, she blogs and also
enjoys writing poetry. She is the Prayer Ministry leader for her Church (Blue Ridge Fellowship) which is a Purpose Driven Church. You can find out more about her by going to her Blog: http://sherilswift.blogspot.com Facebook: Sheri L. Swift Author and follow her on Twitter @sherilswift.

  You can also find interesting facts about Legend of the Mer by visiting Sheri L. Swift’s Shelfari page.


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